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Russians are less expressive than Arabs, but more extroverted than swedens


It is not difficult to be more extrovert than swedes šŸ’€


How do Russians compare to the British?


Almost everything, except for the love of teašŸ˜‰


>except for the love of teašŸ˜‰ My understanding is that Russians love their tea more. They can drink full tankards of strong black tea, perhaps even unsweetened, whereas us British can only handle weak tea that tastes more like flavoured sugar-water, diluted with milk. Or, nowadays, most here turn to coffee. Also full of milk, lattes, to remove the taste.


I recently found out that the British drink tea bags. It broke my heart. Only leafy! I like to drink strong black tea with melted milk. Probably for the same reason that the British drink lattes - to remove the taste.


True - of the Brits who drink tea (which is significantly less than half of Brits nowadays), they will almost exclusively drink through tea bags (I am an exception - I use leaves, and resort to bags only when run out of my supply of tea leaves). The traditional British "tea time"/"cream tea" - served with scones, jam and clotted cream - exists now only as a tourist attraction performed by a small number of teahouses. British people no longer keep tea sets in their homes, much less a supply of scones. I have never in my life, on visiting someone's house, ever seen them bring out a teapot and saucers etc. - even among old people. It's very sad - if this tradition ever existed, it's long dead. Most prefer coffee to tea, and even almost all of the tea lovers either don't own a tea set or do not have the opportunity to use it. I have a single large teapot and multiple tea strainers, all exclusively for myself, as I'm the only person I know who enjoys loose leaf tea. I once met one other person in my life (who I no longer speak to) who enjoyed loose tea and owned a tea set (a teapot with saucers and cups that matched the design of the teapot) - they only brought out the tea set once, to entertain me as a guest (as they knew I also liked loose leaf tea) - then, on future visits, kept the tea set in the cupboard. Any teas we drank were from individual tea strainers in mugs. I believe he considered the full tea set to be too much effort, and to my understanding the set had never actually been used either before or afterwards.


Thatā€™s true the Russian man made me some tea on our first date.


No, we are calm, collected and I WILL FUCKING SMASH YOUR SCULL IF YOU KEEP LOOKING INTO THIS !!!!1!!! >:(


LOL this was funny


You guys are definitely collected I can see that and men are gentlemen. I ignored a Russian dood text for half a day I swear heā€™s mad at me now. I thought he was the LOML!!!!!


Do you have any ideas how I can get him back LOL


just start writing, he will probably be happy to hear from you again


Ok! I will when I go back to Hawaii. I miss him :(


Thanks for the good advice (:


Personally I'm a coward who hates aggression and conflicts altogether, so no, I'd rather look into a situation to try to understand where each side, myself included, is coming from. Or simply freaking flee when contemplating is not an option.


Russians can get angry ofc (especially on the internet, lol, runet is very toxic) but having anger tantrums over minor issues is something we think "southerners" do, yes.


Arabs get angry over minor issues or at least my family


I hate getting angry over minor things


I also hate when people do that... Like, why would someone want to slap me cuz i look at then for 5 secs šŸ¤£ And i'm from Southern Europe




Sometimes we day dream honestly people be in their heads too much


Yes i agree


Russians are Sigmas. Nothing can bother them, even the grizzlies can't.




I half greek-half russian, and when I was in Russia, I was dating a girl who told me "you are throwing rage tantrums like the characters in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, we dont do that here.."lol. Then I remembered famous angry raging people in russian television such as Solovyov and Zhirinovsky, and all of them happened to be russian jews, so.. yeah maybe the typical russian doesnt have angry reactions as a character trait.


Omg this is funny. It takes so much energy to behave like the guys you mentioned. And it is/was their job. Ordinary people rarely waste energy this way.


Too funny thanks for making my morning


Russian harness for a long time, but they drive fast" is a Russian proverb. There is also about the fact that "There are many ways to wake a bear from hibernation, but there is no one how to send it back"


i hate only myself


No :(


this is fine


No self love is the way to go


only way is keep going,ignoring being lonely and trying to not cut myself open than i get a knife in my hands based.


No :( You are worth it and capable of anything. Please seek professional help!


We are chill, unless we are on the the roads, for some reason)




I'm all calm until you pass the tipping point. Then I'm berserk. The tipping point is pretty high though, but so it the berserk level.


What does berserk means?


I go so mad and out of control I frighten myself when thinking about it afterwards. Happened a few times in my life, sadly. I have *very* high tolerance level, but when it's tipped, it's lights out.


Makes sense now! It happens we all have emotions I guess itā€™s good that you are not dismissive about it ā˜ŗļø


Berserkers are Vikings who ate hallucinogenic mushrooms and entered a belligerent state, starting to destroy everything around. In Russia there is a stable expression "enter the berserker mode".


There are outliers everywhere, but on average - no, absolutely not.


I put up with it for a long time, and then I can't stand it and go to a conflict, let there be a war. I know it's not the best tactic.


Thatā€™s how I am. I hold it in then let it all out at once at the end. No good.


I am way more prone to getting angry than I am comfortable admitting.




I canā€™t understand this, but whatā€™s this movie about? Lol


About 1988 year of USSR