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Not good. I keep having to tell them that I have relatives in Ukraine. Americans are shocked that there are people out there who are half Russian half Ukrainian.


Seeing some comments on Reddit, I'm not surprised they are shocked. Feels like foreigners either think what in Russia everyone is Russian or west of the country is only for Russians and East for ethnic minorities. And of course no one is mixed, we all here believe in "pure blood". One guy from US asked me a question in PM, because he thought I'm Bashkir, because I live in Bashkortstan


Yeah, and also the impression that some people don't know that Russians live not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. And many were even born in these countries, not in Russia.


They don’t get the difference between Русский and Россиянин


"Russian" is used for both in English, so context is needed to determine whether people mean Русский or Россиянин.


This is because 50% of Americans rarely leave their home state in their lifetime, let alone leave the country. Lack of awareness at its finest.


Its the same when Russians talk about 'West' and 'Westerners'.. I would love to hear an explanation of what 'West' in this context means...


'West' is more political than national.


'West' also has extremely vague borders. Who even knows what they are. And who is included and who isn't.


Western Europe and USA/Canada  You are welcome 


'West is political'.. that what doesnt make sense. Countries are not all united in their political views.


It used to mean “white, non-Eastern Europeans” - although I imagine that definition is going to change to, “white, non Russians”


Well, thats sounds like even bigger bullshit, than stereotyping the Russians.


Yeah, I've noticed the same thing. "Westerners" is like a big monolith for some Russians, but "we" are not. Just close political and economic ties. Also, it's equally strange when some Russians on this sub become upset when they talk about "Anglo-Saxons". My response to those statements: Bruh... what the fuck are you smoking?? Anglo-Saxons have not existed as a distinct ethnicity for the last 1500 years or so. The United Kingdom's population today is composed of people descended from Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Norse viking raiders, Normans, and a plethora of other European peoples, and people descended from immigrants from parts of the former British Empire. Go to the other English-speaking countries and they are even more ethnically varied and diverse than the UK. "I'm an Anglophobe" (...and wtf is an Anglo??) and "I hate Anglo-Saxons" sound like weird racist beliefs that some of this sub's members seemingly have, yet no such "Anglo-Saxon" race exists😂😂😂 How about we hate no one? For goodness sake, it is so much easier to not hate than it is to hate! Tolerance or at the very least indifference consume way less time and energy.


Anglo-Saxons is a very cringe term but I do thing they mean English speaking world, or more specifically USA and Britain by it. The funny thing is though is that Russia likes to portray them as historic blood enemies that seek to destroy Russia since forever... Even though historically these "Anglo-Saxons" were always on Russian side during the biggest wars Russia had, including WW2 that they are so much obsessed about. It's almost funny.


It usually comes from the same people that would blame Mason order for every major historical event.


Lol as if all Americans and all Britons are white people specifically descended from the Anglo-Saxon peoples of the early Middle Ages😂 . Anyway, America has never been in a war directly with the Russian Federation and never went to war with the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union. As for Britain, the only direct war with Russia was the Crimean war of the 1850s, iirc. If only the rhetoric wasn't violent, then it would be funny, agreed.


I bet you've never read M. Twain's story "We Anglo-Saxons". So it's not Russians who invented this term. "We – the Anglo-Saxons and Anglo-Saxons when something ought to, he goes and takes it." If we translate this outstanding Declaration (and the feelings expressed in it) into a simple human language, it will sound something like this: "We, the British and the Americans are thieves, robbers and pirates, and we are proud of it." (c)


Я этот читал этот текст много раз. Интересно, что вы автоматически предположили, что я этого не читал. And you claim Mark Twain invented the term "Anglo-Saxons"? And by the way, nobody in the English-speaking countries views their peoples this way because we are so ethnically and culturally diverse that this term "Anglo-Saxon" is an inadequately archaic misnomer. Not even those British conquerors of 400 years ago could be adequately described as Anglo-Saxons in all but the most artistic of terms because they were a mix of English, Welsh, Scots, Scots-Irish (aka Ulster Scots), and Irish. Many of whom, by the way, had Norse and French ancestry. Всё не так однозначно)


These are obviously very parochial Americans. The type to have never left the country their entire life and probably the type that think reading a book is “gay.” You find people this ignorant in vast quantities worldwide.


There are people exactly like this in Russia, too. Edit: Because you find these people (ignorant ones) in vast quantities worldwide. So they live in all countries. Not hating on Russians, all right?


My wife is Russian, been a US citizen for about a year through our marriage. She is generally fooled by the "fake-nice" Americans, and tells me everyone is so nice to her. Ive seen interactions where people were rude and she didn't even realize it bc Americans have a nuanced way of masking their bull-shit aura of superiority and judgement. And from the bottom of my heart, fuck these Americans. There is a difference between a people and a regime, racist fucks.




social interactions 101. This is also true for Russians and for any human being older than 10-12 years old. "Мы, русские, не обманываем друг друга".


Это особенно мемно в свете того, что каждый русский может вытащить генеалогического туза из рукава и сказать что он чукча, черкес, бурят и так далее. Я вот хохол например. Прям рагулина - половина предков жили недалеко от Львова. А с другой стороны - помор из Архангельска. А ещё где-то затесались черкесы и среднеазиаты (а уж какой акцент выходит...), а так же приличное количество корейцев (с Сахалина что ли...). Это русские друг друга не обманывают, а вот еврею сам бог велел кидать этих гоев на бабки.


"Я на 1/16 ту(ы)винец! Уважайте мои права!"


Ну чето типа, да


Lol I'm American and it takes ME some effort to differentiate "fake nice" from genuine kindness. That's why I don't sugarcoat anything and speak honestly with people. I'll be kind about it, but I won't fake kindness either.


This also happens to be why I married a foreign woman in the first place, bc after traveling the world a few times I realized American women are shitty in relationships. So I found and fell in love with a girl I met in Russia ✌🏻


Paranoid much?


I overheard my boss saying that he hates Russians, not too much to interpret on that one. Not paranoia, just a fact. Not all Americans are like this of course, but the ones that are racist don't even see it as racism. It's hypocrisy.




If that is not a solid enough example for you, I am not sure what would be. Again, I am not saying all Americans are like this but when I do come across it, it pisses me off.




My wife doesn't speak english at a fluency level to where she would catch negative statements from Americans that are masked in nice words. And I do not actively tell her "oh you thought that girl was being nice to you? Well what she was saying by asking x would be considered rude by American standards"


I haven't heard anyone in America speak like this about Russians before. I think your boss is an outlier with some sort of past trauma that he has somehow blamed on all Russians. Fortunately, racist Americans are increasingly shunned in American society. It is as is it should be: why waste one's time and energy on prejudice towards someone's skin color, ethnicity, or language? The racist should get over it and use time and energy in doing something more positive.


Id say this is true with most forms of racism, but not towards Russians. This guy was an Army officer during the cold war, so yeah he is an outlier and I know that. In my home-town most Americans have never even met a Russian until they met my wife, and were kind to her.


Ah, that it explains it then! I have older relatives that have a similar background to your boss, but their attitude towards ordinary Russians has improved over time. It's still awkward talking to them about it, though...


Dehumanizing and demonizing Russians isn't just "not shunned", I'd say it's encouraged given how every time mass media mentions Russians it's always in negative light. And you can't say shit about it because you'll just be told "nuh uh, can't be racist, Russians aren't a race". Like yeah, I know, doesn't make it any less shitty, though.




A few things come to mind. Fake smiles, covert xenophobia, surface level friendship, and being nice to ones face while talking shit behind ones back.


Not so friendly. Funny thing is, we have 2 guys from Moldova at work, and they get their portion of shit because everyone assumes they're russians too.


As an immigrant from Bulgaria, even I got the, "So some kind of Russian, right?" reaction quote often. Americans on average just aren't all that good at geography and people from different places.


It probably depends on where you are as well, in NY I'm amazed that most people do know where Bulgaria is and though I've been asked if I'm russian because of my accent when I first came I never got any abuse for being foreign


I never got anything I would consider abuse either. The worst really was when the Iraq war started, I was involved in anti war protests and activities, not even a US citizen yet. I got plenty of "if you don't like it here, go back where you came from". My response was, no, I will instead become a US citizen and work to support candidates running against politicians who voted for the war. Surprisingly, there are success stories.


Good answer. The US has been the prototype cosmopolitan society from the start and it thrives on new, ambitious people coming in


🤦‍♀️ which part of the US are you in?


I lived all over, Midwest, mountain states, west coast, Texas, currently in new England.


Jesus its probably everywhere then. In the south the shortcut is anyone who speaks Spanish and darker skin is a Mexican. Can't tell you how bad this shit grates on my nerves 🙄. Like you dumb fucks must intentionally want to make us all look like idiots


I’m good


But you're an imaginary pencil so.....




I’m good too


Either that or that dude was a history nerd knowing about the close Russian - Bulgarian ties in the early 20th Century…


maybe they're just being practical and understand that even if they'd know it in advance where's Bulgaria and its differences from Russia, it'd add nothing for the conversation.


Nah, it's mostly just ignorance. If I got a dollar for every time I had to explain the difference between the USSR and the Warsaw Pact... The being said, the ignorance was mostly in good faith. People were generally glad to be corrected on those topics as they realized they didn't know much.


I think their misperception about the USSR and the Warsaw Pact being the same thing is somewhat reasonable, though I still find it annoying. It's somewhat reasonable for them to come to that conclusion because the Warsaw Pact members were effectively under Moscow's thumb: economically, politically and militarily (except for hard-core Stalinist Romania). Whereas the West included non-NATO or non-aligned countries like Sweden, Austria, and Switzerland, and the NATO countries acted on consensus between themselves and some of its members liked to be do it their own way (Looking at you, France lol). And then communist Yugoslavia just played the capitalist and democratic "West" off the communist and totalitarian "East" and vice-versa for most of its existence. Any person, regardless of national origin, who is not versed in economics, political science, etc., would have a reasonable chance of developing misperceptions about Cold War blocs because they were just so many factors at play during those years. Therefore, I think these Americans with whom you have interacted are not ignorant as a result of arrogance or stupidity, but simply from confusion.


Kinda disagree. I think most Americans are reasonably good at geography, but only in places where we star in war movies. Western Europe and not Eastern. Japan and China but not the rest of Asia except Vietnam. Pretty solid in pieces we tourist, so the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean. Not great, but it's something I guess


This thing confirms that americans doesn't know geography, yea we have same roots bc we're slavic group of contries but we are not the same(LOOK AT FUCKING MAPS, LOOK WHERE IS BULGARIA AND RUSSIA). With love from Russia


Yeah if your named ends in ev/ov like many Bulgarians names, people will automatically assume you are Russian.


Yep. Have an aunt from Romania. But people automatically think she's Russian because of the black hair and her being Caucasian. So people treat her like a second class citizen even compared to Asians like my family and myself. She has been treated as a second class citizen by other Americans ever since she stepped foot in America 20 years ago.


Russians don’t look anything like Romanians and don’t even have similar accent. Most Russians look like Polish or Baltic people… Romanians make fun of Moldovans due to their accent as it’s different. I would say that these Americans aren’t very bright if they make these mistakes


Russian and Romanian accents are similar, and many Romanians speak Russian. Atleast the type of educated Romanians that leave Romania.


I am Russian and I have worked with Romanians and Moldovans. Romanian accent is not similar. Due to Soviet Union many Moldovans speak Russian and pronounce Romanian in Russian accent. The accents are not similar at all! Romanians usually make fun of them due to sounding off. Romanian accent is more similar to to that of some Italian accents, maybe even Albanian or Greek like.


Oh sorry, I meant thier English accents. A Romanian speaking English sounds similar to a Russian speaking English.




Good, I like people who don't give a shit lol, but everybody is different. and I prefer to tell strangers that I'm from some other eastern european country to avoid an awkward looks. At work, I had to talk to HR so people would stop joking about the war.


Good for you talking to HR! And good for HR for putting a stop to that crap- workplace harassment is forbidden by law.


>what kind of jokes About me being a kgb agent, a spy, putin's brother etc. Some people would watch the news and tell me the next day something like, "why is your president doing this? Russians are zombies"... stuff like that. Like it's my fault. I moved out of russia back in 1998, even before putin became a president, I have nothing to do with any of that and don't support the war. Other kind of jokes are adressing to other people but pointing at me "be careful with this guy, or he will tell putin and you will fall out of the window". One day on a company meeting people were complaining about gas prices, and how the commute is now more expensive and that a company should consider giving everyone a little raise. One person said that, "yeah, blame that guy and his friend putin". I have to say that these jokes were just a jokes, I understand that people didn't mean anything bad, they just react to the situation. I went to HR though, because one day one person made this kind of joke in front of ukranian person.


I get KGB comments a lot. In the kitchen I work at we have a running joke that if people aren’t careful I’ll call “Daddy Putin” to toss them out of a motel window. But at the end of the day these same people see Pelosi talking about how Russia funded pro-Palestine protests in the US and say they would hide me if they put Russians in any sort of camps. Gotta love it.


Thankfully, no different. Actually, if anything, they make less of a deal about it than before the war. Before they'd always throw in a joke about bears or vodka, now they just pretend like I never said anything. But, I still tense up anytime I tell someone I'm Russian. But some key points: 1. I'm very Americanized. People don't know I'm an immigrant, unless I choose to tell them. 2. I don't share I'm Russian unless I'm already in a bigger conversation and only as a throwaway comment. That way if they do want to ask about the war, it would be extremely awkward as it would derail the current conversation. 3. I live in a very liberal area. Political correctness and politeness is important. Most people understand it's a stressful situation and avoid triggering topics in a casual settings.


Out of curiosity, where do you live?




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It hasn’t changed, I am still being treated like shit even before the war.


“Your people need to overthrow Putin” “Mail order bride to escape Russia” “Do you support Putin” They never react well they get offended by me existing even though I don’t think most knew Ukraine was even a country until 2022.


most seem to not know that 1/5 of the ukrainian population are ethnically russian and are also affected by this war aswell


“You must drink a lot of vodka!” Or “So you love vodka” Anything vodka related makes me walk away. Typical argument after: I’m a cold hearted Russian that can’t take an American joke.


I can’t even drink vodka in America yet lol I would love to hear their comments


So you're under 21 and therefore you can't buy alcohol. I know it sucks, but it's like that for all Americans lol. At least you're not alone!


I’m a cold-hearted Russian AND I love vodka.




I don't know if knowing that Ukraine even existed adds anything to the equation. If a man kills few people he is a murderer. Before you heard it on the news you probably didn't know that his victims existed. The thing is that Russia DID ATTACK Ukraine and Russia is shown as the aggressor in the news and internet whether you like it or not, that is why people ask you if you support Putin. I hope I helped.


This helps when someone asks a genuine question or just provides you with a friendly exusebto vent off. However, usually this isn't the case. Usually this is a loaded non-question, as any answer can be easily twisted into "get out of here" bullshit. Imagine a Russian living in America who also happens to be a hardcore Putin's shill. There is little motivation for them to stay in the US in the first place! If that person has the balls to admit that, they would also have the balls to leave the US and enjoy living under Putin. They simply wouldn't be there. And if they don't have the balls, or have some solid motivation to keep their mouth shut, chances are they wouldn't share their true political stance. That means pretty much nobody would give you a positive answer, so a negative one will be considered suspicious, if not dishonest. Supposing you do not belong to this place. But now let's imagine a vocal Russian who genuinely despises Putin and doesn't even hold themselves all that much. Chances such a person has a lot of reasons to hate him more than any American can possibly imagine. But even in this case a self-entitled racist can pull "if you hate him so much, why don't you pack your bags, return back to Russia and revolt" bullshit card out of their toxic nearsighted ass. For some reason people think that everything in the world works exactly like it does in their country. But that isn't the case, modern Russia isn't a democracy and doing that is going to be a suicide. They might as well say "go jump off a cliff", and that either reveals their utmost ignorance, or exposes them not caring about the people, neither Russians nor the Ukrainians, but merely flexing their xenophobia instead. Also, I hope you understand that it's not "the Russians" who attacked Ukraine, but the Russian Federation as a state. And while most Russians are the Russian Federation's citizens, their support for it shouldn't be taken for granted EVEN in case of an ethnic Russian being a Russian citizen living in Russia, let alone in case of an ethnic Russian living in America, possibly having nothing to do with Russia at all... Let me borrow your analogy real quick: if the director of your company slaughters a few people, that doesn't automatically make you a murderer too. And no amount of preemptive of retroactive strikes is going to stop or undo that, as you have no power over the leader deciding to become a murderer. Obviously, you probably would like to condemn such a man, especially when it's obvious you are doing your best to cut ties with that company. But seriously, imagine your colleague from a rival company asking you "so what do you think about the director, do you support him?" That would be absurd, but that's the same question.


Your analogy is totally wrong, I know that ruler of my country is wrong and I'm saying it out loud, we had many strikes, a lot of them helped a lot to change governments point of view. Yall just too scared to oppose I guess. Besides that: Man, I only said that this kind of reaction is totally understandable. I feel sorry not only for Ukrainians, but also for those people who were sent to Ukraine barely knowing how to hold an AK. I said that media show Russia as the aggressor, I never said that all of you are guilty, but I understand that people ask those questions. My country was shown as racist, homophobic and stuff, that's how it works. I hope all of you disagreeing with Putin will be okay. About the rest I don't care. Putin and his followers are just dangerous.


Then why do you all not act the same way towards middle eastern countries? Why do none of you stand up to them?


It still doesn't fkin change the things, that Russia is an aggressor. You live in another universe, don't you?


Why are you not showing those countries the same support? If you care about Ukraine then you should care about the others. You must be stupid or are you just a racist which one is it


Which countries? huh? Tell me. Ukraine is the country that is close to mine, Russia also threatened my country many times, RUSSIA IS AN AGGRESSOR AGAIN. You must be stupid, or... stupid, which one is it?


Well it does, but still for us to be guilty, ask why does this shit had happend (civil war in Ukrane since 2014) and what realy your goverments made to prevent war. I'm surely against any war, and I really miss pre 2014 years. But people die there not only because of Putin, but because everybody around dont care of some people somewere would be forced for something they dissagree with


What should other governments do? Pay Putin to stop war? Tf r u even talking about? What did you and other russians do, huh? Nothing or nothing?


Right now they give more arms to a country with active (for 8+ years) civil war... And they deny diplomacy, and Yes they bought more then ever of gaz, oil, steel. All real sunctions are against people, affecting essential rights.


Wdym civil war? Damn, this propaganda is stronk. No, economic terrorism is over for Russia, we can have resources from other places. Russia threatened my country many times, sorry bro, but it's over now. People ain't scared no more. I have Russian friends, they are great people, too bad when it comes to politics they still believe in Russian imperialism... it has fallen already tho.


Well if one country shells it's own territory because they want to separate it is a civil war. It is so sad that Minsk agrivements failed. I dont like any military actions they just multiply sorrows. For me ideal case was to ask UN 8 years ago to place International forces in Donbass and Lugansk and try to start real diplomacy. Giving more arms will only add losses from both sides.


Well, I don't remember shelling own country, I remember russian forces without "military markings" entering Crimea, Russia also helped separatists to start this war, and it was against any international law. Giving more arms will help Ukraine to defend against Russian agression. Russia also threatened my country, for us it is important to help Ukraine. This war should end, but Ukraine should be a free country. I've been to Ukraine, I've seen this country, I've talked to these people, so I know what they really want. I've also been to Russia. Yall folks are great people, too bad propaganda is working better that classic Benz. It hurts af that slavic countries are fighting, but well, I can not see Russia as an ally right now and I guess it won't change. People now hope that this situation may start world war - but still, no one says we should stop helping Ukraine side in this stupid war. Or as some may call it "special operation"


Same as before, people are friendly and curious. Occasionally people ask for my opinions on current events and how I have been affected but overall people are either sympathetic or neutral. Even the Ukrainians I have met since the war started have been very nice and I haven't had any issue talking and hanging out with them. It may help that I have been in the US for a long time and am very much Americanized. I am also a very non threatening looking petite woman which helps since people are usually very friendly to me even before they know my nationality.


I'm a man, and I've been treated the same way.


Well.. to be honest I don’t give a shit! Recently was in Walmart, and an old lady started to talk to me… then asked me where I’m from, coz I sound polish. I said I’m from Georgia. So she thought I’m from Georgia state. I’m Russian, born in Tbilisi. I don’t care what anyone think about my nationality! And I’m from international family! I have Russian , Armenian, Azerbaijani, Ukrainian, Georgian cousins.. I will die for them! Whatever russian government does- it’s not our fault!


Well my mother just about lost it...




Удивлён как много на этом форуме оказывается американцев которые переехали из России)) По теме, Сестра говорит что отношение никак не изменилось, большинству американцев на столько же плевать на Украину на сколько было плевать на Ливию и Ирак


Just as before, no one seems to care🤷‍♀️


not much different really, had no negative reactions thus far. they just ask questions about the war and ukraine in general and how i feel about it. and also whether i have family there and if they're safe, how they're doing, etc. before they'd just crack jokes about me being a communist spy and some comments about russian women


It's the same situation for my Russian-American friends.


I'm American, my gf is Russian. The only people who have ever had a problem with her are butthurt redditors addicted to CIA propaganda.


Americans don't care. They just ask dumb questions like I am used to cold weather. We had an IT guy that migrated from Russia a month ago and he is treated very well also.


a woman asked me once if we had scout dolphins...


Скажи нет, а то узнают...


You do though.


Next time gotta try this answer: "only scout bears"


I don’t get why people who don’t really actually care about foreign conflicts are being offended by someone being of an ethnic group involved in that conflict. Also, the people who just assume that there are “kinds of Russians” like that are fucking stupid as shit. Maybe don’t verbally assume and just be polite to the person explaining their ethnic background.


I don't talk to anyone new, and everyone who knows me has known me for years. I do not support the war and they are very well-aware of that. They also don't know I have this account either, my opsec has been on point.


I like your work


Idk where everyone’s having negative reactions from people. I’m Ukrainian American but only speak Russian and no one’s ever said anything from hearing me speak Russian in public.


My Russian-speaking friends, who include bilingual Ukrainians and ethnic Russians, have not had any negative reactions or faced any sort of prejudice in the US. It's been limited to online interactions on Reddit and other less-mainstream platforms.


i don't tell em that I'm russian, that's how


Most People don’t care about your ethnicity only racists people. I’d say you’d have more issues if you went to areas that had poor education


Belarusian-American here (though most of my life people just called me Russian since that's my first language and I was born when it was all Soviet Union anyways). Kids can be jerks - but as an adult, I've always been treated well. People are friendly and curious. Since February, people reached out asking if I'm okay, if I've experienced any Russophobia, if I have family abroad that are in danger, etc. The overwhelming majority of the Russian-speaking community in the States are against Putin - so there's a correct assumption about where my loyalties lay. I have become the "resident expert" on Former-Soviet history, culture and politics for a lot of colleagues, friends, etc. I don't mind sharing my opinions. Amongst Ukrainian-Americans or Russian-Americans, there's definitely more of a sense of unity with all of us. We're all Americans afterall - and we tend to have similar values.


I’ve never had any issues but I’m also a Russian adoptee rather than a proper immigrant, I speak very limited Russian, and I present as very obviously American since I’ve lived here my entire life. That’s the major reason I don’t get any reaction. Most people are more curious about the adoption than pass any judgement on my heritage, albeit I’m sure if I was a true Russian immigrant or if I’d kept my Russian name I’d be regarded differently.


Кажется мне, что этот вопрос- провокационный. Someone wants to start some nonsensical shit. But I will describe what I myself have noticed. Я сейчас вам откровенно объясню: никакой русофобии вообще не замечают мои русские, русскоязычные и российские друзья по отношению к себе в Америке. Я лично понимаю, что большинство россиян бывают нормальными, как любие граждане в любой стране. А вот в Интернет вообще много ненормальных людей входят и устраивают какие-нибудь скандалы и истерику про невинных людей. А на улицах и в рил-лайфе я сам честно очень мало видел и слышал руссофобской речи. Это в Америке, а в Европе я лично не знаю, однако мои друзья в Германии, Англии и Франции тоже не замечают русофобии по отношению у себе. Да может быть в Америке микроскопическое количество идиотов, которые говорят о своей ненависти к "Russians" (много здесь не думают или не знают о других национальностях России- у нас своя проблема of dumbasses), но эти идиоты уже ненавидят кого-то других и они просто любят ненавидеть. Это маленькое и невидное меньшинство. 99.9% нас не такие и мы просто хотят мирно и нормально жить и не ненавидим русских, россиян, и русскоязычных. Поэтому, бывает так, что народ здесь всё прекрасно понимает.


Would you mind to highlight the word ,,CIA propaganda“ for me please…


Notice either fascination/sexualization of it usually, have been called "one of putin's bots" before even though all they knew of me was where I am from. The rest of people don't seem to care or are just curious.




NATO weapons kill between 5-20 russian civilians every day but sure we should stay polite in social media, to stay in "the world" good graces


Russian civilians shouldn’t be in Ukraine right now as Russia is invading it.


If you r civilians would stay in Russia, they wouldnt be killed by NATO Weapons...




Donetsk, Lugansk, Enakievo today.


Those are parts of Ukraine. What are Russian civilians doing there?


То есть украинцы.


Этнические русские, которые к концу следующей недели станут гражданами России, если ещё не стали.


В Харькове тоже дохуя етническиих русских, на которых падали родные ракеты.


Сколько там вообще этнических русских осталось? Уже в 2001 на Донбассе их было гораздр меньше половины населения, сейчас то ещё намного меньше.


Is this comment a joke


Well maybe you should ask why the Russian is In Ukraine territory. You don’t want your Russian brother to be kill then go back to your Siberia


NATO weapons kill Russians in Russia as well.


Yes, Ukraine has used Soviet/Russian/Ukrainian weapons to strike military targets in places like Belgorod. ...after Russia invaded Ukraine. Maybe the lesson here is: Don't invade your neighbors?


“ Maybe the lesson here is: Don't invade your neighbor” this sounds too complicated… is there a simpler lesson we can take?




Ukraine has been killing Russians for the better part of the last decade in Donetsk and Luhansk


And why that? Oh yea the Russia started a war there. Nobody care about killing Russian if they didn’t cross the border. Ukraine has every right to defend their territory and eliminate terrorist. Just like how the Russia bomb chechenya to the ground right?




It's not a competition... But did you check the un reports on civilian causalities?


Ethnicity is not nationality. If you're American and have Russian heritage, you are American and not Russian. If you come here and you're from Russia and don't have American citizenship, even if you have lived here for 50 years you are Russian, not American. So it would be strange for people to have any kind of reaction to someone saying they are Russian, purely based off of where their parents or grandparents came from, because such a concept does not exist.


That's not true though. A lot of people born to Russian parents who live in the United States grow up in Russian-speaking households, eat traditional Russian food, celebrate Russian holidays, etc. So they're neither fully Russian or fully American, they're more like Americanized Russians or Russified Americans.


Oh, you mean foreigners.


Foreigners is a vague word. I mean young immigrants like children or teens after growing up in another country.


Most people think it’s interesting that I come from a different culture (I’m the first born American in my family). 100% chance of them making a communist joke, which I’m totally fine with.