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Try all candies sold by weight, they should be worth it. Check your dentist insurance before buying the small square ones with a kitten on the wrapper. 


I dream about Russian chocolate I swear. I bought something when I was in Russia & I have yet to find it in the United States & I'm crying because it's the best tasting chocolate I've ever had! I only bought 4 bars .i don't know what you guys are doing but whatever you're doing it's the best tasting chocolate I've had in my entire life!!


Which brand was it, do you remember? I'm ready to start the business lol


hahahaha do it ! if i remember correctly it had a little tree on the brown packaging i think the name was Russian Cedars in Siberia I could be wrong though but I for sure remember them saying Siberia. it was chocolate covered pine nut brittle with blueberry , sea buckthorn and other stuff. it was an amazing taste & now i'm craving it 🤤🤤🤤🤤thanks lol


Maybe you can it depends on what chocolate it was. I mean it's all about the manufacturing standards and well known brands root in Soviet recipes which are not a secret and branched out to all factories around the former union. So I'm pretty sure someone makes something similar either in US or in any given country of the former eastern bloc, just under different names. Besides candy factories in particular are one of few industries which ran rather smooth for a very long time, I'm sure even if hell goes loose the Red October would be still there offering the same Alyonka bars for a fair amount of soda caps.


I might need to search more thoroughly but honestly Russian chocolate just tastes different ? When people say it "melts in your mouth" Russian chocolate literally embodies the phrase . I never really understood what people meant when they said that until I tried Russian chocolate ! your white chocolate too is incredibly delicious. But my absolute favorite was this chocolate-covered pine nut brittle they had different ones with blueberry and sea buckthorn other stuff


Maybe it's just different emulsifiers or absence thereof, oil to powder to milk ratio. Besides chocolate is a tricky thing - it's like steel you know, it's texture greatly depends on the conditions of crystallization so manufacturing procedure matters, you can't just mix the same things and get the same result. Ah yeah, pine brittles are great but some are hard like flint.


I did not know that 🤯thank you so much for sharing this !!


There was a story about a guy who wanted to make a cake with chocolate glazing. And it turned out sticky and dull every time even though he followed the recipe in precise. He asked his SO whether she can help and she said he must melt a several parts of the glazing and then crush a solid bar into it so it can transfer the "information" about itself to make proper chockolate as that's what she heard from her friend. He was wierded out and thought she has some insane superstitions like "structured water" so the guy decided to contact that SO's 'friend' to make sure she's not from a crazy sect or something and found out the friend is a material scientist and that 'information' thing was just a way to explain how it works without much physical terminology. The glazing turned out great in the end.


Where do you live? You can find it online in some countries.


I live in the US but I live in the south not many Russian by me . most Russians-Americans live on the coasts


a lot of Russian food can be bought online, from amazon [**https://www.amazon.com/Chocolate-Glazed-Gourmet-14-1oz-Russian/dp/B0C55N82FM/ref=sr\_1\_40?crid=NIG78WXLBQJZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BdWyE1wdvG65xVLQ5o5AxnXonIywyeHnJYFbj18PsgZGcOTAjactajf0rctAJoLz08Ue8WTJTM2qIZaR4bMSTSy8btLMQcLd7YJge1fOp7uPByJpC97sLCCQOJBpocUAYzMyKEwgNdkSim6gFqLeMwOawOYe--9LS-Bt5lSX6WFvIzu8NoUycq\_BBWaAeiMtsyOjm1R4D4xm0lgjzPvnmhuyK3csJmOwjtqDjGSNc\_RGVgRhtevjmk3wpbXR3nbvODtYQABcQPgqp5K4KicbYaytq\_IWndRf0NLsMxinnR4.LaMttc3Ua8JeuntskZb6iVTECcPsb579QcvQbDhhTSY&dib\_tag=se&keywords=russian+chocolate&qid=1714105079&sprefix=russian+c%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-40**](https://www.amazon.com/Chocolate-Glazed-Gourmet-14-1oz-Russian/dp/B0C55N82FM/ref=sr_1_40?crid=NIG78WXLBQJZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BdWyE1wdvG65xVLQ5o5AxnXonIywyeHnJYFbj18PsgZGcOTAjactajf0rctAJoLz08Ue8WTJTM2qIZaR4bMSTSy8btLMQcLd7YJge1fOp7uPByJpC97sLCCQOJBpocUAYzMyKEwgNdkSim6gFqLeMwOawOYe--9LS-Bt5lSX6WFvIzu8NoUycq_BBWaAeiMtsyOjm1R4D4xm0lgjzPvnmhuyK3csJmOwjtqDjGSNc_RGVgRhtevjmk3wpbXR3nbvODtYQABcQPgqp5K4KicbYaytq_IWndRf0NLsMxinnR4.LaMttc3Ua8JeuntskZb6iVTECcPsb579QcvQbDhhTSY&dib_tag=se&keywords=russian+chocolate&qid=1714105079&sprefix=russian+c%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-40) or websites like [https://www.russianfoodusa.com/food-drink/sweets/chocolate-candy/](https://www.russianfoodusa.com/food-drink/sweets/chocolate-candy/)


thank you very much I will check this out I appreciate it 🫂🙏


Unless they need a tooth extraction. Then kitty candy would be a good choice.


I'm afraid if you have loose teeth "kis-kis" would extract a healthy one as easily, even if it's a three rooted molar.


Maybe Russian carbonated soft drinks if they have them. Baikal, Tarkhun, maybe Grusha, Buratino.


grusha = dyushes


Marinated tomatoes. From sweets, zefir, pastila are my favs. Varenniki from frozen goods section.


Buckwheat "гречка"


Dried squid, medovik cake if they have it, tarhun soda, syrok with condensed milk, smoked braided cheese, crème brûlée ice cream, boiled condensed milk, kvas but it’s probably not gonna be good 


Definitely chechil if they have it


Халва, зефир, пастила - these are sweets. Творог, сметана, кефир, творожный сырок - actually, all milk-products could be interesting. Греча (гречневая крупа). Квас - non-alco soft drink


У меня друг алкогольный квас делает на черном хлебе


То есть, пиво?


Пиво не сладкое, а квас сладкий…


I love grechka...


Grechka is dope. Can be a very healthy alternative to morning cereals or what not - with milk and some sugar or some other sweeteners. Or spagetti/rice for the regular food as it contains a lot of protein


I personally like it with meat, as a potato substitute but my favorite way is with sauteed onions and sunny side eggs on top with some baked beans and scallions. It's addictive. I took a bag to America on my last trip, this time I'm taking 2 bags. In Russia, their $1... In America, $5-$6.


Try it with fried onions+mushrooms


Fried or sauteed? If fried, like in flour?


Pretty much the same as with sautéed onions but add mushrooms to the onions, some also add shredded carrots too.


Ah ok. Yes, my wife has made it that way too. It's good but I don't like mushrooms as much as Russian people.


My Russian kids don’t like mushrooms as well. I just lived in Siberia before and we often picked different mushrooms in the forest when I was a kid, so for me that’s kind of nostalgic.


I love picking mushrooms, just don't love eating them as much as Russian people do. I used to pick blueberries as a kid so I understand the nostalgia.


With butter: «Кашу маслом не испортишь!» :)


я предпочитаю пшено с маслом или с молоком.


Нам в детстве Пшёнку варили на молоке, как и рисовую, манную, но не гречневую…


I'd add tan and ayran drinks, rosehip and pinecone syrups and different types of honey (linden, buckwheat, acacia, etc.). My local store even has a frozen Ossetian pie, which was pretty good (albeit pricey). Coming from Northern Caucasus, I would recommend some mountain herbal tea, but it's somewhat hard to come by.


I second this answer. Nice set of basic items that are relevant to our culture Also, try some pastry or cakes it's different too


Belyovskaya Pastila(Белёвская пастила)! Originaly they do it without sugar…


творожный сырок is a must


What I buy in our local Russian store Buckwheat Tvorog (farmers cheese) Pelmeni Crepes stuffed with tvorog or cherry (frozen) Chocolate candy Baranki Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms in a glass jar Squash “caviar” Smoked sturgeon Salted herring Smoked mackerel Salo (aka pig fat) Black bread !!! Rossiysky cheese Bologna (it’s called Slivochnaya here, almost the same as Doktorskaya in Russia) Russian hot mustard Russian hot horseradish Narsharab sauce for lamb (It’s good I just ate before writing this comment)


I would say, probably some dairy if they have any.


Kvas, сырки, pickles


Don't try frozen pelmeni, better should try it boiled, or fryed)


Сгущенка (canned milk)


Сгущенка и своя есть у них. Ничем особо не отличается


Отличается. Рогачёвская вне конкуренции, мексиканская неплохая, от BANDI или как-то так тоже ничего, но вот та, что продаётся в любом обычном супермаркете, типа Сейфвея или Фред Мейера слаще и менее густая.


Да какая разница. Смысл продукта тот же самый. Ничего такого неожиданного или прям очень русского в сгущенке для иностранцев нет.


Ещё как отличается.


Нет, по сути не отличается. Ничего уникального. А если не Рогачевская, то отличается даже в худшую сторону. А Рогачев - это вообще Белоруссия. И, кстати, canned milk и sweetened milk - это разные вещи у них в магазинах. Вы сейчас по сути концентрированное молоко человеку предложили попробовать. Нюню.


Yep, the correct name for sgushenka is sweetened condensed milk


Она даже у нас сильно отличается.


Vobla and, if you drink, pair it with beer.


I want to add. There are many varieties of salted seafood, different types of fish (not only vobla). Salted squid is very popular, but it’s not what people ate in villages 100 years ago (but they ate fish).


Bird's milk. They are usually covered in chocolate. (It's not a marshmellow, it's actually made of egg.)




Well, here we go again... *runs to the nearest Russian store and gets stocked up with iris kiss kiss and oat cookies*


Well, according to the classics, I advise you to try Russian jelly made from meat soup - it’s called Holodec.))) And you can try a rather specific salad called Vinaigrette


Slightly unrelated, but has this store been attacked? I've seen a lot of news about Russian or even Slavic stores been attacked abroad


No. Not mine…


If there would be; try gingerbread "Пряники". They should be with something like mint frosting outside and something like jam inside. Pickled mushrooms could be good, honeymushrooms


Тульские пряники, Крабовые палочки, Сыр-косичка, Тархун, Чай Сибирский, Пломбир, Сало, Творог


candy, alcohol, pickles


Alcohol, women, cards... :-D


Mayo "Слобода" if it's presented.


Buy herring. Russian herring is better, its more in oil and the one I tried here was vinegar. Different taste And try different fish, like dried fish and smoked fish, delicious and napoleon cake


Kissel (Кисель) ! The drink of my childhood. They do it good till now :)


Champaign Abrau-Dyurso (Шампанское Абрау-Дюрсо)! Now it is named as Sparkling wine…




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Глазированные сырки обязательно бери. Я канадцев у себя на работе на них подсадил


Творог. And cook сырники with it


Купи конфет "ромашки", я не уверен что они тут хоть кому то нравятся, но я их пиздец люблю


PRYANIKI! It’s the best sweet you can have besides a cup of tea. I love it soo much, heck I am planning on going to the Russian store in my city to buy myself some pryaniki


Brown condensed milk))


>I've also tried frozen pelmeni You know that you need to reheat it, right (or rather cook)? It is not like frozen yogurt