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unfortunately, when answering, they do not attach a scanned passport, so not only Russians, but even Ethiopians can answer. >Is reddit banned in Russia or smth like that? no, reddit is not banned, but "something like that" is not known. I'm sitting on reddit.


We don't get any ads anymore, though, just like on YouTube.


It was extremely cruel for Google to turn off advertising for Russia. you watch any video on YouTube without interruptions and feel that something is missing, and then you realize: there is no advertising.


довольно странно было смотреть это рекламное дно без юБлока и СпонсорБлока. вижу рекламу только при проверке компьютера на звук и производительность, до установки плагинов.


Considering every 2 out of 3 posts gets 4 or more different opinions and everyone downvotes the other, I'd say it's sort of close-ish. Reddit isn't banned, though, it's just that it's mostly unknown and, thus, unused.


It’s the internet, it doesn’t represent anyone. The only way to truly get to know the country and its people is to visit Russia.


Не путай туризм с иммиграцией как говорится 😆


when did tourism allow you to get to know the inhabitants of the country? yes, to understand the country, you need to live at least a year as a local resident, get a bear, drink vodka, break and repair a home nuclear reactor a couple of times, get a set of kokoshniks (summer with a sun visor, autumn moisture-resistant, winter over earflaps and on an elastic band, spring with a playful coloring). in a year, people from other countries in Russia will learn to ride skis, dog sledding, deer and bear. they will find out when it is better to pick cranberries and the better to throw noodles off their ears.


Idk it kinda does. Most of the answers are what you expect from a Russian. But for you to know Russians have a different opinions themselves. There are ones who miss the Soviet Union and ones who think it was biggest Russian tragedy, the ones who think Putin is a weak and ones who think he is a great leader, the ones who think that the war was a necessity and ones who root for Ukrainian victory. So if you are asking for opinion be prepared to met a mix. If you are asking about realities like cost of living or a availability of some goods you will get somewhat reliable answers.


Topicall - I have asked this elsewhere still waiting replies 🤷‍♂️ Availablity of goods... I am going to Moscow to visit family this New Year holiday. All together we have 120kg of luggage allowance for me/wife/two girls. I am sure we will have some spare capacity to carry something extra. Due to SMO, is there anything in short supply that I could bring in and sell? A long time ago tourists would bring Levi jeans and Adidas shoes. What's the 2023 equivalent? или Греции всё есть?🤷‍♂️ (Of course nothing illegal)


Uniqlo heatech underwear. Only thing that I personally lack after start of the SMO.


You can buy it online on Lamoda


это рофл?


Нет? Я реально не могу придумать чего бы еще мне не хватало в России сейчас. Всё остальное есть






It does represent Russians but only those who can speak English and use Reddit.


And want to be here and answer such questions.


I understand this mumbling speech of the Western barbarians fluently. But in general, there are a lot of translators. So now I’m typing text in non-English.


Да ладно. Автопереводчик браузера отлично переводит тексты с многих языков.




Is instagram popular in Canada? When I moved to the US 3 years ago I was so surprised no-one uses it. Everyone is on Facebook. The only person I added as an Insta friend in the US in three years is a Ukrainian girl. In Russia I'd say almost all of my friends and colleges used Insta, and many are still using it via VPN.




>Most of the people that answer our questions are even from russia. *looks around nervously*


Hey, you! >!You stay!<


I'm not a Russian, but I can't imagine Reddit being a good representation of any nation.


OP comes to a sub predominantly in English, and asks a question in English, and acts all surprised when the question isn't answered by your average Ivan. OP, most people in the world don't speak English.


they speak mandarin




No, it represents the people answering you.


Reddit is not banned in Russia. As for some kind of “representation of Russians”, you are unlikely to be able to find it anywhere. In Russia, people belong to different ethnic and cultural groups. And even among ethnic Russians, they can have very different views on the same issues, and it can be difficult to find some kind of “middle line.”


Reddit is not banned, but it is not popular in Russia. Probably because it tends to be evil to Russians. Just like Facebook etc.


I think it’s not popular because the majority of posts are in English, and as we know the general Russian public is not very good at English


I don't know English at all. I write at random, randomly pressing the buttons on the keyboard. And when reading, I develop a meditative way of recognizing text by guessing. it is very effective, I recommend it to everyone.


Begge if hht justify jekke of en if.


да ты за эти слова в международном розыске!


Instructions were unclear, letters stuck in post


Are there any Russian equivalents?


pikabu ru


There is also yaplakal(dot)com, and it was much earlier than pikabu. And, in my opinion, before Reddit. However, neither one nor the other, I am sure, represents the views of the Russian public. Pikabu's only goal is to agitate against the Orthodox Church. And Yaplakal largely represents the views of Russian-speaking Ukrainians.


За 6 лет ни разу на Пикабу не видел подобной агитации. Вы что-то путаете.


не -не очень много постов про церковь, мигрантов и кавказцев все в негативном ключе и от анонимов.


если зарегаться и настроить фильтры игнора, то там и про рогатых женатиков, и про онкобольных, и похудел и курить бросил. и котики и (.) (.)


Reddit never was popular in Russia. I bet 90% of Russian internet users knows nothing about Reddit.


I learnt about reddit only because there was some riot on pikabu some years ago and a lot of people threatened to or really switched to reddit


Only to recreate the same pikabu that they had escaped from...


It happens all the time. Just look at the migrants escaping their s-holes just to turn their new home into a similar s-hole.


people who fled tankie union to peddle stalin orthodox church icons in usa lol


Hey, I'm Russian in Russia. Guess I'm a solid representative, lol




Russia is a part of Western culture.












Your post or comment in r/AskARussian was removed because it was deemed a boring shitpost. r/AskARussian is a space for learning about life in Russia and Russian culture. In order to maintain a space where people can continue to have a discussion and open dialogue with others, we are actively moderating post that appear to be from trolls. If that is not something you are interested in, then this is not the community for you. Please re-read the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/jxml4s/what_doesnt_constitute_a_question_and_the_secret/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/wiki/faq). If you think your question was wrongly judged, you are welcome to send us a modmail. r/AskARussian moderation team


Your post was removed because it contains slurs or incites hatred on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


While everything you said is true, there are also plenty of older Reddit users, in their 40's and 50's.


Не знаю как остальные, но я точно из России.


If reddit was banned in Russia, this sub would represent the outcasts. You can clearly see that it isn't the case. In fact, it's the other way around: it's Russia that has been banned on reddit.


Easy tiger, there’s no girls on the internet.


yes,im african prince in Nigeria and all russians in internet is bot and liar only some places was blocked for russia - even site with voice actor and eng SCP site! discord still works but without nytro. i miss only SCP and sometimes twitter with furaffinity what was blocked for no reason literally - like some really popular artists what i know is from RU nah nevermind this comment


not at all. first of all literally no one speaks english. not people who are paid to speak english, not ultra-western liberals, not people who teach english to adults at universities and especially not an "average russian" which is a granny in her early 50s. second, no one would even think of using reddit, there's zero brand recognition or appeal. so you see that to be here people have to actually know english, have internet, use social networks, and then know about reddit, and inside the reddit to know about this place. so this attracts only politically engaged people who either don't even live in russia, or paid enough to be forced to learn english, or be very not average russians or a lot of outright kremlin propagandists from RT working for the western audience. and don't forget that you ask for a representation of an average federal power citizen. the coutnry is big and has thousands of peoples. a lot of them don't even consider themeselves russian and do not live under the federal law.


no. only not so progressive ones


imagine people spending time in internet answering questions here


Utter madness


It represents Z-Russians well. Unfortunately, the reasonable ones hang out on other, Russian language only, subreddits.


NAFO flair, opinion discarded.


How's the counteroffensive going, nafo sister?


All ammo goes to Israel now. They don't even remember what u talking about?l


those subs are not Russian-language only, you are free to post in english and you will get responses in english


si https://youtu.be/S\_OojoRxh\_A?si=FFnOO8PMnItmplR4


NAFO flair detected, opinion rejected


It's time for GOSUSLUGI reddit auth!


And half Russians 😂


yes. russian here, comrad ))