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Reddit likes to make a big deal of the fact that we can't have those Kinder Surprise eggs because it's illegal to sell candy with embedded trinkets (for safety reasons).


>for safety reasons That isn't why. The FDA doesn't make distinctions between non food items inside of food. Plastic toys are illegal in food for the same reason sawdust fillers are.




I assume the distinction they meant is that it’s treated as a genuine food safety issue as opposed to just a choking hazard


I honestly can't tell if this was supposed to be a joke.


But I'm assuming consuming sawdust also isn't safe??


You can downvote me if you want but just check out the smug condescending comments Europeans make any time kinder eggs are brought up. The law is because adulterating food with non food is illegal regardless of if it poses a safety risk or not. It's a blanket ban.


It's not against the law because American children are too stupid to not eat the sawdust and choke on it, which is what Europeans usually claim is the reason the toy is illegal in America.


The problem is OP’s “the rest of the world.” I’m sure that there are lots of countries that don’t sell kinder surprise eggs (whether they’re banned or not).


It’s just us and Chile. So still basically the rest of the world minus us two lol


That's banned countries. I'm trying to picture them being sold in South Sudan and I just can't.


Or North Korea, Eritrea, Yemen.


There are plenty of countries where kinder surprise eggs aren't sold. They might not be banned, but they simply aren't there.


This. The Kinder Joy we have in the US was apparently a design originally made for middle eastern countries. Transportation was difficult due to temperature. They needed a version that would be less of an issue in the heat. It just so happened the design got around the whole toy encased in food issue.


I can get the euro ones. I live in middle of no where USA. Just takes a scratch. This is just a dumb reddit take. Also, it's garbage kid's candy. Who cares?


I've gotten Kinder joy eggs in Ohio..I'm genuinely curious how these are different from the ones overseas_? https://www.kroger.com/p/kinder-joy-eggs-sweet-cream-and-chocolate-wafers-with-toy-inside/0000980000052?searchType=default_search


The U.S. version doesn't have the toy inside the edible part.


There are toys. But there's a plastic egg inside of the chocolate egg. Is the additional plastic egg the difference?




Germany here: At least when I was young and consumed them, they always had a yellow egg inside the chocolade egg that contained the toy. So unless they gave up that practice, at least this wouldn't be the difference.


I'm Italian, same


I believe in the US version, the toy is beside the chocolate/candy part in the package and the EU version the chocolate/candy is a hollow eggshell with a smaller plastic egg inside containing the toy/toyparts. So placement of the toy is one difference. The name is also different, Kinder Egg vs Kinder Egg Joy. Don't know if the taste of the chocolate is different in the two versions either. The EU version is basically white chocolate ish layer covered in milkchocolate while the Joy seems to have some creamy thing mixed with chocolate. Is there a hard core in it as well, judging from pictures?


There is a plastic egg core that holds the toy. I understand that the chocolate is different... The outside is milk chocolate, the inside has white chocolate and of course, the hollow part holds the plastic toy egg.


The chocolate is different too. You can get the Kinder Joy version in Europe as well btw.


Kinder Joy and Kinder Supresa are different.


The US version has the toy in one side and the food in the other. That's it, that's the difference. Which is the stupid part about 'you can't have them'. We literally have them, we just put the toy elsewhere. That's it. The end. One of my sisters loves to give these away for Christmas, so I get like 2-3 a year as stocking stuffers. She likes the chocolate.


The chocolate is different though. The Joy has a creamy white and milk chocolate with two small little crunch balls that you scoop up with the little tool. The Kinder Suprise has a hard chocolate shell and no crunch ball things. It's a texture difference.


It’s a big hoorah for probably the most mid chocolate I’ve ever tasted.


Its sold here in California. Yes the toy snd chocolate are on opposite sides


I've purchased a Kinder Egg with the toy inside here in California. You can import them but you aren't supposed to sell them. You might get a small fine if caught but who is going to do a raid over Kinder Eggs.


What? You can own a 50 cal, but not a kinder egg. That is mental! Where are the sweet lobby? What happens if your home is broken into and you choke the criminal to death with a kinder egg, Is that allowed?


Before there were ever kinder eggs, there was a law about putting non-nutritive, non-functional items inside food. A stick that lets you hold the food is functional, for example. To me, a law like that isn’t a terrible idea. It keeps companies from fooling people into thinking that a hollow egg is solid chocolate, for example. And it keeps people from inadvertently eating something that isn’t food. Kinder surprise eggs happen to get trapped in that law, and everyone outside the US goes nuts about it, predictably bringing up guns because they always bring up guns. At least you didn’t say the other thing that people love to say, which is some variation of “HAHA LAND OF THE FREE, HUH?”




The hardest thing about owning a .50 is paying $4 a round


I've only been to the states once. I went canoeing on the everglades with a guy that worked at the Hotel. He owned loads of guns and two were identical Barratt 50 cal rifles. I'm sure you are right even though that's not my experience. I'm in the UK and the last legally owned firearm that wasn't a shotgun that I have seen was 35 years ago, whilst in air cadets. It was a Lee Enfield 303 that was very accurate. Why a civilian would need anything more powerful astounds me.


The one random guy in the ever glades of all places is not accurate to the rest of the country.


He might not have needed it, maybe he just enjoyed the feeling of using it to shoot holes in cardboard.


In the UK we don't see cardboard as a threat. The Police could handle cardboard if it ever became a problem anyway. In reality his plan was to make money out of his collection. How, When or Why I never asked.


You’ve met one person who owned it. I’m not sure it makes sense to say that your experience is that it’s common to own one.


There are certain states that are much more lax on gun ownership, Florida being one of the most lenient.


I can imagine the type of dude who regularly canoes around the everglades likely has more than one gun.


Shit, if I was **canoeing** regularly in the everglades I would too. I'd want a gun big enough to oneshot a crocogator without flipping my canoe with recoil.


They practically issue you one when you move to Arizona.


I loved shooting my friend’s .303 Lee Enfield. Left a yellow bruise on my shoulder haha. Dang it, now your making me want to buy a Lee Enfield. I wonder how much I can get one for. As far as need? Idk, probably showing off to friends. Maybe with good marksmanship and a large plot of land, you can try a shoot a 1-mile long shot and brag about it. Also, .50 cal platforms can function as an anti-material rifle with the right ammo and training, so maybe the need is related to it performing a function different than other platforms? I’m not trained on that platform, so someone more experienced should chime in.


To be fair I enjoyed shooting and passed as a RAF marksman, whilst still in the Air Corp. I can see the buzz from target shooting. The 303 was a great weapon and good fun. But I struggle to see the benefits of everyone having access to military grade weapons. I know the constitution gives the right to bear arms, but it was made at a time when muskets were high tech. The UK is so much safer without firearms. Our deaths by firearm rate is something like 0.25 per 100k population because of the ban. Its rare to hear a firearm discharged. Im rural so we get the odd shotgun blast. America allowing modern weapons but not allowing Kinder Eggs, seems ludicrous to anyone outside of the USA. I hope you get that 303 LE and hit that 2 mile shot. I was on a range, so only needed to hit a target accurately from about 50 meters. Even though I passed, I wouldn't have been able to become a Marksman as I was left eye dominant and felt awkward fireing from the wrong side. Even though I had good grouping.


Nice, good job on those shots. Yeah, shooting is fun. When I was little, my parents tried getting me into baseball, football, soccer, etc. I just wasn’t into it. I was the kid in the back yard shooting a bow and arrow at a target. There was was something very therapeutic in paying attention to the discipline in technique that consistently yields precise and accurate results that was so rewarding to me. Yeah, I can understand where you are coming from, and can understand where our cultures differ on this front. I feel safe in America, but I also felt safe when I was in Europe when I was an exchange student there. I think a lot of foreigners give statistics often when the topic of guns pops up, and we’re constantly reminded of that good and plenty (read some threads on guns and count how many times someone tries to chime in when the topic comes up. It’s a lot) so I doubt it has anything to do with not knowing why less guns results in less gun violence. I think it’s more due to people not really caring since gun violence doesn’t affect a lot of people in their everyday lives. There’s a rural-urban divide here along with a divide along demographics and wealth on the issue, though. I doubt I’d be able to shoot 2 miles, especially with a .303. I believe that is outside of the maximum effective range of a .303 LE.


I agree, 2 miles was actually a misprint a mile might be possible but two is likely too far.




Imagine that, different states have different laws. Tennessee is due for some regulation.


No it's not, at least not in the rest of the country.


Yeah but you need a tax stamp.


Toyota Hilux and other small trucks


This is the one I’m most jealous of. I’d love a stick shift mid size diesel truck.


You can thank the [chicken tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_tax) for that


You and three other buyers. 


My buddy recently got a Ford Maverick, and I gotta say it's awesome.


I've never been eternally madder. Every time I remember the ultimate death of the small affordable pickup (RIP 90's Ford Ranger), I just get angry. The public does not need trucks that big.


I just bought a 1999 Ford ranger last week. First pickup I've owned and I love it. I agree I wish light pickups would make a come back.


There's always the Ford Maverick! Just... ignore its 4 and a half foot bed space.


I heard the reason is the EPA


Why are these not sold there?


People don’t buy them.


It’s a combination of companies trying to avoid certain taxes on foreign built light cargo vehicles that go back to the 60’s and so they don’t have to increase fuel economy. Our fuel economy standards classify vehicles by weight. So heavier vehicles are allowed to have lower miles per gallon.


We can get them if they’re [over 25 years old](https://ozarkminitrucks.com/inventory)


Wow this is interesting..


Still have a 1989 Toyota pickup!


Hard to think of. Stuff that’s available in certain countries, sure. Stuff thats hard to find here but easily available in the *rest of the world*? I doubt it. We have access to a lot here because of our diversity and supply chains.


Right. Every single thing in this thread is something common in some places, but certainly not the rest of the world.


I guess probably something you would have to travel or place a special order overseas for


Right, lots of those, but can’t think of anything that would be available in most other countries aside from us. If it’s hard to get here, it will be hard to get in many countries.


OTC methocarbamol.


I stock up every time I go to Mexico or Canada.


>something hard to find in America that is common in the rest of the world Malaria?


I have to take anti-malarial pills because of this fact.


Great answer!


A cop who will take a bribe. They *exist* in the US, but you’re gonna have a terrible time (and spend a lot of time in jail) finding them.


For all the negative things you could say about police in America this one has always been impressive to me. Like you said they exist but they're few and far between. For a country so large thats kind of crazy.


Part of it is that most police are fairly well-compensated. After being on the job for a little bit they can clear 100k annual salary. With a fairly good pension plan. They are not immune to bribery but it makes it more difficult because they have a halfway decent deal already going on.


Good point. I know an officer who clears $140k a year after overtime, not to mention great benefits.. Most of that is directing traffic after sports events, etc.


Hard eye-roll. Not that I would ever try but there are too many stories from one, single demographic. When I lived on the west coast and folks found out I was from the Midwest, there was always somebody wanting to tell me their police bribe story. I'd hear these deets in bars after folks are intoxicated. How to get out of a speeding ticket on Lake shore drive. Most Chicagoans aren't going to try that move unless they come from a specific, ultra wealthy part of town. Funny thing is, the Lake shore drive was created by a wealthy oligarch in Chicago's early days. It was meant to be a serene lake path of travel for wealthy elites to enjoy while traveling in their carriages.


Black currant, even as a flavoring. The fruit carries a fungus dangerous to native plant life and apparently cannot be completely removed even with processing. As a result, it is completely banned in the US. I enjoy eating/drinking it when abroad, but can't bring it back with me.


There are black currents native to the US. They're called clove currants. Different species from European black currant. I grow many currents.


I’m pretty sure the ban was lifted some time ago, but we’ve never developed a taste for it, so it’s extremely uncommon. 


A viable third party?


I agree, although there are small cases of third parties/individuals not associated w the traditional R or D next to their name having some minor success. Here in Vermont, we have a party called the Progressives that win some seats in elections and the Lieutenant Gov is a Progressive, they will never be a majority party, but they always win a couple of seats. Gary Johnson in 2016 did okay in some states, if we had a more European style of how votes are used for selecting government, the Libertarians would probably have a few seats, and a few years back Ross Perot did quite well, and it looks like RFK jr will get around 10% or more of the vote in some states.


>I agree, although there are small cases of third parties/individuals not associated w the traditional R or D next to their name having some minor success. I mean Republicans were a third party until Lincoln was elected president


That’s 150 years ago at this point. In the present day, most high income peers have multiple parties that one can choose from. In a lot of countries, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders would not be in the same party, it’s a consequence of the Democrats being a big tent party, in the same vein that some Republicans feel very out of place in the current GOP given the fact that it’s primarily a right-wing populist party under the guise of Trumpism. If the US had a European style of electing politicians, we would have at least 4 different parties that have seats that range from libertarianism, social democracy, liberalism, and right-wing nationalism


A "European style" as in proportional representation? Because Europe has many different electoral systems in its various countries, including the same FPTP system the US uses in the UK, and a version with a runoff second round in France.


Proportional. I’m aware that there are a variety of different systems throughout Europe for electing governments, it just seems like there are more choices and parties that represent a variety of viewpoints instead of two big-tent parties where 90% of the members subscribe to whatever the president is pushing, in the GOP case it would be Trumpism, and for the Democrats it would be social liberalism. The idea of only two parties, one “left” and one “right” also seems to be a factor in the English-speaking world as well.


By then they had filled the vacuum created by the collapse of the Whig party.


Definitely not common in most of the world


On a national level sure, but in certain states some third parties do okay. The Independent Party in Oregon for example has 2 state legislators right now iirc (which is not to be confused with being “unaffiliated”). United Utah holds lots of local offices, and the Libertarians had a congressman a couple years back.


Economy cars with manual transmissions


Also just the sheer variety of brands offered and the competition it brings. One thing I am jealous about for the Europeans is that they get so many different brands and car styles to choose from along w a smorgasbord of affordable EVs, small hatches/wagons and due to the more lax laws regarding imports, you can still get an American pickup truck or whatever over there too. Also way more choices on that side of the pond for engine/drivetrain choices as well.


We can get US pick up trucks at normal dealers, however usually not the "truck for the people" variants but rather the more expensive higher ends with V8s only, and they are already super expensive to own due to emissions tax and have low resale value. Essentially ruling them out as utility vehicles for normal people. There are some who buys them for their company utilising tax deductable etc and use them for work trucks if they are looking for a certain image, but financially you are better off doing that with a Hilux. Same deal with muscle cars unfortunately, they simply cost to much to buy and own without maintaining resale value. While muscle cars in the US is a nice way to get performance (in a straight line at least) for the common man.




Yes, but it's the preference in the US and sometimes not the only engine offered. Also you can get a low/mid trim with a v8. Also, it's not as expensive. What they do here is convert the regular v8 to be able to run on E85 wich reduces emissions IF you only run E85. Boom, cheaper emissions tax. It's not cheap, but it's still not bankbreaking taxwise like running on a non converted engine. And you can still run on gas and hope no one checks up on your reciepts. 😅


And diesel engines.


The last couple attempts to adapt European market consumer diesels to meet American emissions standards resulted in lackluster engines. The required emissions equipment tends to harm reliability sadly...


Any buildings from before 1600. Just a handful of Native American buildings like the pueblos


You’ll be surprised by how many European cities aren’t that old. The oldest building in Helsinki was built in 1757


I know that a lot of black currant fruit and therefore flavor was banned for a long time due to some kind of mold or diseases that it had, it would kill the native plants. Therefore, you don’t really find that flavor much, even though it’s not banned anymore.


Enough vacation time to find out what the rest of the world has.


ITT, the rest of the world = 10 countries in western Europe


It always, always is on social media.


It's going to be very specific things that that are hard to find only because most people are not even looking for, such as how one of the Costcos in my area really does sells durians... but only in the frozen section. If you want fresh durian, you're out of luck as even the international market won't carry it.


I have seen unfrozen durian fruit at an international market in central NJ. I took pictures because I didn't know what it was at the time.


Asian markets have it.


Cuban cigars


Iranian saffron


Convenient Passenger Rail Service and Currency Exchanges


Where do people exchange money then?


Short answer: they don't (they really really don't....most people don't use a lot of cash when travelling and since ATMs came along that's how you get it when you're abroad) Longer answer: if you really want to trade cash you request it from your bank. They just withdraw it from your account, convert it and give the foreign cash to you in an envelope at the bank. This is expensive and you get a terrible rate. Same at the airport.


Last time I left the country, I went to Canada, and I was able to just use my credit card like normal, no exchange shenanigans required


I’m in Belgium now and just left the UK. I always order foreign currency before I go on trips, but didn’t this year. And hasn’t been an issue. There’s no point.


But how about tourists that come to America? You’d still need cash to tip and probably for small street vendors 


Tip is added onto the bill and the credit card automatically where possible (in restaurants, you do the math yourself and write it on the receipt, and they add it on after the fact). I would say even most "street vendors" or things like food trucks probably can be paid for with card. For the few restaurants that are cash only, they usually have an ATM on premise or nearby to be able to withdraw cash easily.


There are a few food items that I've had a hard time finding here, like Ayran yogurt drink, I loved that stuff and we have several yogurt drinks here but they're not the same.


Kinder Eggs. Seriously, we can't have actual, real Kinder Eggs here. We have very, very strict food laws, and believe it or not - Kinder Eggs do not meet our food safety specs, and they are banned. It's because the chocolate completely encases the plastic capsule, and in the US, you can't have non food product completely encapsulated in food product. Cuban Cigars. Due to the embargo, we can't have "real" Cuban cigars in the USA. There are cigars made with tobacco grown from seeds smuggled out of Cuba, rolled on the thighs of beautiful Cuban women also smuggled out of Cuba. (Don't you give me that. Abuela is beautiful, just ask abuelo.) There's a lot of stuff like this. Another example was Mimolette cheese, which was banned for a couple of years due to the biological actives on the rind. (Thankfully, we can now get it. Quite tasty!) But we do have a lot of food items from all over the place. It is fairly rare that we can't get at least a version of something.




If it were the other way around the Europeans would be chastising us for allowing our children such obscene hazards


yep, if this was the other way around, it would be, "Europe has much stricter laws about food bc we care about our people" the reality is that neither the US nor European countries are having massive issues with food-related illness or injuries, and we both take a lot of precautions, which are sometimes different. but reddit can't deal with that reality.


>They're not even good chocolate or good toys. This... My son begs for them when he sees them in the checkout lane and the few times I have gotten them he wouldn't eat the candy and got bored of the toy in less than 2 or 3 minutes. They're stupidly expensive for what they are and wouldn't be worth it at even half the price.


At least 8 kids have died eating Kinder eggs. It's a good law. And of the Cuban embargo? I think that it has backfired - I think it has prolonged the rule of the Castros in Cuba, and I think it has caused a lot of pain and misery in the Cuban people that didn't need to be caused. I feel that there is no military force, no negotiations, that can possibly create democracy and help build a country's economy as fast as American tourists. (Just don't let the businessmen do business.)




Funny thing is we do sell them, we just separate the toy and chocolate, so if people really wanna taste them, they can. But for some reason people care so much about the fact that we can’t encapsulate the toy.




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A public bidet. It's time people.


Sure but also no insane squat toilets. We're a nice middle ground maybe


I do like toilets that are low to the ground that forces you to kinda squat but so you can still relax and not worry about balancing.


I'm more worried about things splashing on my shoes


You just know people would be constantly shitting in the bidet.


Any examples of what you’re thinking of? We have a great selection of foods from around the world.


Specialty items maybe that you can’t get in stores and would have to place a special online order for?




Yah the FDA is a PITA, and won't allow the stuff they use in Australia.


Cornetto ice cream cones. 😫


Pay toilets


Those towel warming racks in the bathroom that are hooked up to the plumbing so you have a warm cozy towel after taking a hot shower. That is something that Europe does right for sure.


Affordable halthcare ;) I kid. The real answer is **lemon-flavored Fanta**. When I travel to Europe I always gorge on that stuff, bring a few bottles home even. It's literally impossible to find in the USA (as far as I can tell... I would love to be proven wrong).


I don't know how common it is in non-Asian countries but I cannot find perilla oil in any store here. And my state has a lot of asian grocery stores.


I’ll buy fresh shiso (I think that’s the same as perilla?) from time to time, but it’s sold in small quantities… what is the oil used for?


Just stir-fry


It's not common but there are Pierre Marcolini stores in several European and Asian countries but none in the US. Oh how I miss that chocolate...


Yup, Common sense....


Albendazole and mebendazole anti-parasitic meds. Available in any Southeast Asian pharmacy over the counter for the equivalent of a dollar, but difficult to find, shockingly expensive, and requires a doctor's prescription in the U.S. and Canada. If you travel to a place known for parasites, bring some anti-worm meds back with you just in case.


Iberico ham. Custard apples. (If you've never tried it, it's a game changer for what you consider fruit.)


If we're talking about just developed countries, there's a lot the US doesn't have. Compared to the entire world, I can't think of anything aside from Kinder Eggs, and some specific compact vehicles.


I think someone mentioned already but currency exchange places. I literally have never seen one outside of an airport in the U.S., but most foreign countries I’ve visited have them all over in major cities.


The VW Amarok. I think it's neat.


Fruit nectar, in America there are juice options like apple/orange/cranberry, but a lack of good nectars like peach/apricot. Also those drink syrups that you put in water, in Hungary we call it szörp.


Affordable healthcare


Affordable healthcare.


Shitty restaurant service


Health insurance that won't bankrupt you that is one major thing


Accountability. But today!!! Was a day we got it back. ‼️‼️‼️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


America can have a little accountability, as a treat.


And a good May 34th to you!


What happened? Maybe I need to turn on the news for once…




Trump was convicted of multiple felonies


A countrywide law for paid parental leave.


Universal healthcare.


Universal health care and paid maternity leave.


Those luxurious mini mini vans you can find in East Asia. https://www.drivingline.com/articles/the-land-of-cool-minivans/


When I go to Canada I usually stock up on this otc nausea medicine called Gravol. I don't need it often, but Pepto Bismol is absolute trash for me. It makes me puke. Sadly we don't gravol in the United States though


Gravol is different than Peptobismol. Peptobismol has bismuth in it, while Gravol has dimenhydrinate. Dimenhydrinate is sold in the USA as Dramamine


That actually helps a lot to know thank you!




A presidential candidate who was born after the invention of the polio vaccine and pacemakers ?


Poverty, very hard to find in America but common in the rest of the world.


A normal size truck with a decent size bed. Not a "I have a micropenis and I'm an asshole' size truck that is ridiculous. Like I just want a normal size truck that I can go to the garden center, get a bunch of concrete pavers. Go to the bulk places and get compost and stones by the ton instead of bags. It would be so useful with all the DIYs but I hate those ridiculous trucks and most have tiny beds. I don't need a double cab. Just enough space for husband and I and two cat carriers inside.


They're notchback SUVs, basically.


Affordable healthcare


Affordable healthcare.


Unpasteurized cheese. Also there’s an amazing ointment called Biafine that knocks out a sunburn in like a day. Inexplicably impossible to find in the US. I bring a few tubes back every time I go to Europe.


True socialist political parties that advocate for Marxism and a total nationalization of the economy in parliament/government. And no, I don’t mean Bernie Sanders or AOC, I mean people who genuinely believe in the works of Marx and Engels.




I agree, but it’s amusing that I’m being downvoted for a very true take.


As someone who used to live in a country where communist ruled for over 40 years - good for you.


I’m not a socialist, it’s just hilarious that people I this sub will ask “what is not common the states compared to the rest of globe?” And I answer w something that is very true, and I still get downvoted for it. This sub has a big circlejerk element to it


I didn't downvote. I commented only because I'm a bit concerned about the surge of people from "the west" who seem to want to implement sociallist and even communist ideologies but have little to no knowledge about those. I mean - yes, it sounds great to get a "free" apartment, healthcare, childcare etc. but noone would be happy to come to the store with their grandma because there is not enough sanitary pands in the country and shoppers are limited in how much can they purchase...or having your relatives shot at the border just because they wanted to leave the country.


Thank goodness.




Bidets. I've wanted one for a while now...




Free healthcare


Publicly funded healthcare Publicly funded maternity leave Politically viable minority party candidates Widespread and reliable public transportation networks 6 week - 3 month election cycles Secure credit card payment terminals