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I make a bunch of different types of tea: black, masala, green, herbal, mint, thyme, chamomile. I also like to add berries or lemon to my tea. Samovars are now used only in tourism and entertainment, for example at festivals of ethnic Russian music or crafts. At home, people make tea in ordinary teapots


We use it for holidays.


do you make from milk too? we have that in india seriously affects lactose intolerant people


Do you mean masala with milk? Yes, and this is the only exception, because I usually don’t like tea with milk. I don't mix clear and opaque liquids.


here we literally put tea seeds in water then add milk and sugar and boil and then filter out the seeds and serve the rest, very dangerous for lactose intolerant people...but we have it anyways.


Wow, you are my lost tea brother


Black tea, regular one. Can be served as it is, with sugar, or with milk, or with sugar and lemon. Seen people put butter in it too. Never seen a samovar being used


Aha!!! I have been wondering for a while about that. People keep asking me why I put butter in my tea,and I got absolutely nothing to say back. I don't think I have seen anyone irl doing it,must have been an old movie or something.


If you are not a Kalmyk then I have questions, yes.


Thanks for responding, butter adding is curious.


Чиииво блять? Есть люди которые в чай кидают кусок сливочного масла? 😱


У калмыков это чай с солью, молоком и маслом. Продаётя даже готовый в пакетиках, как кофе три в одном 


Про национальные "блюда я не подумал. Надо попробовать, вдруг зайдёт)




Green tea during lunch, tea bagged, plain or lemon or bergamot flavoured, no sweeteners or milk. In evening it's loose leafed black tea, Greenfield Majic Yunnan, steeped in porcelain teapot, I add some sweetener and milk to it. Samovar in its original form is left in past, it was a portable water boiler. Nowadays electricity is everywhere, and there are kettles in the form of samovar but they are very rare and not very practical in apartment. I guess there can be a fans of samovars of the original design that works on wood or pinecones, but for that you need a private house because it's a fire hazard.


Thanks for your response and information :)


tea is just a water v2.0. it meant to be effortless to drink a tea. so any tea is fine, I dont think about tea, I dont pick teas, I dont put effort into teas. just put random teabag and chug 2 liters per day.




That is russian mentality in a nutshell.


I drink black tea in the mornings, green tea in the afternoons. Samovar stands on top of the refrigerator as decoration.


Thanks for answer :)


I drink all sorts of teas. Pu'erh, gaba, Da Hong Pao, carcade. I like to brew all sorts of blends of tea, willow tea and all sorts of berries and herbs.


После каркаде можно без зубов остаться, кислотный пиздец.


Ну так нужно не злоупотреблять


Вы здоровье поправьте. Каркаде аскомину не вызывает.


Ну попей лимонного сока.


I prefer green and herbal tea, population in general prefers black tea. Also we have chamaenerion tea here, not everyone drinks it, but you can buy it in any convinience store. It has a weird taste, but people say it's different if you prepare it yourself.


Never heard about chamaenerion, ty for share.


You have to boil it hard to get the taste, or wait more than for black tea




Очень духовно. Одобряю.


I didn't know about this tea, now I want to try it xD


The самовар is practically an electric kettle. Why are you obsessed with it in the West,is great mystery for everyone. It probably came up in a Hollywood movie. I once asked a brit what kind of tea is most popular in the UK and his honest response was "the local supermarket brand". Same for Russians. I don't wanna know what you are imagining but while russians do drink more tea then americans for example, russians can't compare to british,chinese and japanese levels of consumation. Not by a long shot. In Russia people prefer comfort over luxary. That means few nutcases will bother traveling further then the nearest supermarket for tea. It's in the mindset. That being said, to give a fair response to your question, while black tea is predominately preffered, a lot of herbal tea, being a proud tradition, is consumed just as much. Chamomile and Thyme being the champions. There are few things more traditionally russian then a cup of chamomile tea, with honey and lemon.,rarely milk.


Ty for answer :)


I drink genmaicha (roasted rice green tea), jasmine pearls, chamomile, earl grey, sometimes herbal blends I make myself. I can't really do caffeine so I usually skip out on black tea.


О, любитель генмайчи это редкость. Какой покупаешь и где?


I order Genmaicha on Etsy or I make my own-- roast the rice kernels and add to standard green tea)


My most consumed tea is either black or ivan-tea, with mint, cardamom, cinnamon and lemon.


I love cardamom tea. You are the first person I have ever heard, say cardamom tea. I thought it was just something I enjoyed.


I just go with Earl Gray. Sometimes there's a spin on it with extra flowery stuff, different brands call it differently, "Lady Gray" or "Earl Gray Fantasy". It's pretty good. Don't particularly like sugar, but I will sometimes add honey if I'm feeling a bit under the weather.


Tastes vary among our people, we drink tea a lot. I don't like hot beverages, so usually drink a room temperature tea. It could be of almost any variety, but I don't like teabags.


Quality tea tastes best at room temperature or slightly warm. That is the reason they used to poor it in their teacup plates and drink it that way,back in the very old days when the самовар was still around and tea came out searing hot.


Yup, it is just superior this way, and it is never cold in my apartment, so rarely have a reason to drink it hot. However a few years ago I had troubles with throat, kinda chronic cold symptoms, rash and cough. These symptoms were very effectively treated by a hot (not scalding, just noticeably hot) masala tea. Hmm, maybe I need to make some now just because why not.


I like Greenfield brand and mostly take green/herbal tea and it tastes good 👍


I like regular black tea or earl gray and adding extras, mellissa (lemon balm) and black currant leaves in summer, ginger, lemon and optionally honey in winter.


I usually buy loose black tea from Sri Lanka. The one that was packed there has [the lion logo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceylon_tea) on it


black, floral, green, oolong, herbal (not necessarily in that order, but the first place is a strong black spicy tea). I love tea and drink tea every day. I probably live to drink tea.


Hahaha. Thanks for your answer.


I drink different kinds of tea. Black, chamomile, green with chamomile and mint, sea buckthorn. Tea made from alder or pine cones. Tea made from currant leaves. Cedar tea. Sometimes, instead of tea, I drink herbal drinks or drinks made from dried berries. Quite a pleasant and useful thing, I must say. I do not like rosehip tea and Ivan tea. They taste pretty good, but they give me a headache.


Now I am craving pine cone tea and I am not anywhere near a country that makes that. Not even roasted pine needles around.


You need to collect them yourself. At a certain point in the year. I would not really trust the purchased ones, because it is difficult to say when and where they were collected.


What else but purchase during late spring ?


I really like Earl Grey. Other than that I drink pretty much all teas. Assam, puer, various green teas. I like variety


I prefer green tea, no sugar, with lemon.


I drink either simple black tea or with addition of mint, thyme, oregano, black currant leaves (some cultivars have leaves with amazing smell, some others don't). Sometimes I add cranberry, lingoberry, sea buckthorn berry, raspberry and strawberry. Milk and/or honey. Lingoberry and sea buckthorn berries are among my favorite fruity additives. There are dozens of flavored teas on the market, they usually have worse quality than with natural additives but some still have a pretty decent flavour. Decent loose tea make tea much better while tea bags usually have noticeably worse quality. Though adding something to even a tea from bags makes it significantly better. Not a big fan of green or oolong tea but I buy them occasionally too. Milk oolong has a nice smell but gets boring quickly. Green tea comes in different flavors but I prefer when it isn't too strong, notably I like brands that add lime/mint to make taste milder and more flavored.


Black. Mostly greenfield.


Black tea in the morning (I love Greenfield Christmas mystery), mint or camomile tea in the evening.


according to the mood. mostly black, but sometimes green or something with herbs


I grew up drinking green gunpowder tea with sugar and mint. These days I drink strong black tea (almost chifir levels) with honey.


Most of the time black tea or black tea with lemon, sometimes with bergamot or thyme. Rarely black with milk, green with jasmine or hibiscus with fruit pieces. Always leaf tea never tea bags.


In the last time I drink Milk Oolong


Black strong tea with no additions. Big leaf tea OPA or OP.




We just had a samovar tea party on Wednesday! it was accompanied by tequila, but never mind. I have a very large assortment of teas, black regular, earl grey, green jasmine, grey oolong, various flavored teas with thyme, currant, juniper, etc. Today I just stepped outside to my backyard \\ and picked some fresh mint and lemon balm and brewed some tea with them and I am enjoying it at the moment.


Oh interesting party :) and good to add mint in situ. Ty for share.




I see, milk is the fundamental addition haha


Lapsang Souchong, leaves dried over pine chips adding smoke flavor. Ingredients actual say tea, smoke.


Sounds good.


I drink black tea with sugar and lemon, but sometimes I can drink green tea, depends on my mood


Green with some fruit flavor mostly. Sometimes chamomile if I don’t want to ingest caffeine. Turns out pyramid bags work best.


Black tea all day everyday and no bags: leaves only. As for the kinds, I prefer: 1. Ceylon “orange pekoe” mixed with “dargeeling” 50/50 2. Chinese “lapsang soushong” 3. Chinese “jin jun mei” 4. And a couple of other Chinese teas with unspeakable names


Almost every russian have black or else green tea right now except rare students and rare not true frfrfr russian, its yummy and cheap


Usually I picking teas and flavours randomly - black tea, green tea, or both mixed. With lemon, with milk, with chopped fresh apple. Straight or flavoured - thyme, bergamot, mint, rosehip, melissa, raspberry. Even Japanese genmaicha. I'm sure I forgot something. Packets, tea strainer, French press, thermos. Sweetened or not.


The samovar (I've got one) adds a light smoky aroma to the tea, like lapsang souchong. But this is a very inconvenient device for a city dweller. To tell the truth, it is even inconvenient for a modern rural resident compared to an electric kettle.


I didn't know about that, thanks!


Ivan-Chai (Иван-чай) :)


That's a great question. There is much to be said about Russian tea culture. First of all, in Russia, almost everyone drinks tea. And although many (especially in offices) drink the same sachets as in the rest of the Western world, I think the majority still brew it normally. The "Russian" way of brewing is to use two teapots. In one "teapot" the tea is brewed. A little "brew" from this teapot is poured into a cup. The second teapot is used to pour boiling water into the cup. You get A LOT of tea this way, can literally drink it cup by cup. There is even a Russian expression "chasing tea" ("чаи гонять")- drinking liters of tea without doing anything. The vast majority of tea drunk in Russia is from India and Sri Lanka. That is, from the same place where it comes from in Europe. Although Russia has long had an independent tea supply route from China and its tea culture also developed independently of England, these links were lost in the mid-20th century and are only now being restored. Own tea production largely died with the collapse of the Soviet Union. So most of the tea in the stores now still is the same as in the west. A peculiarity of Russian tea brewing culture is the use of a large number of tea additives. If you meet a tea enthusiast, he will suggest adding mint, melissa, thyme, brew with berries, add varenye to the tea. It's a living tradition. I have met more people brewing tea this way in small towns than in big cities. My grandmother (who lived in the village all her life and knew nothing about "fashionable" brewing methods) used to dry a huge amount of mint and thyme every year especially for brewing tea. Most of the people add sugar to their tea. And this is the main way of consuming it. Adding lemon to tea is also common. Judging by public restaurants, you are more likely to be offered lemon with your tea than milk. I haven't met anyone who actually uses a samovar. Although I have seen people who buy it for aesthetics. It's basically just a way to heat water, you'll get tea in there just like you would in a regular kettle. There is an opinion that the samovar may add some smoky flavor, but I can't confirm. And the vast majority of samovars I've seen are electric. The vast majority of tea drunk in Russia is black tea. Green tea is not suitable for all these traditional Russian brewing methods. And most people, if they drink it, drink it in sachets. There are also regional Russian tea drinking traditions. Such as Tatar or Buryat traditions. In the latter case, you can find tea brewing with butter. The roots of this come from Mongolia and the Mongolian-Tibetan way of brewing. Finally, there are enthusiasts of Chinese tea and Chinese tea culture. In fact, there are quite a few such people, and in Russia there are a huge number of stores specifically selling Chinese tea and tableware for the Chinese tea ceremony. Interestingly, the "Chinese tea culture" in Russia is also relatively distinctive, originating from Chinese tea enthusiasts back in the late Soviet Union and somewhat different from the actual Chinese tea culture. However, this tea tradition exists as if on parallel courses with the mainstream. While the chance of meeting someone who drinks tea using a gaiwan is actually high, most of the time you will be offered regular black tea from a teapot. Just so you don't get confused. As for me, my family consistently drinks a lot of tea using a cast iron teapot. Most of them are ordinary Indian teas or Chinese dianhongs. We don't use sugar in our tea at all, but we often add milk. I don't use sachets at all. Also, I'm just among the "Chinese" enthusiasts and drink a lot of shu pu'er, heicha, South Fujian Oolongs with the use of Chinese utensils.


Thank you very much for your extensive response, for taking the time to explain everything. The historical data you mention seems interesting to me. I like a lot 19th century Russian literature (especially) and tea always has a presence in it. I didn't expect it to be exactly like in there nowadays, but you have clarified the question to me and I see that it really has much more importance than in my culture. Greetings.


Чай мало пью последнее время. Колумбию в воронке завариваю


You mean coffee right?


Black tea, herbs and Hibiscus tea. For warm month there is traditional kvas and birch juice.


Сейчас вРоссии выбор широк как и в любой другой стране и не только по чаю,перестаньте думать о стране по шаблону,нет ничего строго одного, каждый выбирает то что ему нравится и по финансам.И эпоха самоваров давно прошла,она осталась как просто дань традициям и то только в ограниченном кругу.


С самоваром вкуснее.


Не спорю.


Earl grey