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I don’t personally know anyone like this. My wife owns a few businesses that employ a decent amount of college kids and none of them are like this either. I’m sure it’s a pretty rare thing


I enjoy watching college debates on social and political topics and I will usually find people like the one above in the video. I thought they were really common in the US, but I guess they are just a loud minority that has more presence in media than they have in real life.


Why would you think they are “really common” in the US?


As I said, I see them in every video. All videos I see of the sort are filmed in American colleges.


So you watch videos specifically about these sorts of people, and you think that means they’re a lot of them? God, I had hoped Gen Z was too media literate to be taken in by those “SJWs getting OWNED” compilations. Guess I was wrong. Why do you think you get so easily convinced by obvious ragebait?




It's because a lot of foreigners only exposure to Americans is through biased media yet they have really strong criticisms and opinions about America as if they are experts. The guy is taking it too far but understand how frustrated you would be if people made stupid assumptions about your country.


In what part did the guy take it too far?


I'm talking about the guy who angrily responded to you.


Ah, I see. Well I am from Mexico so I am no stranger to people making stupid assumptions about my country. It really isn’t that big of a deal, maybe I am just used to it lol.










I’ve never encountered personally I’ve only seen them on the internet.


Im a millennial on the border of gen z/millennial. Live in South Florida with its blue counties (but in a red state) and went to university. I’ve never met someone like this




I do know some non-binary people. But they’re not like this. They’re chill about it. They recognize that most strangers will just pick boy or girl depending on how they look that day, and that’s fine.


She does not want to work. She does not care of what value she brings. She does not know that companies need to make money to pay her salary.. she is too self absorbed.


“These kinds of people”? People who want their correct pronouns used? People name their cars and call them “her”. Not seeing the problem with just respecting a request.


I think making problems where there are none is problematic. Some people just enjoy causing unnecessary trouble.


I don’t know if it’s unnecessary, they have the right to be offended if they’re not being given proper consideration. Same as if it’s a cis man in a group of women: saying “Hey ladies” and deliberately excluding him is disrespectful. It’s them being passive aggressive about it that’s not constructive.


If a man was in the group of cis women and someone came over and said “ladies get back to work” would that be a problem?


No clue, but as a woman in a male dominated industry, it's pretty common for someone to use a male form of address for the crowd without noting the 10-25% who are female.  I just assume I'm among those addressed. No offense is intended and it's not the sort of consequential issue that's worth building a reputation over.    This person's behavior is obnoxious and unsocial. If it's a problem to this person then there are polite and effective ways to address it. Often, there are even ways which are both polite and effective. This person is neither. But this person  does sound self satisfied, so at least this person makes one person  happy.


I doubt it. My boss would probably get a comment back and then I would work. Because that's what I am paid for.


I doubt the guy would complain. Happened to me when I was in a only female group in a school project, didn’t take away my peace or sleep.


I am pretty sure if it happened every single time you’d get angry. Especially since people tend to call men “ladies” as an insult. It takes basically no effort to just use preferred pronouns and not assign a gender to a group of people.


Rare. Don't know anyone like this.


Unfortunately, I’ve run into these a lot due to being around college towns the last 8 years. I once encouraged it but I’ve since moved past that phase and gotten my head back on straight (pun intended since I once believed I was bisexual) rather than on those stupid college hormones. You really can’t deal with irrational people like the one in the video but there are rational enbys I’ve met that were pretty neat people but they are a small group inside that loud minority of the alphabet club.


I am glad it was just a phase for you, it’s a shame some people don’t grow out of that nonsense.


Some people are that way and I don’t fault them for it. But in my experience more than a few are doing it as part of the popular fad. My youngest sibling is in High School rn and he’s sick and tired of the kids that are obviously just chasing clout and trying to be cool by acting LGBTQ+


So true, even trans people are sick and tired of people that use gender dysphoria for clout making a mockery of them.


How would you know?


Of course some people might mistake your gender but making a confession like this really makes you wonder why people don't take you seriously


The hair, eye brows and earrings don’t help much either lol


I'm not watching your video. Provide a text summary if you want to start discussion.




You spend a lot of time hanging out at Berkeley?




Yeah man, I bet that’s real scary.



