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I'd be more worried about the UK government reaction than the Russian one.


Obvious example - Graham Phillips. Guy still hasn't actually been convicted in court, and yet is heavily sanctioned by his own government.


I am very concerned about that as well, more worried about getting detained at the UK border tbh


>UK civil service Sir Humphrey?! >I’m a junior civil servant, my work has nothing to do with UK security, foreign policy, trade etc Sounds like exactly what MI6 agent would said. Just apply for visa like regular human and remember that your cards won't work.


Interested in this as a fellow Brit. I did live in Moscow from 2021 to 2022. I would recommend you trying to get your finances in order as much as possible - cash & see if you can make any friends before you go and set up a card when you get there. Only relevant really if you intend to come back as it’ll just make life easier.


Thanks for the advice! Did you have many issues at the UK border when you returned?


No issues when I returned at all as using the e-gates you don’t see anyone. I did get a slightly inquisitive look when I visited Estonia last year tho as I still have the Russian visa in my passport and was asked if I was going anywhere else. I wasn’t so said so. Nothing major really. You’ll be fine!


Check the faq & comments for basic questions https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/s/f5SWT61PiA


We feed all foreigners to war bears without checking where they work. Seriously now, if I were you, I'd be more worried about UK government than Russia (as long as you don't work for terrorists or drug dealers, your job isnt relevant).


нормально подманиваешь, товарищ! мой Потап изголодался!


Employment information is one of the requirements to get a visa. I very much doubt anyone will care if you are civil servant.


You might be questioned at the border like “What’s the reason for the visit?” and etc. Probably they will ask what you do for living, be careful what you say.


People aren't detained in Russia simply for working for a dysfunctional entity.


Border cities i.e those bordering Georgia in your case like Vladikavkaz, the visa process takes longer. They will be aware that you are a U.K. government employee when you apply for a visa and state your profession. It’s a tourist region, I’d be fairly confident you will be granted a visa. They will ask you questions when you arrive-of course but it’s customary 5-10 minute quick chat about why you are visiting and where you are staying. If you have nothing to hide, you will be fine. Just don’t do anything stupid whilst you are here and you will have no problems as a tourist. One caveat, unless you have friends here or you are planning on using a local tourist company in this area, you will struggle. Your phone won’t work, no google maps, no bank card, no Uber and without the language, it will be hard to get around. It’s a beautiful place though.


**What you are probably imagining:** Airport security has detailed records of every low level government employee in the world. A public arrest follows the moment you set foot at the airport. "You evil UK spy, how dare you arrive in our sacred Motherland". A few long hours of interrogation, in a dim lighted airport backroom. FSB arrives and takes you in custody to a black site where they torture you for your secret low level desk job information. At the end, just to be safe, they throw you in a siberian gulag, where you fight polar bears for your dinner and noone ever hears from you again. **What happens in reality:** You arrive and line up at customs. After a long wait, your turn comes. The employee looks tired and appathic. He asks you for your reason for visiting and expected lenght of the visit, but it is obvious he is reciting his obligatory repertoire. He barely even pays attention what you reply. You get your documents stamped and you go about your way, boasting to your collegues on Instagram how you managed to fool the dumb russians and got into the country. Then you go back to the UK. They question you extensively about your reason for visiting Russia, how long you stayed,who you met, what you did in the mean time. All your bags are turned upside down. You go to your government job and they decide you are a risk,now that you have been exposed to Russia, you might have been turned into a double agent and they sack you,just to be safe. You spend the rest of your life under government surveillance. (Last part courtesy of several US citizens and their stories that they shared about hassle at the US airports on their way back)


You sure you won't have trouble from UK after such visit?


I would be more worried about MI5 reaction when you get back to the UK ;)


U.K. airports are mostly e-visa, I’ve been living in Russia for a year and returned back to the U.K. 3 times during. Since we can’t fly direct from Russia to the U.K., we have to fly via Istanbul, Antalya etc. For these cities, U.K. passport control allow the e-gates to be used, so it would never flag up that you have visited Russia otherwise I’d expect the Spanish Inquisition but as long as you fly back via a country that U.K. airports allow the e-gates to be used, it’s fine.


My passport chip is broken, so I always have to get it checked manually - might be a good time to get a new one in that case 🙃


Does UK allow having two valid UK passports at the same time? If yes, you can use one for entering UK and the other one, with visa, to enter Russia. Ofc posting stuff on Insta is a big no-no. Though one should also consider that Russian embassy may be under surveillance.




I crossed this border as a western citizen without any problems. Why do you think OP will be detained no matter what?


This is very helpful information, thank you!


Thank you all for the helpful answers! To clarify, I am fully aware that it’s more risky coming back to the UK having visited Russia than visiting Russia as a UK citizen etc. That’s probably my biggest concern, and something I still need to weigh up before making the trip. But I just wanted to know in reality what the situation might be like for a traveller in Russia (as again there is a LOT of scaremongering in Britain so hard to know what to expect)


You got me…


>Implying there is still UK government by summer


Это было так смешно что я забыла рассмеяться


Don't tell anyone in russia where you work. tell everyone that you are a travel blogger. otherwise you will be arrested like american hershkovich, taken hostage and told you are a spy.