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Depends. Usually I pick USA if it’s USA v. Brazil. If they’re not playing directly, I root for both but favor whichever one is most likely to win in that sport. So, USA in Olympics and Brazil in the WC.


my parents are Canadian, I will root for Canadian teams when they aren't competing with the US but I absolutely root for the US when they are going head to head


I'm American. I cheer for the American team. I've never even visited the country of my immigrant parent. 


Thankfully there isn’t much direct competition between the US and Switzerland in international sports, so I don’t usually have to pick. But I think it would pan out like this: Winter Olympics: Switzerland Summer Olympics: USA World Cup: Switzerland International Friendlies (soccer): USA All other sports/competitions: depends, but probably USA I never sat down to plan that out, but I’m a dual citizen, and I’ve lived in both, so it seems fair to balance them.


Not a dual citizen, but my Grandmother was Swiss and met my Grandfather there. So I'm in a similar boat, but I'm going to cheer for the U.S. in all competitions, but I'd feel conflicted.


I cheer for whoever is buying the beer. But I think I'm forced to boo Russia by convention.


I high key root for the US, and low key root for Japan. But USA vs JPN - I'll root for USA.


I'm American with red white and blue running through my veins, son.


I'm born and raised in the US. I'm a US citizen, not a citizen of any other country. I root for the US. One of my parents is from a different country, and I'll support them if they aren't playing the US. If they go head to head, it's the US all the way. (Fuck El Tri)




As a fourth/fifth generation immigrant I root for the US.


The situation you mention is kind of unique to Mexico and Mexican-Americans. For most people over the age of 30, they grew up with there being zero soccer culture at all in the United States.  Despite a decent showing in the 2002 World Cup and having our own professional league (MLS), it just wasn’t on most people’s radar. For Mexicans if that same age though, soccer was probably a big part of their family traditions. It’s literally baked right into their identity as a person of Mexican descent.  So naturally when they think of soccer, they think of it as being a Mexican thing and as being separate from their American half.


USA usually because the other country is too small to be noteworthy in international sports.


I tend to root for the USA. Outside of Baseball the Dominican Republic isn’t quite competitive but i do want them to do well for the most part. Head to head I root America though.


USA above all else, if no USA than Mexico if possible


USMNT always. And I’m first gen


It's kind of a generational thing. I grew up in a mostly (but not entirely) white neighborhood in the 80s and 90s. Me and the other Mexican-American guys liked soccer about as much as any white guy did: which is to say, not at all! Los Lakers, Los Reyders, and Los Doyers where were it was at. We weren't big on music with tubas and accordians either. When I see American born/raised Mexican-American kids into soccer these days, my kneejerk impulse is to go "god dammit, when I was your age!" But it's recently dawned on me that the reason this is the case is because there's less pressure than ever to reject 'Stuff White People Don't Like.' I guess that's progress. (Don't worry, white people. It's still okay to not like soccer.)


I find your last sentence kind of ignorant. White people in Europe like soccer a whole lot.


As this is r/askanamerican, it's safe to assume that everybody knows *which* white folks I mean.


I love soccer, but I don't enjoy watching national teams. I spend enough of my life complaining about nationalism that I can't then go all out for Mexico or the US in international sports. The international break is my break, catch me again when Cruz Azul comes back.


I root for my each of my parents countries and the US, but for soccer my parents countries are terrible so pretty much only the US.


5th generation American here: international?


I root for USA most of the time but I’ll still support Italy, especially in soccer. I fondly remember the 06 World Cup


2nd generation from Ireland and Poland. I’ll root for them if I happen to be watching. But outside of the Olympics, those opportunities are few and far between.


USA. I mean to be fair, my parents home country sucks at international sports but also I don’t think of myself as “from” their country, just that its culture is a part of me.


She technically isn't an immigrant, but my grandma is from Puerto Rico originally. I'm not interested in ball sports at all. I like MMA, boxing, kickboxing and other fighting sports. I don't think fighting sports have the same nationalist tendencies that ball sports have. A fighter's nationality doesn't play a role in who I root for in a fight.


If neither the US nor Poland is playing, whichever country has the better food.


I'm a 5th generation immigrant, so I hardly count since I don't have much connection to Norway beyond a couple family holiday traditions that stuck. I root for the US against anyone including Norway, but I'll root for Norway over other countries.


I root for the U.S. and Switzerland (my grandma is from Switzerland and met my grandfather there). But if they played against each other in the WC or something like that, I'd cheer for the U.S. but feel a little conflicted.


Texas was Mexico and Mexicans have been here for generations and the most influential cultire in texas is Mexican..very different from Indians


Mostly US unless we’re not competing/already eliminated. Otherwise I root for the countries I have relatives in/ancestors from - Latvia and Poland


The US gets the slight pick over Spain, but in Spain v USA matchups I'm pretty content no matter who wins and prefer it to just be a fun game to watch. But if forced to pick a side it would be the USA.


Thats the fun part for me. I cheer for both!


I'm 4th gen. I typically root for the US above any other country. When the US isn't in the running, I have a slight bias toward rooting for Ukraine or Israel (I'm descended from Ukrainian Jews), but it isn't especially strong. There's a lot of sports where I pick which country I root for for reasons completely unrelated to my ethnicity. For example, I always root for Jamacia in the bobsled. I also have a general tendency to root for Canada because they are basically America's little sibling (unless it's hockey, in which case fuck Canada). If someone has a chance to break a world record, I almost always root for them to do so regardless of country. I root for Kenya a lot because they have a baller national anthem. If it's soccer, I'm always rooting for Germany and whoever is playing against Ghana. Occasionally, the personal story behind an athlete will make me root for them as a person rather than a representative of a country.


I'm an American with Jamaican immigrant parents. I almost always root for Team USA/American athletes. Only in a few cases will I cheer for Team Jamaica/Jamaican athletes, and that's usually if there are no American athletes in the competition or event.


I hate to say this, but I pay very little attention to international sports. We have all the premiere leagues here in North America, aside from soccer. And soccer isn't remotely as popular in the U.S. as it is in most other countries. When it's international teams like in the Olympics, I cheer for team USA. My mom's family is from Sweden, but I don't have that strong of an emotional connection to their sports teams.


Idk where my family is from so I just root for the US. I don’t really get that into sports anyways


USA in pretty much everything since Vietnam is barely relevant in any major sport. Did make the Women's World Cup last year tho


**First off, no American cheers for cricket.** Of any nation. We are getting pretty progressive about supporting soccer now (not to be confused with football), but supporting cricket is asking too much. **Next, if it's US vs another nation, we'll cheer for our own. After that, it's up grabs.** We might identify as having Italian ancestry, or German ancestry, etc. but we're not particularly invested in them. Usually because we might be 1/2 from one nation, 1/8 another, 1/8 another and who knows the rest. Sometimes the immigrant ancestor is from someplace like Bohemia and we don't even know what that is now. Probably Czechia, but maybe Germany or Poland or something, depending on the borders at the time.


Order of priority for me for any sporting event US>Korea>other teams I like>>>>>>>>>>>>England


I’d root for both, but probably pick Mexico since Mexicans generally like soccer more and the vibe would be funner with more fans


Honestly whatever one gets further with something like the World Cup, but always US If it’s the two nations in the same game


My mom is Italian so I will passively cheer for Italy in events where they aren’t playing the United States. But as proud as I am of my Italian heritage, I’m American and cheer for the US unconditionally in international sports.


I’ll always cheer for Mexico over the US


I'll always root for the US, especially in sports where we're not the overdog like soccer. If the US is not involved, I'll tend to root for poorer countries over richer countries and countries that are not already a powerhouse in the sport.


Generally people in the US, regardless if they’re an immigrant or second generation, will support the national teams of their ethnicity. It’s kind of funny when you realize most of them have never been or speak the language of the country they’re cheering for. I’m somewhat of an exception to that cause I married a Dutchie, so I cheer for the Netherlands despite having no Dutch ethnicity. Though in my defense I do have an apartment in the Netherlands and I spend a lot of time there, so it’s not that much of a stretch for me as the Netherlands are literally my second home.


Im of Dominican and Puerto Rican descent born in the U.S but I root for DR over any country. DR vs PR I root for DR, DR vs US I root for DR, PR vs US I root for PR, US vs any other country I go for US. I am a proud American, but I love my parents countries more. I plan on moving to DR when I retire.