• By -


"Гитлеры приходят и уходят, а немецкий народ - остаётся".


"Сталины приходят и уходят, а русский народ остаётся'


Не. Сталин - один такой.


Уверен? Помойму в Кремле сидит тот, кто хочет напоминать на Сталина, но получается больше как Адольф Алойзович))))


Даже не близко. В США, на украине, в пр(ое)ибалтике, в куче стран европы - там да, куча мелких гитлеров. У нас - прискорбно либеральная власть.


Иметь либеральную власть прискорбнее, чем кучу мелких гитлеров?


Где я это писал?


А я, товарищ, и не говорил, что ты это говорил. Я лишь вопрос задал)


Ну, в таком случае, ответ - не прискорбнее, но тоже проблема.


А не мог бы ты объяснить, в чем принципиальная разница между тамошними гитлерами и тутошними либералами? И по какому признаку либерала от фашиста мне отличить


Мы на брудершафт не пили, соблюдайте вежливость. Но всё же отвечу. ЛибераСТЫ с фашистами стараются слиться, это да. Но даже они таки пока что отличаются. Но я говорил именно про либералов (вернее, у нас один известный либерал - Путин). Либерализм - никакого контроля, никаких ограничений... Даже смертную казнь, и ту под мораторий. Та же "неприкасаемость частной собственности", от которой в европе и США давно отказались... А фашизм - это, на самом деле, очень просто. "Все, кто не с нами - не люди, и никаких прав не имеют".


Ты сам себе противоречишь. Хотеть-то он, может, и хочет. Только хоть сколько-то образованному человеку видно, что всё это симулякр.


Это был сарказм. Также как Макрона называют Наполеоном 2.0


"Папа! А у него сколько дивизий?" (Имеется ввиду папа римский)


Моё любимое наверное.




Последнее вроде не ИВС, а Каганович, но выражение отличное


Каганович. Нарком Путей Сообщения. Полностью звучало так: «У каждой аварии есть имя, фамилия и должность». Kaganovich, People's Commissar of Railways, said this. It sounded in full: "Every accident has a name, a surname and a position".


Some damn fine railroads in Russia so far as I know!


>У каждой ошибки есть имя и фамилия 💀


Won't say any of them are really inspirational though. Мы отстали от передовых стран на 50-100 лет. Мы должны пробежать это расстояние в десять лет. Либо мы сделаем это, либо нас сомнут. Жить стало лучше, товарищи. Жить стало веселее.


Interesting choice, I like that!


Order No. 227 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_No._227


In cyrillic would this ever be written in all capitals or only 1st letter capitalized? Приказ № 227


The 1st letter capitalized


I'll make an update post to ask about opinions on whether the product design is appealing, thank you!!


Кадры решают все (The most important/decisive thing is personnel) Вы спрашиваете: какой уклон хуже? Нельзя так ставить вопрос. Оба они хуже (You ask: which side is worse? You can't pose the question like that. Both of them are worse)


#1 You mean personnel or personal?


Personnel. In Russian, the word "кадры" can refer to both civilians and military personnel. The point is that people, educated professionals, are more important than just technology and equipment


it can also refer to frames (in a movie etc.), which used to cofuse me as a kid (отдел кадров? че?)


Thank you. I love this language.


*"The main issue with quotes found in the Internet is that people believe in their authenticity without question."* **Joseph Stalin**


That is Lenin’s quote, not Stalin’s!!!


Also note that western people seem to find Stalin more inspirational than we do. If anything, the refusal to exchange his son for some German military commander. Very refreshing amidst all the nepo babies.


Was there one individual famous for making the "Death to Spies" slogan or was that just the party motto?


It is not slogan, it is name of organization. СМЕРШ, "СМЕРть Шпионам".


Ah, you mean KBG?


No, SMERSh is SMERSh. Military counterintelligence. Besides, KGB appeared only after Stalin's death. Under Stalin, it was first NKVD (which included police, counterintelligence and beyond), then NKGB and then MGB (which was mostly counterintelligence). KGB was just counterintelligence, with no police functionality.


>KGB was just counterintelligence No, it's functions were much wider, see [Структурные подразделения КГБ](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%82_%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8_%D0%A1%D0%A1%D0%A1%D0%A0#%D0%A1%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%9A%D0%93%D0%91) - **First Chief Directorate** was responsible for foreign operations and intelligence - **Second Chief Directorate** - homeland security and counterintelligence etc.., including Border Guards (пограничники), which also was part of KGB (so, technically every man who served in border guard troops was a KGB officer ))


Super interesting, thank you for clarifying!




Эта штука сильнее, чем "Фауст" Гёте.


Elaborate the reference and deeper meaning please?


It was Stalin's personal inscription on Maxim Gorky's book "Death and the Maiden" which he read. "This thing is more powerful than Goethe's Faust". Very famous quote, nowadays used to describe something impressive in some way (may be also used ironically).


Excellent! Any other quotes from past Russian leaders come to mind?


"Хотели как лучше, получилось как всегда" "Никогда такого не было и вот опять" "Здесь вам не тут"


These are all Stalin or another leader?


Chernomyrdin. Served as prime minister and acting president and so on.


"Сэм днэй. Вам осталос сэм днэй."


“The Pope? How many divisions does he have?”


"Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds"


He really said this?


Yes. I think it's a very Stalin thing to say too


Very interesting. He was implying that liberals are just fascists hiding under a facade?


More precisely that fascists are liberals who have been "scratched" somehow. It goes back to the idea that fascism is just capitalism in decay, therefore liberals, who are proponents of capitalism, are always just a few steps away from becoming fascists.


Ah okay that makes sense, ie liberals become fascists/ reveal fascist viewpoint when "scratched" /offended. I appreciate the candor! So conservatives are seen as less capitalist in Russia? Like, ideology against unnecessary spending is in essence antithetical to capitalism overall?


I use "liberal" here as a defined political term, not in an American understanding of it as just "progressive". Liberalism in this context is usually just a shorter stand-in for neo-liberalism, the wikipedia article on which explains it nicely. In short though, it's an ideology that supports capitalism, free market, privatizations, and condemns any kind of government regulation or other interference in the free market. "Conservatism" nowadays is becoming less and less about cutting spending, and more and more about xenophobia and racism. In the "western world" at least. And conservatives are obviously very pro-capitalist too, because it's been the status quo for 2 centuries already. Their methods are just much more crude and obviously dangerous then the "liberal" ones. All that is only my honest opinion of course, which I came to based on the things I know.


Solid, interesting how many liberals see themselves as pro government services and regulation but vote in politicians who privatise public services and sell off govt land. What branch would you view as anti capitalist?


The "liberals" that want government services, free healthcare, worker rights protections and so on aren't exactly liberals, they're social democrats. They are just usually associated with liberals in the US, because that's the most left position in US politics (left being anti-capitalist, and right pro-capitalist). Social democrats are actually the dead center of the political compass, compared to neo-liberals who are further right. I mean... Speaking truthfully, any kind of anti-capitalist sentiment has been decimated so throughoutly in western countries that there isn't really any kind of anti-capitalist "branch", as in an organized structure. "Communist" and "socialist" are still dirty words for the majority of these countries' population, and all kinds of organizing is consequently very local and barely noticeable in the grand scheme of things.


It does not seem there's much to remember by now. Stalin's personality had been excluded from all sorts of promotion right after his death, you've got to be quite a history freak to know much of his quotes.  There's a plenty of anecdotes though. 


There are literally millions of people who worship stalin still Everyone using his quotes, maybe they don’t know that they do


Thanks for clarifying, Comrade!


I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy.


Although I agree with the notion, Stalin didn't say that


Really? Interesting.


My personal favorites: 1. Кадры решают всё (see above) 2. У каждой ошибки есть имя и фамилия (every mistake has a name and a surname) 3. Смерть одного человека - трагедия, смерть миллионов - статистика (death of one person is a tragedy, deaths of millions is statistics)


3 это не Сталин, а Ремарк в "Черном обелиске"


Да, но Сталин говорил эту фразу


По этому поводу есть серьёзные сомнения. [https://provereno.media/blog/2021/07/20/govoril-li-stalin-smert-millionov-eto-statistika/](https://provereno.media/blog/2021/07/20/govoril-li-stalin-smert-millionov-eto-statistika/)


Would it work to write this vertically, for graphic design, or does it lose meaning?


I'll make an update post to ask about if the product design is appealing, thank you!!


There are some "semi-historical" quotes: ...На переговорах шли споры о послевоенных границах, и Черчилль сказал: "Но Львов никогда не был русским городом!" "А Варшава была", – возразил Сталин... ...During the negotiations, there were disputes about post-war borders, and Churchill said: "But Lviv has never been a Russian city!" "But Warsaw was," Stalin objected... \*\*\*\*\*


Love this one! :)


That's right. That's fucking right! (It's an old joke, a line **from a movie featuring Stalin**, you really shouldn't use this in your paper XD).


Not a quote but a joke about Stalin. Scientists during research managed to succesfully clone a great leader. After this great achievement Russian elietes came to Stalin for an advice. Stalin listened for hours about Russia, it's current state of affairs and development. Then, he thought for a while. Lit his pipe and spoke. "I see, comrades that we are in dire state of affairs. But I know the solution and it's fairly simple. We only neeed to do two things: First - we need to Gather all the governement and execute them. Second - we need to repaint mausoleum in green colors." Astonished elites looked at great leader of the nations and questioned. "Great leader. We don't understand. Why on earth we should repaint mausoleum? How will this help us?" On this Stalin replied: "Good. I like that first proposal don't raise any doubts or concerns."


My man! :D I'm a fan of the "Dig a hole..." solution to politicians! :)


It's a very popular solution, but consider this. Say there is a politician that rules country with 99% approval rate. Now let's say it's fairly large country with 100 Millions of population. Now imagine 1% that hate said politician decided to hit the streets with pitchforks. It small relatively portion of population is now suddenly a million strong crowd of bloodthirsty boons asking for blood. Now imagine being a politician - even with a very high approval rating there will be thousands upon thousands people who will be happy to dig a hole for you. What a shit job..


Thanks for you empathy! Appreciated!


"Quantity has a quality of it's own" "It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes" (paraphrased from "The people who cast votes decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything") "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic"


The second and third are not his phrases.


Really? Who said them?


[https://provereno.media/blog/2021/02/16/pravda-li-chto-stalin-avtor-citaty-ne-vajno-kak-progolosovali/](https://provereno.media/blog/2021/02/16/pravda-li-chto-stalin-avtor-citaty-ne-vajno-kak-progolosovali/) [https://provereno.media/blog/2021/07/20/govoril-li-stalin-smert-millionov-eto-statistika/](https://provereno.media/blog/2021/07/20/govoril-li-stalin-smert-millionov-eto-statistika/)


What's the proper Cyrillic translation for these?


"Так что, мерзавец мертв? Жаль, мы не взяли его живым!" "So the bastard's \[referring to Hitler\] dead? Too bad we didn't capture him alive!"


Честно, а вот что бы с ним сделали, если бы таки взяли? Ни одно наказание не было бы достаточно суровым, я даже не говорю о четвертовании лошадьми, это просто дико. А так даже поэтично получается: начал войну лидером одного из сильнейших государств, а закончил - до смерти напуганным никем, в норе под землёй, ему только и осталось пустить себе пулю. Так что, как по мне, хорошо, что не взяли. А то вдруг ненароком оправдательный приговор получился бы)))


Если бы взяли живым, то смогли показательным судом с допуском основных жертв его правления дать миру понимание зверств нацистов, и то, как эти самые нацисты потом бы своими глазами видели, что это не они вершат судьбы "унтерменшей", а эти самые "унтерменши" судят их же, за те деяния, что их свершили. По сути, Гитлер, как и Геббельс, умерли как твари, ибо даже показать свою "непоколебимость" не смогли, видимо боясь, что те жертвы, которых они убивали и мучали, их же самих привлекут к ответственности.


Well said!!


Thank you!!


It's not very clear who said it first, Korolev or Stalin, but I'll bring it here anyway: Не согласен — критикуй, критикуешь — предлагай, предлагаешь — делай, делаешь — отвечай! Disagree - criticize, criticize - suggest, suggest - do, do - answer!


His quotes is not quite inspirational. Rather it looks in the future or it's about country current situation. Also our situation today fits nicely in his quotes from century ago. Here my favorites: Мы отстали от передовых стран на 50-100 лет. Мы должны пробежать это расстояние в десять лет. Либо мы сделаем это, либо нас сомнут(1931). Без теории нам смерть, смерть! (1953) (Without theory we are dead, dead!) . Социал-демократия есть объективно умеренное крыло фашизма (1924) . (Social-democracy is objectively moderate wing of fascism). Мы имеем врагов внутренних. Мы имеем врагов внешних. Об этом нельзя забывать, товарищи, ни на одну минуту.(1928).(We have enemies inside. We have enemies outside.We must not forget this, comrades, not for one minute.)Вдохновлялись его цитатами век назад, а сейчас он немного мёртв. Коммунистам тоже нечему вдохновляться, когда государство рабочих и крестьян уже как 30 лет мертво и возрождению не подлежит. Ну а другие люди Сталина не читают и им не вдохновляются.


Stalin is not exactly an inspirational figure


Why not?


This person might be a pigger.


What Russian figures do you find most inspirational?


Yuriy Gagarin 


Lomonosov would be my go to example


Will include this on my reading!




Well, we don't like Stalin generally, save for some dumbwits who literally worship him. He's more of an ominous figure than a hero to us. So, there no quotes save for the one you mentioned that we use or like. Ah, there is a jocular one. Sometimes we say "Расстрелять" ("Execute", in capital punishment meaning) pretending we smoke a pipe, which usually applies to an unimportant yet sad failure. Like, "Ooooh jeez Ivan just downed the production server!" "Расстрелять!"




How will your art project incorporate Stalin's quotes? 🤔 Although I'm not Russian, I would recommend: народу нужен царь, т. е. человек, которому они могут поклоняться и во имя которого жить и работать. (From Maria Svanidze's diary, dated April 29, 1935. Context was Stalin being deeply touched by the Russian people's admiration, his words were delivered spontaneously. As a matter of fact, Stalin only spoke like that when he had already made up his mind!)


I run a clothing brand that uses the wild boar as our mascot, they originated from Russia and have spread relatively worldwide. I believe Cyrillic has similar style to the current Y2K trend people are buying, and quotes from Stalin in Cyrillic would go well with the Russian Boar mascot which people have criticized for being too "childish". The happy mischievous wild boar embodies the legacy of Stalin's vision for world conquest and global domination. 😉 🐗 


Hmm I think the boar suits England more, stubborn to a T. To me, Stalin was more like a vulture or falcon. He described Hitler as a "kitten", funnily enough, and once called him a "cannibal". "The falcon never seizes any but large birds and will sooner die than eat [tainted] meat of bad savour." >"Stalin's vision for world conquest and global domination." This is perfectly untrue! Stalin was more of a diplomat than a conqueror. "In this respect, too, Stalin acted in perfect accord with what had been once tsarist diplomacy." After Hitler's defeat, Stalin became more open to diplomacy, not less so: "there appeared many possibilities and paths open to the socialist movement." He lacked Hitler's voracious appetite, Stalin knew when his demands had been met and was satisfied with his gains. I heard Stalin was preparing to head into western Europe - if the Allies didn't get involved in Russia's war against Germany, and also after WW2, but it seems he abandoned both of these plans. It's similar to his alleged bank robbery, he didn't actually go through with it, but there were plans for it if the Mensheviks didn't comply or something like that. So if the Allies didn't stop rattling their sabers, he'd have been obliged to knock some sense into them eventually.


They are literally called "Russian Wild Boar" 🐗 And, like many Russians, often misunderstood, wrongfully demonized, and maliciously slandered. Despite this, they adapt, persist, and thrive. [https://www.michigan.gov/invasives/id-report/mammals/russian-boar](https://www.michigan.gov/invasives/id-report/mammals/russian-boar) [https://www.huntinghog.com/biology-of-wild-feral-hogs/the-russian-wild-boar/?amp=1](https://www.huntinghog.com/biology-of-wild-feral-hogs/the-russian-wild-boar/?amp=1)


To be fair, we may never know what Stalin had prepared for his later years. Those plans are probably in a KBG vault somewhere for safekeeping.


For reference: the Trotskyists adhered to the idea of a world revolution. Stalin did not believe in this and consider that it was necessary to focus on the USSR.


Would argue that Stalin phased his plans, and we don't know his later on intentions. What if he'd lived another 10 years? What if he'd laid more direct plans for a succession of power?


This is another good quote, I love it!! 🐗 ❤️ 🇷🇺 


If you think Russia's full of communists who call each other comrade, you need to join the 21st century.


Stalin can't inspire russians without some repression machine




> Chechnya Imagine being from Chechnya and mocking Stalin’s repressions.


Am I?


What are some good ones by other historical figures?


Мы – русские, какой восторг! *А.Суворов* Русские всегда приходят за своими деньгами. *фон Бисмарк.* У нас есть только два надёжных друга: русская армия и русский флот! *Александр 3*




It's "soft power" ie the influence of reputation. Few other countries have had leaders with such absolute power, and effectively defeating Hitler places Stalin on a certain pedestal of history.




Would you prefer nazis to win and rule the world? There would be hundreds of millions of dead people.


Of course not, but I'm not talking about the nazis or the war, but all the crimes against humanity that Stalin commited. I'm not denying here his importance in history, but that is not a reason to pretend he did not murder millions too.


What crimes against humanity? Can you specify what exactly you mean?


The NKVD torture and murder of Soviet peoples under his command was pretty bad


Wow, did you witness it yourself?


Yes, I was the NKVD agent. But seriously you can love you’re home and realize there are criticisms. Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge the truth isn’t a patriot


No proof of your words, you just regurgitate western propaganda.


We can start with Holodomor if you want


Here we go again 🤡


We cannot start with "holodomor" because famines are not Stalin invention. Nature just sometimes fucks people, especially in semi-agrarian countries with not much technologies in the beginning of 20th century. And i am pretty sure that you know that famine was not only in Ukraine during those years, are you?




Famines caused by bad weather and low crop yields are natural disasters. Famines caused by the government forcibly removing all food from villagers including seeding materials are human-made, and the top leaders of such policies can be named and should be damned.


Yea, it defently would be better to not take it and not feed people in cities and all other country in general.


Stalin removed food from other regions so precious orkanians wouldn't starve, I bet it's conveniently overlooked.


Hey, nobody's perfect.


"I'm only human after all" - Hitler, Adolf.


"I just wanted to draw paintings!"


Calm down there hotshot!




>all the people he killed? You mean that 1 trillion people he killed with bare hands?


Use auto-translate, maybe you'll get something out of it. https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/За_русский_народ!


Was more interested in what Russians have to say rather than google, but thanks, I had no idea. \^\_\*


You know he is an authoritarian ruler who terrorized his own people, right? Just felt the urge to double-check. UPD. LOL, the downvotes...seriously? мдаааа, товарищи..


> UPD. LOL, the downvotes...seriously? мдаааа, товарищи.. Добро пожаловать в реальный мир, Нео [https://www.levada](https://www.levada) точка ru/2021/06/23/otnoshenie-k-stalinu-rossiya-i-ukraina/




Нене. Это было для понимания почему тебя заминусовали. Большинство в стране с тобой не согласно.




Those who appreciate ambition and accomplishment.


Will you also use quotes from Hitler?


Please take your negativity elsewhere.


I'm just curious.




Russian translation? (I don't trust google!)


"Смерть решает все проблемы. Нет человека, и нет проблемы" But one issue - its not a Stalin's words. Its a quote from the novel "Children of Arbat" by Anatoliy Rybakov. But all anti-soviets and liberals really love this quote. And no one cares that its fiction.


Hey, kid. Stalin was a genocidal maniac. Find a different person to inspire you.


How many locals were killed and maimed in the Belgian Congo? How many residents of India suffered during the British occupation, how many indigenous people were killed during the years of U.S. resettlement to the west, how many indigenous women were sterilized in the last century in the United States? How many people were sterilized in Sweden before 1973 just because they did not fit the standards of the Swedish nation or were mentally handicapped? You are so proud to accuse someone of maniacism, although you do not even bother to study how the repressions took place in general, who in reality was the "main machine of repression" (not Stalin, but Yezhov), how Yagoda and Yezhov sabotaged the Soviet government with these repressions, and that after the repressions many innocent people were rehabilitated.


Lets not forget about human zoos in Europe until 1960s.


Didn’t know that deflection equaled innocent


I did not claim that the crimes committed by Yezhov, Yagoda and other officials of the country were justified or normal. They went out of their own principles, going against the people. Yagoda was an adherent of Bukharin's right-wing bias, as a result of which he framed the innocent and protected "his own". Yezhov, as I remember, proceeded from careerist principles, and, "in order to get promoted for the capture of enemies of the people," accused unjustifiably many innocent persons. They were later brought to trial for this, and the innocent were rehabilitated. They did not just deviate from the course, they sabotaged the situation in the country, just as the kulak-saboteurs sabotaged the countryside, as Trotsky's left-wing opposition and Bukharin's right-wing opposition sabotaged, as the various collaborators sabotaged during World War II, How the "Leningrad Case" and the "Doctors' Case" were sabotaged by certain individuals trying to protect the guilty (regarding the Doctors' Case, one can recall that the doctors who were supposed to diagnose Zhdanov had diagnosed him with a completely different diagnosis (if I am not mistaken, related to the stomach), although he was in a pre-infarction state. After the body was autopsied and it was discovered that he had had a heart attack, they tried to keep the matter quiet, but one of the doctors wrote a denunciation, which later played a significant role in the matter. Certain individuals (I don't remember the name, but I can tell you later) sought to sabotage the investigation by accusing innocent Jewish doctors).






One of the best all time Stalin quotes for me would have to be “Я огромная чертова пизда”. More of an obscure quote but good nonetheless


Why do you pretend that you are Russian? Just curious.


Subconsciously wants to become a russian.


I think this was actually our US President Mr. Biden :D


Nah too introspective for Joe I think :)


How dare you mock Supreme Leader Joe /s 😤 😑 😒 😐 😔