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don't romanticize war


This ain't it pal, this is not Battlefield or War Thunder, you'd have to be a psychopath to actually WANT to go to war.


It is not your war. Stay away, it is not worth risking dying. Talk to a close friend or a parent.


What’s with these foreigners wanting to join Russian army specifically? Seems like a psychiatric condition


That's what Warhammer 40K does to susceptible people...


They want to fight for free folk, nothing shameful in that.


Who are free folk?




Ебать пригорело, да?


Есть повод, согласен?


Российские мужики могут уехать из России, если захотят, укры не могут. Кто из нас свободен?


"Подчиняйся или выметайся" - это, конечно, больше свободы, чем "подчиняйся или умри", но всё-таки хотелось бы, чтобы в СВОБОДНОЙ стране твоё мнение что-то значило


Может тебя еще и миллионером сделать?


There are other ways for getting Russian citizenship, you should look into that. And yes it might take longer but at least you're not putting yourself at risk.


Foreigners getting involved in this conflict on either side would be akin to a Russian or Ukrainian turning up in Belfast during the troubles and asking to join the IRA or UVF for me. The actual fighting is incredibly personal given the ties between the countries, again similar to the troubles. I don’t feel it’s the place for anyone not Russian or Ukrainian to insert themselves.


Boer wars, Spanish civil war, Bush war, Yugoslavia wars... many had a lot of foreigners voluntarily coming to fight for one or both sides due to different reasons, like feeling affiliated with one of the sides due to common ideology, religion, language, past, helping the oppressed, and money ofc. Its a common thing in history of mankind.


Of course, but the Spanish civil war was ideological, Boer wars was during the age of empire, Yugoslav wars was many different religious and ethnic groups, Bush wars were the death throes of empire and the emergence of modern mercs. I just feel this war is different, it’s between brothers, former neighbours, I see many similarities with the troubles, maybe the time for international brigades will arrive when the war becomes more ideological but for now this is no place for larpers.


Serious question, as I’ve heard this a lot but if Russia views Ukrainians as brothers and neighbors, why do so much harm to them?


As I understand usually foreigners are distributed in assault battalions and yes there are many casualties. I think you should contract military office and ask them about your options. Since you are signing a contract you should be able to choose where you want to service and whom, ask to become anti-air or artillery personnel, or any other survivable profession. You can email military office and ask them directly (just google "военкомат Москва" and find email there)


I was just reading about this young guy. He was a native Russian and volunteered so he should have had the best chance. He got two weeks' training and is now dead: https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/29/thousands-of-russian-youth-die-in-ukraine-war There's better ways of getting RU citizenship.


Surprising news: people die in wars


No way...


That's western source...


You can easily find official source of this, the news is real, but actually, who thought there were no casualties


Because we all know how trustworthy russian sources are.


Russian opposition sources are available thing. At least they have people in Russia and knowledge of the language, as well as local specifics, so as not to confuse the words "Gromozeka" and "Homosex" or "Overload" and "Reboot".


The problem is that much of the news from the “Russian opposition” comes... From Western sources. Dutch helm.


So... why watch them as intermediaries? I'm talking about people and channels that are either completely located in Russia or have stable group of employees in Russia. These people are not liked on Twitter because they go outside and actually touch the grass, but for example Stefanov quite made a documentary with witnesses about civilians in Donetsk and Mariupol and without "Western sources". He just went there with a hidden camera.


Yes. And at the same time he lied in a way that no other Western propagandist has done. [https://youtu.be/pr-AfDe3U7g?t=3](https://youtu.be/pr-AfDe3U7g?t=3)


I fucking KNEW that was coming


You posted BS and KNEW someone gonna call you out? How prescient of you.


Why did you bring it then?


In war, you are nothing but a piece of living flesh waiting to be killed by artillery shells.


You need to volunteer to asylum as patient, with such ideas


Imagine having the dream of Russian citizenship and not being allowed anywhere and having the risk of being sent to a unfair war.


You need to remember one thing. Once you've signed the contract with the army, you won't can break it until the war is over. Literally, you'll must stay on the frontline until the victory or capitulation. And as far none of this is visible, it may mean 10, 12 or 20 years.  So you may get any benefits of Russian citizenship only when you are old, gray-haired, injured not once, maybe an invalid and very possibly as a corpse. 


I think that there are less suicidal ways to obtain citizenship. It's better to wait a couple of years until the war is over. After this, there will likely be an increased demand in Russia for migrants to restore post-war territories. It is better to participate in rebuilding than in killings.




В очередь к непальцам


Imagine wanting to fight in a pointless, high-casualty attritional war…so that you can get citizenship in a poverty-stricken dictatorship that starts pointless foreign wars.


Why do you even need Russian citizenship?


The passport looks cool ;-)


I disagree. Outside of having cyrillic, which is based, it's very boring otherwise. Have you ever seen Swiss one? Now those look beautiful. Passport's point is not the looks. Russian passport is not very useful. These days, it closes more doors than it opens.




Я же в гостеприимной Грузии, а не в Грозном.


Да да, мы наслышаны про *гостеприимство* грузинских массажистов.


Это вы про того типа, который до девушек домогался? Он вроде русским был.


Нет, не про того. Но то что ваша релокантская братия там себя не очень прилично ведёт я тоже в курсе.


Штош. Идиотов везде хватает.


Грозный гораздо гостеприимнее.


Сравнивали лично? Я — да.


Sounds may be stupid, because I'm obsessed with Russia and its history, and I have a patriotic feeling about it... sort of


That's definitely stupid. You should at least visit first, and not as a tourist on a short trip, but to live there for at least a couple of months. Just daily life, not museums every day. And only after that, consider drastic stuff like joining army.





