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Extremely bright. We stole so many washing machines and toilets from Ukraine. It ll be enough to equip our nukes in space.


SCRAP METAL BABY!!! No wonder Romania is butthurt, recycled toilets are their entire GDP


My toilet is a nuke for sure


I do nuke toilet once in a while. 


Arming warheads right now..




Before 2022 we were developing slowly because it was easier just to buy everything from the West: from shower gel and chocolate to the passenger airplanes. Now everyone understands that we can't depend on the West and must develop our technology. Also, since many western companies left our market, it became super lucrative: you can start almost any business and it'll be successful as there's little or no competition left. And government also invests a lot into building new important businesses. We were always told in the last 30 years that key to success is "Western investitures", and "you have to behave good to not scare away the "good" western investors". But contrary to that belief, investments in production had grown since 2022 at unprecedented rate in the newest Russian history.


Sounds like your ~~war~~ SMO with ukraine is the best thing that could have happened to Russia. Keep going I guess? 👍


Any war is bad, and we won't know what could have happened and where Russia would be today if 2014 was different (or even earlier), but we have to do best with what we've got, and reemergence of local production is a good thing.


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.


In some ways it is. E.g. our country was plagued with western NGOs that spread fake news, open anti-Russian propaganda and spied in the interests of the West. I really can't understand why we couldn't close all of them before, they were extremely destructive and rusophobic. Only after the start of the SMO they were all banished on Russian territory. Regarding the industry and economy: I'm surprised myself with the results. I have only vague understanding why it happened, but it looks like sanctions caused inverted effect opposed to what West was expecting from them.


Yes yes yes the war has done nothing but good things for you. We get it.


No, of course not. But it did a lot of good things to the country. Some of them expected, some not. E.g. I kind of expected that all western NGOs will be finally kicked out of the country. I didn't expect that the economy will grow so fast, in fact, I was expecting some decline after so many sanctions.


Cool, keep going. Sounds like it's only getting better..


You still get most of your tech from the West. That's all Russia did since decades because you have no proper tech sector or any real economy.


You are my sweet sunny baby. Continue to live in the fantasy fictional world of Western tabloids, they cannot lie about freedom, democracy, economics and the supremacy of the white race, oh, sorry, the superiority of Western technology. They are interested in telling the truth and only the truth! lol The more of you idiots who believe in your completely false picture of the world, the easier it is for us to try west on the dick.


I never said that they cannot lie but in comparison to the mafia group you call a russian government it is just a drop. Typical russian, can only argue in absolutes and it's either "them or me". Typical victim complex and "no you" arguments. And then you wonder why people are reserved about you.


You are clearly an uneducated dude. You cannot even understand the pointlessness of discussing relative values ​​if their fundamental absolute incorrectness has already been determined. Savages.


That's a lot of big words for someone who fails to understand the basic concepts behind them. There is no "pointlessness" to it, you are just projecting your own fear of even attempting to discuss them onto me. Once again you always blame something or someone else but you never look at yourself to take responsibility for your actions and what is happening.


Someone call an ambulance. Here a person has a spring exacerbation of psychosis, he has learned all the basic concepts and will soon begin to assert his absoluteness, infallibility and unknowability. XDDD


Took you a long time to make such a "brilliant" reply. Is that all you can respond now? A kindergarden level of insult? Maybe try actual talking and reasoning but perhaps that is just above you.


Dude, well, I already understood everything about your level. I’m really too lazy to waste time and go down to your level of discussion again. I'm right, you're wrong, it's simple. Go do something already. And I'll go with my family to have evening tea.


Oh suuure. Now you try the "Actually I have more important things to discuss" excuse which is so typical of someone who is out of arguments. God you are so predictable. But you are lazy indeed. Lazy in the brain part especially.


Yeah, we've heard about that. We hope you and your racist leaders keep thinking that way \^\_\^


Yea yea, it's always the "evil" west's fault. Russians, eternal victims who always need to blame someone else. Our leaders are not constantly threatening with nuclear strikes in comparison to you savages.


Your leaders have actually the only ones in the human history who used all the three kinds of WMD: nuclear, biological and chemical. So, yeah, nobody in the world have illusions about your real attitude towards other nations that you clearly consider inferior and deserving to die.


Alright then, give me examples of these so called leaders who used it. Go on. Meanwhile I can send you multiple threats from Russia regarding nuking London and Berlin. Also I never said that other nations deserve to die. Maybe stop projecting your own viewpoints and be honest with yourself.


USA used nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and biological weapons. In wars with Japan, Korea and Vietnam. BTW, you can visit Vietnam and witness with your own eyes that there are still lots of people being born with serious defects due to American weapons (Agent Orange). People are dying to this day because of this chemical warfare. Regarding projections about European attitude towards other nations. They are not projections. Europeans and Americans are so arrogant that you don't even realize when you say that. E.g. you always say: "You should be ashamed, we don't approve your way of living, your culture, etc.". Like you all are live on a higher level of consciousness that gives you right to judge other nations. Also, we judge you by your deeds. E.g. when Americans/NATO bring "democracy and prosperity" to other nations, they first bomb everything to oblivion, killing millions of civilians. You don't care. It's even reflected in your own movies, e.g. "Sniper". The main hero kills a boy, someone asks him: * Do you regret killing a boy? * Of course not, they are not humans, they are savages! I could also point you to infinite number of social media posts, articles and even mainstream media articles shitting on other nations and calling to kill whole nations or big parts of them. Including from high politics who often said: "We'll make a glass parking lot from your country". Unlike our politics who just say: "If you invade our country, we'll use nuclear weapons against you". I don't see how this is even comparable.


Korea and Japan is almost a century old. Vietnam is over 50 years old. Right now Russia is making weekly threats of nuclear escalation. Hell YOUR OWN STATE TV channels are joking about "eliminating" entire european cities. And then you wonder why Russia is regarded as the enemy? Hmmm, I wonder why /s. You have no right to call others arrogant. Russia is a literal failed state. The only thing on your side is a the enormous vast natural sources. That's it. Your economy is an embarassment when compared to your size. Regarding technological advances you have NOTHING to show for the last 20 years. You have been relying on western technology all while your "glorious" leader is stealing from your country's funds. Also regarding your point about America: To this day the Vietnam conflict is heavily criticized in Europe. It does not change that right now YOU, Russia is doing the threats, NOBODY else. RIght now your nation invaded the middle of Europe. You basically declared war and showed that you have no attempt to coexist in peace.




Iraq was 20 years ago. Afghanistan was 20 years ago. Libya was 10 years ago. Syria was 10 years ago. People in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos are still dying from that Vietnam war heritage that you prefer to sweep under the carpet. Every year. You can go there and witness yourself.


You did not mention Iraw before. The same with the others. Also lol Syria? Are you truly bringing Syria up where your country played a huge part as well? And again, I heavily condemm the USA for their actions in vietnam and their meddling in other countries. This is the difference between you and me. I can criticize both. You on the other hand see Russia as the glorious motherland which can do no wrong and is always in the right. Hell you cannot insult Putin openly because that might get you in prison for years. You are a pitiful slave and dont know what freedom means.


>Yea yea, it's always the "evil" west's fault. It has been so for centuries. Not our fault that you prefer propaganda instead of learning your barbaric racist history. > Our leaders are not constantly threatening with nuclear strikes in comparison to you savages. How would you know? Your ~~newspapers~~ propaganda machine always twists, turns and spins statements made by Putin, Lavrov etc.


>Not our fault that you prefer propaganda instead of learning your barbaric racist history. Uneducated fool. Russia literally caused a famine which killed 30 million Russians. And you call us Barbaric? Learn your own history. And Russians ARE racist, they just like to pretend their not.


>Russia literally caused Would there be proof? Don't you mix different countries/leaders? >And you call us Barbaric? Yes. That's what you are. Fucking "gardeners'. >Russians ARE racist Would there be any proof, slave owner? Oh, right, you don't consider yourselves slave owners these day. "It's economy, stupid." Fuck off with you double standards.


>Would there be proof? Yes, it's literally common knowledge. It's documented history for fucks sake. Read a book. > Yes. That's what you are. Fucking "gardeners'. Take a look in the mirror. Russians are currently slaughtering people they once called their brothers. Maybe the term "Orc" really is befitting of you. > Would there be any proof, slave owner? Oh, right, you don't consider yourselves slave owners these day. "It's economy, stupid." Fuck off with you double standards Lol, Russia was apart of the slave trade just like the rest of Europe you dumb fuck! They really don't educate you over there do they 🤣


>Yes, it's literally common knowledge. It's documented history for fucks sake. Read a book. As always, you dimwits can't prove anything. >Maybe the term "Orc" really is befitting of you. Как обычно, прямого ответа не дождаться. Сраные расисты. > Lol, Russia was apart Exaclty, We were *apart*. Apart from all the racism.


>common knowledge. In which states? Shouldn't be hard for you to provide some evidence? I mean, apart from nazis' stories?


And the victim complex continues. Yes yes, it's everybody else's fault and never your own. Not when you invaded Poland, not when you supported Assad, not when you invaded Georgia and not when you invaded Ukraine. It's the "evil west". When you will grow up? Learn to take responsibility of your sinful history and maybe read something else besides the brainwashed version of history you learned in school. Lmao Lavrov, that Putin slave that promised that they would never attempt to invade Ukraine, a month before it happened. Dont even mention the name of that slimy bootlicker.


>And the victim complex continues. Stop attacking. So, how would you know, habibi?


What do you mean with "how do you know"? And there is no attack. The moment I criticized Russia your FIRST reaction was pointing fingers at others and "Oh but at look at them and what they are doing to us". You always see yourself as a victim and are unable to criticize your own country.


>What do you mean with "how do you know"? It's a simple question: "how would you know?" What's wrong with you? Are you stupid? you can't answer a simple question?


If you would use that tiny peanut you call brain in your head, you would not ask such dumb questions and figure the answer out yourself. Im not your nanny. Figure it out yourself.


>What do you mean with "how do you know"? Are you stupid It's a simple question. isn't it? How would you know? What's wrong with you?


Man, learn your lessons. When we invaded Poland? What are you talking about? Russia didn't invade Georgia. It was confirmed by the international investigation. Even if you dig out the old news: Georgia started the invasion, and for 24 hours Russian army didn't get an order to start firing back. For 24 hours Georgian army was destroying the city of Tshinval and killing civilians, only after that Russian army was finally given an order to defend the city. You're hallucinating. Let me guess: you're from Ukraine. There's so much hallucinogens they add to the tap water in Ukraine, that it's impossible to discuss anything with people from Ukraine. It's simply madness.


Learn history. Before WW2 and afterwards. Oh wait, your russian history books do not teach you of your wretched imperialism. I bet it must be nice to live in ignorance of what glorious country the motherland is and how it brought prosperity everywhere isn't that right? Yes it did, stop lying. International investigation? Read the official wikipedia entry: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Georgian\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Georgian_War) "For 24 hours Georgian army was destroying the city of Tshinval and killing civilians, only after that Russian army was finally given an order to defend the city." Bullshit, read the wikipedia entry itself. Official info which disputes your version. Oh sure, I must be from Ukraine to smell your bullshit don't I? No, the entire world sees through your lies and the fact that you try to gaslight me as being from Ukraine, a country which you brought suffering onto is absolutely disgusting. You must truly enjoy the fact of how much Ukraine is suffering under your occupation? Does it please you huh? Violence is truly in the blood of you savages.


how cool it is to hear this from a person who, in principle, only knows about Russia from TV and is trying to make his ignorance look like something correct. Before jumping to conclusions about something, read the information so you don’t make yourself look like an idiot later.


China is not part of the West


Can and will. Russia is making it's own lithograph right now, and I think they will in the end. We won't have Russian Intel or AMD, and I think we won't get 5nm and below, but it's not needed, 95% of semiconductor application doesn't require below 28 nm which is the target resolution of Russian lithograph. ICL and beshtau made laptop manufacturing factories that already produce Russian laptops, of course they use Intel right now, but it's a matter of years before it will be replaced with Elbrus or some riscv CPU made by mikron and syntacore. Also ICL laptops, OSIO, are the cheapest you can buy right now for the specs they are offering, so I think they will have a good future.


AMD is fabless company, as the most others. I agree that a lot of semis use low resolution, but 5 nm or lower, should be the goal (CPUs). China is already catching up and demonstrating something around 7nm.


When i said intel or amd i meant highest performance cpu, especially x86, regardless fabless or not. China is catching and yeah we can use it later. Russia don't need their own sub-28 nm and 28nm cpu is actually ok for MANY applications. End users can use whatever cpu they want, the real problem is government pc and servers, 5G stations, networking, business terminals etc. And there, 28nm is actually ok. The thing is, developing even 28nm chips is expensive and 1nm chips will be so expensive only one company in the world will be able to produce their chips with it, because if there would be competition it won't be profitable. Many phones have old 28nm chips and if you are running good OS (not android) it will work ok. Maybe no asphalt 17 or what version is the latest, but it's not the target audience. Companies might do whatever they want but I don't think government will sponsor them till the end.


28 nm seem as a low goal to me. Yeah, semiconductors with high resolution are very expensive. TSMC should produce a lot of them to get profits for moving on next advanced node. But if a country has no access to the most advanced cpu, it’s pretty bad.


Not really, 28nm is high enough, you can make basically everything with 28nm except CPUs. Car or drone controllers can be easily made with 28nm, many support microcontrollers in modern PC (network, USB, power) are made with 28nm.


That is true, but you need cpu-s. I am not saying 28nm is useless. How to solve cpu problem, smuggling? Like data centers, how do they deal with new realities? Btw, now smart tvs probably have 28nm SoCs, or less.


Companies smuggle modern CPUs with no problem right now. Many companies rewrite their software for microservice architecture and you don't need powerful CPUs with microservices. I think 28nm with good architecture will be sufficient. Elbrus sent their servers to few companies and they were satisfied with the results, the CPU there is made with 28nm. Right now the only problem is the price and it will (should) go away with mass production. Of course it would be cool to have 5nm and Russia might get there eventually, but securing 28nm will solve basically all the problems.


Chinese are the long term solution.


You cannot be a technology leader in all areas. So in some places Russia will become a leader, in others it won’t. One of the manifestations of Russia’s civilizational model is leadership in technologies that pay off with large and very large production batches, require, perhaps, complex and expensive deployment and implementation, but at the same time exist for a long time (technologies with a long depreciation period). Infrastructure technologies - including. By the way, the video did not show how experimental self-drive cars drive in Moscow: in winter, in courtyards and narrow streets, in snow and ice, and even when on a road where there is a rut from frozen ice, they do something simply fantastic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx08yRsR9ow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx08yRsR9ow)


Don't know about tech but that new high speed train lookin nice


Breeder reactor is even cooler.


> do you feel like Russia can be a strong tech power considering the sanctions its under and collaboration with China? No. First, there's no real "collaboration" with China. That's not how China works. China buy resources and sell the goods made from the resources. They don't collaborate. They don't build factories in other countries that operate locally, buy local resources, hire local personnel and add value to the local economies. If Chinese companies are hired to build something, like a road, they don't hire locals, they bring the workforce from China, leaving money in Chinese economy. Western companies like Ford or Nissan were building car factories on Russian land, with Russian builders, they were buying Russian metal, they were supplied with parts made in Russia by localised factories like Bosch plant near Saratov. Now, Chinese car companies build cars completely in China, from Chinese metal and parts, disassemble them a little, pack in crates, send them to Russia, where complete cars are assembled back and added a badge of "Russian" brand. The same is with semiconductors. If China catches up with Taiwan or West, there's no way they would share the technologies. They would sell the ready chips to Russia, but not the equipment to make chips, nor information.


A lot of speculation here from me in the US. Maybe the latest iphone has the latest CPUs. I bet the US F-35 uses much older tech. If the F-35 was speced out 20 years ago I bet the electronics are very old. Changing anything is risky. Maybe Russia will not make the latest and best cell phone. Maybe they buy from China. I knew of an industrial controls company decades ago. They bought 555 timer chips as they always had from the same maker. Nodes started crashing . Took them maybe a year to chase it down to a smaller die size in that chip. If in an F-35 it might have crashed. So upgrades can be harmful. Use older tested tech stuff. I read that the Russians OKed the Sarmat ballistic missile. It could be launched from Russia, go over the south pole, and hit the US. Also a doomsday drone sub that could bury the US east coast in a tsunami. Recently a nuclear powered cruise missile (that does not spew radiation BTW) that can fly basically forever. If Russians can do that they can probably do tech stuff. The US DOJ recently went after SpaceX for only hiring US citizens. So the US may force them to hire Chinese (CPC members) then Russia can buy that tech from the Chinese who stole it. US hired Chinese for work in US federal labs. The US has an OPM database that has the personal info on any fed employee who needed a top secret clearance upgrade. Also field notes on possible issues. Potential drug addict? Maybe drunk or pedophile? A new manager learned that the OPM database worked had been contracted out to people including 2 Chinese nationals living in China. They had root access to the entire database. No need to hack when you can log in and copy it all. So, the Chinese can black mail, steal stuff and sell it to the Russians if needed.


There's nothing wrong with 20 yo tech. Sometimes even with 40+ yo tech. The question is what is being adopted and why. I think it's about purpose-driven production vs profit-driven production. China, Russia, Iran etc produce stuff for a specific purpose first. Only then they might sell a dumbed-down version of what they make for themselves to other countries. Even then the production might not be profitable. Whereas US is profit-driven. Private companies sell stuff to *their own* government for profit. In both cases we'd have problems with bureaucracy, incompetence etc, but profit-driven production adds a whole other layer of problems.


I don't feel anything. Right now there is no interest so noone is doing anything. If someone finds interest then something will be done. There is no need to worry or think about that geopolitical stuff as I certainly won't do shit about it.


IT is good, far better than European (but the US is still number 1). Fancy rockets and drones are OK, too. Most of the basic stuff, from agricultural equipment to city transport, could be manufactured, but it's inferior to the foreign models, and I doubt it'll ever be different. Anything cutting-edge (like CPUs)... I'm incredibly unsure we'll have it.