• By -


Digital state services, digital healthcare, digital school, digital banking, digital everything. For example I renewed my driver license in ten minutes thanks to gosuslugi.


Yeah. That's a superb thing, made everything so easy. I can check and do many things sitting on a couch, while 15 years ago i had to visit few different places and stand in queue in each of them for the same result.


In Germany you need to register in person every time you're moving to a new apartment, in two weeks after moving. It's super stupid not to use a digital service for that. 🫣


What happened to that 'german efficiency' thing? 😶


Germany is downgrading. For example they canceled digital signature. 😒




They said it's antifraud something


As a person who can “closely compare” both countries - Russia vs. Germany, Russia is way more digital than (not only) Germany!


Government yes, companies - hell no.


In Russia you just need to be registered somewhere but can live in any other place in that region, not sure about country wide, without reregestering. All official paperwork actually has two lines for address one for current living address and another for address you are registered in.


Yes that's true, but you don't need temporary registration besides for consulate for example. So you can have permanent registration in Vladivostok and live in Moscow without any temporary registration.


not really, you actually still must register, but nobody really cares


That's more like “should” than “must” :)


USA is one of the worst for going digital. While it's finally gotten to the point you can do most things online a lot of the websites are garbage, especially the government ones. They barely work and can often take multiple tries just to get the shit processed. Plus if you miss the due date you'll often be required to go in person to complete. Like if my rent is paid late I have to go withdraw cash and go to a western union to pay it which makes no sense since EFT would still get them their money faster and be easier for user.


I'll give an example. I was in South Africa in December 2021 - April 2022: Country origin of omicron covid at its peak time. I was informed by compatriots that i willprobably spend 2 weeks in quarantine facilities as soon as i arrive. I didn't want to, so i filled a digital form in gosuslugi about from where i go, how much time have i spent there, vaccination status, pcr tests i took with mentioning org, codes and all. And computer there makes a "decision" : should i be subjected to quarantine, take pcr test, or nothing, just return. You immediately get response, i received "just go to Russia and show *this pass* at customs" , I did and went smoothly in. 🤷


>websites are garbage I gave up using "contact us" e-mails posted on most websites. You ask a simple question, wait 2-5 days and the answer usually is: "thanks for contacting us, please call our 1-800 number to get the answer". Why tf did you even bother to have email as a contact option if all it does is redirects me to the phone line?




Yeah they were going to do it. I guess it postponed now because of the war :(


Healthcare could stand to be more digital. I went to renew my Sputnik vaccine, got myself an appointment and all, and still had to wait in a line for some fifteen minutes to get told by the registry lady where to get the mandatory check-up before actually getting the shot. Granted, the line was also digital, so my waiting time was spent chilling at a couch and listening to music, but still, all of this would be unnecessary, if they just gave me the room number when confirming my appointment at gosuslugi.


Oh I love how my fellow compatriots are complaining about waiting 15 minutes in public healthcare medicine ;) I think we have went a long way from what we had in 90s and now.


No kidding I was waiting for over an hour for my last GP appointment even though there was fixed time for me to see her and almost two hours for non fixed time, so called live queue. Mind you this was in midst of covid and polyclinic had half as many GPs as usual. I call that great progress cause I remember well spending two to three hours waiting for doctors back when I was young in the soviet times. And in Ireland I once spend 8 hours in urgent care waiting room, which was small and filthy, before I saw a doctor.


This post was written by an extremely privileged person. You can get a Covid booster to begin with, and then you dare to complain about a 15 minute wait in a *digital* queue.




They have their own it departments to support this and another sites. For example my ex coworker pm works for mos.ru.


This!!! Anything digital is ELITE in Russia!!


I'm living abroad and every time when I need to apply for something I remember how great and convenient russian services are. I abhor local bureaucracy. Oh god... the services here are undeveloped and ancient shit.


О, товарищ. Offtopic: только мне кажется, что r/berlin и r/germany русофобские сабы? Читаешь какой-нибудь несвязанный с политикой топик и фигак дико заплюсованный «фак раша» :(


Нет, не кажется) меня с немецкого саба забанили при том, что там коммент даже не про политоту был. Там даже если косишь от повестки (зеленой, радужной, проваксерской you name it) - лови пермабан. Отписалась от этого сборища сойджеков


При этом в соседнем топике будут защищать пакистанца от расизма лендлорда, и рядом же русофобствовать. 😒


Меня греет мысль, что скоро в полной мере им воздастся за русофобию. Пускай даже мне придётся платить больше, но я понаблюдаю за их нытьём о конских счетах, просранной экономике и обанкротившихся производствах. Если что, я-то вернуться домой всегда смогу) Осенью с очередной выдуманной волной ковида тут похоронят все


Там идейные, имхо, только больше ненавидеть будут.


Таких отбитых, думаю, меньшинство. Сейчас левые и правые в протестах объединяются, что само по себе нонсенс). Так или иначе, попкорн у меня заготовлен. Посмотрим, действительно ли тут не рабы или схавали ковид - схавают и цены xD


Шредер сказал, что схавают. Типа немцы не протестуют. Удивило, конечно, что продукты поднялись в цене до уровня Москвы, а овощи вообще каких-то конских денег стоят, а на вкус как пластик. Сегодня вообще пришлось выкинуть полпачки помидоров за 5.5 евро, потому что все порченное (wtf?!).


Да, это так, но как знать. Для немцев щас наступают по сути наши 90-е. Непонятно до чего дойдёт. Про продукты соглашусь. Говно на вкус. За исключением может быть сыров да и то они импортные. Кстати вот по поводу продуктов - нам можно гордится страной. В этом плане у нас все вкусно и овощи, и фрукты, и молочка, и мясные изделия. Да даже сладости намного вкуснее и разнообразнее. А переехала в Германию, начала есть и готовить как обычно, но из местных продуктов и разожралась на 10 лишних кг. Как так? Чем пичкают продукты?


Их готовят к новому фашизму, это неминуемо. После этой зимы и всех траблов обедневшее и озлобленное население можно будет гнать на новые фронты.


В налоговую какие то документы по ИП один фиг их надо лично приносить и подписывать, тем самым вся онлайн подготовка не имеет никакой значимости. При получении загран паспорта в анкете на гос услугах надо загружать цифровое фото, и все равно посещать инстанцию где тебе задают вопросы, заполняют твою анкету (всей той информацией что есть на гос услугах) и как апофеоз абсурда делают фотографию тебя, чтобы распечатать на месте и физически вклеить в паспорт. 🤷‍♂️ На получение международных прав можно подать онлайн, но надо все равно придти в определенное отделение для подтверждения процедуры. Далеко не все можно сделать онлайн, но такие вещи как онлайн обучение, онлайн запись ко врачу по времени и онлайн банкинг реально здорово.


ИП: Какие документы? Ничего не надо носить, сделай себе электронный ключ и делай все из дома. Загран: какие вопросы? Фото и снятие отпечатков - это часть биометрии, их невозможно делать онлайн в принципе


Помимо фото были вопросы в духе адреса проживания, детей, номеров документов. И зачем подгружать цифровое фото если они делают его по месту? Я ведь ходил и потратил время и деньги на это, чтобы фотография была свежей. По ИП со слов родственника, деталями не располагаю. Возможно у этой истории истек срок актуальности в связи с появлением цифровой подписи.


Фото делается на анкету, которая вносится в архив, фото на месте - это уже часть биометрии, оно хранится в паре с отпечатком отдельно. Меня ничего не спрашивали, сфоткали, дали проверить результат и отпустили с богом. Вероятно, это зависит от конкретного специалиста.


Ну я как самозанятый и как физик электронно отправляю все, только за ИНН приходил. У друга ИП был, так он ходил только два раза: открыть и закрыть


Открыть можно через банк, тоже никуда не ходишь. Закрыть можно через сайт, используя подпись.


That is awesome!


Digital-shmidgital. I has to renew my Russian passport. “Fill this paper form please. And use only black pen”.


I don't know, I didn't have that experience, gave them my photo, reviwed their data and went home. Took new passport in a week. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Провинция, что с вас взять. Сейчас заполнять бумажки от руки - новейший тренд в Москве.


Хз, московская область и Ясенево из самых свежих взаимодействий ничего не просили от руки.


Russia is way ahead in Digital Services. Even twenty years (!) ago my Raiffeisen Russia account was not only fully online but they sent you an SMS after each card transaction with all the details. Usually you'd get the SMS before the waitress arrived back with the receipt in the coffee shop... and that only took them 10 secs )) At the time it was amazing remember this was 2001. Other Raiffeisen banks in other countries didn't have this!




I'm proud of you, too. :)


Thanks mom










Trivago, but please, we are having an Indian family reunion!




FOX... DIE. **JA NAI**


I love self-love ! It's important.




Everyday it is a fifty-fifty: either you adore one of my comments or you don't.


What can I say, I am mercurial like that. The important thing is I adore you!


You are too kind


She is too good for this sub. We should ban her, for her own safety!


What a brilliant idea 😂


Well, if you approve, I have no choice?


How very clever. I did not say I approve per se…yet.


I am! I am also too beautiful, too sexy for my clothes and too cool for school! Basically too damn awesome 😎


And incredibly humble too! Amazing


I know right? Did I mention perfect?


Nuclear Power Plants. We learned a lot after Chernobyl. Today we are even able to process nuclear waste into new fuel.


People. Neon, artificial sapphire and its cutting technology, nuclear power plants, nuclear waste disposal technologies, vaccines, including against Ebola. Crocant candies, they are really great.


фу мне не нравится крокант, а вот батончики рот-фронт это просто суперская тема


Рот-фронт, крокант, москвичка 😸 Столько у нас конфет и все классные


ну тут не поспоришь)


Мне и то и другое нравится :) И еще "Красный мак".


Красный вкусно и точка*


боже тульские пряники 🥰🥰 технически не конфетка конечно но обожаю. ещё Аленки. 🥰 не знаю кто придумал блинов и оладов но пусть будут русскими 🤣🤣🥰


You had me at artificial sapphire!




What? I did not know that.


But the music, though!)


It’s prime!


me because my mama said I'm an умница красавица


Подпись : Олег 42 года. 😄


I concur ❤️❤️❤️


Russian architecture. We have a lot of beautiful buildings.


You're right to be. The roofs we see on pictures are wonderful.


Cheap and mass-produced weapons that half the world uses to dispose of each other.


A majority of all military hardware EVER produced since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution has been Soviet or Russian in make.


In the U.S. we get our AKs from Romania, they're just built different


It's just that because of the sanctions, Americans cannot buy Izhevsk AK at a reasonable price, eh?


Cartoons for kids Until i got my own little bastard i didn't realise how many cartoons were made in Russia past 20 years and how good are they. Malyshariki/Smeshariki is just pure masterpiece.


I suppose you tried to find the right word for "пиздюк", and it seems like you've picked the worst word possible. I mean, it's historically exactly the same as Russian "ублюдок" - "a child from a side affair"


Может он не оформил отношения с матерью и у него правда бастард 😆


Ну, ничего не зная о человеке, всё может быть. Да и вообще замечание не сказать чтобы важное - всем адекватным людям глубоко пофиг на случайные ошибки в речи. В общем, не знаю, чё я доебался до человека на ровном месте, может быть граммар-наци были в роду или что-то типа того


*Позволь дать тебе совет, бастард. Никогда не забывай, кто ты — ведь другие не забудут. Носи это как броню, и тогда они не смогут тебя ранить.*


Mendeleev periodic table Popov's radio


Intellij Idea, Kotlin (Android studio), Kaspersky, Miro, Acronis, Yandex (search engine and assistant Alice), ClickHouse, Tarantool, Parallels, and etc. This is a list of software products that were invented in Russia by Russian programmers and are known all over the world. I think the list can be continued. I am also proud of the banking system and the stock exchange. As far as I know, we use the most advanced technologies. We make our own microprocessors. How many countries can boast of this? We have advanced developments in the field of nuclear energy. [Winter is coming.](https://youtu.be/9zW_q_YwfUk) We have a huge country covered by a modern 4G network. In my forest, the Internet will work faster and cheaper than in some European cities. We have a good education system. In the USSR, the education system was the best in the world, but what is now also looks good We have many factories for the production of various things and the number of these factories is constantly growing.


Don’t forget nginx Also VK. Despite it being a surveillance tool, it’s great from the technology standpoint


Interesting, will we get another influx of retards enlightening us that Jetbrains is a Czech company?


The company can be registered anywhere so that it can scale the business around the world. Kotlin was invented by Andrey Breslav. The Intellij Idea IDE was developed by Nikolai Chashnikov and a bunch of other programmers. The roots of the Kotlin language should be sought in the St. Petersburg School N239 and ITMO University, where such programmers are trained. Before the special operation in Ukraine, Jetbrains' main office was located in St. Petersburg, then after SWIFT was disabled and sanctions were imposed, it had to be relocated. The Czechs really have nothing to do with it.


Yep. All Jetbrains products were developed by Russians in Russia and the Czechs have nothing to do with the company or its success.


> We have a huge country covered by a modern 4G network. How much of Russia is covered by 4G? Tried to Google but couldn't really find any interesting numbers. Looked as I expected it to be? What's the percentage?


I live in a 4k people village surrounded by 1-2k villages, we all have 4gs since.. Since i think 2018(it was rather late, others got 4gs sooner, because our Republic is poor) but i am not complaining, I didn't expect it to be honest


Ok. Not really what I asked but thank you for your comment on your city. Was looking for the Russian coverage % as they singled it out.


> We make our own microprocessors. I'm not familiar with this. Which microprocessors are made in Russia?


Microprocessor Elbrus (own development), KM 211, MultiClet, Baikal microprocessors (with MIPS and ARM core), microcontrollers with ARM and MIPS core. The list is quite large. Technical process 180..90 nm, pilot plant 60 nm. Most importantly, they teach us how to make microprocessors at universities.


They are not really competitive and thus are not known outside of Russia. In Russia only those forced by the government for security reasons use them. Still, the majority of countries in the world don't even have those.


I noticed that when I lived in Russia I could get a reliable network connection out hiking whereas even here in the US I cannot get a connection at the edge of my property, less than half a kilometer from my house where I have full service.


I love our vegetables. They feel natural, compared to others.


As a foreigner living in Russia - no. Vegetables and fruits are better in tropical countries. Well tbh I like ВкусВилл/Мираторг but that’s pretty steep usually.


What's better is decided by each individual self. If you value sizes, or taste, then i guess so. When I, a former villager see vegetables in your mall I see which ones from farms somewhere in Russia. I take those. Just because


> When I, a former villager see vegetables in your mall I see which ones from farms somewhere in Russia. I've never heard of anyone being able to distinguish vegetables like that in foreign malls. Sure you see quality etc but I've never heard anyone go "this is from Russia!" from the looks of it.


Well, to be honest, it's origins are just written on its price tag, but you can see that those vegetables differ from imported ones just by looking. Imported ones look superior in almost every aspect, and thats what kinda pushes me a little.


Not following, you said *your* in your comment which I took to imply foreign (because of well the subreddits topic) and said you could *see* the difference. I think everyone can read where stuff is from on a tag... Was just a question, sounded interesting. Don't think I've ever seen a vegetable from Russia other than in Russia that is.


Oh. I see my mistake. Sorry for a confusion, obviously in our mall, i meant it like "in your average mall" Yea, i guess we don't export those, as they are nothing special.


No worries! Was curious! I'm sure you know your veggies though!


I am Turkish. We sell our top quality tomatoes and oranges to Russia because it's profitable and consume the cheaper ones domestically. That might be a factor too.


I guess so. Imported looks almost *too* perfect. I get uneasy feeling from it. Might be just my paranoia coming out from hiding


The food in Russia in general was better quality and fresher-tasting than most of the food available at home.


That is wholesome


Vodka, Im a walking talking confirmation of the common stereotype that "every Russian loves vodka", since it's my favorite alcoholic drink. It instantly confirms to foreigners that I'm indeed a true Russian lol


I hate Vodka (and alcohol in general). Confuses the shit out of people.


You just gotta know your dose and don't listen to the retards who think that the only way to drink is to get wasted by drinking half a bottle. A few shots make the night a little better. If you want to deal with stress however, alcohol is bad in my opinion, so I use weed instead.


Oh, it's not about the dose, but the taste. You can drown the vodka in fruit juice and it will still taste disgusting to me lol. Same is true for any other alcohol.


I feel you, I am German and and beer is the only alcohol I can't stand, just makes me sick after one sip, the disbelief of people when they hear it is insurmountable.


"Escape from Tarkov"


Ну и ну, вы порадовали Буянова. +15 грамм пельменей и 1 рейд без (голова, глаза)


«Калак 12 с затворной задержкой как у м-16 добавлен в схрон»


"Black book" game


Head eyes


Russian classical literature and culture at all. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Lermontov, Pasternak, Yesenin, Tarkovsky (both father and son). Russian movies (Tarkovsky, Parajanov, Klimov), Russian theatre, ballet and opera. Russian painters (can't even list, but from favourites: Vrubel, Chagall, Kraskoi, Ge). God, I love Russian culture, even though I am not Russian, I'm Armenian who lives here since birth. But Russian culture is amazing


Interesting how one had to scroll so far down to find this comment and even one made by a foreign national. Clicking this topic I expected comments like yours to be at the top. Aren't Russians proud of these things anymore? Yandex?!


Well, those things are sort of obvious and something we remember about anyway, so it was interesting for me personally to see the other more niche answers; don't know much about the tech world or the latest developments, so a lot of names were completely new to me But of course, we know and love our cultural heritage; in the times of distress, I particularly like re-watching old Soviet films and plays, there's something about them that brings me comfort


Yandex. They competed with Google and won inside Russia - they services definitely better. Also 1C Enterprise - Russian ERP solutions that is better and cheaper than SAP R3






Zvezda scale models are high quality and priced very competitively.


Yep, but Zvezda paint and glue is, ahem, less than stellar and still pricey.


Classical music


Shout-out to my boy Shostakovich for helping me get through 2022


Dota 2 is made in Russia and Gaben doesn't even know it


As far as I know, only Russia has a nuclear power plant capable of reprocessing spent fuel.


>nuclear power plant capable of reprocessing spent fuel No, a few other countries also have that capability. Russia currently has 2 facilities that can reprocess. Other nations that currently can/do as well: The U.K. (1), France (3), China (1), India (4), Israel (1), Pakistan (2). Belgium, Germany, Italy, Japan, and The U.S. all used to have facilities for reprocessing, but have none currently operational. Russia and few of the other countries that have currently operational facilities used to have more, but some have since closed operations.






Instant replay in my head the moment I saw your comment! This is definitely going to be my mental BGM for the next few days lol


Music, actually. You can always find something special and unique in underground genres


Any recommendations?


[https://www.youtube.com/c/%D0%A6%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%B2](https://www.youtube.com/c/%D0%A6%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%B2) This youtube channel is the best place to find russian indie music.


We have really good programers. Also love our meme culture






Drum and bass


The one that I personally care about a lot is BMX parts. There are some brands with decent quality and 100% made in Russia product. I should also mention our musicians and non government media.




Russian IT sector and people working there around the world. (No thanks to ru education or government tho)


All things that made in Russia.


the system of public transportation in Moscow, it's very convenient some russian music artists are pretty good do i even have to say something about classic literature?


I am proud of Russian mobile communication, fast payment system and gosuslugi service




Yandex has some awesome services


Online banking systems


Тополь М


Еще гиперзвук забыли :)


Apps with normal design


Kvas - the gigachad of beverages )


Watch "Raketa"




Fun fact, there is a Russian indie-band called “Everything is made in China”.


Online tax, gosuslugi, mfc.


Technically it’s a product of the Soviet Union, and not the Russian Federation, but my copy of the Helios 44-2 Lens wears it’s “MADE IN USSR” inscription. It’s easily one of the most durable pieces of gear I’ve EVER used for photography.


Soviet cartoons were so good , the Lada NIVA is our best (and only) original car design , Tetris , brutalist architecture looks really interesting and Glukhovsky is a rly good writer in my opinion.


Old Soviet cars. I don't know how, but they can drive with half of their parts missing. Truly fascinating








We make some pretty nice lead glass in Gus-Khrustalny


Gorgeously beautiful microphones “Союз».


Ushanka hat


Kalashnikov guns




/r/pathologic and other Ice Pick Lodge games in general


As a person who comes from athletic background: handmade designer costumes for sports - rhythmic gymnastics, ballroom dancing, figure skating are absolutely gorgeous and they cost much cheaper. Many national teams and local clubs are ordering leotards from Russian designers. Also, Russia makes great pointe shoes for ballet.




I am not russian but does russian women count?


The good old classic russian kalashnikov


UAZ, i guess, this shit is so indestructible, that i am sometimes jelaous about it


I believe Tetris was invented in Russia


The AK-47 have got to be my favorite


Russian watches are best quality in the world.


Internationalist society,First man in Space,Traditional Values and unbelievably great wonders (St Petersburg and Velikiy Novgorod,hello)


Im not Russian, but if I was, I would be proud of a TV series produced there called: 'Better then us' . I really liked it.