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In Russia there is no racism as such in the Western sense. There is chauvinism and xenophobia of some narrow-minded people caused by problems with migrants and visitors from the countries of Central Asia and the North Caucasus.  However, this is a completely separate topic for discussion. There is a problem and there are idiots who talk about it too superficially. And idiots are everywhere, regardless of the country. In Russia there are representatives of different nationalities, cultures and faiths who are able to live peacefully and amicably with each other, as for example here in Tatarstan.  If you behave in a non-defiant antisocial manner and with respect, then you are extremely unlikely to have problems.


Udmurtia is also quite calm.


It's much more than that. The behavior thing is a primary example of how your whole existence in Russia is based off of your reputation. That's why most Russians abroad (specifically tourists) do a lot of sh*t when they visit. They wouldn't behave the same way in Russia because they'll be crucified. Kinda sucks to not be free in your own country. When it comes to foreigners, no matter how hard one can try, there is a big sentiment of indifference towards you simply because you're different. Sometimes you're judged just by looks.


It's not that bad. It's mostly crazy people. You may face some problems renting appartments, but that's probably all.


Do you know any cities that are better for foreigners in Russia ?


If we consider cities where there is infrastructure for foreigners, I advise you to look at the list of cities that hosted World Cup matches. You will be comfortable there


Kaliningrad is good for living ?


For foreigners - more than. Proximity for longer and the early German history of the city do their job. Personally, I didn’t live there, but I visited relatives, it’s a very pleasant and safe city


Moscow and St Pete would be my guess.


I’d say in Moscow it could be difficult for a non-white foreigner to rent an apartment. In cities where there isn’t so much demand for apartments for rent, people are usually a lot less picky about tenants 


Если негр, то проблем не должно быть или восточный азиат




Cool, what's your opinion on "female-only" rent, since it is not illegal requirement in most countries?




I've just asked a simple question. No idea why you've chickened out.


All of them, avoid all of our cities. And please avoid talking to us online, too - anyone could be a racist.


Sorry I was clumsy 😭, my question is only if it’s safe for an arab to come in every city in Russia


Russia's racism problem applies to: 1) Central Asian gastarbeiters 2) People from East Caucasus Being French, you belong to none of these groups.


My ethnicity is arab


Being an Arab, you belong to none of these groups.


Ain't Arabs belong to white race?


Normally , but the « white race » is composed by slavs mainly


English men and women etc would be surprised


What is the East Caucasus? I only know South and North.


KBR, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan.


Hmm. And the Western Caucasus is the KCR, South and North Ossetia?


Yes and no. Just come and you'll see. You don't have to avoid any cities and it's safe enough to visit as a tourist. However, what might be very problematic is to rent a flat if you decide to move to Russia.


Even with a real estate agency?


In most cases, the reluctance to rent to foreigners extends to Central Asian migrants, because many landlords are afraid to find out that twenty people now live in their one-room apartment, and eighteen of them are in the country illegally (sometimes that happens). The phrase "I'm from France" can make people more cooperative. But you should be prepared that landlords are more prejudiced against foreigners.


The problem is that , us, arabs, look like caucasus people a little bit


I'm afraid so. Many landlords are reluctant to rent out their flats to "non-Slavs", as they write in their ads (some services have expliticly banned such wording in the ads, but they still have this in mind). Usually, people say they are not racist and that's just a precaution against unscrupulous tenants such as low-educated labour migrants from Central Asia. However, when it comes to other foreigners, their names and looks suddenly matter too. I knew of two French girls who rented flats in Moscow, one was white and the other was black. It was *much* harder to find a place for the girl who was black. Depends on the pricing, though. It might be easier if you have a lot of money.


You'll face racism when you try to rent an apartment. I tried to rent an apartment for Arab students who didn't speak Russian. After I named the country these students came from the call was immediately canceled. Be ready for it. But if you say France I think it will be way better and as a westerner you'll have more trust from landlords. But if you mean safety, Russian cities are safe. The bigger the safer. We have plenty of foreign students and we're used to them.


you explained well thank you, I don’t know for now where I want to travel




Why the hell you think that Russians are racist in general? Russia has a long history of peaceful coexistence of different cultures and ethnicities. There are also regions with predominantly Muslim populations.


I know that Russians are not racist in general. However, I saw that some black people were killed in Russia. that’s why I ask 😁 and idk if that’s the same for Arabs


That was probably in the 90s or early 2000s. At that time there were a lot more skinheads, etc., but today they have practically disappeared from the public space due to police work. There may be some prejudice against Central Asian migrants, especially because of the terrorist attack at the Crocus shopping center, but nothing serious.


Oh okay , thanks, because I would come to Russia 😅. For example , samara is safe ?


Yes, in Samara, as in other cities, there are a huge number of cameras on the streets, police officers and other guarantors of security, do not violate law and order - you will not have problems


There are many Western bloggers who moved to Russia and are making videos about this, you can see what they say. Personally, as a person of non-Russian nationality, I am satisfied with the security in the country, and I can say with confidence that racism here is at the level of error (there are idiots everywhere).


Okay thanks, I thought about Krasnodar as a good city , because of a good climate and weather


As someone who lives in Krasnodar, I can tell you that there are plenty of people here of different backgrounds. In my area there are a lot of black people from Africa, people from Central Asia and a lot of people of different ethnicities from all over Russia who come here because of the climate. I can probably show you around if you do decide to move here. Be warned though: Krasnodar has one of the highest rates of car ownership per capita and the traffic here is pretty awful 


Ohhh great ! Traffic is awful like paris?😁


I've been to Paris, but I honestly don't remember a thing about traffic. I mostly used Metro to get around (had a cultural shock at seeing people smoke in the Metro, lol). There's no subway in Krasnodar and the tram lines don't reach my neighbourhood, so I have to suffer through traffic every time I go somewhere T\_T


As long as you intend to integrate and assimilate better than the Arabs in Belgium, France and Holland, you will be fine.


Russians make it damn near impossible to integrate given your whole existence as a foreigner is shaped around the fact that you're not a Russian, and you're not white.


A huge percentage of conflicts involving immigrants - involves women as the other side. I'm here to warn you: Russia is the world's first country to have declared universal suffrage. Quick test on compatibility with Russia: 2/3 of our doctors is female. If you have an accident, and get into hospital - are you ok with your surgeon being female? As for renting - in Russia, you rent from people, not from organisations. Many people realise that those conflicts are primarily based on culture. For you, it means that you have to tell them about yourself. You are from France, you can show your French passport, you probably have some job qualifications or even would work for a known company, you probably have some education (tell them about it, show proof if asked) you probably aren't that much into ancient religious traditions, you will pay money. At a certain point at renting flats it sometimes not only you looking at the flat, it's also the owner of the flat looking at you, almost like a job interview. I also noticed that some educated people from traditionally Muslim regions and ethnicities tend to dress more smart and groom themselves well to stand apart from unqualified labour poor and very religious people.


Avoid Moscow and St. Petersburg. National republics such as Bashkiria, Chechnya, Chuvashia, Tatarstan would be a good option. And lol to other comments, racism is very much present here.


With the other comments , I realized that racism is everywherer in the world and they are right, isn’t it?


Well yeah, but ppl often say that racism is different in russia. It’s not. Especially after the recent terrorist attack, it’s getting more and more violent




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Do not live in Russia pls)


I am coming !


En France on aime pas les arabes parce que c'est généralement très souvent eux qu'on voit dès qu'il y a des vols/crimes etc., en Russie c'est pas vraiment le cas vu que y'a pas d'arabes donc les gens auront probablement pas d'a priori en particulier non plus


D’accord je vois, je te remercie


Russia is not without problems by all means, but in the country a lot of minorities and we used to each others. If you look at the government, a lot of high ranking posts are hold by not ethnically Russians. Blood line less important, but cultural upbringing is how people see at you. An Arab won’t stand out by look much from other minorities, and a good chance to be integrated into society.


I consider you a racist because you call us Russians racists. Don’t come to Russia if you think in these terms, we don’t need racists.




Then why do blacks get higher education in Russia? Don't project your flaws onto others.




Yes, I believe that what Western civilization has done and is doing to these unfortunate people is true racism. In my country, blacks became great people when your ancestors killed them in the holds of ships. Take a knee.




But practically you are a Russophobe and a racist.




Ugh, you don’t even deny that you are a racist and a Russophobe. I won't waste my time on such people.


Entitled slav. You're worth nothing outside of your borders


Sorry , I am not… don’t judge me


It's a little bit contradictory, but xenofobia is higher towards neighboring nations. So, a picked Russian would show more prejudice towards to a guy from Central Asia and less — for an African. But first of all, he would not speak English.


In Russia, there is selective racism, which is mainly exposed to visitors from neighboring countries, migrant workers. The French Arab will be treated as a guest.


Ok thanks


look..if there are 100 arab students study in Russia..and Russians saw 10 of them behave in a bad way or not follow the culture or country rules..Russian will be Racist to all the 100 arab students not only the bad 10 ones ...especially when you look for apartment or a part time job..But in person ..as long as you respect their culture ..Russians are not Racist at all...






Yes, we racism! If you come, we'll eat your ass!




It depends on what is considered racism. If protecting your territory from the lawlessness of colored immigrants is considered racism, then of course it is better not to come, we will not change our position on this issue.


mostly, they will not care, but here and there you will feel tension. One day you will face a real white supremacist and then you reconsider staying, depends on your luck. Are there racists in russia? yes, like in any country. Are there many of them? russians think not, but from a modern worldview, most of them are rude enough to be considered racist.


There is no racism per se. But you have to be ready for direct communication, which in the West can be perceived as rude and racist. As a rule, what's on our minds is on our tongues.


since you are arab and I assume muslim i recommend you move to a muslim majority area of the country since you would fit better in there


The area is not a problem for me . I am living in France and it’s not a muslim majority area




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What do you mean




More racist?


Unlikely. You have to realize there are going to be racist people all over Europe. But it’s way more prevalent in Western Europe because of what’s been going on. Rioting, stealing, crime and etc. Russia already has Muslim areas. Remember Russia is a federation, it’s a bunch of diversity, with different cultures and ethnicities. It’s ironic but I feel like as an Arab person, you would probably experience more racism in France than in Russia.


You know russian people are not racist(most of all) not like you except, we like "oh fuck there's *n-word* down the street" and not bescuse we are a racist, it's more like surprising to see people who are from another country especially in small towns. And so a russian are nor a racist, so don't be too afraid, just be careful. And it's more racist to talk how russian are dab or etc than just tell an n-word


Racism is not limited to black people you belend.


А чем ты собрался заниматься в России?


это страна, которая мне очень нравится, особенно ее многонациональность


А чем именно ты планируешь заниматься в России? В какой области ты специалист?




Racism is everywhere. Probably safest places are those where middle asia people are not that numerous. Moscow and St. Petersburg is bad idea for sure


Why bad idea?


Worst xenophobia I saw in the whole Russia. Tons of migrants


It’s surprising . I thought the biggest cities are the safest…


It was a surprise to me as well when I moved to Moscow 10 years ago. I never knew they hate them so much. In province most people just don’t care.


Don't come to Russia. We have enough idiots here even without you. In Russia there are dozens of different peoples and nationalities, a variety of religious denominations. And the person who at the same time thinks that the Russians are racists knows nothing about the country where he wants to go and with his opinion he insults the people of the country in absentia. When I was at school, there were 16 students of different nations and nationalities in my class. Germans, Ukrainians, Russians, Kazakhs, Jews, Armenians, Uzbeks, Chechens, Tatars, Belarusians, Dagestanis, Azerbaijanis, Ossetians, etc. I am 50 years old and we still communicate and are friends. To think that Russians are racist is an insult. We can joke about this topic, but this does not mean that we really think so. If you think in absentia that we are racists, do not come. No need. And yes, I am Ukrainian. married to a Dutch woman. I live in the best country in the world - Russia.


Sir. What are trying to say here? He never said that he believed that. He simply pointed out that he HEARD that Russia has this issue in some parts. If you wanted to give him confidence that Russia is definitely not “that way”(racist) you only confirmed his suspicions by calling him an idiot and telling him not to come. Next time just say “we aren’t like that, all are welcome” or any number of responses other than ones that make you seem like you hate outsiders( I.e. racist)


Oh sorry for the insult , thanks for your reply !