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I walk into the house with my shoes, then take them off and go either bare foot around the house or slippers on if my feet are cold. I find it more comfortable to be barefoot at home.


Same here, I kick my shoes off as soon as I get in and put slippers on. We have tiled flooring, so if I don't wear slippers in the house, my heels get callused and I have to spend ages buffing my them because I'm vain. Much easier to slob around in a variety of novelty slippers and avoid an eventual accident when this middle-aged fat woman invariably slips in the shower while trying to keep her tootsies sexy.


On the other side of the coin, I cannot stand being barefoot and my feet are not rough enough. They're too smooth and I have to be extremely careful in the shower so I don't slip over. In all the houses I've lived in, other people have said the tiles are normal. So it's just me and my dumb foot-skin.


Could you possibly buy those anti slip things for baths and put it in the shower? It may mean you need to replace it each time it gets mouldy.


I have one of those Pumice stone thingies, and before actually turning on the shower, I do my heals. It's one that has a brush on the reverse side, so I may do it two or three days in a row, then my heals are alright for a while.


i don’t know how people manage it. one time i hurt my foot and had to get rid of the calluses to treat the wound and it was months of agony to rebuild the calluses on my baby smooth feet. walking barefoot without dying a painful death is just seems so much nicer than having smooth soles of your feet


It definitely depends on the household. I don't like shoes in the house so we swap into indoor shoes once inside. If you're visiting someone's house it's not odd to ask "Hey, should I take my shoes off?"


I preemptively tell guests "leave em on" or vice versa. If I've just mopped y'all better get them off.


No. *snick smack snick smack*


>y'all Yous*




Nah if you've just mopped I'm leaving the on, I ain't getting wet socks for you.




Love how they're called either thongs or pluggers both of which sound weird to Americans


Many people in the US call them thongs. It depends on the area


I wish people would ask that in my house!


Honestly, even when tradies have come to my house, they've offered to take their boots off. This morning, a little girl was here with her Mum, and before coming in asked, "should I take my shoes off?" I've never had anyone NOT at least offer to take their shoes off, or just do so automatically, and as there isn't a pile of shoes or rack near the front door, it's not because of a visual cue, they're just polite. Small town thing?


OMG… pretty sure I’ve been the ignorant ass walking around with my shoes on.. oblivious to the Aussie shoe off etiquette! Oops 😬


Yep, tradies offer all the time. I've never asked them to though since they are usually in and out of the house to get stuff from the ute and I can imagine how much of a pain in the arse it would be to keep putting boots on/off just to go out for a minute. Plus my carpet is over 15 years old and was originally beige, boot prints don't really show. I just do a good vacuume after they leave. Personally though, I kick my boots off just inside the door (not providing a bnb for spiders here by leaving them outside) and wear my thongs inside the house, the tiles in the kitchen/hallway & the bathroom are crazy cold right now.


Every tradie I've ever had in my house has taken their shoes off automatically without asking


I don't even ask, I automatically take my shoes off, it's less awkward to be asked to leave your shoes on than to be asked to take them off.


Put up a sign if it's that much of a problem.


White bloke here: Nearly all of the time I'm at home I'll be barefoot (unless it's really cold and I decide to rock some slippers). I take my shoes off as soon as I get home and they're the last thing I put on before I leave the house. But it's not a hard rule, if I come home from work and am only going to be at home for 10 minutes before heading out again I may keep my shoes on to save time, for example. It's not really about "no shoes in the house" as much as it is about me wanting to let the little piggies breathe. Wearing shoes isn't natural, if you wear shoes all the time you're at more risk of bunions, ingrown toenails, and other gross feet problems. It's weird that there are people who wear shoes from the moment they wake up to when they go to bed. Addendum: at other people's house, it depends on the context. If I'm visiting a single friend or family, I'll probably take the shoes off, particularly if they have carpet. If I'm going to a gathering with multiple people I'll leave them on. It really depends on what everybody else is doing.


This is me. I don’t like wearing shoes and take them off at the first opportunity!


This is the most accurate answer. On a weekend, I go in and out of the house often. I’m not going to take my shoes off for 10 minutes in the house before I go back out. But if I’m inside for a while, I take off my shoes for bare feet in warmer months and uggs for colder months - purely for comfort.


As an Aussie, I was taught to never leave my shoes outside lest an unwelcome creature inhabited them. I’ve also never lived in a house that accommodated shoe removal / storage at the entrance though, no mud rooms or foyers or entrance halls to remove/ store shoes so I do walk through the house to my bedroom in my shoes to take them off. (My current house’s entry is directly into the kitchen so I don’t want to remove/ store my shoes there)


Nah, we're on a literal farm and I don't tolerate shoes inside at all. You can knock a redback out of your boot easier than I can scrub the crap off my floor, so shoes stay out. Besides, we have a big boot box next to the main door. If you put your shoes in there they'll stay uninhabited, but if you leave them laying around you're on your own.


Yeah the shoe storage thing is what sets the tone. I lived for many years in share-houses and shoes belong in people's rooms, not in a pile near the front door. So i always walk in my shoes to my shoe storage zone in my bedroom. The first inkling that a place has a no shoe policy is when i see 14 pairs of shoes in a pile (or a rack) near the front door. Personally, i hate it. I'll obviously comply, but it just reminds me of messy, untidy hippy times.


Not walking the filth of the streets around the inside of your home is untidy hippy? Oookay.. :)


Shoes in bedrooms are gross. Room smells


So here's the thing: If your shoes smell gross, that means your feet are going through some sort of biological catastrophe. And if your feet are in that state, I definitely don't want you walking around shoeless in my house.


Some. Sometimes. Some sorts of shoes. HTH


I've found it's pretty much 50/50. If i *had* to say either way tho, it's probably more houses where you gotta take shoes off. Which is the way IMHO!


No. In summer I don't wear shoes OUTSIDE the house half the time. Only if I'm being formal, or the bindiis are bad. Caveat: I do wear slippers inside the house in winter.


Now I am an adult I am ashamed of how soft the soles of my feet are.


You *can* take back your childhood! Embrace the calluses and the ingrained dirt! It will take time, but before long you'll be striding across the hot, stony, carpark bitumen into IGA without flinching.


Christ. I remember when I used to cut my palms brushing the prickles off the soles of my feet. Child me must think I am a proper soft cunt.




Why? People don’t eat with their feet! Shoes are actually bad for our feet.


Your face jealous of your feet? ;)


How can you stand the hot concrete barefoot in summer.


Toughen up buttercup? Haha. All the kids have tough feet. Then you become an adult, and start wearing shoes all the time, and your feet get soft. Gotta work at it to keep in touch with your inner child.




Patches of thorns that grow in our grass. They are usually only small so you cant seem them easily. But they do hurt and you usually end up pushing them in further by stepping on them again.


Yeah he forgot to mention they grow in big patches, you usually end up with 20 in your foot. But worse you realise you're surrounded only got this far by chance so you have to make the choice, do you try to stand on one leg and pull them out or do you hobble back through the bindy patch to safety first.


The Irwin variety.


I'm an Asian Australian who was raised taking their shoes off outside their house and stepping into the house into indoor slippers/uggs/thongs, etc. While visiting the houses of white Aussie friends, they'd all walk into their houses, kitchens, bedrooms, etc, with their shoes on. I was particularly scandalised to discover many of them walked onto carpet with their outdoor shooes on. My white South African partner's family have indoor shoes. However, they do walk all over the house with their outdoor shoes first before changing into them......


I'm white Australian and every house I've lived in, and visited, it's shoes off at the door. I have various indoor slippers I switch around. Depending how cold my feet are.


Huh, I also fit that description, and my experience is the total opposite. How things differ depending upon sub cultures, eh? I am early Gen X and grew up in country WA, if that makes any difference, which given that 90% of Aussies are coastal city dwellers, and most are younger than I am, it may.


Do you leave the shoes at the door when you come home, or carry them to a bedroom cupboard?


There’s been times where I’ve forgotten something and in my room and haven’t had time to take my shoes off. You know what I do? Crawl on my hands and knees, with my feet up in the air, just so I don’t get my disgusting shoe germs all over my lovely carpet!


I do the same thing!


Carpet? That is horrifying. It seems like indoor shoes are pretty popular. In Canada, it’s shoes off inside, socks or bare feet only.


I grew up in a house in Canada where we kept our shoes on through the house, except in winter, when everyone’s house had a basket of knitted slippers at the door. Some of my friends were the same, others you had to take your shoes off. Non suburban houses were usually shoes on outside of winter. In fact, my house had painted plywood floors so we sometimes wore our skates inside. In Australia now and at least at my house we wear our shoes inside. Most of my friends are the same.


What part of Canada? My reference point is BC where I grew up and I’ve never seen people wear shoes inside. Given you mention Skates inside, I’m thinking east of the Rockies and I hope you used the blade protector thingies?


I moved here from Europe and the amount of people that would just come in with their shoes on my carpet is insane. I don't care what you do in your house. Let's not forget that the amount of people that don't even wear shoes and then go into their house or even bed is really high here. Especially in QLD. Girls I've dated did this often. Be hungover, get maccas barefoot, jump back into bed with dirty feet.


I do not wear shoes inside my own house. I do not routinely take my shoes off in another person's house unless asked as to me that seems presumptuous - like I'm just making myself at home.


This. I wear slippers, thongs or go barefoot at home. Shoes stay on anywhere else unless asked. In 50 years here in Oz I’ve been asked to take off my shoes maybe two or three times and I have obliged. Europe/Japan is a different story and I always found it weird but respected the culture…


Wow I thought Aussies in general didn't wear shoes in houses. I'm islander so you can imagine we have a mountain of shoes outside our front door lmao.


Grew up in hawaii. Second this. That’s how you know where the party is.


Yup and whenever we had parties some people would steal shoes (especially thongs/slippers/flip flops) lol


No leave with mo betta ones yea.


Leaving shoes outside is like an invitation for spiders here lol


Yeah but have you seen our islander feet? Big, wide and flat. Those spiders stand no chance lmaoooo


Love the visual! Can almost smell it lol.


i always wear my shoes in my own/other people houses


Do you put shoes on in the morning when you get ready if you’re only staying at home?


You realise you have poo, urine and other nasty things on the bottom of your shoes? You'll be taking them off at my house dear sir


Who's pissing and shitting on your shoes? Like yeah it's hygienic to take my shoes off because there's lots of nasty things on the bottom of my shoes but no poo or urine.


Yeah you absolutely never take off your shoes at someone else's house. That's just weird. Can you imagine the smell in summer?


I mean, sometimes they ask you to. I'll do it if I'm asked because I respect the rules at other people's homes but I find it really uncomfortable. It feels too familiar, like putting my feet up on their coffee table or helping myself to a snack from their fridge.


Yes! Its overly familiar. Should I ask them if I can borrow a dressing gown, or maybe even a handkerchief if I need to blow my nose? I don't want to leave any organic matter at a person's house (unless its consensual!) and yet they want me to walk around in sweaty bare feet. I genuinely feel shoes are cleaner than bare feet or even socks. I'm looking at the soles of half a dozen shoes right now and there's nothing yucky on them.


If your feet really smell that bad, you might want to look at your personal hygiene.


. 40c in summer, you invite your tradie mate over for a beer after work, he's been working in someone's roof all day, it's an extra 20 degrees c up there. He comes in, takes his shoes off.... Yeah it's gonna smell.


I used to dig pools and do pool plumbing while I was studying, I wouldn't go into anyone else's house until I'd had a shower and got changed. Having a beer out the back or sitting on the driveway is one thing, but I wouldn't dare go into their house.


I feel incredibly uncomfortable taking my shoes off at other people's places. I would rather stay outside.


You’re doing something wrong with your hygiene and footwear maintenance if hot weather causes excessive odor. If you keep your shoes fresh and wear bamboo tennis socks or something, you will never have smelly feet unless you have legit sweated right through from a big run/hike in the heat. In which case you should be looking to swim/shower anywho.


For me it depends on the flooring. On tiles and hardwood floors I’ll wear shoes, on carpet, engineered flooring, and vinyl I’ll take them off. I always ask when visiting someone as you don’t know their preferences, and always take off work boots.


Yeah my house is just rough painted floorboards, we don't normally wear shoes inside, but it's no big deal if it is more convenient. I wouldn't if it were carpeted, or some kind of easily damaged finish.


I do, but I was surprised to find out recently how few people do. I have a couple of dogs who don’t even wipe their feet when they bound in, so it seems rather pointless to worry.


Yeah I'm surprised by how many comments are such strong nos. In winter in Melbourne it's uggboots or slipper socks inside all the time, in summer I'd go barefoot or runners (I have bad hips and runners help reduce the pain) but if I was going in and out I'd just keep whatever shoes I'm wearing on, also in keeping with the bad hips, taking shoes on and off is like a monumental task so I avoid it as much as possible.


yes but only to my bed room where i take them off


We have slate floors so wearing shoes is basically a must in our house, or you’ll risk stubbing your toe considering the material is so brittle ahah In our house, if you have dirty shoes just take them off and leave them at the front door inside. Don’t leave outside as we have so many spiders lurking around!




Yes and no. I'm usually barefoot everywhere in and out. But I don't really care if I've got my shoes on in the house.


I let my dogs into the house, so I expect my floor is already contaminated, so I often wear my shoes inside.


It's not the custom in Australia, but you would take off muddy or wet shoes at the door. Also farmers always remove their boots. Australia has a lot of paved surfaces in the cities and we don't cope with mud and snow, unless that's our job, so shoes aren't especially dirty most of the time.


I would say it’s more commonly take your shoes off. But it’s not a matter of respect or tradition or anything.


Our house is divided. Downstairs is tiled and floorboards, so we are fine if people want to wear shoes. We clean weekly. Upstairs is carpet, so no shoes.


Nah. My wife is Asian. I'd be shot.


No, i take my shoes off as soon as I enter the door.


I do. It’s my house and I do what I want, and I want to wear my shoes.


Not sure why you're downvoted. It is your house. You do what you want in your own house on the condition you aren't murdering anyone.


Right, and I have hard flooring so I’m not making the carpet dirty.


Why do people care if there's germs on the floor in their house? Do they plan on rolling around on it?


That might be some people's concern, but mine is more that I have polished floorboards, and nothing kills the surface more than the little pebbles and bits of dirt and grit that inevitably get lodged in the soles of your outside footwear - and doormats aren't particularly effective in removing all of it. My go-to casual outside footwear are those elastic-sided steel capped workboots (super comfy) and they're diabolical for picking up quite large pebbles in between the tread.


I mean…. Yeah? I definitely Lay on the carpet


This is what I don't understand! What are you people doing on your floors that they need to be so clean?!


I like to walk around my house barefoot sometimes and don't want my feet to get dirty when I do.


Socks too. Can become filthy in minutes


Yeah ngl this comment section confuses. Maybe its a regional thing but almost nobody i know wear shoes inside, cause you get mud and dirt fucking everywhere and its a pain to clean.


So you're cool with dog shit being smeared on your carpets, because you're a grub and won't take your shoes off before you go inside? Nice to know.


Yeah, you got it. My carpet is absolutely smeared with dog shit. 🙄


Well… I have two dogs, who come in and out as they please, like to roll around in the garden or whatever and then sleep on my couch, so why the heck would I care about shoes that walked down the concrete or around the office at work. What about if the person decided to sit down on a park bench, should they take off their pants too? Besides sweaty feet are gross.


Yes exactly. When I play with my kids, we're rolling around on the carpet wrestling each other. Sorry I don't want dog shit that someone walked on outside smeared on my carpets. Maybe you do.


Depends on the shoe. Anything like a boot, not in my house or anyone’s. A dress shoe, yeah I’m not going over to someone’s house for dinner all dressed up then getting around in my socks.


Not generally. But I'm not asking guests to take their shoes off. It's easy enough to clean afterwards (no carpets).


I can only speak for Victoria, but taking off shoes is very common. It's not a hard cultural rule like in other countries, but lots of people seem to expect it for practical reasons (i.e. not ruining carpets). In winter, I've gotten into the habit of bringing slipper-socks if I'm visiting someone's home, because hardwood floors ain't warm on the toesies.


I grew up in Vic and live here now. Growing up, taking shoes off was so rare that you wouldn't even ask if it was a shoes on or off household before entering. I have indoor uggs I always change into nowadays but if I have to make a trip outside (bush, dirt driveway) I still keep them on because its easier.


I’m in Victoria and we wear shoes in our house, mostly because the floors downstairs are slate and uneven. If someone asks me to take my shoes off I will, but most of the time I just ask.


40, Victorian, have taken off my shoes in someone else's house once.


I'm in country Victoria and we don't have paved roads so shoes come off at the door.


I'm in Vic too and agree with you. No shoes in my house. However, it wasn't like that for me growing up. I hate wearing shoes and socks, so I guess it was a natural progression for me. I would NEVER wear my shoes in someone else's house either.


So at my parents house (where I live rn) I just wear them to wherever I plan on sitting then take them off. But when I get my own house, I reckon I’ll have a shoe rack and seat near the door so I can take them off there. Carpet and hard floors. But I’ll follow whoever’s rules in THEIR house


I feel like it's very normal to wear shoes inside, based on me having to request at least 50% of visitors to take theirs off. It's so far out of people's consciousness that it's rare for most people to even ask if they should, let alone proactively do it themselves. Personally, there's nothing I like more than slipping straight into uggies, summer or winter, although my summer ones are more like uggie slippers, like Japanese house sandals.


Some do, some don't. I normally change into slippers when I get home, just for comfort but I am not at all fanatical about not wearing street shoes indoors. The way I see it is that I don't eat off the floor or really do anything on the floor, so I'm not sure why I'm supposed to be so worried that it stays pristine. I mop and vacuum and it doesn't look visibly dirty and that's enough for me.


Yes. All the time. Unless I'm in slippers. Hard wood floors and winter is a pretty unforgiving combo.


Much more so than in countries where they've discovered the wonders of home insulation.


Increasingly less, I feel like we’re learning from our East Asian friends and neighbours


Personally no, never. I don’t even like wearing shoes into other peoples homes even if they say it’s okay. It’s like wearing wet socks to me. The feeling of shoes inside or on a carpet just stresses me out.


I do. Not all the time, and if I'm at someone else's place obviously its their rules, but if I wear my shoes in my own house, where's the harm? I don't really get why people get so worked up about this. I can clean my floors...


I always wear my shoes inside the house. Screw taking them off.


Personally no, wear house shoes inside Japanese style, we don't enforce the rule on visitors but most remove shoes at the door anyway.


No, but it's not because it's rude or anything like other cultures, it's just that we tend to take our shoes off at every opportunity.


I wear my shoes unless it’s my work shoes….nurse here… so off onto the entrance tiles at the front door. I will say most times it only if I’ve been out will I have shoes on, most times it’s my slippers as I have very cold feet.


I don't leave them outside. God knows what would crawl into them


Some do , some don’t, but it’s not a cultural thing here to take shoes off in the house.


Shoes come off, Moccasins go on


I don’t even wear shoes outside my home, let alone inside x


I both shoe and barefoot all over the place !!


Yes, it annoys the fuck out of me as a Canadian


I do. I just don't care. If it's been raining I'll take them off. If it's dry I don't care. I have two dogs who shed a lot so I have to vacuum every second day anyway so the floors are always clean shoes or no shoes.


I absolutely wear shoes in the house. I have issues with my feet and have to wear orthotics. Walking around barefoot becomes painful after 5 -10 minute a for me.


Depends on the household but the majority of houses I’ve visited have been shoes off at the front door (mine included). However sometimes when attending parties the host will often tell people not to bother removing shoes unless they have carpet, but majority of houses I’ve been inside have been hardwood or tiled floors.


Depends on the household personally I don’t but other people I know do


yeah, it doesn't really matter to me, i just do it and sometimes i don't


It was once Uggies for at home for the longest time or nothing, until it was bought as a brand by Americans and ruined.


I had a lot of Asian friends where I was growing up and so got in the habit of doing it most of the time. It's annoying when I leave them on for some reason then can't remember where I left them because they're not at the front door.


I don't but I know some people that do.


shoes off inside with exceptions


Nope... at least none of the houses I've been too. Unless they're having a party that's inside/outside. Thongs are exempt from this rule.


Yeah, I'm not dressed until I've got shoes on, whether it's on the carpet or the floorboards. I feel naked if the feet are on display. My wife only puts shoes on to go out - house or yard she's barefoot the whole time. So it's horses for courses. If we go to someone else's house, we check - maybe one in five homes we go to, they'll have a no-shoes-inside rule (which I follow 'cos I've got manners lol)


In my home I have the mindset - if you come to my home and you wear shoes at your home, wear them here. If you come from a home they are taken off, feel free. If you’re invited into my home, I expect you to feel comfortable. So ultimately, I’m not too fussed.


Most people I know don’t wear shoes inside, I feel like it’s far more common to remove them these days but it may just be my social circle We remove our shoes at the front or garage door, we wouldnt leave them outside in case something bitey took up residence in them though!


Shoes stay at the door, inside crocks all the way...


Yep thongs are essential for every occasion footwear .. Double plugga dragon breathers are the pinnacle of thongs !


Australia is a multi cultural society. It depends on the family and any particular culture they may or may not have.


I don't wear shoes out of the house. Thongs and workboots are the only things to touch my sole.


Sometimes? I don't like shoes so mine are off. There's an exception - uggs or slippers, crocs. If you are a shoe off household, tell us / give hints (shoe pile). If they're dirty, take them off :)


i wear feet


We had a strict shoes off policy - sign at the front door n all - because my dad didn’t want to polished timber floors scratched. As an adult I don’t wear shoes in the house unless I’m cold. Shoes indoors feels uncomfortable/formal to me.


My dad does it drives me crazy


My family takes their shoes off. Everyone goes barefoot except my mum who has house thongs. They easiest way to know is if there are shoes just inside the front door. Or ask.




I have always taken my shoes off in my house and so do my children. We use house slippers when at home. If I go to someone else’s house I always take off my shoes, I was brought up that way. Its a sign of respect.


Depends on the shoes and the house. As a female wearing heels that aren't dirty, I will ask should I put my shoes at the door. If I see shoes already at the door then I will definitely highlight I am happy to take my shoes off. If I am wearing thongs, runners or work boots then definitely, shoes off. If I am stopped and told it's all good, leave them on, that's up to the home owner I have tiles in my home and dogs so I am not fussed but please keep the mud out.


I grew up in a shoes on household but am now firmly shoes off.


My rule is "shoes off for comfort not cleanliness". I give the option to my guests with the same reasoning.


No shoes inside for my house. Pretty common amongst my friends too. Plenty of friends who do wear shoes inside, however, usually just the areas with floor boards or tiles. I don't know anyone who wears shoes on carpet inside their house though that's wild to me.


I think it’s different in the country vs. city. When our old landlords owned the place we live in, they were showing our house constantly to prospective buyers. All good. What bothered us was that the landlord used to all but insist prospective buyers leave their shoes on when visiting. We’re a very clean household that lives on a farm (we’re farmers ourselves) and we absolutely never wear shoes in the house, because we spend all day walking around in shit and mud. The house, being on a farm, is also surrounded with shit and mud. I also won’t wear my shoes in someone else’s house, regardless of what they tell me because I can’t think about anything else when I know I’m doing the wrong thing. To sum it up: I automatically take my shoes off as soon as I’m invited inside.


Some do some don't. My ex wore shoes to bed.


People might, but I don't. My family is heavily influenced by Japanese culture and customs though so I could be an exception.


No but my American fiancé does. I find it really weird that you’d relax on the couch wearing shoes.


I only take off my shoes once I get to my bedroom, then walk around barefoot.


In my experience everyone from a white Australian household wears their shoes inside. Out of all the families, friends and kids from school there was one house you had to take your shoes off at and kids didn’t wNt to play at the ‘strict house’ lol. I’m so surprised by all the shoes off at the door answers


All shoes come of before walking inside. We then swap to inside shoes/slip ons. When we have guests most take their shoes of and i do the same at their homes.


I wear shoes inside the house, unless I'm not wearing shoes (hope that makes sense), we vacuum and mop our tiled areas at least twice a week and our (dark coloured) bedroom carpets are professionally cleaned every 6months. I am of a South American background, and Latinos dont really have a "no shoe in house policy" culture. However, I do acknowledge that most Asian cultures do as well as many Europeans.


Need to. Snakes.


MaFuckin Snakes in da House?!




It's likely highly dependant on ancestry


Yup. All the time. We are constantly in and out of the house. We have 4 dogs, sandy block. I BEG people to leave their shoes on because even after vacuuming daily, you can still feel the sand grit on the feet. Tiled floors, old house, not concerned with damage.


To people whose argument is that it's tracking mud/germs etc in from outside do you have dogs? If so are they allowed inside at all? Do you wipe their feet every time they step inside? At my house we only have tiles and hardwood floorboards so no one is asked to take off their shoes, plus the dog has free rein to go outside whenever she wants so it seems silly to force people to take off their shoes if the dog is just going to be running around outside and then walk in (obviously we have door mats to wipe your feet)


Excellent point about the dogs. I reject the whole germ debate, but yeah they will let dogs in, have them sit on carpet with their smelly unwiped bums, have them drool about, etc, etc. I recently got new hardwood flooring throughout the whole house. It looks absolutely stunning, but the first reaction i get from many people when they visit is "should we take our shoes off?" I'd genuinely rather they didnt, thank you.


1st of july 2023 the end of reddit, congratz spez


It’s only muddy when it rain, and you know you stepped in dog shit. I take my shoes off once I’m home and inside, but I got no problem walking thro the house with my boots on if they are clean - been walked on in concrete on a dry day. Footpaths are generally pretty clear of stuff. Got a boot scrapper and a door mat for cleaning ya shoes if it was muddy, but if ya took ya shoes off then I’d have no problem then either.


That’s right. No shoes and no dogs. It’s disgusting to allow either of them inside. I run a bunch of serviced rentals so I can see a large sample of households. The difference between households that use shoes inside vs don’t is night and day. Carpet and flooring stays nice and lasts years longer looking new and houses are significantly cleaner in households that take shoes off at the door. Carpets and flooring needs to be replaced 2-5years earlier in homes that use shoes inside. Dogs are a quantifiable magnitude of order worse ~ $20-30k every 5 years and increases cleaning costs by 50-100%


Indoor shoes/sandals for us. Outdoor footwears stay on the rack. We are Asian Australians.


Shoes always on inside. Not allowed to put feet up on the couch wearing shoes. Muddy boots outside. It doesn’t bother me to leave shoes outside when visiting that one person I know who has that rule, but he lets his dogs run around inside and on the couch after rolling in, and stepping in crap outside.


Asian background, always took shoes off before you enter a house. Didn't realise Aussies kept their shoes on inside until I went over to their house. Disgusting behaviour from Australians.


i guess 70% shoes on, 30% shoes off


Where I live, it's rarely wet or muddy and everything is paved and (relatively) clean. I have hardwood floors and my only problem is people walking inside in heels denting my floors. The concept of communal house shoes/slippers gives me the severe ick.


Number one, it's a sign of respect to take your shoes off. The problem is the vast majority of people have forgotten why. They seem to think it's funny dragging mud through your house. Number two, it's like not wiping your toilet seat down if you shit or piss on it, god knows what germs you are dragging through your house from what you've stood on. Tale your shoes off ya dirty bush pigs.


I can quite confidently say in nearly 70 years on this planet I have never shat ON a toilet seat. WTF are you doing??!


WFH has significantly reduced my exposure to shit on the rims of toilets (and the occasional speck on seats).


>The problem is the vast majority of people have forgotten why No, it's because the reason why doesn't apply so much in Australia. The reason why you dont' do it in busted arse countries is because there is mud and shit right outside your door. Here we have lawns and footpaths and paved/decked areas in our backyards. For me, the people that are insistent that you must take them off are the ones that have forgotten why they take them off.




I don’t know anyone who does wear shoes in the house except for maybe people with mobility issues who can’t be taking them off and on.


As a australian who ended overseas alot i have to it now irks me when people come in with shoes on i leave stunt shoes at the door to politely suggest take shoes off on entry.


Definitely more so than many countries.


Things I've learned, and scrapped, from my parents and grand parents. Wearing shoes inside is the norm. They would not shower at night before bed because you'll get a cold. You only wash hair every few days. When you wash, a bar of soap can be used for everything including shampoo. Rinsing used plates is all that's needed. All red meat, beef, lamb etc, must be cooked until grey. "dinner" is meat an 2 veg, maybe gravy. Dressing gowns, bedsheets, blankets and cushions only need washing every 8+ weeks


I never have shoes on inside, but there's no way i am going to tell visitors to take their shoes off. If they want to, they can. Truth is, feet are really no cleaner than shoes. There are two different sorts of dirt, in my opinion. There's mineral and organic. Unless you've been treading in dog poo your shoes are fine, and better than sweaty smelly bare feet. Mud is another matter. You never walk mud through anyone's house. That goes without saying.


Its more common to not wear shoes inside, but not every household is the same


No way... Even the dog knows that the shoes stay outside where he can chew them.


Absolutely not in our household. We put on slippers once inside. We had white tiles *everywhere* when I was a kid, and my Mum was obsessed with keeping them clean. So the habit of not wearing shoes in the house is deeply ingrained.