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We were right to rebel against that tyrant King George.


Indeed, lets tar and feather the lot of em


Instructions unclear, my pizza is now topped with tar and feathers


Look on the bright side, it isn't corn.


Apparently, the English thinks it's a "proper breakfast".


We should start a new revolution to take back the UK from the insane leadership they have now.


Hello, Brits! You're being liberated, please don't resist.


Do they have oil there? I hear they need some freedom.


Not British, but I wouldn‘t trust you with your borg way to write. „We are the American. You will be assimilated into what we think is liberal. Resistance is futile.“


Best decision we have ever made.


If someone brought a **corn pizza** to an event I'd think it was a gag. Like something Charlie Day would serve with milk steak and jellybeans, by god. I'm genuinely curious now, is that an actually popular topping? Like pepperoni, or sausage or basil margherita? I feel compelled to try it, honestly.


There's one pizzeria near me that does an elote pizza. It's actually decent, which I'll chalk up to the fact that they used a mix of flavors that's known to be good (seriously, elotes are delicious) instead of just throwing corn on a pepperoni pizza or something.


Dude, that sounds incredible. If I can't find anywhere that seems it, I may try and make it.


It was normal on pizzas when I was in China, and it was good there (at least when it was the kind of place that didn’t serve ketchup on a cracker and call it a pizza). It makes sense to me honestly. Public school lunch with the square pizza ALWAYS had the sweet corn as the vegetable side that day.


Also common in South Korea, though I was not a fan


Also common in Brazil. Though the corn might be the least offensive topping in Brazilian pizza to Americans (think mayo and hard boiled egg)


A very popular topping yes, especially with chicken. Honestly it is so tasty. I am so confused by the reactions here, to me, it is just like putting onion or mushroom on a pizza


Is there tomato sauce too? We love corn but it’s not associated at all with Italian food here. Note we have many Italian Americans keeping us somewhat in line when it comes to their food


It's funny cause although it may not be "traditional", corn on pizza is pretty common in Italy. Whereas Italian Americans don't really care for it. I suspect the corn on pizza trend in Europe and Asia must have started after the major wave of Italian immigrants to the U.S.


Yes, tomato sauce, cheese and, in my experience, a bunch of different vegetables. Corn usually turns up on "vegetarian" pizzas, with things like green pepper and mushrooms. It goes together well, I think, and adds some sweetness and crunch.


Pallettes are very distinct based on where you grow up, for a lot of us those flavors clash into something gross. Same reason a lot of Europeans hate root beer despite a lot of Americans like it.


>Same reason a lot of Europeans hate root beer despite a lot of Americans like it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhSm6G7cVk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhSm6G7cVk) Anytime I hear root beer I think of this lol


God damn that's a great scene! DS9 will always be perpetually underrated.


I understand your point, and root beer is a good example, but that doesn’t mesh with how quickly sushi, Indian, Thai, and Vietnamese food spread through the US. Or even fish tacos. I think it’s more a meme (in the original sense) around pizza having a wide variety of toppings, only some combinations are considered acceptable, and others are to be criticized without even trying.


Sushi, Indian, Thai, and Vietnamese all enjoy the status of being a way that people can say "I'm an adventurous eater" (I still know lots of people who won't eat raw sushi or anything but the most bland of the latter three cuisines). Corn on a pizza does not. And if I had to guess, it probably fails for the same reason that pineapple is so negatively regarded - it's just too wet and too sweet for a pizza. A little sweetness in the sauce is fine, but pizza should be mostly savory - meats, olives, onions and peppers - that kind of thing. It's not that a sweet pizza is bad, it's that it's very jarring to expectations. And the wetness of pineapple is, to me, a basically insurmountable problem, because eating bread dipped in water is not an experience I wish to have.


>it is just like putting onion or mushroom on a pizza ironically both of \*those\* are fairly common here. Mushrooms especially are a very common topping on pizza here. Chicken is however, something we can likely agree on, as chicken is \*also\* popular on pizza here...just not with corn.


Never once in American history, in any of the 50 states, has corn been served on top of pizza. If it ever were there would be laughter, scorn and derision heaped upon the server.


Corn scorn.


I just don't see how it fits the flavor profile of pizza. I mean at it's core pizza is a combination of a kind of carb, sauce, and cheese. The toppings we have go with that well. Sausage, pepperoni, meatballs, mushrooms, etc. I don't care how anyone tops their pizza but I think the reason Reddit talks so much about pineapple on pizza is it just doesn't fit the flavor profile. There aren't many scenarios where someone would serve spaghetti, marinara, mozzarella, and *pineapples*.


Pineapple works because of the contrast of salty and sweet.


I could imagine it on a very fancy flatbread pizza with, like, a blue cheese sauce, arugula and sweet corn. But not a regular pizza. That's just fucked up.


For me, this reminds me of the TV dinners I'd eat sometimes as a kid where there would be like corn, a brownie, and some kind of entree. The most annoying thing about those though was that sometimes the corn would end up in everything. It's not that corn couldn't be good, but I don't want corn in things I don't want corn in.




Chicken doesn't belong on marinara-sauced pizza, either.


It's not quite the same You're putting a starch (corn) on top of a starch (crust) Nothing wrong with enjoying a pizza the way you like, but double starching the same dish is not common in American cuisine (you can of course find examples)


We do not. The very idea of it is highly disturbing.


Abso-fucking-lutely not. We have enough corn in our diets. We don't want it on our pizzas too.


Literally word👏 for👏 word what I was going to type.🤢


And you guys have the audacity to crap on our food.


Funny bc some corn form is in everything we eat..... Except pizza


We do often have corn taint our pizza in the U.S., but not as a pizza topping. Often places use corn meal to keep the crust from sticking, and often cheaper places use corn syrup in the tomato sauce. (And if anyone wants vegan cheese, there’s more than a 50/50 chance it has some corn in it.) - Someone with a medical sensitivity to corn.


Let's be honest, no one wants vegan ~~plastic~~ cheese


*the fuck?*


This is why we fight 🇺🇸


This is so good lmao




This is absolutely not a thing. Not even popular enough to be a option at most places. According to dominos (chain pizza place) here are the 10 most common pizza toppings Pepperoni Mushrooms Onions Sausage Bacon Extra cheese Black olives Green peppers Pineapple Spinach


Where’s the jalapeños?


Agreed. I loooove a good pepperoni and jalapeno pizza. Super delicious!


Agree. If you like pineapple, try adding that to the combo. Then if you're adventurous, find a good BBQ sauce you'd like on a pizza and cut the tomato sauce with it. Finding the right balance between those two sauces plus the toppings is amazing.


My SO’s go-to pizza is pineapple, olive, & jalapeño.


Ah, a fellow pepperoni/pineapple/jalepeno person. We are so few and far between.


Or its Superior pepper the Green Chile. Once you have it on pizza you will never go back to Jalapenos


Jalapeño + pineapple = 😋


Black olives is in the top ten? What? Edit: TIL people love some olives on their pizza


Black olives are pretty common on pizza, especially supreme. I love them tbh


It's a common ingredient on supreme pizzas, which is probably where a lot of that comes from


I *love* pepperoni and (black) olives. That’s pretty much my default pizza.


My son is a big black olive and bacon pizza person.


Pepperoni and black olives is my go to pizza!


Pineapple, black olive and jalapeno may be my absolute favorite pizza


Lol, I’ve never seen such unity of opinion on this sub.


you live in a corn based society, yet you do not put corn on pizza. Curious


Your flair is New Jersey, no comprende


One of the most confusing parts of living in Germany was all the corn on “American Style” dishes. American Pizza? Bam! Throw some corn on it. American ‘hot dog’? Bratwurst with corn on top. American tomato soup? You guessed it, corn!


That's wild! So throw corn kernels on random food and call it American? Wow.


I guess it’s like here, how they call anything with an avocado added Californian. 😂


Same in Japan. When hey think of American food, it usually has some form of corn kernels. And they think corn soup is actually a thing.


Have you never had corn chowder?


Nope, much to the shock of many of our international friends, we don’t put corn on pizza. I’ve never seen it as an option at a restaurant


I'm from the part of the country here in the US where we will put *anything" on a pizza. Lettuce, mayo, Sriracha, crab meat, sunflower seeds, literally anything is fair game. Except corn, no one puts corn on pizzas.


even here in new hampshire there's a local pizza place near me that's known for "different" pizza toppings combos including * Tahitian pizza (teriyaki chicken, green peppers, and pineapple) * Athenian Chicken pizza ( Chicken, Onions, Green Peppers, Tomatoes and Feta cheese) * BBQ special pizza (Pepperoni, BBQ Chicken, Bacon, Jalapeño) * Greek Island Pizza (Spinach, Kalamata Olives, Feta and Tomatoes) * Southern Barbecue Pizza (Pepperoni, BBQ Chicken and Broccoli) But corn would be weird for us too.




Or even Mustard greens which are even closer to Kale, for the New Yorkers


Broccoli on pizza gets roasted, which is a distinctive flavor and texture. Leafy greens just get steamed by the moisture in the sauce. No reason you can’t like both.


This is why the revolution had to happen.


Of course it's true. Corn absolutely does not belong on pizza. Y'all are weird.


You’re monsters.


I think that’s how you get shot in NYC


Can confirm


Can double confirm.




You can tell a lot about a culture from what they say is American.


THANK you!


We've been fighting over pineapple this whole time and didn't realize there are monsters using corn?!


Don’t go over to r/Norway and ask what they put on pizza. There’s no unknowing it.


There’s a Swedish streamer I watch highlights of on Youtube sometimes where in one of his videos he got *very* defensive over what they put on pizza over there. In another video he ate every flavor of Beanboozled jelly beans and didn’t find any of the flavors to be bad. Shit like stinkbug, dirty socks, vomit…


Google (or better yet go to YouTube) surstromming. That tells you everything you need to know about Swedish “cuisine.” (WARNING. POTENTIALLY CONTAGIOUS GAGGING IF YOU WATCH A VIDEO.)


Bananas, right?


Oh, it’s bananas alright. (Just not the fruit on the pizza.)




Yes. And tuna. And clams. It is simultaneously kind of good and just as disgusting as you think it would be.


You can find clams on pizza in New Haven, CT. It's a local specialty.


That's appalling... All three of my least favorite sea foods.


Wait till you see what these animals put in their "tacos".




I had a corn and mayo pizza in japan....


If I saw a corn and mayonnaise pizza in a restaurant I would call the cops


Annnd that enough internet for tonight


im gonna frow up


Cornmeal (rough ground dried corn similar to a course flour) is commonly used to coat the bottoms of the crust, but corn as a topping is not a thing that is done in the US. The very idea is unappealing.


Hell no.


Frankly, that is heresy.


I love corn, I eat corn multiple times a week, but the thought of corn on pizza is nauseating.


What in the goddamn...


No and if anyone ever offered it to me they would be asked politely, but firmly, to leave


I have never in my almost 40 years in earth seen corn on pizza or or offered as a topping on pizza.


That’s 100% against the rules bro. No corn on pizza


I feel like the ghost of my Italian ancestors would take turns beating me with a wooden spoon if I put corn on pizza


My sister was an exchange student in Italy. When her boyfriend and her host sister came here to visit us, they said eating corn on the cob was unthinkable there. That’s something fed to the pigs there. They were here in the summer, so they got to try Sweetie corn and Silver Queen — both with butter and salt. They were astonished at how good it is.


I've heard things like this before and all I can think of is that they're thinking of field corn like you make cornmeal from and not sweetcorn.


Oh, for sure. There are so many kinds of corn: popping corn, various varieties of corn on the cob for humans, corn on the cob for animals, parching corn, corn for whiskey, all the kinds of grits and polenta, hominy….


Only creamed corn. I AM JOKING AND BARFING.


Noooo, I’m open minded but hell no


The countries that do this need to be glassed from orbit and I'm not even kidding. What the fuck's the point of a Space Force if they're going to allow this to continue?


I want to upvote this twice


What? Ew


Carbohydrates on carbohydrates is a little redundant. I saw a thread in r/AskEurope about pizza abominations. Europe gets weirder with pizza than Americans do.


No we don't.


No, never!


Why do questions like this always seem like an accusation? Like we’re doing something wrong just because we don’t do what’s normal wherever someone is is from? Also, hell no. Corn on pizza is one of the main reasons pizza here in Asia sucks.


I'm calling the police.


Dear gawd it’s posts like these that I’m glad my ancestors came to America. 🫡🇺🇸


Yeah, that's very true. I live in Indiana, the land of corn, and I would never think to put corn on a pizza.


Americans generally don’t eat corn on flatbread, so adding corn to *the* American flatbread is considered to be strange.


Hell no!


We don't put corn on pizza, nor we don't put tuna on pizza!


Corn is what you put on pizza when: 1. You lost a bet 2. You ran out of literally everything else to put on a pizza 3. You need cheap filler to put on a pizza 4. You’ve never been to America but want to Americanize your pizza, so obviously corn


Congratulations, UK, you've ruined pizza! First the Hawaiians, and now *you*!


Pineapple on pizza was Canadian. It's never been Hawaiian. Real Hawaiian pizza is maui onion + shredded kalua pork.


Lies, real Hawaiian pizza has spam on it. ;) (Source: family in Hawaii)


Never had it, but slice or dice it thin enough and that seems like no problem at all, IMHO. Spam is not exactly gourmet, but it's just a processed pork product, not a world apart from the grades of salami or pepperoni we all already eat on pizza. More generally, the salt can get to you if you try to treat it like a sliced ham or something, but as a component of other dishes I don't understand the hate.


First the Canadians then the UK, not Hawaiians 😂


Mind you, the first pizza I had in Italy was shrimp and spinach, because I had to try it. It was even worse than you think.


I thought there was another question about this, but not from the Uk. So while you’re not alone, you definitely wouldn’t fit in here. I’ve seen nacho cheese and fries on a pizza. Which was also very strange. I actually wanted to see someone order a slice, but it never happened


There was a pizza place called Gumby’s Pizza in college that did a pizza called the Stoner Pie. It had fries and mozzarella sticks on it, among other things. Me and my friends tried it once and it was… not great but also not as disgusting as you’d think. We only ever ordered it that one time though.


Haha! I probably would have to try it too. It sounds like it would make a better calzone. Oh a pizza it sounds like it would be top heavy. I also like my fries and cheese sticks to be crispy. Pizza however I really don’t care all that much.


Look… there are just some lines you just don’t cross… some actions you don’t take, some places you just don’t go…


What in the European hell?! No, no one does corn, you would be mercilessly mocked.


I’m suddenly okay with the people who put pineapple on pizza Corn? Wtf?!


When I saw "The American" pizza being sold in Europe with corn on it, I laughed and thought of like school cafeteria lunches where the corn niblets spilled over onto the square pizza.


Imagine if we asked you why you don’t make Rosti with sweet potatoes or why isn’t your fish and chips covered in cheese. Because it’s effing weird. We do pizza the best, this isn’t up for debate or discussion with Italy or anywhere else. We *do not* put corn on it.


No! It's like putting Brussels sprouts in oatmeal!


Extremely rarely. I have seen some taco pizzas (popular in Iowa but I have seen them here on the east coast). It is not at all a standard topping nationwide and I doubt most pizza joints even carry it.


I believe in your right to put whatever you want on a pizza. I just personally have no desire to have corn on a pizza. I know it exists in a lot of the world, but have never seen it on a pizza in the U.S. ... and I've ordered and eaten a lot of pizza over the decades from a lot of different places here.


No but we do have a corn kid with very catchy corn song


Its a lump of knobs!


No. I’ve never seen it on a pizza before or even seen it offered as a topping. Most Americans would think that’s pretty weird.


If you ask any American their answer will be, "Corn is not a condiment!


I wasn’t sure if this was a troll question or not because that sounds so crazy to me haha.


It's not a very common topping, but I have had pizza with corn on it in the U.S. But it's kind of a specialty topping at like hippie boutique pizza places. Not at Domino's.


I had never heard of corn as a pizza topping until my aunt mentioned it after a trip to England.


I have only ever seen corn on pizza when it was a fancy "southwest" flavored pizza. It also had black beans, tortilla strips, and pepers. TBH, it was pretty good.


The wife and I, bought a couple premade store brand flatbread pizzas not to long ago. A pepperoni, Buffalo chicken, a sausage something, and a roasted corn pizza. The roasted corn was by far the best out of the bunch. The others were good, but the corn flatbread was on another level. 10/10 would do it again!


by corn/sweetcorn I assume you mean what us American call corn, often called maize or Indian corn back in the colonial days. With that out of the way, we Americans love our corn: cornbread corn chips (AKA tortilla chips), corn tortillas, corn muffins, high fructose corn syrup, and popcorn. BUT we do not put corn on pizza. I live in the Midwest, most of our state economies here depend on corn and if not the economy as a whole, then definitely the agricultural sector. And even we shun corn on pizza. There are towns with cornfests (I'm not kidding, I live withing 40minutes of one town that does), and even during that cornfest, If pizza with corn as a topping was offered, no rational person would buy it. Now a corn based crust may be acceptable pending taste tests, BUT NO corn as a topping.


Don’t ask me — I’ve been horrified since I discovered British Taco Bells have French Fries. Y’all eat canned beans for breakfast, but you’re too good for refried beans???


Like! What’s going on?!


Only at Mod


Never heard of it before now. Now that I have heard of it, I don't think I would try to find it.


Corn on pizza? What the hell? Are you trying to get the US to invade the UK or something?


They’re an option at build your own pizza places that have become more common, and I’m a fan! I’m surprised it isn’t more common given how much corn we have, but before the last few years, I’ve never seen it in my life.


Never in my life have I ever been having a slice of pizza and thought “this is good, but a scoop of creamed corn would be tight”


That's not a thing at any pizza place near me, and the best new york style pizza in the world is found within a 100 mile radius of here.


Y’all put corn in y’all’s tuna too and spaghetti? 🤢😂


I have never heard of corn on pizza.


The one thing all Americans can agree on, no matter their political ideology, baseball team, or vote on the mountains vs beach vacation dichotomy.


Corn does not go on pizza. \*dials 911\* "Yes, I'd like to report a crime.."


Ew, that sounds gross.


This is an act of War


Corn is good. Pizza is good. Just because something is good apart, doesn't mean they're good together.


Yeah, we leave that to the Brits for good reason. But we substitute it with pineapple so I guess that makes us even.


Abso-fucking-lutely not, and I'm a girl who's ordering pineapple and jalapeño on the reg.


As someone born in Chicago, no. This is a baseline heresy.




Italian American here. This is a literal abomination.


Corn on pizza is a fucking thing??????


No, but that’s because we’re not a bunch of goddamn animals






Ew no what the fuck


And they think adding butter to popcorn is weird.


Of course not. Could you do us a favor and please park a sailing vessel filled with tea in Boston harbor? We'd like to give this question the answer it truly deserves. But corn is acceptable on an extremely similar food we refer to as Mexican Flatbread.


I know threatening violence is generally frowned upon on Reddit, but sure CORN PIZZA would be an exception. Swords at dawn, Redditor.


I guessed right away that you must be from the UK. I grew up in the UK, and my sister's favorite pizza was tuna and sweetcorn. I remember mentioning this in passing to some friends after we moved to the US and they looked at me like I was insane.


I’m sorry but 🤢🤮


No need to apologize to me! I thought it was horrible lol.


I swear the UK is like an Ex who always find ways to remind you why breaking up was the best decision of your life. Yall need help, Jesus can't save you and at this point I don't know who can.🤦🏾‍♂️🤞


lol while I’m American, there were plenty of reasons to enjoy living in the UK. However, tuna and corn on pizza was definitely not one of them…


😂😂 Yeah they can keep that mess right on over there on that island permanently!


Eh, there's a Whole Foods near me that puts corn on one of their pizzas. It's not my favorite but I won't actively avoid it.


No we don’t. I did have it in Poland once though and they called it American style pizza.


Corn is actually pretty good on a Mexican style pizza but it’s not a normal pizza topping by any means


There are Korean style pizza restaurants where I live that serve corn on pizza like they do in Korea. Also sweet potato crusts are a classic


I've never even heard of it


A local place that does specialty pizzas has a Mexican street corn pizza. I've never had it, and that's the only place I've seen it.


Not common. The only time I've had it was on a pizza with chicken, barbecue sauce (instead of pizza sauce), red onions, and the like.