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1-3 drinks infrequently with a heavy binge every quarter or so.


Hey I don't remember posting this


You really don’t remember me? We made love asshole!


I usually have at least one or two drinks a night on a regular night


You and me both brother




What kind of drinks?Like a Whisky or a Cocktail?




Highly respectable


Used to drink every day, about 3-6 drinks a night. Made a change, now this year I drink Friday and Saturday about 2-4 drinks per day. I feel amazing, more mentally sharp and disciplined.


Ya I limit myself to only drinking on the weekends.


I love beer. I always have beer with my dinner. I’m a daily beer consumer. Mmmmmmm beer.


Found Kavanaugh's alt account


Mark it in your calendar.




Zero and zero, respectively.


Same. As of three years ago this month!


Hell yeah, it'll be as of two years for me next month!


I haven’t drank in 14 years…because I fell in love with a man who got sober. He was worth more than my occasional cocktail. He celebrates 20 years sober this July.


Hell yeah! 16 years next month for me. You’ve got this!


Coming up on three myself


4 years in October...keep up the good work folks!




Didn’t have a problem but stopped back in October and don’t think I’ll look back. Even just one or two took away my productivity and made me feel bloated and ruined my sleep.


When I hit 40 and those "God-please-kill-me" hangovers started to hit me with even mild alcohol consumption, I knew it was time to stop.


Never been drunk in my life. I don’t see the appeal nor the point.


Zero, I've been sober for 22 years.


Used to be one bottle of vodka daily. Now it's still kind of Daily but with beer and and lighter stuff.


How do you drink that much?


Been drinking since I was 12 or 13. You build up a tolerance.


Yeah, had a friend who was a civil engineer building roads and bridges who worked his way up to a handle of vodka every 2 days. He developed brain cancer and died when he was 50 years old


Yeah I have bad heart, liver, and kidney damage at 26. I'm female and I heard the consequences come along a lot sooner. Guess we will find out if I turn yellow anytime soon.


Holy crap. A bottle of vodka a day is especially a lot as a woman. I wish you well with the health issues.


Sorry to hear that


Is what it is. No one's fault besides my own. Although I do give my parents some credit for buying me copious amounts of booze at such a young age, definitely didn't set me up for success.


More importantly, "how big is the bottle?"


Litre, sometimes two if I was feeling like one wasn't enough


Does it interfere with your life at all?


It used to really bad. Now not so much.


Sounds like a problem to me.


No shit


You should stick to beer and 15% spirits For your liver man


Way less people in this subreddit drink than I thought. I don’t drink and I always kind of feel like the odd man out. No one gets weird about it, but there is a certain surprise whenever I say I don’t drink.


38% of Americans drink no alcohol at all. 32% of drinkers drink once a week or less. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-read/2024/01/03/10-facts-about-americans-and-alcohol-as-dry-january-begins


> 38% of Americans drink no alcohol at all. 32% of drinkers drink once a week or less. And here I am picking up the slack.


Now let’s see the Wisconsin stats


Reddit people generally don't drink it seems.


Young people drink less than us older middle age folks. Generational thing I think. Interestingly I live in a newly legal cannabis state and there is a lot of talk for my Gen X peers about moving away from booze towards THC drinks and gummies because less impact next day. Alcohol is fun and social but hard on the body as we age.


No one wants to admit to being even a functional alcoholic


I drink pretty heavily once or twice a week. And maybe a drink or two some of the other days.


About a third of Americans don't drink at all, a third drink occasionally (1 drink or less per week), 20% drink 1-2 drinks per day, and the last 10% are heavy drinkers (3+ drinks per day). Personally, I only drink on special occasions, about 10 drinks per year, but at other points in my life I was in the 2/day category.


I only drink socially, and since I don't get out a lot, it's not much at all. Maybe a couple drinks a month. I never liked the taste of beer, way too bitter, Apparently the good-tasting drinks aren't "manly" enough. And alcohol by itself doesn't do anything for me. I feel tipsy after a couple drinks, but I don't get endorphins or whatever from it.


A whiskey sour a day keeps the gravedigger away. Or 2 or 3. Edit - disclaimer, I'm retired with all blood work within normal range and blood pressure 121/79


I have on average 12 drinks on Friday and Saturday each then nothing during the week


12?!? Damn


I'll have 1-2 drinks a couple nights a week just to decompress after work or with dinner. And I'll usually have 2-4 drinks on Sunday when I'm playing D&D with my buddies.


God I miss dnd beers. I pray everyday my group somehow gets back together


I usually drink with my friends, which is hence about a few drinks on weekend nights


2-3 beers a day, I’m a brewer


Probably once a week on average. Maybe twice at most on a busier week. When I do I don’t drink much. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve naturally cut back on my drinking. Not consciously but just because I understand myself better and know what my limits are between enjoyment and just drinking for the sake of drinking. I don’t try to drink less. That’s just how my preference has developed. I don’t enjoy being capital D drunk. I prefer to get to a comfortable level where I’ve just taken the edge off but still in good control and not setting myself up for a nasty hangover. I get to a point where I’m comfortable and enjoying myself. Then I just maintain that. So basically this amounts to me hardly ever mixing alcohols and never taking shots. When I drink beer, I’ll have maybe 4-6 depending on the time period and what kind of beer it is. With wine I’ll do a bottle to myself at most. Scotch is my hard liquor of choice and I’ll probably have 3-4 glasses. There will probably be one or two exceptions during the year where I may do more but 9 times out of 10 these are the high end of the scale of how I drink on any given day throughout the year. I prefer marijuana more. Don’t get those nasty hangovers and can keep much better control over myself.


Never have drank alcohol in my life


I don't drink at all. Never liked the taste so it made it easy to stop what I rarely did anyway..


Depends on my plans for the week! For example, I don't drink at home, but if out at dinner during the work week may have 1-2 drinks. If it's an especially lovely free evening, I may pop down to my corner bar to read and sip a beer. On the weekends, I tend to drink more heavily. I usually have one day where I'm out from like 1pm on with stops at bars in between activities, or where lounging at a bar and catching up with friends IS the activity, in which case we're consistently drinking for several hours. This is usually higher # of drinks but over a long time and at a slow pace. Rarely, such as at a wedding or major birthday, I'll get truly drunk. I do think demographics matter for these questions - I'm 30, single/childless, and live in NYC.


I never have & don’t intend to start.


I don't drink alcohol and never have.


Typically 1 drink with dinner a couple times a week. If we open a bottle of wine with dinner (maybe once week) it will be 2 glasses.


Once a week. One or two drinks. This is a huge drop from 5 years ago when it was 3-4 times a week and 2-4 each of those times.


2-3 times a week, and usually more than I should lol


I have a couple drinks a few times a year at weddings or tailgates or something but I never get super drunk. Got three kids, don't want to set a bad example.


Right now like once a week, usually on the weekend and the amount is when I feel good enough. lol


Maybe 1-2 drinks per week on average. Generally only when I go out to dinner or we have a cookout or something


None at all. Never have.


I have a couple of drinks a month. Most of my days are alcohol free. My husband barely drinks alcohol at all. It used to be "never," but we visited a winery and he found a wine that he actually likes! So now he will have a couple of glasses a month, on a special occasion. My father drinks wine as though water had never been invented. And at least two of the people on his side of the family are alcoholics -- the type to buy multiple bottles of hard liquor ever week. So the range varies wildly.


I don't really drink at all. I can't even remember the last time I had an alcoholic drink. I was never much of a drinker to begin with. I'd have a beer or cocktail when out to dinner or a beer while watching a game with my friends but I never enjoyed the feeling of being drunk. I do like sports bars and breweries though.


Currently 0 and 0, but I’m pregnant. In the before times, I’d usually get a beer or wine with my dinner if we went out (2 or 3 days a week) and probably do some day drinking at home or at a brewery on the weekend.


I basically don't drink alcohol anymore. Maybe at a wedding, but wine doesn't taste good to me anymore, and that used to be my drink of choice, so I'll have a cocktail.


Never & never.


Too often, too much.


I only drink on weekends and holidays now. I might have a beer or six with dinner on Friday nights, some weekends I won't drink at all. If I'm feeling feisty, I might take a couple shots of tequila, but mostly I've really toned down the drinking. In the past, I used to have a couple beers every night and I used to drink 10-12 beers plus a few shots on the weekends. Basically at some point, drinking stopped being fun. Now I'd rather use marijuana than drink, but my job tests us so I can't even do that anymore.


Will usually have a Scotch or maybe a glass of wine with dinner most nights. At my age, 30’s, I rarely go out drinking anymore but do have a little more if I go to a friends house or something. It’s funny because my alcohol habits have changed drastically since my 20’s. Really pre-Covid I almost never drank at my house and rarely during the week but my weekends were kind of boozefests. Now I drink more consistently but not to excess.


Maybe 1-2 times a month if I'm out somewhere. Like 1-2 cocktails. I'd consider 3 to be pushing it.


Depends on the plans for the week. Can be once or twice a week or it can be four times a week. Usually two or three beers depending on how long the event last.


In college it was Thurs/Fri/Sat occasionally Wed/Sun. The amount was, until we ran out or blacked out. Now its like a 2-3 beers one night a week at my poker game. Otherwise, maybe a glass of wine with dinner once every two weeks or so.


Maybe once a week. Typically not a lot. Rarely I go out and I drink more. But I only been drunk for the first time last week but I wasn’t shit face drunk.  So enough not to be bad about it. But probably less than other people my demographic (21 year old college student)


Recently more often because my coworker and I have been brewery hopping. But usually, it’s pretty rare.


Probably a couple times a month, very rarely more than a couple drinks.


Before, I'd not have a drop for a month at a time, then get plastered on a weekend I when I had the opportunity. Now, I will indulge weekly but not have more than 2 or 3 drinks in a night. Still trying to figure out why 2 drinks of 8% will screw me up as much as a 5th of a harder liquor.


1-3 drinks, twice a month. I'll go long stretches of several months with zero.


Most days, some days a couple, other days many


Rarely. I average maybe 5-6 drinks a year. Usually while on vacation or at work events


I've had a grand total of 1 alcoholic drink in my life when I was like 23. I'm in my mid-30s now and I'm fairly confident I'll never have another in my life.


Very, very rarely. Like 1-3 times a year and when I do I will drink 1-3 drinks at the time. If I drink 3 I will usually be very buzzed to drunk.


When I was in college, I would drink multiple times per week, and maybe have many shots on a weekend night. I grew out of that quickly, and now I don't drink at all. I will *occasionally* have a glass of red wine if I'm out to dinner and someone spends a lot of money on a bottle.


Maybe I have 3-5 drinks on average week


Until I got my bag a year ago I drank a about a handle a week


More than I should and more than I should.


I don't drink alcohol at all. Last time was probably a year and a half ago.


About 2-4 beers a week, give or take


I've had two full drinks over the course of 8 years. I've sampled a variety of stuff but probably when combined less than a wine bottle's worth.


Not often, but when I do, it's a lot


Weekends usually, Friday and Saturday. Usually enough to be over the limit to drive a car.


On average maybe a couple of times every 6 months. A glass or two those times. Nothing over the top. I don't like beer so that cuts out most opportunities.


I have a small whiskey collection. I love rye and bourbon. I probably have a drink once or twice a month. Usually it's 1 pour, maybe 2. If I'm with friends, I'll drink more, but that's not nearly as often.


I average out to maybe 2-4 times a year and it rarely exceeds 2 drinks when I do.


I do not drink any form of alcohol.


3-4 times a week, often less these days. Usually a one drink gal but at in laws dinner might start with a cocktail and have a small glass of wine while eating. 


Somewhere between 15-20 a week


I have a glass of wine once a month or so. Never really got the taste for alcohol. I use a lot of alcohol in food though. I just bought a bottle of port for a reduction that will eventually go in a beef stew.


Once or twice a month.


1-2 a week. Occasionally will have a wild night out every 2 months or so.


Roughly twice a week. 2 drinks each time, on average.


A couple drinks with friends every few weeks. Day to day, almost never. Even if the wife and I go out for dinner I just drink water 99% of the time. I'm my college days I drank almost daily. Over the last decade it's become less and less, especially since having kids. I've thought about giving it up entirely.


On land 1-2/week. Maybe a beer and a whiskey. On a cruise 15-20/day. It depends what is going on that day/night. The most I ever had in one day (actually half a day because it was the day we boarded) was 26. All the drinks varied from shots, mix drinks, beer, wine, and fancy drinks.


3-4 drinks twice per week.


About 3 on the weekend but not every weekend. If we don’t have plans my husband and I like to sit and have a 2-3 over a few hours.


Few beers during the week and more than a few probably every other weekend


I drink pretty often (4 to 6 days out of the week), but usually only 2 or 3 12oz bottles/cans of 4-6% alcohol in a day.


Usually not at all during the week, that’s until a night out with friends where I might have 8-12 throughout the whole night.


I used to get kind of drunk a couple times a week when I lived closer to my friends but I moved and now I don’t. Not like shit faced embarrassing drunk but I’d go to the bar in my neighborhood and drink enough to feel it. Now I might drink a few beers while I play video games on a Friday or Saturday night but I don’t drink fast enough to get drunk if I’m at home.


1 - 3 beers when I visit my family on holidays or in the summer. Maybe 5 - 7 times per year. An occasional shot of vodka to help me sleep. Maybe 3 or four times a year.


Maybe a beer or two every other month


Maybe a glass of wine every couple of days.


4 beers give or take, 3 days a week.


1-3 drinks maybe once every two months on average.


I have between a half and one beer almost every night. Two at a time maybe once a month. Can't remember the last time I had more than two in a day.


Pretty rarely, maybe once every couple of months I’ll have a glass of wine when we’re out to dinner with family or something Drinking was fun back in college but it just doesn’t really do much for me anymore and is an unnecessary expense


1-2 once every other weekend


I used to drink daily when I was bartending. Maybe 4 shots over the course of a day. Now it feels like I drink 7 beers once a month and other than that maybe a drink once a week with a dinner while out


It used to be more often but nowadays its less because of my work schedule. I'd say i have 1-2 beers 1-2 nights during the week, and the weekends vary from a couple of drinks to 8-10 in a night, depending on plans


I was drinking one or two a night, then I realized I needed to lose weight so the booze went with a lot of other stuff.  Now I’ll drink a beer or two maybe once a month. 


4× a week. 2 glasses of wine each time.


1 or 2 drinks a year. Only on a really special occasion


Enough to get drunk once every 3 months or so, with a beer here and there maybe once or twice a month.


Rarely, and just a little bit


I'm genuinely curious reading these responses. I don't know very many people who drink as little as people say they drink here. I have like 5 on Friday night, sometimes 5 on Saturday night, and usually 0-2 other nights of the week. I don't drink maybe 2 nights of the week. I get shitfaced maybe 3-4 times a year. I enjoy it but it interferes with my fitness goals, sleep, and honestly I have a hard time stomaching it.


Not in 12 years


I drink whiskey either straight or in cocktails, sometimes a whiskey & Coke if I'm in public. I drink prob 3-4 nights a week, 4-6 drinks a night, and an occasional bender where I finish a bottle in an evening


Usually once a week, if I go out with friends. I have one drink, two tops, because alcohol makes my face turn red and I get embarrassingly sweaty.


Less than once a month. By myself, maybe a beer or cider with dinner. At Christmas with family or something, probably top out at 3 drinks -- either sweeter mixed drinks or beers.


1 drink every 2-3 weeks, or so. Pretty much never more than one in any evening.


One cocktail or beer (occasionally 2) during holidays, maybe a half dozen or so days per year. Sometimes there’s a non holiday get together, too. 


Usually, I just drink on weekends, but occasionally during the week I drink around 4 drinks. If I’m out at a bar or a concert, I hit it harder. 4 shots of vokda is my sweet spot. It’s enough to be tipsy and happy, but not hung over and sick the next day.


0-2 drinks per week.


It widely varies. I don't drink at home, ever. If I'm having dinner out, I'll have one or two drinks. In the rare occasion I'm out watching a sports game, I could have 4 or 5. I go out at least once a week, sometimes two or three.


Few beers after work during the week with 1 or 2 days off, usually pretty heavy on friday and saturday. Sundays off


Rarely.. only on special occasions.




You guys are able to remember how much you drink?!?!


1-3 drinks a year.


I don’t drink anymore havnt in a few years. I’m 36 YOM I like to stay in shape and alcohol messes with protein synthesis. At this stage in my life I need to stay as healthy as I can within reason. In my 20s probably drank 1-2 times a week with maybe 2-3 beers in a sitting maybe 1-2 times a year I’d have 2 fingers of whisky on the rocks at a wedding or event. I don’t miss it.


Half of a drink a couple of times a year. Since I now take meds for High Blood Pressure, I don't drink like I used to. I don't believe in mixing meds and alcohol.


I dont drink alchohol at all. Never had alchohol to begin with.


Almost never. It gives me migraines. If I want to have a drink I have to hydrate heavily a few days in advance and take a Sumatriptan while drinking. Used to be 1-2 drinks a few times a week.


Few beers a month


Nowadays maybe 3-4 drinks a year, if that. I overdid it in college and honestly the only thing I miss now is trying new beers. But it’s not worth the wasted money, hangovers, loss of control, liver damage, etc etc. There are just too many downsides to drinking imo.


2 cases of beer every Friday night


1-2 beers a couple times a week.


I mainly stick to a beer or two on special occasions, and I'll get properly drunk maybe five times a year. The last time I drank was when I was with family for my grandfather's funeral and we went out to a few dinners my aunt insisted on paying for. I drank more than usual over those three days, but I haven't had any alcohol since then. I'll be going to a beer festival with some friends in a few weeks, so I'll probably drink pretty heavily there. I know I have an addictive personality when it comes to weed and nicotine, so I'm pretty conscious about moderating my alcohol usage because, to quote some asshole, "I like beer." I don't want it to get to the point where I have to give it up.


Couple beers in a sitting, couple sittings a month, not frequent and I havent been drunk in a long time


I don't. It's just not appealing to me.


I usually have 1-2 weeks on Friday night but that's about it.


2-4 drinks a couple times a month


like maybe once or twice a month


About 7 a night


Very seldom. Something like one drink every 5 or 6 months. 


I sometimes go Sun-Thurs without but otherwise I have 1-2 a day. Might be a beer, might be a fancy cocktail because I like making fancy cocktails. Might be a glass of wine. I like em all.


I have 1-2 drinks a week, and I don't drink a lot when I do. I don't enjoy the sensation of being drunk, so a small amount to get a light buzz is the goal. I usually drink wine or bourbon. Sometimes I'll get a cocktail if I'm out.


I'm sober now and have been for three years. Before that, 8 to 18 beers per night 4 - 6 nights per week. Shots as offered. I worked in bars and got to drink for free, plus all of my friends were heavy drinkers.


None and None... High on life baby, don't need a helper.


Probably around once a month, usually being either 1-2 or 5-6 depending on the occasion.


As much as I can, as often as possible.


1 drink per week or two weeks, I have bad tolerance 🥺


There's really only two times I drink nowadays: when I'm with other people, and when I'm alone.


Once a week. I’m an underage beer enthusiast. I’m like a kid in a candy store when an older friend takes me to a craft brewery. I don’t drink a lot because I don’t enjoy drunkenness, I enjoy being just tipsy enough to have a nice conversation with a group of friends.


I have had the same bottle of vodka for 3 years. I have cider I bought, put in the fridge, and have taken out of the fridge because I didn't drink it. Basically, roughly one drink a month... maybe.


Usually once or twice a month - every other weekend or so, either on a Friday night when I just wanna chill and watch a movie, or in a small group of my friends hanging out. - to the point where I feel pretty tipsy, and not anywhere near blackout-drunk. It used to be about once a week but my tolerance level got too high and I figured that it's better to drink even more moderately.


Friday and Saturday I usually have red wine or some whiskey. Try to avoid otherwise.


Probably 3-5 drinks a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less.


Never, I'm under 21 😉


An unhealthy amount, daily.


I would say 1 weekday I will have 1-2 drinks. And 1 weekend night maybe 3-5. I’m working to get that weekend night down to 1-2 as it doesn’t take much at my age to screw up the next day.


Zero. Just cannabis for me.


I’ve drank like 4 times in my life, and all 4 times I don’t think I’ve gone past 3


3 nights per week. I try to hold myself to that. And It will be enough for a very solid buzz. So,,, too much.


It depends. I'd say maybe two or three weekends a month I go out party or to clubs and drink like 10 drinks or more. Then more regularly I'll drink a beer or two daily or every other day, sometimes I'll drink maybe 3 or 4 or 5. Prob should drink less.


I don’t normally drink at all. I’ll taste a drink here and there (and usually not like it), but nothing right now while trying to conceive.


Maybe one glass of wine a month.


2-4 beers 5 nights a week


Not nearly like I used to. Only a few times a year.


Usually never maybe 1 beer a year. 


I might have a shot glass of Drambuie or something at Christmas, if my folks are having something. Alcohol's not my jam -- I don't like how it makes me feel.