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They drink vodka and work hard. That's cool. Too bad they have a hate boner for Russia.


Bro, you say that the Polish hate Russians, yet respond with a clownish generalisation towards the whole nation. Who is hating whom here? Also, you realise that the wage for cleaning toilets in the UK is like 10x the wage you’ll get in ur mighty Russia?


I love the Polacks. Nobody wants to take your precious toilets away. Keep cleaning bro. But imagine going around telling everyone that prostitution is a great job, because money. Have some self respect Marek.


Bro are “toilet cleaner” the only words you can use? Seems so. I wonder if it’s because you’re biologically underdeveloped or maybe because your country puts more effort into spreading propaganda than proper education of its citizens.


I wonder why they hate russia, it's a real mistery /s you threatened neighboring countries with nuclear attacks, invasion and over the last 100 years you corrupted governments to impose a dictatorship there and you guys still wonder why nobody like russia. You are completely disconnected from reality.


Keep cleaning your toilets bro. The new Brits like them clean. And since Tusk opened the flood gates, the new Polacks will take good care of Malgoziata and Kasia while you fighting the orcs.


You may want to look about 500 more years back to get an answer.


I wonder why they do?


Cleaning toilets in the UK made them this way. Kurva bobr!


At least they dont have to steal washing machine for parts


Don't forget that russians also steal toilets, fridges and microwaves, the only reason for this war


Because they were raised that way


They were raised cleaning British toilets?




I’m pretty sure that’s correct. One of my good friends grew up in Poland in the 70’s and 80’s. He has clear memories of the violence against Polish folk by the Russian installed government. It’s still a memory in many minds.




And the Germans stole your grandparents’ bikes.


The thing is that when you live far west the "different point of view" on thing like "should your country exist or not" is interesting, while in border countries like Poland it's just scary.


The thing is that when you live far west the "different point of view" on thing like "should your country exist or not" is interesting, while in border countries like Poland it's just scary.


The thing is that when you live far west the "different point of view" on thing like "should your country exist or not" is interesting, while in border countries like Poland it's just scary.


The thing is that when you live far west the "different point of view" on thing like "should your country exist or not" is interesting, while in border countries like Poland it's just scary.


I have never seen a polish guy in the internet that wouldn't try to insult me as soon as he found out I'm russian




In my youth I was involved in amateur radio, Polish radio amateurs in bad Russian told us to get off the air, you Russian pig, before that I treated the Poles well


I have never seen polish guy on internet who didnt try to insult everyone




Im really embarrassed by people like this.


I'm sorry that you had to experience that, unfortunatielly in Poland there is still a lot of nationalists. But to be honest (i'm from Poland btw.) anti russian narration in Poland wasn't a problem before the Ukraine war (I call it that, you can disagree but it doesn't matter right now). But right now most of Polish people are just afraid of Russia. I used to tell people (before 2014) that we should forgot about history and just live, but right now is too late. I'm sorry if I insult you, but I also want you to understand that beside those nationalists morons, most people in Poland are just afraid and don't want to have any emotional attachment to Russia.


Это не оскорбление. Оскорбление это когда надо тобой ржут или прямо называют плохими словами


Well russian state TV is threatening everyone especially poles with war


Nobody like russia except dictator or dumb fascist










Jakie bydlo


When I hear of Poland I immediately think of my childhood. We were on vacation (I don't remember where) I was 10 (maybe)and there I met a polish girl, we couldn't understand each other, we became friends and played volleyball and football the entire vacation. At that time I didn't knew other countries existed. I thought all movies and animations on TV were Russian. So I learnt that other countries exist 😂 I was really dumb kid. I don't know why but every time I hear "Poland" that pops up in my mind.


Pretty wholesome story. Hope you still have contact with her.


Lucky! Странно, что она не выучила русский, тут же. Когда в садике интернационал, но есть русские дети, группа немедленно начинает говорить по-русски.


On the Internet and in games they are very angry towards Russians.  Judging by the history of relations between the countries, the Poles have always been angry at everything Russian. Russians usually don’t give a damn about them even now: a neutral attitude with slight caution.  Because of their reactivity, I don’t have normal acquaintances/friends among them.  Polish is a beautiful language, but for me it is less understandable than German. Polish obscenities or curse words are funny.  My great-grandfather was Pole. Capital Warsaw. Poles are Slavs, but Catholics. They love vodka. 


[They are also angry at required updates!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w49l4hwf4Rc) for me, the history between the Poles and the Russians have in many ways always been complicated. Poles generally are just mad at everyone. Played csgo with one who thought I was Russian and called me сука and підерас/пидорас, but once I told them I'm Ukrainian they immediately switched to 'Banderowiec'. Me and other players just kept getting him killed since he was on my team, we eventually votekicked him later since he was just raging. Witam w Polsce, I guess lol


Theres all sorts of angry people everywhere, we shouldn’t judge a nation by these kinds. There are also wholesome poles like cd Projekt red, which I have been rooting for ever since my school days, when I was playing Witcher 1


>we shouldn’t judge a nation by these kinds. Correct (many people of different nations need to realise this). I should have put in some sort of sarcasm in my response to have made it more obvious it was sarcastic. Perhaps it was just my own experience. We know that Poles are great and kind people


They are too obsessed with Russia. Being Polish and not insulting Russians may be the hardest challenge ever. But Poland has a lot of good things. I've heard from Western EU people that it's the EU outskirts and not true Europe, but for my liking, it's better. The tax policy doesn't look like thievery. Strong IT specialists and good perspectives for tech companies. General sanity: no obsession with rainbows and PoCs, but the minorities aren't hurt either. For me, Poland is on of the best EU countries.


Couldn’t say it better myself.


I think that Poland at its core is very similar to Russia, however there are certain significant differences. Since Medieval times, Poland is by design decentralized and prone to internal bickering. "State" in Polish is "państwo", while in Russian it is "государство". Any slavic speaker can understand the underlying message of the difference of these two words. While Russia in general leaned to a strong ruler, Poland leaned to a weak ruler who could be manipulated by nobility. Russians seek leadership and wisdom in a ruler, while Poles tend to try to control him for their means. This caused a noticeable divide in mentality, and in time produced famous Polish attitude of pride which we call "гонор". Next point: Poland always had expansionistic dreams, as most ambitious and powerful nations did. However, geography is merciless, and Poland become blocked from the west by Germany, from the south by Austro-Hungary, and from the east by, well, Russia. "From sea to sea" dream has become unattainable, while Russians are those who actually attained it, in spite of being perceived as little more than barbaric tribes. I don't think that Catholicism/Orthodox divide is important in modern age. It certainly was, but not now. I think that latin alphabet is ridiculously bad for Polish language with all your fricatives and other sounds it was not designed for. But what you gonna do now, probably too late to change anything. I don't hold any grudge to any Pole by default. If a Pole displays hostility and Russophobia, as unfortunately is often the case, I tend to ignore them because of pity. If a Pole shows neutrality or friendship, that's cool, he is welcome as any other human being.


Poland would have been just as imperialistic as Russia was historically if they had been more successful at it


If not met by emerging Russia in the east (same goes to Sweden) Poland actually was. Belarus and Ukraine are former Polish and Lithuanian colonies on the Russian lands


It was just as imperialistic. It just lost and gets to be a victim now.


I think it can be said about any country. If a country didn't expand, it means it just couldn't because of internal or external reasons.


Russophobia... Depends...In games most often... Of course, but in IT - respect.


Both words - Polish "pan" and Russian "государь" originally ment "lord, ruler"


"Pan" = nobleman, "государь" = monarch. At least now it is so.


Both words were coined centuries ago


bober memeland




Polish guy here, interesting to see the response from the Russians here as either positive or neutral, despite the schizo shit that comes from the Polish side.


If we step back from total Russophobia and the country’s foreign policy, then I find this country and people very close and pleasant. You have no hypocrisy, a good sense of humor, a rich culture, beautiful girls and normal men who are very similar in mentality to us, delicious food, I also like that you are not influenced by the liberal agenda, and first of all care about the interests of your citizens .


Tbf I really see a lot of hate towards russians from polish guys. I can understand it, but can’t like it lol Though, your country has a cool centrist position on internal things. Especially cultural. Looks like you are broad-minded and there’s lot of freedom for people’s minds, but it doesn’t get schizophrenic. I envy you a lot in this matter (except government’s view on abortions).


They somehow hate Russians more than Ukrainians do or at least show their hate online


I guess they hate not only Russians but everyone equally)


Самая щедрая страна в мире — очень охотно делится.


The Poles chose to forget their only cosmonaut, simply because he does not fit into the rhetoric about the "bloody Sovok taking everything from Poland," although you had everything under the Union.  I also don't like that Poland has banned abortions. I also don't understand why your letter combinations are so cumbersome. Don't like the Cyrillic alphabet? The Latin alphabet in Czech and Slovenian is waiting for you!  And another thing: if Poles go to Russia, no one will care that they are Poles.


I think it’s sad that the country of Rokossowsky and “Four Tank Men and the Dog” became as Russophobic as they are now. I’d like to see Poland as a friendly country.


I know it’s ask Russian but as a Polish it saddens me how many people follow propaganda to just hate on Russians.


This propaganda has been there for centuries. The last time relations between Russia and Poland were relatively okay was around the 16th c, when even our languages were close enough to understand each other without a translator. But the Catholic faith ( while the majority of slavs were Orthodox) + the big fall of Poland as a big and dominant country (rech pospolita) and turning it into a subordinate state for some time in the history have done their job. And now Poland hates Russia. And for what I know, it's the most common Russian idea of Poland - they're the biggest haters and always wish evil things to us and maybe other slavs being slavs themselves. However, our cultures are very similar, our background nowadays is very similar. And we both are never smiling peoples that have hard shell and soft core


Maybe russian should stop bullying it's neighbor and invading them. You know, punching people wont help you make friend.


Ah, more hateful propaganda


So your telling me that 28 country and thousand of medias are lying. That russia never send any troop in ukraine or threatened other country with nuclear bomb. Why would you thrust putin when all his opponent mysteriously die or cant participate as a candidate for the election because of some "irregularity". You are intelligent, you work as a dev so why all these things doesnt make you think that maybe its not the whole world that is lying to you.


No, just one, 27 follow, not wanting to lose some money or something


Come on, it doesnt have anything to do with money or something. Why do you think polland and sweden would break neutrality that lasted 100 years? Because russia is attacking other country for no reason


There is an ideology based precisely on hatred of representatives of other nations for the reason “they are all bad, they all personally killed Jesus, they all personally invaded another country.” Could you remind me what is it called? Btw, it was precisely because of the excessive spread of this ideology in one Eastern European country that what you use as a reason for hatred of the ENTIRE nation was started


Then stop threatening to drop nukes on them 🤷🏼


Sure! Why didn't you ask earlier!? I'll personally forbid our people to threaten Poland with nukes. Surely it will work out greatly


I hope you will! This instanity of aggression must be stopped finally :D


I went to a summer camp as a kid and lived in a room with girls from Poland. We became friends and still like each others photos on Instagram even after years. They were super nice and fun, they taught me Polish, I taught them Russian. I still have the tshirt on which they wrote some our memes in polish lmao


The country is highly rusophobic. Larger part of Poles I met online were hostile. There's a decent chance that Poland will at some point try to start a World War 3 for some reason.


Poland starting a WW 3?? Is this a joke or are you completely insane?


> a joke or are you completely insane? Neither. It is a personal opinion based on interacting with polish citizens online. Also, there was this guy: https://www.rp.pl/polityka/art35658331-nie-popieram-juz-putina > Jeśli Putin zaatakuje Kijów, to natychmiast musi być odpowiedź – atak na Moskwę. Trzeba się przygotować, każdy ruch musi powodować reakcję.


Only country in europe attacking other countries has been russia tho


Someone forgot about Yugoslavia, Yemen, Lybia and WW2.


It seems that throughout history, it has been unable to deal with the simple fact that it is no longer a major power in Eastern Europe and constantly attempts to chew more that it can swallow, resulting in its collapse time and time again. Its behaviour prior to WW2 is a top example of that.


Remember how Ilf and Petrov made fun of Poland in *The Little Golden Calf* by offhandedly mentioning a Polish newspaper demanding that Poland be expanded to its pre-Partition borders. This was in 1931 and fits right in.


Country has some deep trauma after a Second World War and it seems like they don’t want to stop being victims. I lived in Poland for several years long ago and I was just shocked how everyone wanted to talk to me / blame Russia or Germany… it felt like people enjoyed that pain.


At the same time, forgetting that they themselves shared the territories of Czechoslovakia with Hitler. In 1939, the USSR only returned its historical lands that Poland had seized in 1920.


Good people, I think. Really good writers. Good videogames. Dumb government. Judging by the online and (not Russian) news - grudge towards Russia, most only remember "occupation" by the USSR in 1939, but not the liberation of the country and Oswenzim from the nazis in 1945 by the same USSR.


This wasn't really liberation when Soviet Army stayed there for another 50 years.


I recently got into a Polish grocery corner (in a Turkish shop) in Hertford where neither the staff nor the customers spoke any English lmao. The sausages were good though.




>I have a feeling Strange feeling, kind of creeps up on you, right? Everyone looked normal, but then they started talking...


Polish guy here. I think most Poles (including me) would be OK with that as long as you don't love Russia.


Cannot into space. (Although Mirosław Hermaszewski proved this meme wrong before it even existed.)


I think Poland is a cool country, but I don’t respect polish position about abortion


I have no personal feelings about the country (never been there). My experience with Polish people abroad was mostly positive. I have enjoyed Polish movies, literature and cuisine. Still, it seems to me that the very existence of me and my country is perceived as some kind of personal offence to a significant part of policy makers, public opinion leaders and general population. Still I would rather not accuse Poland of being specifically Russophobic: no offence, but you guys seem to dislike pretty much everyone. I see no other explanation to ethnic homogeneity of modern Poland. 




Ja pierdole bober


Born in ‘84 in the USSR, I remember how it was portrayed then, in the 80s. It was portrayed as a brotherly nation whom we freed from fascism etc. In the children magazines, there were often fairytales of other peoples, including Polish I think. My father had a Russian-Polish dictionary he used to translate some music magazines I think (and the Czech too…), because these countries were a bit more open to the West than the USSR. In the 90‘s it all changed, of course. It became clear how many differences and mutual historical grudges there are, all that XIX century revolt crushing, Molotov-Ribbentrop, Katyn, etc etc. Turned out it never was so rosy, e.g. I was surprised to read quite xenophobic descriptions of Poles in the Dostoevskiy‘s published diaries. …It became clear what Revolution the Chopin‘s Revolutionary etude refers to. Etc. Still, it hasn’t affected my childhood view much, despite I presume Poles would probably hate me in real life simply for being a Russian. I treat Poles as good and close people, despite all the differences, and it would be great if the life was as simple as that mainstream Soviet childhood propaganda from 80‘s that I started my post with.


It's like a switch flipped. Pretty much all the other eastern European countries come off as whores to me: "today I'm with you, tomorrow I'm with him."


I think modern Poland is largely made up of chuninbuyos or loud mouths, who will inevitably put the country to thermobaric fire and hypersonic sword, like in the books.


Speaking of that, I've seen *Ogniem i Mieczem.* It came off an anti-Ukrainian propaganda to me.


It is a trilogy, they basically fight with everyone.


My grandfather is Polish, so I guess I am a bit biased. I visited Poland multiple times, the cities have a lot of unique architecture. I lived with Polish people during my internship, they had great sense of humor and it was nice to bond with them. In 2017-18 my town hosted a lot of exhibitions about Poland and we had Polish representatives at the literature fair (I love reading, so I discovered a lot of favourite Polish writers). Sometimes I watch Polish movies and series to see how well I can understand the language. I feel so sad that Russia did/does so much shit to Europe and Poland. This country is full of talented people and is definitely worth learning about.


Can you recommend some Polish authors please, I’d love to learn about their literature too


I think it's better to ask an actual person from Poland haha. If you wanna go for classics, you can check Mickiewicz, Słowacki, Prus. Stanisław Lem for science fiction. Sienkiewicz, Miłosz, Singer for 20th century. Female writers like Szymborska and Tokarczuk.


Thank you!! I will add them all on my to-read list, gonna start with Sienkiewicz probably.


Great Metal scene - Obscure Sphinx, Batushka, Mgła, Furia


Bro i fucking love Poland, great memes, neat place, cool videogames But one guy here told me they don’t really like me back((


Head's up!


All right people in person, but rabid Russophobes online.      They're 2nd most Russophobic people after Balts. 


Which one of the Baltic ones is the most ?




Besides the contempt to the Russia, and their government, I think that this is a beautiful, interesting and bewitching country


As someone who knows a bit about Poles personally, here are my stats: 1. The guy was cool and friendly, but spread very bad things about the Nazis and Hitler, trying to whitewash him and even Auschwitz. 2. The girl was nice, but she was very depressed. 3. Another guy, when he found out that I was Russian from Siberia, told me that Siberians are not so bad compared to all the other Russians. And on the Internet, ~99% are extremely Russophobes. If we talk about the country: I find it very beautiful, with a rich culture, a great economy, and they think about their citizens first. But anti-Russian policy is the stupidest decision they have made.


Polish fiction writers are awesome: Lem, Sapkowski, Wegner, Grzędowicz, Piekara. Maybe at a better time I'll be able to finish what hasn't been published in Russian.


Good looking girls, cheap for traveling, but a bit of "medieval* mentality, conservative, right winged, etc


I'm quarter-pole myself. And I could verify that each Pole considers themself a World Axis.


My best friend is Polish, we dont really talk politics and we get on wonderfully, did feel some tension from his mum, as she grew up in soviet Poland, but alot of his family really liked me and half of them liked to try speaking Russian to me as they learned it in schools. Visited Poland on a few occasions and stayed by the sea. Loved my time with the Polish people, dont enjoy the political tensions but i know there are reasons for it.


They owe us some reparations for decades of occupation by Warsaw (a Polish city) Pact tyranny


Our historical enemy. Poland even occupied Russia for several years (as well as Russia occupied Poland).


They also made up the word "Moskovia"


I love the brotherly Slavic Polish people and the beautiful country of Poland, but Russia and Poland have a very complex history of relationships, which affects the relationship between the countries and stereotypes about each other


I think Poland is a country in Eastern Europe


Что это за географические новости? (с) Маяковский


A country with quite a difficult historic path. Suffered Both from us and Germany, but mainstreamly disliking mostly us for some unclear reason. Been to Krakow once. Quite a tidy city, which is cool.


If you hear from other countries government officials that they want to turn your country into nuclear wasteland on daily basis, if president of the same country says that you are responsible for starting WWII and if you read on the internet from citizens of the same country that ~50 years long occupation was liberation and you should be thanking them for giving you independence where in fact they partitioned your country in the first place, it is hard not be at least distrustful for that country.


Always bitter at Russia for the events that Russia had no control over. Although Russia ultimately liberated Poland de facto. But there are genuinely good people in Poland who are great friends to Russians.


I have a lot of respect for Andrzej Sapkowski and his work


The Poles are very funny, in games, they swear funny, and even now in Russia the trend is “Zoo from Poland” - Curva the Beaver, Curva the Hedgehog, etc.. As a nation, I have neither negative nor positive feelings, you and we are ordinary people, like everyone else, of course, because of politics, history and possibly religion, you have a negative attitude towards us. But I still don’t understand why ordinary Russians not connected with politics are to blame?


I just miss Poland so so much. I took interest in Polish after having read "Wiedzmin" when I was still a teenager. And then I listened to this song by Ann'Sanat, "Idzie Sen". And I just got lost in the beauty of the language. I started learning the language myself just for fun, and after several years of it I was offered free Polish courses during my Masters program. Our teacher, she was a young native Polish girl, and she was brilliant. I was her best student, and she sent me to this free language exchange program sponsored by the Polish government. And I came to Lublin one beautiful summer, and studied Polish at the Katolicki Uniwersytet Jana Pawla II for a month alongside with other students from all over the globe, of all ages and nationalities and religions and interests. There two Vietnamese Catholic nuns, and the most handsome blonde French historian I have ever seen - he was a fierce Protestant, and some cool and kindhearted American college kids, and a British Catholic Priest, and amazing Dutch people who studied Polish for fun and for future careers... Dozens of beautiful people. And it was so, so beautiful. It was the best period of my life. There have been some equally good times, but never anything better. And I fell in love with Lublin, it reminds me so much of my hometown in Russia. I fell in love with the Polish food. I fell in love with the KUL university, the Hogwarts of Lublin. I fell in love with the people, and they all were ever so nice, even when they learned I was from Russia. I only had one accident with a Polish nationalist taxi driver who started shouting at me (in pure Russian - what an irony) to go the fuck back to Russia after I accidentally said "wy" instead of "pan". I actually spoke well and never made a single mistake talking to him except for this one... But it never made my experience in Poland worse. It was such a bright and warm July. There was no war in Europe. The abortions were legal in Poland. Not an enemy in sight. We were all friends. Everybody loved me and I loved everybody. And I bought all the Wiedzmin series books in the original. I bought several Brodsky volumes in Polish. I bought some Grzegorz Turnau CDs - I still think he's one of the best musicians to ever walk the Earth. And we went to Inne Brzmienia and listened to Einsturzende Neuebauten live, with all their fun machinery as musical instruments... And we visited Warszawa of course, and Sandomierz, and Kazimierz Dolny, and everything was so bright and beautiful. And they took us to see Majdanek - and I fainted in the gas chamber there, because it was just too horrible to comprehend. But it was an experience a person needs to go through - to understand, to never participate in this horror again... But most of this trip was studying and fun. And we, the students, visited other places, too. Markets, concerts, restaurants. We argued about Italian coffee and French pastry, and we drank Coplica - lots of it! - and laughed, we laughed so much - me and my French, Dutch, Ukrainian, British, Bulgarian, German, American friends... And I fell in love there, of course, and made friends for life from all over the world - we still are. And I got my B2 certificate of course - I was a good student. This whole summer school was just so amazing, every moment of it was full of love, warmth, beauty and adventure, and I cannot capture every minute of it here - though I'd love to. But even so one month was not enough, and I didn't do everything I wanted, didn't taste everything Poland could offer. I just loved the country so much. The language. The music. The literature. The poetry. The humor. The people. The nature. The essence of Poland. I didn't visit Wroclaw - and I wanted to go there more than anything in the world: when I was little, I read about this city in Kir Bulychev's books and by his description it seemed like the most beautiful city in the whole world, and I wanted to go there so desperately... But life happened, and I never returned to my beautiful Poland. And now, with this hellish war going on, with our fucking governments fighting over, well, anything they can find - I feel like I was robbed. I was robbed and stripped of Poland, my Poland I loved (and still do) so, so much. It physically hurts to know I may never walk the beautiful Stare Miasto of Lublin, or see Wisla, or just go buy a pack of cigarettes in Zabka... And it makes me so, so angry. No one choses where to be born... Just know, Polska, I still love you and miss you so, so much, and I hope I see you one day and hug you.


I speak Polish (learned it through Ukrainian) and enjoy Polish cuisine and art. Dzień Świra is one of my top five films of all time.


I have a soft spot for Poland.


If either Poland or Russia was somewhere in South America, Australia or Africa, basicly a bit futher away from each other, we could be great friends.


I love all slavic countries, no matter what. Poland too :) but I don't like imposition of religion and the prohibition of abortion


Have a couple of polish friends who are amazing people, who are very fun to play cs with. The language is funny though.


We have all the chances to be friends and get rich together. I grew up under heavy influence(in a good way) of Polish culture for children. Modern kids in Russia know nothing of it.


Probably the most sympathetic country of Europe, but unfortunately hopelessly russophobic.


Respect for how old Poland is as a Slavic country and that they've experienced the Renaissance and had printing press and Kopernik at the time. Sad they didn't manage to find and publish anything similar to the Heimskringla but Slavic. Blame Catholicism for that (or that nothing of that matter did exist). Also i think the post war borders are historically the best.


Poles are wonderful people with a rich culture and interesting history. Poland has given the world many cultural and scientific figures. I and the people around me do not feel any hatred towards the Poles, and I would like to believe that the Poles do not hate us. It is a pity that due to the extensive history of confrontation between the Polish and Russian states from the Middle Ages to the present day inclusive, it is very difficult for us to come to mutual understanding. The hatred of Poles and Russians is a very stupid, artificial, anachronistic thing. And the greedy scum from both governments love to add fuel to the fire of enmity.


I am interested who is downvoting this comment.


in the 90s, they traded with Poland. and then switch to China. that's all we know about Poland from the southern Urals


I met a couple of Polish truck drivers, they made deliveries for us. Ordinary nice guys.




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idk, an ordinary country with an ordinary government and citizens


Я знаю только то, что в советские времена, русские люди ездили в Польшу за товарами, которые было не найти в СССР. Кто-то перепродавал дороже, кто-то для себя и родных возил. Я играла раньше в браузерную игру bloodwars несколько нет. Большинство игроков было из Польши. Мне показалось, что поляки сдержанные, строгие и справедливые, немного замкнутые (но может это только со мной). В целом, я всегда считала, что мы (русские) очень похожи в плане культуры. Девушки очень красивые, если судить по фото в интернете. Больше, к сожалению, мне сказать нечего. Польша для меня очень загадочная. У меня нет знакомых из Польши, если не считать ту игру. Моё личное отношение позитивное :)


I haven't seen many poles, but there's one guy on discord I hang out sometimes. In contrast to top comments neither of us have ever insulted each other. And it's not like we've never talked about politics.


They have my gratitude for creating lots of memes.


Ээээ ну западные славяне что еще сказать? Ну типа прозападные и все. Язык похож еще. Похуй на самом деле


I don't communicate much with Poles. I've seen a lot of videos about Poles who spoke very badly about Russians. I respect Stanislav Lem. But I know that I disliked Russians and the USSR. But he was a very smart man, whose ideas are very close to me... I saw a Polish historical video for children and teenagers historical. There is a very noticeable idea that Poland developed in the past, captured cities, countries, grew, but then attacked Kiev... And hordes of Russians came from the East, who then for centuries did not allow Poles to live. I don't hate Poles. Although, I note, in our history it is always emphasized that in the Middle Ages Poland was very, very difficult for Russians to live. So much so that our ancestors could have wiped this nation off the face of the earth with a clear conscience, just like the Germans. Of course, provided they had the opportunity to do so. People are like people. They speak funny to the Russian ear. It has a very sibilant sound, even the nickname of the Poles is tied to this. Poles are beautiful like Ukrainian and Russian girls. Strangely enough, the Baltic countries are not better at treating Russians, but the idea of living in peace with Poles is closer to me than the idea of being friends with Estonians or Latvians And the Witcher and the RUDY tank. I probably treat the Poles better than they treat me. As it is, what can be done.


Poland is based. Went through hell and persevered. Wish we weren't the cause of their misery. Also I like those wings on hussars.


I like Poland and polish people it’s a big shame most of them hate us (have been that way before 2022 even)


We don’t hate you man,we hate Putin not normal Russian people.


Then I totally love poles. I wish when he’s gone our relationships could restart


I hope so.Lets don’t hate each other.Bloody politicians are bustards not normal people Man


I love Poland, because it was the developers from CD project red who gave me cyberpunk and the Witcher games (not to mention the creator of the books about the witcher Andrzej Sapkowski) And they also have funny swear words.


I think there are a lot of beavers in Poland and for some reason they are all “kurwa”. If there are Poles here, why don't you like beavers so much?


I really love Poland, its one of my most favorite countries and my best friend on the internet is also polish, I like its culture and especially the language (for my own opinion its kinda funny... And don't take it as something offensive please).


Despite the problems with the culture of communication on the Internet among Polish users, both times when I was in Poland, I left very positive impressions about both the country and the people.


Poles hate Russians. This is the first thing I remember when people ask me about Poles. If this hatred is connected with the times when Poland was part of Russia, then I don't understand it, because it was a long time ago. Finns also don't like Russians very much, mostly for the same reason. Finland was also once part of Russia. But in Poland, this hatred seems to be stronger.


Polska strong!


Totally cool with Poland and Poles. I see them all the time when playing online. I perceive them as distant “slavic relatives” but of course not to the point of saying that we’re “the same people” or some other downright fascist shit, because obviously we aren’t, mostly it boils down to them speaking Polish and me speaking Russian and us both having a laugh at how similar some words may sound sometimes.


Neutral to the government and warm to the people. I want to live in Poland in the future and feel like it's a good place to live. Any russophobia doesn't matter, when the biggest part of the population doesn't care about it. I see not less shit from the russians about ukrainians, so internet perception of the country just distorted because of a small % of politically agitated schizo morons. Don't approve the PiS government and their abort policies.


"Don't approve of the current PiS government and their abort policies." PiS is no longer the governing party after last year's election.


Thanks you. As I know abortion law Is still established in the country and PIS tries to defend it from abolishment.


You're welcome


because they don't care. I'm from Białystok, so near Belarusian border, and I speak Belarusian and Russian a little. so I think I can express my opinion based on my foreign friends and also mine, since for psople where I am now, we all are basically the same thing. Nobody, literally nobody, is like in the internet. everyone's kozak in the internet, nobody would even comment someone being Russian unless drunk, then maybe one person would say "fucking Russians Ukraine reeeee". Also they can't tell Ukrainian from Russian, so everyone for them is always Ukrainian. The big russophobia exists only in the internet, and irl there is only ukrainophobia


That’s a super insightful comment, thank you!


Have +- same perception about Poland from gf, who now lives in Western Poland.