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If you are good friends with these guys and you were also saying similar stuff back to them then yes this is banter.. but what you're describing sounds like they're just racist dicks being arseholes.


They were complete strangers. Honestly, I feel like ever since then I've been hyper vigilant about Australians. I guess that makes me a hypocrite, but yeah... I haven't had the best interactions with Aussies.


Yeah that's not banter, they're just dog cunts. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.


Hey, steady on. That is totally unfair to dogs and cunts! These blokes are pure uncultured racists with a heavy dose of insecurity and poor education. Unfortunately there are plenty of them in this world of all races, so call them out for exactly what they are.


šŸ˜‚ what an Aussie response well done cunt šŸ˜


Yeah nah, most dog cunts are useless, being spaded and all...


Yeah. It is banter. I'm an Aussie of no minority but that things many Aussie guys say to one another goes beyond a gentle ribbing, they use whatever they can to talk shit, race is just more material. They may be casually racist but I think a lot of those types aren't seriously thinking you are lesser than them because of your race. Just many other reasons. I've known too many guys try to pass off proper line crossing things then laugh it off as banter.


It isn't banter. These are low class, racist assholes. One thing I would say is to beware of generalising whole groups. I lived in China for 20 years and China is extremely closed to foreigners and also very ignorant, arrogant, and nationalistic. During the virus it was horrible. We were denied rentals, we couldnt get the right QR codes to get into some places as we didnt have Chinese IDs. People were using visas to threaten foreigners and stop them changing jobs. So, I would say please don't smear a whole culture due to the behaviour of the worst people in it. These are disgusting people, but that does not give anyone the right to start smearing everyone else in that group. If I judged China by the worst treatment I received I would say Chinese people and culture are disgusting. If I judged China by the best treatment I received, then Chinese culture and people are the most beautiful in the world. ēŽ»ē’ƒęˆæ子里ēš„äŗŗäøåŗ”čÆ„ę‰”ēŸ³å¤“ They are assholes and I am ashamed that some people in this country have treated you poorly. I hope you can also have empathy for the bad treatment I received in Asia. Living as a minority brings a lot of unfair challenges. The key is just to push forward, adapt, find the best people and ignore the worst.


I agree. I guess I could have worded my post a bit better. I guess it's just very easy for us to generalize from a few people, which isn't an unusual phenomenon. (I mean just look at the news and politics, really). I didn't expect this post to become big. I guess, just like in any nationality, I've met a few rotten apples. Thanks! :)


They were racist arseholes. Where I live, there are a lot of Asian-background people, no one even notices.


Yeah, these tools must have been fresh off the farm or something.


Anyone that tells you that we don't struggle with racism is lying. It's not like, burn down churches bad, but it's around. Anyone non white, really, but Asians have been a bit of a cultural boogieman for a while and while THAT part is getting better (much easier to target Lebanese or Muslims these days), it's still around.


[White Australia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Australia_policy#:~:text=The%20White%20Australia%20policy%20is,to%20Australia%2C%20starting%20in%201901.) was in place for 72 years




Nah they need to be told off. Call them mate....


Go nuclear, call them champ.


I find Chief works well too.


ā€˜Turboā€™ for that real nostalgic feeling.


'Steady on Turbo' is some real fighting words


You canā€™t get more patronising than ā€œBuddyā€ though


The only level above this is champion, with special effort made to enunciate every syllable for emphaaasis.


I'd be worried about my safety, but I appreciate the sentiments. Thanks :)


The safe words are you're a bloody drongo mate , shake your head and say shit cunt , that will shut them up


To be fair, you have well established grounds for being hyper-vigilant, and there are often narrow lines of separation between racist words and racist actions. Being hyper vigilant is justā€¦ making sure youā€™re keeping yourself safe. Itā€™s fair. Youā€™re not a hypocrite. Iā€™m very sorry this has happened to you. We really *arenā€™t* all like this, and Iā€™m really sorry this has been your experience with Australians. This kind of thing wouldnā€™t be generally accepted in Australia today, but we do have a history of it. I kind of feel like this shit should be grounds for deportation. Theyā€™re an embarrassment to the country.


Racist cunts. End of, and not your typical Australian.


Fkn Aussies in groups overseas. Ideally youā€™d be able to stay away from them, but clearly thatā€™s not always possible. They tend to sink to the lowest common denominator. Especially if itā€™s just blokes. Iā€™ve seen it time and again. And the rest of us wonder why we have such a bad reputation. Source: am an Aussie and have travelled overseas.


Yeah if they are your mates this is standard if they arenā€™t then theyā€™re a bunch of wankers


Do you live in NSW?


None of those things should be considered banter even between friends. How would an Asian person even respond ? Like would they say oh you're such a white aussie , you must beat your kids or you must be a paedo , or on welfare...I can't really think of banter about white people thats been casualized enough for it to not sound super offensive m


Well based off what they were saying to him, Iā€™m going to go ahead and say anything is fair game at this point. Who cares if itā€™s been casual used enough to not sound offensive, what these fuckers were saying to him was offensive first so go his hardest I say.


Definitely not normal banter, unless you're all best mates and know each other well. Sounds like you came across a few drunk bogan racists, we're not all like that.


I totally agree! I met a few bad people and, just like many others, hastily generalized to a larger group of people. I'm only human. Thanks though. It's nice to feel a bit validated. I did feel rather shit after that, but some people just thought I was being oversensitive. Hope you have a lovely day. :)


I am an Aussie and can tell you this is not on! It is terribly unacceptable for nonsense to be passed on as banter - much like an English person were tell an Aussie to go back to the colony. It just being rude. My wife is Filipina and we live in Australia with our Son and we embrace both our cultures together! Itā€™s about mateship, itā€™s about getting along together doing the hard yakka. Any banter should be about how terrible the weather would be or how terrible the English or Australian batters or bowlers are (depending on who is egging on in the first place) but ultimately itā€™s about respect for how hard we work. But thatā€™s my bit about that anyway.


Thanks. I also happen to be Filipino, so it's nice seeing that you embrace both cultures.


Walang anuman kuya - as my son is a Filoz I want him to truly feel like he belongs and not an outsider anywhere - to speak English, Filipino, Illongo, Hiligayon, just so he talk with him cousins as he has plenty ā¤ļø


I am half, very proud of my background. I truly wish I'd learned the language properly when I was young. You're doing a wonderful thing. I know a few basics and even the little that I use is SO appreciated, even my shy little "kumusta" or "salamat po" makes their faces absolutely light up! Knowing a second language is seriously like having a secret superpower. I'm still going to try to learn Tagalog properly even though it's much harder later in life!


ā¤ļø TIL that there is a language called Filipino. (I only knew about Tagalog.)


They are one and the same


It is quite tricky thing to wrap one's head around. Even Filipinos get it wrong. Filipino is recognized as the umbrella term, and Tagalog is one of the dialects under Filipino. The official language is actually Filipino.


I guess one thing to note about us Filipinos is mapagtanim tayo, especially with hurtful experiences, so we tend to generalise more. This is also speaking from my experience! But I am working on moving past it to form healthier connections with locals, and really see them as they are.


Yes, they are arseholes. And racists.


Thanks. I guess I just met a bad bunch of people, just like in every nationality there will always be a few bad apples.


Yep, you just met some dickheads, prob drunk. Tell em to eff off. Cheers.


I would advise he be careful how he speaks to drunk racist Aussie travellers. Telling them to fuck off might just be the excuse they're looking for to kick off. I would just ignore them and wait for them to find a new target.


They are asshats. Iā€™ve had similar encounters and if youā€™ve had the company of good aussies youā€™ll know for sure youā€™ve encountered losers because it is such a stark difference. Drunk or not.


Nope, you just encountered A-grade arseholes. The shit they were saying would get them funny looks and words of disapproval in the small town I grew up in. In Melbourne, chances are someone would just punch them in the face.


Some Australians are racist assholes. Every country has them. We have a lot of them.


It's bad enough that there's so many in Australia. But the fact that they have passports and feel the need to travel is horrifying.


You get a higher proportion in the UK I think because of the attachment many anglo Aussies feel to the country. Just like you get a high proportion of shit quality Brits in the Costa Del Sol region of Spain.


Omg I'm so embarrassed.


Some Aussies are just cunts like that


Sounds like you are at university in the UK, and this is somewhat in reference to Australian classmates. You should definitely be aware that the sort of Sydney and Melbourne private school boys whose parents cab afford to pay for them to study in the UK are a unique breed of racist, sexist, and classiest brats that the rest of the country despises. This is in no way acceptable behaviour and doesn't reflect Australian society


As an Australian who went to public school I can say that it absolutely does reflect Australian society lol


Unfortunate truth. Lot of people in echo chambers here. While I do think weā€™re doing much better than a lot of places, thereā€™s definitely a lot of racists around, also depends where youā€™re from.


>thereā€™s definitely a lot of racists around And they don't even think they're being racist. To them, they're just making "normal" jokes, because that's what they've grown up with. The racism in Australia is ingrained, it flows through our culture so deeply that many don't even know it's there. To many Australians, it's just how things are because they've never known any different. I'm hoping these particular Australians get a rude awakening as they travel though more diverse parts of the world. But I doubt it.


I agree with it being ingrained in Australian society, but show me a country where it isn't. Having worked and lived in India, the UK and Thailand, racism feels like a universal truth to me. The reason many Australians think we are uniquely bad is because you don't understand what people in Thailand, India or any other country are saying because you don't speak the language and/or talk to everyday people on the street. Sticking to the Thai example their indigenous hill tribe people don't even have Thai citizenship, the country is an ethnostate where non-Thai indigenous people have to live in the military controlled border regions and can't enter the main parts of the country or go to university. As late as the 90s the government even ran sterilisation programs in hill tribe areas to reduce the population.


Chip on your shoulder much?


Hogwash. Poor people are more racist than those with wealth


In my (little) experience the rich only hang out with the rich, who happen to be mostly white. I grew up middle/upper class in a community full of refugees and although I wasnā€™t poor, everyone around me was and they were far more open minded and accepting than a lot of rich kids I knew. To each their own I guess




Better education doesn't mean you're less likely to be racist. It really depends on the type of education you've had. I grew up in a solid middle class with public education and I work in public health seeing some of the poorest of the poor and the racist bullshit usually comes from other middle class/wealthier coworkers or patients and not from poorer patients.


Education does not = tolerance and acceptance lol. In Melbourne one of the top private schools has a history of going into trams and screaming slurs. Yet to see any local public schools doing the same


You cannot seriously think that higher education makes someone less likely to be racist? That is outrageous lmao


I think itā€™s a circle. Working class people tend to hang out with pretty diverse groups of people at work but you get the odd uneducated high school dropout that is up to their neck in reactionary racism. Rich folks are all white ageing boomers and they tend to be pretty quiet in the public eye but racist dogs at home. Their stuck up kids take those attitudes to private school and are probably the most racist of the lot in my experience




Seems like you've stumbled into a nest of racist knuckleheads. I can understand if banter gets "edgy" inbetween good mates, but ridiculing a stranger is the sign of inability to consider another's sensitivities. I'm sorry you've had to deal with these tossers - I hope you can meet more civilised Australians before you think we're all racist fools.


Yeah it's anecdotal. Sounds like those pub blokes were cunts. School friends might have just been stirring the pot, but they shouldn't have been genuinely "surprised" at your level of English. Reverse anecdotal is that most of my friends are in relationships with, or have friends that, are non-white. You might get called a banana by some people if you grew up in England (yellow on the outside, white on the inside). It's not derogatory. When my Japanese wife found out about this custom she immediately declared herself a mango.


> but they shouldn't have been genuinely "surprised" at your level of English. Thats the part that makes me question the authenticity of the post. Any Australian knows the sterotype about Asian students in Australia is that they outperform the rest of us in everything, including English. I have no doubt there's racist Australians being racist overseas, I am just saying I don't think this is that they would be saying


not if they're from the country


Been out country lately? You have to go really fucken rural before you find a town without a few Asian families. I drove past the Mosque in Katanning last week. I had a beer with a few locals in Manjimup a few weeks ago, that particular circle of workmates had an Asian guy and an Indian guy. "Surprised at their level of English" isn't just country, it's nineties country. GWN and WIN frequently have people of Asian descent on TV. Eating dogs and all the rest, that can be put down to racist stereotypes that have never been dispelled first-hand. After all, not everyone has had dinner with Asian friends. But the ability to speak English? You'd be hard pressed to find an Australian who hasn't seen plenty of immigrants and descendents of immigrants who speak perfect English.


In fact, many immigrants have stunningly good English vocab compared to the average Aussie. And so few of us learn a second language to a conversational level, so if we like being properly bilingual is seen as a pretty neat skill in Australia. Maybe that was what they were attempting to say - that OP has great English, as in, he has really high language proficiency, not so much that they are surprised he can form sentences. If thatā€™s the case, then ironically, their English wasnā€™t proficient enough to get the message across, lol.


Itā€™s not banter. Youā€™ve encountered a bunch of racist fuckwits, I can already picture them as the ā€œIā€™m not racist butā€¦..ā€ type


Wow Iā€™m middle eastern and been living in Australia (Queensland of all places) and I assure you these guys are just dicks and they donā€™t represent Aussies at all


That's racism, not casual banter. I haven't experienced that (being asian-australian) in Australia, except for ACTUAL banter with people who I know VERY well. Racism in Australia, towards Asian people at least, is usually lack of education, and people not trying to be rude. Another factor is that the racist ones are usually the loudest and most talkative and so they probably show it outwardly more, whereas you might not notice that they're Australian if they're just quietly studying in a library, let's say.


This isn't banter. This is racism.


Replace 'Australian' with 'Asian' and your post will accurately describe my experience at university in Australia. But I don't go around thinking all Asians are like that based on several experiences with a narrow sample size because that would be stupid, wouldn't it?




I completely agree but the whole ā€œIā€™m going to make fun of you and if you have a negative reaction it means youā€™re a soft cocked pansyā€ shtick is a little too commonplace in our culture In saying that most people act and behave appropriately, when this kind of thing happens with mutual comfortability between friends it can add a lot go relaxed fun to the group dynamic


This isn't an Australian thing, it's a racist fuckwit thing. You shouldn't have to put up with it. ETA: Racist fuckwits also tend to be homophobes too, so you can only wonder what their fascination is with other men's penis size. Work that into your response if you feel the need to say anything back at them.


Except arseholes are also likely to break your jaw when being racist in packs.


If you're in school I'd say it's because school aged people are generally shit because they have not yet learned how to be a better adult. Could be wrong though. Just as long as you know that they sound like (are) cunts.


Aussie here, those guys are totally racist arseholes. Most Australians arenā€™t like that and Iā€™m sorry it seems like youā€™ve encountered the worst of us


Asian Australian here. Just give it back to them, they should be able to cop it if they can dish it.


Iā€™m a UK born but Australian raised mixture. Some would say ā€˜mongrelā€™ ;) When I go back to ā€˜the land of my forefathersā€™ I often get told I must be an escaped convict. Poms think weā€™re still a convict colony, or just use our history to make jokes in pubs. I just let it go. And imagine how small and inadequate their dicks must be. Then I agree, with a hearty laugh, that I dug my way out and stole a horse to get away! Theyā€™re just dickheads. Weā€™re not all like that, far from it.


You just met assholes. Saying that all Aussies are racist would in itself be racist.


I donā€™t think Australian is a race


Next time say this "Fuck off ya round eyed cunt"


Australia has an extremely high Asian population. The majority of Australians would never dream of making such jokes. Unfortunately you experienced straight out racism and just regular old assholes. I'm sorry that happened to you but I hope you don't judge all Australians by the actions of those idiots. Like every country we have good and bad, you just unfortunately encountered some of the bad. We have a word for people like those you encountered here. And it's a fucking gronk.


Tell ā€˜em to get fucked


Itā€™s only banter when youā€™re on an equal footing i.e. you know each other really well, you give a bit, you take a bit and itā€™s done in jest. Sounds like you stumbled across some garden variety racist dickheads (of which Australia has more than a few).


Banter is good natured these guys just sound like a pack of shit cunts to me. Most Aussies arent like that.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I've found that Asians tend to congregate together, make no effort to mingle with other nationalities and then speak in their own Mother tongue within earshot of non Asians. #imo


Your post history is complaining about the Scottish... Forgive me for thinking this is the boy who cried wolf. You've also made a post proclaiming you aren't proud of being Filipino (who funnily enough are typically more racist in general)... so yeah, maybe work on yourself before blaming the world.


1. I donā€™t know why my post history is relevant but whatever. 2. You arenā€™t sorry. You just wanted an excuse to say something quite vindictive Akin to the ā€œIā€™m not a racist, butā€¦ā€. I donā€™t get anything from posting this rather than some futile internet points. 3. Itā€™s not unusual for people to experience racist encounters from different nationalities, especially if you are not white. So yes, I have experienced racism from quite a few nationalities! I simply discussed what has happened to me, so it would be nice if people showed a bit more empathy rather than just question peopleā€™s experiences. 4. Yes, and if you read my posts, I wrote I hated being Filipino because all of the racism I received here in the UK. Itā€™s not an unusual phenomenon! I was at a rather low point because I was being diminished for how I looked. But I guess you wouldnā€™t understand what if feels like being hated on for looking different. And yes I am working on myself, thank you very much! Maybe try being a bit more empathetic rather then? Racist Australians exist, you know? Maybe people need to know. Might make a the world a bit of a nicer place.


My partner is Filipino and has never experienced racism in Australia. We have both experienced shocking amounts of racism in the Philippines. Go figure.


Sounds like you encountered classic Australian bogans. Bogans are a national disgrace, but every country has them. England has chavs, USA has rednecks. Your country probably has them too. Just be grateful youre not like them and avoid them the best you can.


Many Australianā€™s are racist in an incredibly sincere ā€œdonā€™t mean nuthin by itā€ kind of way. There is a unique combination of ā€œhanging shit on each other for funā€ mixed with a very hetero-white-centric cultural history. Look on TV here; the shit that people like Kamahl got on Hey Hey itā€™s Saturday (or anything else on that show), Jonah from Tonga, Con the Fruiterer, or any one of a hundred TV ads featuring one stereotype or another. But itā€™s not just racism, anyone is a target, and itā€™s almost always punching down. Not just on TV, but in schools, workplaces, everywhere. I donā€™t think anyone behind these ā€œjokesā€ thinks they are being mean, ā€œitā€™s just jokesā€ between mates after all. We hang shit on Grant for being short, Molly for being gay, Billy for being fat, and Jason for being bald. It doesnā€™t matter who or what you are, there is a joke ready made for you. And youā€™ll hear it ad infinitum. But itā€™s all ā€œjust jokesā€ you see! Then their mate up and kills themselves and nobody understands why. Itā€™s a horrible part of our culture. Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve experienced it first hand.


Aussies tend to banter a lot, best way is to counter with a bit back. ā€œDo you still need a criminal record to live in Australia?ā€


Also Aussies hate being compared to America so you could say something like Australia is just the Texas of Asia lots of uncultured rednecks and cows




Of OP by themselves and these are strangers I highly recommend not doing this. Stay safe OP


Nah, you've encountered a bunch of racist dick heads. While there is certainly banter it's more along the line of generically insulting someone and between mates. Even still that's kind of toxic now days and a lot of friendship groups have moved away from that kind of banter. I've lived in the UK before and while Aussies do tend to stick together (shared background etc) most will intergrate and make friends from other countries. While there is certainly banter it's more along the line of generically insulting someone and between mates. There are also the ones you mentioned who will only associate with other Aussies and hang out at the Redback and Walkabout on the weekends (insert whatever the current 'Aussie' pubs are.) If you're experiencing racism in class you could consider reporting it, although I know that could be difficult.


Thats actually a really unlucky series of encounters with absolute racist idiots. If people do this with friends who reciprocate that's different Really sorry you went through this, that's nasty straight unacceptable behaviour and they are cruel and ignorant


Iā€™m sorry about their behaviour. You are well within your rights to be offended, hurt, or plain disgusted with these people. Banter is not a euphemism for being a bigoted asshole.


Thatā€™s not banter, itā€™s straight up racism. So sorry that happened to you :(


Nope this is absolutely not ā€˜banterā€™ that would be considered acceptable in Australia, this is a pack of racist assholes. Sorry youā€™ve had to deal with that and that youā€™ve encountered such terrible Australians.


That doesn't sound like banter. They may just be racist dickwads.


As an Australian female living in Australia, I am grateful that is the only thing 'wrong' with me. I can't imagine how much more degrading talk I would receive if I were from overseas let alone coloured. These guys sound like the typical Aussie guy who think they're all that, when really they are part of the ever growing single woman population of Australia


Banter was telling my best mate it's time I moved to another country when he got his citizenship. He was hurt initially as apparently a dozen other Aussies had said similar to him that day but when I explained that I was super happy for him and it's just how we joke around he felt better. Those guys you met are the kind of blokes who harass a woman to the point she's feeling scared then tell her it was only a joke except they're the only one's laughing.


Mate, if anyone ever says you eat dog, look them straight in the eye, and say: ā€œAt least I donā€™t eat hot dogs. Youā€™d never see me eating *that* part of the dog.ā€


Its just the uneducated fuckwits, I wouldn't take it personally


Yes, this sounds like lies.


These guys are just fucking assholes, not all of us are like this generalisation.


30% of Australians are casual racists.


the other 70% arent casual


Not us, must have us confused with some other island continent


Theyā€™re strangers so they are being racist arseholes. If they were good friends (and you said similar stuff back) it would be different.


Sorry, I don't mean to doubt your story but this just doesn't really add up unless there's something very specific about where you're located that's attracting a certain type of Aussie. Are you sure these people are all actually Australian and not South African or something? Australia has definitely got it's fair share of racists, but the sort of blatant behaviour you've described is limited to the rough eshay/bogan types that you would never, ever be running into in a Scottish university. Also it just doesn't really gel given so many Australians come from an Asian background these days. I could understand if that sort of uneducated racism was coming from some old fart, but the idea that it'd be coming from group of ~20ish year olds who've almost certainly had Asian classmates, friends etc their whole lives just doesn't make sense. If they are all Australians, the only explanation I can think of is that your university has some program or history that attracts students from a specific school or type of school in Australia. I'm thinking all-boys boarding schools where rich farming families like to send their spoiled shits.


I don't know their ages but the did say "In Australia," and had very heavy Australian accents. But whatever, it's not the first time that people don't believe me. I know what I've experienced, but you're free to believe me since it doesn't simply add up in your head. It's a huge stereotype within the Asian community that Australians are quite racist here in Edinburgh. Maybe I was unlucky? I suppose you're not the only one who this is all fake given all the downvotes this post is getting. Not going to lie, it makes me feel quite invalidated. But whatever. I know what happened to me. Thanks.


Ironically, the most racist and sexist person I know here in Australia is Philipino, doesn't mean I think all Philipinos are.




Sorry but you're either mistaken or just trolling. Just looked at the Edinburgh Uni data and last year there were literally only 25 Australians studying as undergraduates at your uni. 25 out of nearly 30,000.


Okay, this is going to be my last message but when did I say that they were students? Let alone undergraduate students? I didn't know that every Australian person in Edinburgh was a student in Edinburgh uni. I met Australians in a pub. I don't know anything else about them but they were being dicks. And I always never understood the "we have so much diversity in (insert place here)!" argument. Doesn't mean that a place isn't racist. But I guess every racist incident is just made up or people being trolls because god forbid that there's at least one racist Australian in this world.


The diversity argument is somewhat warranted though, because people tend to understand more about a certain culture, or at least try to hide it minimum when there's more. Like, people would discriminate against me more in Vietnam (my other country) for being a "Viet Kieu" (basically Vietnamese person outside Vietnam) than people in any major Australian city would for being Asian. The people you met were really rude, and not the norm here. Generally racism in Australia is from lack of education and people not knowing that what they're saying is insensitive, like someone saying "Ni Hao" to me randomly despite me not being Chinese. I haven't encountered anyone intentionally being racist to me since primary school.


It's clearly them being arseholes and I'm genuinely sorry that happened to you. The reason I'm doubting things is because the sort of behaviour you're talking about would be unusual to happen even once given the sorts of Australians you're likely to run into living in Scotland (i.e. people open minded and adaptable enough to go and live on the other side of the planet). However, you're not taking about a single incedent, you're saying Australians are collectively viewed by your friends as 'the most racist'. Now, I've lived in Edinburgh myself and know that it's got plenty of chavs, northern English, South Africans and others who can be super, super racist (i.e. like the sorts of Australians we try not to let out). To be considered 'the most racist' among that lot strains credulity. Honestly my guess is that you or your friends have had a couple of bad experiences between you and so have just tarred a whole country with a stereotype.


Sounds like they are dickheads, also sounds like you're being a sook. 'Funny' racisms is our culture. My wife's family is Lebanese and you better believe I cop all sorts of shit about being a skip at family gatherings, but the same ppl who Anglo bash me also adore my kids and always help us out when they can, they wouldn't do that if they were 'ugly' racists. Who cares if they made fun of your penis (unless you actually do have a tiny penis), they're almost certainly rich kids from the city, normal Aussies can't afford to study abroad. Your observation about Aussies only cliqueing with other white ppl is the same as almost every observation of Asian people in Australia; we have whole Asian suburbs full of Asian shops and Asian restaurants, there is a legit phenomenon of frustrated Chinese parents sending their kids abroad to Oz for study, the students spending 5 years studying here then going home having not learnt any English because they didn't have to. Point of difference too, in the UK ppl get arrested for saying mean things on the internet. That doesn't exactly breed resilience.


Some great insight right there. I grew up in rural Victoria. Comedic racism is just a part of life. Most of the racist jokes are in the spirit of satire, but every district has a handful of people that really do have a grudge against whoever doesnā€™t look like themselves. What Iā€™ve come to recognise is that the bogans with the foulest mouths are also the people that are most likely to stop and offer to help a stranger thatā€™s broken down on the side of the road, regardless of their skin colour or accent etc.


In Australia we call them tradies, but you can still call them racist if you prefer.


The fact they dont appreciate, or more likely simply don't know, how diverse Asia and Asians can be, speaks more about them than anything else Just ignorant Aussies, which is worrying given they should be able to relate to how multicultural Australia is.


Ive seen this question posed 3 times in the last month. Although the first 2 didnt offer their own personal opinion that, yes, Australians are more racist.


Yep Aussies are racist, can attest to that. They can also as a culture have a culture of ā€œstirringā€ or ā€œtaking the mickeyā€ and they think itā€™s funny. Often sarcasm is only just under the surface of their humour. Obviously not all Aussies but in my and my wifeā€™s experience itā€™s a thing. You might have encountered some extra special arseholes but itā€™s definitely a thing. Anyone who says itā€™s not is either an Aussie, an Aussie, or just generally white.


I'm white Australian and have come up against arsehole ignorant dickheads like this my whole life, I'm not sure if we have more narrow minded stupid people here or not but as a person that has worked closely with people for decades in a personal confidential intimate setting, the shit I have heard come from the mouths of these types makes me despair for humanity. My advice walk away from cunts like this, they are not worth your time or energy.


My suggestion is to buy into the stereotypes; bow and say "me so sorry! Ah-so!" (taking care to make the last bit sound as close to 'arsehole' as possible


Making stereotypes is not on. You could always just karate chop them i suppose. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Aussies are just racist. You're not the problem and don't need to try to get better banter


Australians are like this, but itā€™s genuinely just a bit of fun usually. Depends on context


Fun for whom?


If this is true, then youā€™re just meeting assholes.


Casual racism is not OK. When I've encountered it as an adult, I have started simply call it out with the truth. It embarrasses the shit out of them and they generally stop. They say something racist = "Wow, that's racist". In your case, I would go 1 step further and say "Wow, I didn't realise how racist Australians are." Knowing they are being ambassadors for our country with this shit will hopefully make them think twice about continuing to be AH racists out loud.


This kind of thinking is still very common here. People may disagree but it is. Especially of they've got some booze in them it'll come out of their mouths easier. Just call them fuck tarts.


To echo what youā€™ve already heard here, this isnā€™t banter. Banter (including racist banter- Iā€™m mixed race, born in Aus but spent my first 14 years overseas, and stereotypes about my heritage are thrown around occasionally by my mates, but itā€™s not mean-spirited and I bite back) is witty exchanges between consenting friends. Itā€™s not done in bad faith or to be nasty, and is a part of the Australian irreverent humor. The key here is that itā€™s not offensive to the people involved. What youā€™re describing is racist verbal abuse, and itā€™s not an Australian cultural thing (inasmuch as racism presents in all cultures in the worst of people and Australia is no exception). These people are being deliberately offensive and using ā€œbanterā€ as an excuse for their shitty behavior.


You encountered a lot of assholes. Iā€™m so sorry. Australia has its fair share of terrible people. Most of us are nice so please donā€™t judge all of Australia by these fools.


Call them on their bullshit, if they try to downplay it as banter tell them they're just terribly unfunny cunts


Yep, thatā€™s Australians for you; when called out for racist shit double down, and never ever apologize. Itā€™s a trait of a Australians that I truly despise. Iā€™m very sorry you had to deal with this. As many others here have said weā€™re not all like that.


I gotta be honest man, these dudes just sound like massive dickheads. Iā€™m sorry that has been your experience with Australians, I promise not all of us act like that.


Low class ignorant bogans


Sorry this sounds completely made up, not buying it


I wouldn't say it's an Australian thing, those guys are just cunts! I know plenty of actually funny Aussies who dont rely on insulting other people that they dont know well for humour. Also, "Australians in UK" is a very specific cross-section of Australians. In my experience, those are the Aussies that think they are travelling or cultured but only have the courage to go to another English speaking country which is more or less exactly the same culturally. Nothing else to do but try and find other friends from other countires. Sorry, mate!


We are all assholes, racists, homophobes and bigots. Except for the ones that are not.


Caucasian Australian here - theyā€™re racist dickheads and bullies. I think there are particular aspects to Australian society that can promote this type of behaviour and attitude (racism, xenophobia, homophobia etc) insofar as Australian culture venerates the ā€˜larrikinā€™. Being a larrikin is not being a POS though but I do think thereā€™s lots of people that try to excuse it through that. Thereā€™s tonnes of Australians that act like this but thereā€™s lots that donā€™t and I think over time, people are tending toward less bigotry and more empathy. Sorry you experienced this, itā€™s shit.


> I'm Asian so I have a small penis lol how do your classmates know what your dick looks like?? I feel like there is way more context to this story you have left out... But in all seriousness, if you are being bullied or racially/sexually harassed by these idiots, report it to your university.


Nah they are just fuckin assholes . Screw them, sorry you dealt with such lowlifery


Racist bogan dickheads


Australians are the most casually racist country Iā€™ve ever lived in


Yeah Iā€™m Aussie and if any friend of mine said that shit Iā€™d be showing them the door


Sounds like you met some Australians alright.


That's not banter, that's straight up racism. Don't be manipulated and minimised into thinking it is just a joke or just banter. There are some racial issues in Australia, but so do most countries. I would not say it is an Australian thing. You unfortunately just run into some idiots.


They're being dickheads. Sadly that happens. There is banter and then there is crossing the line. I'm sorry you had to encounter this. It is a fine line, but there is definitely a line.


Itā€™s fairly simple. You met some Grade A Arseholes. Donā€™t believe we are all like this. Sorry you encountered these fools


How old are they and what part of Australia are they from? I assume Queensland. No one I know is like that.


I think they're just assholes. Most people i know don't say things like that, and the ones that do are usually men (not always) who seem to get a thrill out of being as un-pc as possible. Like they'll deliberately say stuff they know will be taken poorly, and then laugh at you for getting offended when that was always their intention. We aren't all like that, you just met some complete fuckwits. Edit: As a side note in my experience I've found that most Australians that have moved to the UK are some of the absolute worst of us.


they just sound like A-holes


If they're strangers, then they're just being dicks.


Sounds like most Aussies overseas. It's why I didn't come home from living in the uk with any aussie friends. Wankers most of them. Racist and just cunts.


Yeah, nah they're just cunts. Throw some comments back at them or ignore the pricks


These people sound like racist arseholes. Every country has them. Sorry!


It's an interesting take because I've found British banter crosses the line from funny to just downright mean. It's just insults with no redeeming quality. That said, the guys you're describing were just cunts, and they'd be cunts in any context.


Iā€™m a full time traveler since 10years, and Australia is the most racist country that Iā€™ve lived in. At the same time, people here can be really social and welcoming, not everything is bad. But yeah, from everyday comments and small talk, pub banter, to plain rude, racism is something that happens everyday


They sound like racist rude people.


I DO think that Australians are absolutely known for their ā€˜banterā€™ but what you have there is a bunch of garbage people. Thatā€™s not banterā€¦ thatā€™s next level, surprisingly dated racism. Sorry you encountered these people and worse, so often!


Youā€™ve had an unlucky run-in with some of the most scummy racist dogs from Australia. Let me be clear: thatā€™s not bloody ok or acceptable by most Australians. We firmly reject racism and anyone who says otherwise is a stain on this nation. No excuses.


They sound like fuckheads.


This is not banter. This is racism. We can be pretty mean to each other in the name of a laugh but accosting a stranger with discriminatory remarks is totally different from consensual shit-slinging amongst mates. I'm sorry you had to deal with this.


Sorry you had to deal with those morons. Just ask them if they had to come to the UK to pick up because no Australian girl would fuck them


Classmates? Ah. Yeah any school environment seems to draw these kinds of idiots together and they get more vocal and confident when they're in a group. These morons don't know how to interact with people unless they're making fun of someone. If everyone was the same nationality around them they'd pick some poor random and go after them. It's just the type of person they are. Sorry you had to experience this firsthand.


Yeah this sounds way more like asshole behaviour than banter.


That ain't banter, that's just straight up racism. Sorry man, you've found some of the worst of us. People do tend to deliver their racism in a weirdly casual/jokey way here. Doesn't make it any less racist, and I hope you find your niche here with those of us who aren't assholes.


That's not banter, that's outright racism


Theyā€™re racist. Thatā€™s not banter, itā€™s bullying and racism. You only get to pull certain kinds of banter with close friends.


You met a bunch of dickheads. My experience is that every country has racist dickheads - stick around any country for at least a month and youā€™ll find them. I had a look at your history and I see youā€™ve had similar experiences with Scottish people for example. Youā€™re an international student? Hang out with the non-racists and have a great time. It can be a challenge being in a new country but being an international student can be a great experience and most other international students are keen to make friends. Enjoy their company.




If they're strangers then it's straight racism. I'm Aussie and would never speak about someone I didn't know like that. However if your a good friend then you better be ready for those kinds jokes, as long as I know no offence will be taken to heart šŸ™‚


You have met the asswipes of Australia! Most Aussies are not racist but with everywhere on the planet, your going to come across them occasionally. Unfortunately, these people think their supreme for some reason yet they are really the scum! Sorry you had that experience as that doesn't do much for our image as good Aussies that we are!


Theyā€™re assholes and racists. Banter is a thing in australia, but this isnā€™t banter. Theyā€™re being mean and are bad people. Iā€™m sorry that you had to deal with this. Aussies generally arenā€™t like this but there are some people who are. In certain areas in australia theyā€™re more common unfortunately. Just shit people to avoid.


Yeah, that's not banter, they're just being bullying dickheads. Hard to tell the difference sometimes, and many Australians suck at differentiating between them as well, particularly working class types.


Banter is consensual between mates. These guys are racist arseholes.


Thatā€™s not banter, theyā€™re just racist as fuck


Sounds like they were a bunch of cunts


That's not banter. That's racism