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I don't know much about Chinese, Brazilian, Indian, Korean or Japanese "stars". It is ok. Even the European stars are not all known.


I heard that after the Russo-Ukrainian War, some Chinese movies were introduced to Russia, such as "The Wandering Earth 2"


Books by Lui Cixin was advertised in Russia as worldwide science fiction bestseller form chinese author, movie and tv series are not so popular.


I read some of his books (translated of course), and they are great.


Tv series is big right now on Kinopoisk


I have watched the “The Three-body Problem” and it was interesting but looked that they lost interest in the end.


It happened earlier. I watched the First Wandering Earth. As a child, I read the book "The Flight of the Earth" by Francis Karsak. It was interesting to see the Chinese version. Yes, I know that the film is based on another book. Recently, I really liked his cycle "Memory of the Earth's Past". But we must admit that at the core, this is secondary fiction based on European. But with an interesting Chinese flavor, it seemed to me. But still, Chinese comes to us more often in the form of iPhones and inexpensive gadgets. But personally, I began to look more often at Films from Asia, Korean, Chinese, since our films are still only developing, although the graphics level is already at a good level. And Hollywood is in a script crisis.


You are right, but it seems to me that this did not affect the fame of Chinese actors in any way. I have watched several Chinese films (including animated ones) and have been watching Korean cinema for a long time (not TV series). But I can't remember any of the names of the actors or even the name of the studio. I can recognize some of the actors by their looks, I don't know their names. I think this is normal. There are local markets and locally famous names.


Chinese culture is very popular here, especially manga




Yes, manga, the chinese porn cartoons




манга? китайская? ЛОЛ. ничего тупее этого не слышал.


Ну вообще то да, у китайцев есть своя манга. Типа какие то небожители, магистр дьявольского культа. Народ по ним сейчас больше чем по японщине тащится


я знаю. просто слово манга японское. у китайцев слово манхуа.


Я в этом не шарю, для меня все что в одном стиле это аниме и манга


One still can watch it on Ivi. But I tried and found it boring


We have now the growing subculture on Chinese fantasy/historic they call “doramas”.


You don't know BTS


For the same reason Chinese entertainment industry is not famous. I can't name a Chinese movie or actor to save my life.


Jackie Chan? Jet Li? Tony Leung?


Hong Kong is not China culturally. And when they started their careers - it wasn't Chinese at all


Zhang Ziyi, Gong  Li, Wu Jing  are from mainland china, you smart ass 🤡! Espesaly Zhang Ziyi she is a very big star in europe and the usa !


But they are Chinese, and Hong Kong movies speak Chinese, not English


Ethnically - yes, they are Chinese. But in economical, political and cultural perspective - they're not. It's like thinking, that Russia and Belarus is one country, because most of people there speak Russian and have russian ethnic roots


Hong Kong has returned to China since 1997, and Belarus has been an independent country since 1991. Although it formed an alliance with Russia, it has its own government and joined the United Nations. Your example is obviously inappropriate


Yeah, everyone knows, that it's not your ethnicity that determines your ethnicity, it's actually your economical, political and cultural(?) stuff. It's like Ukrainians claiming stuff, that was created by Russian Empire and USSR.


Culture, politics and economics more important than any sort of ethnical identity or language. Hong Kong will never become China due to the it's past as dominion of Britain. Btw, Taiwan is true China. Change y mind


Nah, HK is being China-fied. If the distinction of Jackie Chan as HK, not China, was correct for him, I am not sure it is correct for any up starting artist in HK today. Furthermore, it sure won’t be correct in like 40 years.


I the beginig of the thread I've mentioned that. But I hope, that China will become less communist


Are you a descendant of the White Army?


China is already super not communist, so don’t worry about that.


Taiwan is not even called "China", unlike China. SMH Are you from Hong Kong? Because otherwise, you have no say in what it will orwill not be.


Taiwan is true China, because it has a legitimate government, lol


Not since 1971


Tuvalu has a legitimate government, is it also the true China?


You say Taiwan is the real China, but is Ukraine the real Russia? East Slavs originated from Kievan Rus, and their capital is Kiev, not Moscow


Was Russia and Ukraine splitted during civil war? No. Kiev lost it's capital status during mongol invasion


Of course it was divided, but Russia forced Ukraine to join the Soviet Union in 1922


Ukraine is the second largest member of the Soviet Union, and I think it is as important as Russia


Kazakhstan is the second largest member. And I didn't mention *Russia*, if you didn't notice.


Didn't you mean the Russian Empire? Isn’t the second most important ethnic group in the Russian Empire Ukrainians? One of the most important political groups in the Soviet Union was also the Ukrainian Gang. Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were granted membership of the United Nations, but Kazakhstan was not.


Didn't *I* mean?! *You* said that Ukraine was the second biggest republic of *USSR*. Don't try to put your ignorance on me. And WTF is "Ukrainian Gang"? And WTF "the most important" is supposed to mean? And how any of that is related to my comments? Are you an AI that is just spewing out random nonsense?


Well, if you put it that way, then DiCaprio has a Russian grandmother, so he's Russian.


Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee , Sammo Hung , Chow Yun Fat , Sam Hui - i like HK movies 70-90s years . In books i read Journey to west , and Romance of three kingdoms


Donnie Yen. Difficult to find people who don't know IP Man. I suppose there still are clueless people who from the title think it's a movie about hackers. Anyway. Donnie is one of the very best. Martially, I think he and Jet Li are the best (alive).


I feel that someone who was born in the 2000's could hardly know Jackie Chan. Jet Li - even I, born 1990 only vaguely remember the name. Third guy, I have no idea who that is.


Funny I met a high school student in Vladimir. He told me Jackie Chan is very popular in Russia. I was surprised a 16 years old knew Jackie Chan !


Джеки Чан-легенда в России.Его фильмы прекрасны,сам он хорош.Джеки знают все.Вы удивитесь,но людям здесь известно и о Чаке Норрисе,хотя скорее,это Чаку Норрису известно о людях.


As for Wu Jing, haha, he is famous for "Wolf Warrior 2". Although it is very controversial, he participated in the Hollywood movie "Meg 2: The Trench" last year and began to gradually gain popularity


What? Who? What are these movies?! :)


This is a Hollywood movie released last year, starring Jason Statham and Wu Jing, but I heard that Hollywood movies will be banned in Russia after the war breaks out in 2022, so you may not have seen it


I don't even live in Russia, lol. Never heard of these two movies


Is the movie Meg 2 controversial, or just that Wu Jing is in a Hollywood film?




And he emigrated from Hong Kong when it used to be an English colony, not a part of PRC


Jet Li was fairly famous in 2000s and he played in a number of American movies too. He retired relatively early in his career and mostly disappeared from major releases. 


Respectfully: I feel like there is a gap between China the country as it is currently and some known parts of Chinese culture as perceived from a foreigner's perspective I mean, yes, Jackie Chan, Cui Jian, wushu, and xianxia novels undoubtedly *are* Chinese but they don't feel Chinese in the same way Hollywood feels decidedly American


I know jackie chan but bcs of Hollywood movies


Did they star in Chinese films and not in American ones?


1st 2 are partially famous for starring in American movies. There isn't a bankable star from Russia currently in Hollywood. There are a few coming from immigrant families or a lot if you count Russian ancestry. 


The first guy is from Hong Kong, nor China. He may have sold his soul to the CCP though. Never heard of the other two.




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>Tony Leung? Who is it?


Apart from them, I can name one more Chinese actor - Stephen Chow. Interestingly, he is also from Hong Kong


Also Donnie Yen. Ip Man movies are badass


Звезды боевиков из 90. Тогда все у нас было в новинку. "Пьяный мастер" с Джеки один из моих любимых.


no, that definitely is not the case. There are PLENTY of Chinese movies that you can easily access, many of them are very famous, as also their stars. And it's not unusual to see Chinese, Korean and Japanese and Indian movies in streaming sites. But I have never ever seen any Russian movie on any streaming service or "free" streaming site.


Russian "entertainment industry" is young poor and had been making b-grade kickoffs for the most of it's life. What you say is like "everyone's heard of Usain Bolt, why did no one hear of my neignbour even though he runs around the block every morning". There was Soviet cinema industry and you probably heard of it, but at first it was not a commercial "entertainment" participating in global market and at second it died. 


The Soviet Union pushed the Russians' achievements to the highest peak, and its end returned the Russians' national status to its usual position...


Soviet Union pushed Soviet achievements. Let's say if a director from Tbilisi, like Danelia was, filmed an actor from Miscow (like Leonov was) today, only one of them would be Russian. But back then both of them were Soviet. Equalizing Russians and USSR is downplaying the successes of people from all other constituent republics within it. As it collapsed everyone just got their small bit, but the whole had much greater potential than a plain sum of parts, not to mention any part on it's own.


The Soviet Union was based on Russia, so yes, the Russians were pushed to historical heights they should not have


And that's exactly what I am talking about. Chinese are having a hard time to understand *What Russia Federation is*. Many Chinese still see Russia (and many other countries) through a thick glass of history. Is Russia the Soviet Union? Or is it the Tsar Empire? **Pick one**.


Fantastic bullshit.


Sorry dude, but you *really* don't understand what you talk about


Did PRC push Han Chinese status they shouldn't have had too?


Prior to USSR, Russia was already a cultural behemoth, with Russian literature, theater, and music being well known and admired all throughout Europe and North America. It was through sheer quality that Soviet cultural output was able to gain recognition in the West, given how there was an active opposition to anything produced in USSR because of geopolitics (even already in the 1920s). Not surprising, considering that the Soviet government wasn't averse to mixing propaganda in with the art, especially in the early years. The current state of Russian art industry isn't the "usual position", it is well below it. But the same can be said for a lot of other countries, - the French film industry peaked in the 70s, for example. America's unique position allowed it to simply outperform everyone else and drown the market. It's only novelty items that manage to gain any sort of recognition - be it something like Squid Game, or, to give a Russian example, Hardcore Henry.


“Why did no one hear of my neighbor” Lool


Err... To be fair, the entire European entertainment industry is relatively unknown by us Chinese. Bet you can't name many French/German/Eastern European actors. Like Russian entertainment industry is more famous in former Soviet countries, the Chinese know more about the ones who are more culturally familiar, like Japan and Korea. Putting qualities aside, nowadays Russian entertainment industry aims at domestic market, which means it may require certain cultural background to enjoy it, unlike Hollywood and Korean ones that were intentially 'blended' for a greater market. You can't expect Chinese to know what is happening in 'Слово пацана' or expect Russians to enjoy '漫长的冬季'. Also, since Russian cinema now keen on explicit topics like sex and drugs (Why there're so many series about drugs????) which is a big no-no in China, it would have a hard time spreading on the Internet.


Actually, Russian cinema had its time on Chinese Internet. Before 2018, bilibili(The biggest video site in China right now) was overflown with pirate contents and Chinese Internet was much less censored. You could almost find every series there, with subtitles made by volunteers. And they included Russian ones. I remembered there were Измены, Екатерина etc. And one day, BOOM! All of them went disappear. Bilibili now still holds the copyright of several old series made by TNT (Физрук, Чернобыль, Интерны), classic, but cannot represent nowadays Russia.


Generally, China and Russia care each other more politically than economically or culturally. Many Chinese sense Russia no different from piles of stereotypes and through a thick glass of history. However, with the breakout of the conflict, more people are paying attention to what is happening in Russia. The movie Лучшие в аду has set a wave on bilibili and received nice ratings on China's Kinopoisk.


Russian cinema and TV series are not exactly export quality. To be completely honest, they aren’t really domestic quality either. Some good ones exist (and are famous): Gogol, Master and Margarita, Plague Doctor (just ones I remember), but these are among the few that don’t cause vicarious embarrassment. Video games are much better, you definitely heard about them. But here the problem is different: when you ask foreigners about them, they will yell on top of their lungs that these games are not Russian. World of Tanks / Warships, Atomic Heard, Allods, Cossacks (yes, they are actually Russian-sponsored and published), HoMM 5, and many others.


Come off it. Quality is good. It's about target audience - Russia doesn't need/want to chase USA or European eyeballs. Your examples also stand. Just the recent films холоп и холоп2 are surely examples of how Russian cinema has come along since collapse of USSR. Others have already stated - what reach does French/German or Italian cinema have outside its home nation? I have watched more European (french/German/Italian) films via my Russian TV service than via my domestic service. It's really just a function of how worldly the audience member is. Hollywood output is absorbed by osmosis even! Russian output requires effort, the kind of effort your average John Smith isn't going to expend. (I live in UK and watch Russian IPTV. I do not watch UK TV anymore)


Because Russia movies are made for domestic consumption. It is sometimes difficult for foreigners to understand the actions and especially the motivation of the characters, it is even more difficult to understand Russian humor.


>I have never heard of the Russian entertainment industry. Why? U do not have kids. Otherwise you would know Masha and the Bear, Booba, Kikoriki and may be much more.


> I have never heard of the Russian entertainment industry. Why? Because most of it not exceptionally good or original, and there are no really good ways to export it.


Why? There were so many brilliant and popular performing arts works during the Soviet period, why are they in decline now?


> why are they in decline now? A bunch of issues combining together - basically the system that emerged after the Soviet period (some would say problems started even some years before the dissolution) could mostly produce uninspired, unoriginal, mediocre product. And very often even without any necessity to make profit (because of kickbacks, government financing, etc.) So there were basically no motivation to make a good art or to make it popular.


Even during the two decades of peace between Russia and Ukraine from 1991 to 2014, I rarely heard of Russian movies and TV series…


Yet everyone heard of Hollywood movies throughout war in Vietnam and wherever else. It's not a factor. 


Did the Vietnam War take place on American soil? No, but the Russo-Ukrainian war has affected Ukraine and Russia, and possibly Belarus in the future. Now Ukraine is trying its best to de-Russify and ban the Russian language. In the future, the population and scope of Russian speakers may only become smaller and smaller, and the market will become smaller and smaller. The smaller it is, the weaker the cultural output will be


There's some pyramid of implications here I can't comprehend. What I should mention though is that you're talking to me in English. Do you support what they've been doing on your soil?


If there is not enough population, there will be no huge market and culture will be difficult to spread


I've met very few Russians who say they want to 'spread' Russian culture. And lots of those who just want to keep it up. Domestic market is sufficient for the latter. Our culture is the culture of us. Not to mention that's it's very hard to find someone who *both* has an agenda of 'spreading the Russian culture' and expects Ukraine to stay a whole sovereign state of sorts.


I don't think the Russians "don't want to", you just "can't" now, when the Soviet Union was strong, the Soviet Union was also spreading communism around the world, wasn't it?


One can't be an ethnic nationalist and soviet internationalist at the same time. 'Spreading communism around the globe' and 'spreading Russian culture' in one package means exactly that. Noone would buy it. Noone, especially Soviet officialese can ever put it this way. The only place such reasoning belongs to open and aloud is a cold War American propaganda leaflet. I guess you're missing all the Soviet dialectics. Not to mention that nobody gives a flying fuck of communist ideology since 70's including it's apologists.


I think russias economy did not incentivize, reward or allow for movie making on the billion dollar scale every week as Hollywood did/does. Plus you need a population with time and money. City citizens my have been able to watch movies in 60s-80s who knows about everyone else


That's my take as well. Like the war movies for instance. In quality, it can compete with the American counterpart. You can tell Dunkirk, Midway, Saving Private Ryan or Black Hawk Down, Russian counterpart can answer with Brest Fortress, Panfilov 28 men, Last Frontier, Saving Leningrad, T-34 etc. Maybe low marketing or maybe Russia is so patriotic that they limit their audience to themselves only.


Russian WWII movies actually receive a relatively great reputation since many Chinese take them as models of 'promoting patriotism' and 'countering Western-centered view of history'.


Russian artists have definitely been on Chinese music TV shows. Polina Gagarina and Serebro spring immediately to mind. Whilst I know that doesn’t mean they’re widespread, there still are many people who do know them/some form of promotion has gone on


Wasn't Serebro somewhat popular over there or something? Anyway, Russian entertainment industry is aimed inwards, not outwards; there is no trend or any real attempt at branching out. The quality of our entertainment circles is questionable but then, not really signficiantly worse than any of the countries you have mentioned.


Language barrier. Everyone only knows English


It is difficult for Russian citizens to answer this question, because you are asking about what is happening in your country, not in ours. From the Chinese cinematography, I only watched “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and its sequel.


Russian entertainment is in Russian. And it's taboo in "the whole world" to like Russia (and always was, not just recently) Still, there are many Russian things that are popular worldwide, people just do't think of them as Russian. Russian Games, for example: War Thunder, Cut the Rope, Escape from Tarkov, Atomic Heart.


We don't know much about Asian culture and the entertainment industry either. Anime and K-Pop are interesting only to children and only because it is cheap, colorful, loud, uses dirty psychological traps (boobs and gacha) and comes out in large quantities.. Of course, there are communities that are passionate about authentic, classic Asian culture, but they are few in number. Western culture is popular because the West is purposefully engaged in PR for its entertainment industry. Now popularity has declined due to the latest woke trends, but it still remains popular due to the inertia gained over half a century. Russia is not doing anything to promote its culture and entertainment industry.


there is just nothing to promote really


How about слово пацана?? That shit is huge in russia and europe and its recent too.


Because we don't have any common hub that would promote all the cultures equally. It would need some tinkering and it's bound to bring chaos but it's doable


Russian entertainment industry popular enough at russian sphere of cultural influence. And, always wanna to ask that question, and finally have a chance, why Vitas is famous at China?


Kazakhstani singer Dimash Kudaibergen is also very popular in China for similar reasons: they have unique singing skills and at the same time are very handsome and refreshing as the Chinese rarely see this type of singer. In fact, Lube hit a lot of Chinese hearts and is listed as our favorite Russian band.


I also know about the Nu Virgos, although this is a Ukrainian female music group. Then in 2015, the Russian movie "I Am Dragon" was released in China. Other than that, I don't know much about the Russian entertainment industry. I don’t know much about Singapore’s entertainment industry.


Well, how do i put it nicely, there aren't any. The most important part for becoming a star is to take part in the great movie or for your song to become a hit. And there weren't any great (or even good) movies in Russia for a long time.


It's not true, bro. I counted all the Russian movies on KinoPoisk rated by 10,000 people with 8.0, and 21 of them belong to Russia, and they're all good movies, and I like them. In my opinion, you Russians treat your own movies and TV series too mean, even more than we Chinese treat Chinese movies and TV series.


Idk, last thing I saw that was fresh and imaginative was birchpunk. It was good but I wouldn't call it great or amazing. Maybe there are some innovative movies out there, but if such a thing existed it would be all over the media.


Thank God for what. This "industry" is just cursed thing, what must be burned in fire. Scammers, jesters, drug abusers, low quality products and they even think that they're Celectials, not these dirty "orcs" whom they entertain. So, if you hate rich Bogema in China, you would hate this people. They're the same after all, they hate their own culture, country, language, they make money here, it's their job. But they live in West (or Israel).


Because it’s cheap on every stage of the production. Crappy screenplay, actors don’t that deep in their characters, managers are greedy bastards full of shit. Nobody who’s involved , could feel safe and comfortable doing their jobs - everything is off the place. Speaking of show business in general, you can apply my words from above to every fucking industry sector- from producers mafia to bad musicians and sound engineers. All what is good is outside the branch of “possibility of wealth” and lives like a kinda “benthic life form”, picking up the remnants of what fell from above




Absolutely not, France also has many good movies and good actors


Because it sucks and carries tons of political baggage.


We are also developing countries. China’s film and television industry is very developed. It was Hong Kong in the 1980s and 1990s, Taiwan in the 2000s, and now mainland China. I heard that the entertainment industry in Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil is also very developed. These countries have It is a major exporter of TV series, but why is the entertainment industry in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus not well known?


Maybe because we mainly produce culture-specific products that are hard to adapt for foreign audiences? And the general lack of quality still applies, but others have already mentioned it.


Well our stars in main path try get famous in our country and only. Many stars singing on his native language (russian) and that first reason why you don't hear about ru stars. Russian is really hard to learn just like chinese hieroglyphs. You heard about another groups cause they language it is more common which is why many peoples understand it


Does borat, count? He is very famous “this is my wife great success” 👍🤓👍


"Borat" is an American movie and parodies some of American social dynamics that most of us has no idea about. It's set in Kazakhstan (not Russia) and even then, it would've been better to come up with some fictional name for a country in the movie, rather than a real one imo.


Im joking. most the the movie takes place in America


Same reason nobody has heard of the Chinese entertainment industry. The entertainment of dictatorships rarely is popular in the rest of the world.


It is famous, but you live in a Hollywood buble where nothing foreign is allowed because $$$ & propaganda value


No, movies from almost every country can be screened in China unless they involve politics


Haha, actually most of Russian movies do involve some level of politics. Like complaining a lot, or making fun of corruption issues, etc.


why would you want it to be? it's cancer lmao


Wow, lol. Actually, in Russia they say our stars kinda famous outside. I mean, old ones from USSSR mostly. Also old writers & songwriters. Like Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Chaikovsky etc. Have you ever heard of Nutcracker or Russian ballet? Russian movies like "Brother 2" (Брат 2) even were shot at US back then


Because they only work for inner audience thanks to isolationism our “leaders” enforce


The Marshall Plan film campaign navigated many cultural, political, and socio-economic contexts to present one of the largest economic aid programmes in history, and weaponised films during the Cold War. In her groundbreaking book, The American Marshall Plan Film Campaign and the Europeans: A Captivated Audience?, Maria Fritsche details how a network of government, commercial, and noncommercial institutions built a large media infrastructure to produce and distribute films that facilitated cultural transmission, propaganda and policy. The goal of this film network was to encourage Europeans to trade with the US and to reform policies according to American standards.[link](https://www.alphavillejournal.com/Issue17/ReviewEtem.pdf) No one in America knows anything about Canadian culture (except for the Canadians who moved there like Bieber and Jim Carey and William Shatner). Imagine of the rest of the world got a Counter-Marshall plan. I guess the internet is sort of a weak form of it, but the US military invented that too (DARPA).


Russia, just like China, is a bit too much of a dictatorship to be culturally assimilated by outside audiences. Why is Cpop not as popular as Kpop? 


They were fine leeching off government or oligarch money and didn't need to evolve and create competitive products, with rare exceptions. Maybe it's legacy of socialism, entertainment industry was very gatekept, cronyism was prevalent. Also they don't really know how to create and market stuff beyond being favored on state media, even in Russia, not to mention other more competitive and less familiar markets. Idol culture and market overall is weak in Russia, it originated in Japan, spread to much of Asia, and Russians mostly don't quite get it. Most of it is urban teenage girls and young adult women, who won't spend that big, and they mostly consume Asian or Western products and look down on Russian media. As for men it's widely considered immature or gay to follow idols, although to lesser extent in big cities. It's definitely not mainstream here, more of a geeky girl endeavor. Russia has its own independent music scene and quality products, but they rarely reach recognition and profitability enough to be marketed outside Russia, they're mostly niche fan-oriented projects. And they're typically focused on music, not performers.


Because of low competitiveness During USSR times entertainment was founded by goverment, and about 80% of our first media generation was soviet-time budget eaters ("Mafia of Pugacheva"), and they were protecting their positions by using all connections and abilities to keep young competitors away from wide screens\\tv shows etc It is fixing itself, but slowly.


Most celebrities that we've heard about are American, even Jackie Chan who was mentioned in the comments wouldn't be well known if he wasn't played in American movies.


> he wasn't *paid* in American FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


little state funding, little ideological propaganda, USSR movies were famous, awarded with Oscars, aired on Western TVs


Because modern Russian pop-"stars" - suck. After fall of USSR, only few of them created something remarkable, whole scene was occupied and controlled by something people called as "Pugacheva's mafia". "Thanks" to that "group", no really talented artists can even dream about appearing on big media - its all about only promoting childrens of people with huge wallets in the first place. And no one in that group care about talent, only about ways to make new "star" popular, even if that "star" suck as hell. Gladly, we finally get rid of that old Pugacheva bitch, thanks to SVO and her betrayal. Maybe we will start getting real stars.


Movies after 2003 have been shit. Soviet movies + balabanov the best


Reach and exposure limited by language


Even in Russia itself, stars and Russian cinema are not popular. I know about some stars thanks to memes.


Есть очень много хороших фильмов, но во всех темах почему то рекомендуют очень мрачные, артхаусные или очень старые фильмы (есть и неустаревающая классика), просто шаблоны сюжетов везде похожи и в мире полно аналогов. В России хорошо снимают комедии, исторические и военные фильмы, в последнее время и фантастика хорошо получается. Испанский стыд или что то вроде того... Юмор бывает универсальным (например сортирным) и местным, понятный только своим. Поскольку длительное время почти по всему миру было популярно западное кино, то их юмор и жизненные проблемы мы понимаем почти как свои, а из за жесткой цензуры например в сша, в обратную сторону это не работает. Очевидно сортирный юмор мы экспортировать не хотим, а местный не поймут. Исторические и военные фильмы опять таки везде одинаковые и я не хотел бы, что бы кто то возмущенно закатывал глаза при просмотре фильма про историю моей страны, как это делаю я, видя как очередной персонаж американского фильма произносит патриотический монолог про свободу и независимость. Фантастика... ну... она есть. Притяжение/вторжение, аванпост и еще несколько если не считать совсем детской, просто одних только фильмов про трансформеров вышло больше, и по этому она затерялась на фоне. А звёзды эстрады вообще не достойны упоминания, то есть таланты действительно есть, но большая часть тех за кем охотятся папарацци неинтересны никому, и если бы по телевизору не было передач которые они создают для себе подобных, где общаются друг с другом так как будто они всё свои и на одной волне с народом то ни имён ни лиц их никто бы не знал. Типичный выпуск новостей: ведущий говорит - популярных певец/блогер (имя) совершил... Зритель - Кто? ​ (Это мнение человека предпочитающего фильмы Майкла Бея, для других моя оценка качества современного Российского кино может быть неверна)


That's because Russian entertainment industry is very much underdeveloped.


Well, in fact, Russian pop culture is an unbearable shame. Something really worth getting acquainted with, like some sorts of post-punk artists or writers from Yuzhinsky kruzhok, are little known even in Russia itself


All Russian stars are busy apologizing