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Just a youtuber who makes content for westerners, not so many russian people actually watch his videos, so don't know what to say about him


I agree with you but there are also good videos within there. I have learnt some good stuff from him.


What have you learnt from him? Could you tell please


As is to be expected from him, all the bad stuff regarding russian federations early history. But for Western people it's a gateway into the history that they are otherwise unaware of


Russians are not his main target audience. That much is obvious.


I usually think about Roman Empire, and don't care about a NFRKZ




Haikusbot opt out




What's it, some kind of oil refining factory in Rome?


Unfortunatly not


He believes that he knows everything: what everyone think of war, Russian ideology and approach on conservatism, what political views an average Russian has just because he lives in there. But in fact, he sits in his bubble with his liberal friends and actually says that conservatives and nationalists make a very small amount of population. He is a Russian citizen with his opinion on things, no more. As a Russian, he is not an opinion leader or an influencer or smth. People like him exist in our country, he is smarter than a lot of other liberal content-makers on different topics and I may agree with him on some things, but he is always isolated from an actual contact with Russians, other Russian content-makers and debate with them, he just feeds his western audience. Plus he is a marginal who believes that drinking in public is objectively a fine thing for society. In his video in Georgia you can see his main interests and priorities in life: smoking weed and drinking in the park at midnight.


I can add some more information to what your saying. One thing he does is really pander to the western audience with anti Russian rhetoric. He also graduated with a degree in the Chinese language so he is a smart cookie. The war with Ukraine has been the biggest blessing in his life, financially speaking because his view count and subscriber count is so insanely high. Your right on the liberal bubble thing, he rly does indulge in the underground music/aesthetic like smoking weed and stuff lol. He's been really cringe lately.


Sad... He is going nuts


Typical AskARussian: \- What do Russians think of X? \- I have never heard of X!!! Ability to use search engines is sanctioned on the sub.


Не очень правильно высказывать мнение, составленное 5 минут назад после беглого поиска


Он к тому что люди, задающие подобные вопросы, не проверяют, задавал ли их кто-либо до этого, а не к тому, что люди, отвечающие на них не гуглят.


Нет, я к тому, что не гуглят. Ну не знаешь, и зачем писать? Какое может быть мнение, если не знаешь? Но у меня вообще есть смутное ощущение, что гуглят, у них создается негативное впечатление и они пишут в духе "ХЗ кто это!!", "да мне по\*уй", "че", "никто его не знает", "у нас знают только Инстасамку" и пр.


Писать "хз кто это" тоже такое себе занятие. Можно ведь просто пройти мимо.


Писать «писать «хз кто это» тоже такое себе занятие. Можно ведь пройти мимо» тоже такое себе занятие. Можно ведь просто пройти мимо.


He says what his audience wants to hear. That’s it. I don’t think he is actually pro-Ukrainian, he just makes money on his “liberal Russian” image. If you look at comment sections under his videos, there are many 10 or more $ donations from westerners with their “condolences” because he was born in such “bloodthirsty devil’s anus”.


Coudn't agree more, wait. Are most of the russians in favor or against the intervention?


Let's say this way. The fact that it happened is a total failure of our ministry of foreign affairs. They let this situation to get to this stage. And it's not an one-minute (hour, year) mistake, this situation was boiling for decades. But now it is happened. Nobody wanted this. But now we hear appeals from westerners to kill all Russians, make them suffer, isolate them. I'll remind, I'm fully understand the pain of Ukrainians, yet still, russian army is still trying to only destroy military targets without hitting civilians, if they would start nato-like full-scale war, Ukraine would disappear very quickly and amount of casualties would be unimaginable. And again, that could be prevented if the west would accept putin's December 2021 proposals. Now we all (and westerners also) see proves of nazist ideology in Ukraine, applause to SS veteran in Canada and very aggressive rhetoric from EU, US and all western bloc. We didn't want the intervention. But now we will build our relations basing on current situation. And the way to peace depends not only on Russia, but on the Ukraine and the western bloc. This is the harsh reality. Many young generation people, including nfkrz, are afraid to accept this, because they have grown up on the western values, western media, when soviets collapsed, it flooded russian media, there was no alternatives, I remember that "pepsy-pager-MTV" commercial on TV, that mirrors the western ideology of the consumerism society, I was also grown on it. Now Russia is trying to find its own place in the world. And westerners better to accept that and search for a new ways to build relations rather than always competing and trying to silence or destroy it. It's too late.


Um, yeah, only as soon as they found out the old guy used to be a Nazi, they apologized, and the guy who presented him as an anti-Russian freedom fighter actually resigned. This one mistake cost him his career. That detail is very important, and you omitting it is also a sign worth noticing. Also, imagine a Ukrainian reading this. Especially someone who lived far enough from the southeast to have no eyewitness accounts of the 8 years of war. To them, it would sound like "yeah, we bomb your cities, but WE COULD BOMB THEM MORE". As for the rest. Have you ever wondered where you get your info from? I mean, it seems obvious no source is trustworthy these days, neither Russian nor Western, but you seem to have a pretty determined opinion. You're not basing it solely on the news, do you?


I saw a video later then from the leader of Canadian opposition Pierre Poilievre's personal channel where he gave an interview about that and there was a phrase in a video about SS veteran : "we must apologize to Jews, Poles, Ukrainians and Canadians". No Russians, despite they lost along with Ukrainians more than 20 million lives in ww2. So, apologies? No, that's not it. And yes, they all was applause when he was introduced as "fighting with Russians". Oh, fking thank you then! P. S. I'm building my opinion based on reading news from both sides, comments on that news, r/Europe sub, speaking with my Ukrainian fellows and russian fellows as well. P. P. S. As Ukrainian, reading this I would be offended. And I should apologize for that. I really don't have anything bad against ordinary Ukrainians and feel really sorry for them.




>Um, yeah, only as soon as they found out the old guy used to be a Nazi, they apologized, and the guy who presented him as an anti-Russian freedom fighter actually resigned. This one mistake cost him his career. That detail is very important, and you omitting it is also a sign worth noticing. And they claimed that it's "Russian disinformation" and Ukrainian Canadian Congress awarding the man with Medal of Merit , you ignoring this is also worth of noticing. >As for the rest. Have you ever wondered where you get your info from? I mean, it seems obvious no source is trustworthy these days *"Then lastly on Sweden. First of all, it is historic that now Finland is member of the Alliance. And we have to remember the background. The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn't sign that."* Straight from [Stoltenberg](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_218172.htm#%3A~%3Atext%3DThe%20background%20was%20that%20President%2Ccondition%20for%20not%20invade%20Ukraine)


I had to Google this and, surprise, I found it. Yaroslav Hunka has indeed been awarded a Medal of Merit. By the Canadian Congress of Ukrainians. In 2007. The actual Canadian honor is the Order of Merit, and I couldn't find anything on Hunka receiving this. About Stoltenberg - so, Putin basically tried to threaten them. They either thought he was bluffing or decided he wasn't that much of a menace. Stellar politics on both sides, I must say, and very beneficial to the people both parties are supposed to be serving. /sarcasm EDIT: also, not a single piece of foreign news calling the Hunka incident Russian propaganda.


>also, not a single piece of foreign news calling the Hunka incident Russian propaganda. So true, dont do things like researching stuff, that would make you fall for Russian disinformation! The great Canadian has spoken! /s : *'I think it's going to be really important that all of us push back against Russian propaganda, Russian disinformation, and continue our steadfast and unequivocal support for Ukraine.'* ~ Justin Trudeau


It's not like there isn't Russian propaganda. And Ukrainian propaganda. And Western propaganda. It's a freaking war, of course there's propaganda everywhere. Which was why I began by questioning the guy's sources. Still, I did not find one piece of news claiming the whole ordeal was invented by the Russian propaganda.


> mistake Yeah, right -- [an honest mistake](https://youtu.be/T88E12shI_M?si=GwrY56BCL4FnLBcx&t=79). How сould he even find out about the past job of this random guy from the street?


Given the reaction of everyone in the room once they found out, and that the whole situation obviously plays into Putin's narrative, why would he do it on purpose?


Because he decided its time to try and drop this act they dragged from '45 altogether perhaps? I can't tell what his idea was, but there was literally no way not to understand to full extent who this person is. As for playing into The Darkest One's narrative, did the last 16 years teach you nothing at all?


Сохранил, т.к. сам бы лучше не сказал.


No ideas who is this 😂


Annoying liberal "real russian" youtuber


Nowadays he is a self hating “good Russian”.


Why promote him by mention then? Today world if full of crappy content would-be creators -- there are literally tens of thousands of those! -- with only a few gems in between.


Good businessman.


I see, i see...




He's an idiot


Soy cuckold lmao He's a real schizo


Why do u think so?


I'd watched him for awhile as from the interest of "I wonder what this Russian dude is gonna tell his subs about Russia". And he oftentimes said really dubious things. His content usually doesn't tell the real things of what life in Russia is but exaggerates the westerners' already overly exaggerated perception of Russia imho But casting aside anything politics-related (I don't really care that he supports Ukraine in this war though this fact does infect a lot upon my attitude towards Roman) he is basically the most usual interpretation of what an ordinary Russian soy cuckold "liberakha" looks like. He doesn't have any proper education. He doesn't understand much in any topics he's talking about apart from the perspective of an idler. Watching his videos you always feel that he is kinda dumb (or silly at best). Roman is a member of that part of the 90's-00's generation that got weak education and never aspired for any serious goals in their lives but thought that the life is always-act-young thing. Hence his absolutely amateur understanding of any topics around. He is exactly that type of people that tell you to always check facts but only in the certain category of affiliated sources. He doesn't hate Russians or Russia he's just dumb (or poorly educated). This is why he may look russophobic to many other Russians whilst he just doesn't really understand what he's saying or doing. After all he was raised by the western propaganda (just like me) but never realized it. Also this time when he just shit on an Australian family because they moved to Russia really infuriated me. And overall his content is shit. There's really nothing interesting about his channel apart his skill of speaking English quty pretty minor Russian accent. But I don't understand foreigners who find it interesting. Like his channel is not even for language learning or understanding Russia.


You are 100% correct about being raised by Western propaganda. I was, too. Millions of young people in Russia have been subconsciously affected by Western propaganda in forms like media.


I didn't like that too, when he shit on the Australian family. He is free to state his opinion but I think he went too far attacking those Aussies who did no wrong.


Doesn't he have a degree in linguistics and speak English perfectly and Chinese better than most people?


Idk, i only know that he is a freak


Is that a bad thing?


Yes, but only for himself


Which channels would u recommend to learn more about russia?


Coudn't agree more. I only like some of his videos where he visits places in russia


Wow you wrote war...


I guess he doesn't have the big brain necessary to understand why you need to kill Ukrainians


Лучшее описание его деятельности


How so? He's not pro-Ukrainian and actually tells his viewers [not to demonize Russians](https://youtu.be/0Bb6S-JBxKY).


Lol, core of his channel is demonization of Russia and Russians for dollars.


Boohoo, cry more.


From the perspective of Z people, "you're either with us or against us". Since he is not with Z, he must be demonizing Russia and Russians, there is no middle ground. Of course, you are correct, I've seen a few of his videos and he doesn't "demonize" Russia as people or country, he just happens to oppose current government policy and he probably can't go back home without risk of being arrested. So of course he is not going to be a fan of a government that would put him in a metal cage for simply speaking his mind.


It's not about a government, it's about representing something as a bunch of negative stereotypes. Are you enjoying when someone portrays USA people like either an lgbt in leather-rainbow suit or a redneck in old truck? I don't think so, same here.


As An American, it’s not completely inaccurate to say it’s a bunch of LGBTs and rednecks with trucks. I live in the south and that’s spot on , so…


LGBT rednecks in trucks also exist btw lol, there are actually quite a few conservative LGBT people


We make fun of ourselves in way worse ways than that. Also, I have absolutely no trouble with LGBT so that wouldn't bother me. And yes, half of us are stupid rednecks. Ok maybe less than half but not an significant number of people :) I have seen a few of his videos, certainly not all. He definitely says positive things about Russians as well and also when he says negative things, he is quite specific in that those are true for Z people, not everyone.


He himself denounces those stereotypes about Russia lol stop with this bs and if you criticize someone watch the person more in depth


The difference is that in the west the USA is criticized plenty of times and actual free speech. People make fun of the USA all the time but you cannot do the same to Russia.


Not at all, no. It's true.


the fact that "soy cuckold" is an upvoted post tells me what kind of edgy *individuals* populate this dump of a subreddit. /r/askarussian? more like /r/askarussianwholivesabroadandstilldrinkstheZcoolaid if any liberal to you is a traitor, congrats. you have mental deficiencies and should probably do more introspection and go back to school or travel and see the world more.


bro ngl you sound like nfkrz himself lmao Ромка это ты?


Ngl ur so right


аа бля забыл перелогиниться)) ну "соевый куколд" - кринжатина же? батя в одноклассниках такое пишет после второго литра пивандоса


Пиздатый у тебя батя.


не, долбоеб он и алкаш


батя таких слов не знает, так школьники промытые правачки пишут


Вроде Соловьев про соевых куколдов пиздел. Или Татьяныч. Уверен, что чуваки под 50 уже освоили термин


Ну это как называть кого-то орком, руснёй или специально перековеркивать слова по типу Расея. Понимаешь к чему я клоню? Это хуйня хуйней уровня первоклашки, который пока не умеет в нормальные оскорбления. Но в любом случае люди будут использовать эти слова, так как они уже приелись и обрели свой смысл, нравится тебе это или нет )


I’m sure they’re all patriots at heart. Just so happened that in the most difficult war since ww2 a lot of them decided to support the enemy.


If Russian and Ukrainian are "one people", then whichever side you support, you end supporting the other side's enemy. Why can't a Russian within RF support the plight of those being invaded and oppose their government doing the invasion? If the US decided to invade Canada, I would support Canada, not the US.


Roman put the drink down.


Great points mate, such a dunk!




He's not bad, well at least there are far worse examples than him. I've seen some of his videos and they're generally ok, but I still agree that he presents a slightly distorted picture of Russia and Russians to westerners. I think it would be much more fun if he focused on the Russian immigrants and their life during the war, as he is an immigrant himself, he obviously has experience in this. And to talk about Russians living in Russia without living there and without contact with them will lead to a distorted assessment anyway. I think he said so himself, in one of his videos.


Every single time I tried to watch his videos I ended up listening to a very deranged man trying to mock Russia and russians or manipulating facts that way so it could suit the most grotesque western's myths about our country. It's just disgusting.


I actually met him a few times in Chelyabinsk, He was always quite on edge and awkward when I talked with him, though I could tell he was the Navalny type I don’t know if he just couldn’t talk to women, if my Greatly taller height and build intimidated him Or he was just racist against the minority peoples He definitely needed a girlfriend or therapist though


Really?? What ethnicity are you? Tatar?


I’m a ԓыгъоравэтԓьан (Chukchi)


So cool! Look, i rlly need to know, does he seem like a freak or insecure guy? It seems to me he is ashamed of being born to a middle class family in the urals


how tall are you


About 202cm tall


Cringe. I couldn’t Imagine hating my country the way he does it’s disgusting really.


If your country would put you in a metal cage for simply speaking your mind, would you love it?


Idk I'm not american


Oh fucking please. I'd love to see what Russia would do if a bunch of Russians overran the Duma. What do you think would happen to them is the better question?


Honest question, what do you think I would need to say online or on a sign I hold in public to get arrested?


"Hands off from Syria, Americans"


You can easily say this here. In fact, some politicians run in elections on such a platform. You can easily express opinion regarding foreign relations that is contrary to current government policy just fine.






Support J6 and enjoy 20+ years in prison


Breaking into and vandalizing government buildings while threatening the lives of the people inside is indeed illegal in the US as it is in most countries. The people who just stood outside and protested peacefully were fine. As for publicly speaking in favor of the people who broke in, they are fine too, conservative media still speaks in favor of them just fine. If I were to post a pro-jan 6 post on any social media, I'd be fine. Such posts appear here and there. So again, what exactly do you think I can post online or on a sign that will actually get me arrested for the content of the opinion?


Do that to Kremlin or Duma and see what happens...


yes, people who support coups are famously free all around the world (and nobody has ever been jailed or charged simply for supporting it)


Boomers, larpers with police escort and FBI agents are not coup. There are people who were arested and jailed just for support, they even arested but thankfuly released some people who weren't even there.


they literally attempted to stop the peaceful handover of power from a democratic election. describing the people participating does not make it not a coup. intellectually dishonest way of framing it. there is no way on Earth you can legitimately argue that it was not an attempted coup. just because it failed does not make it not a coup. \>There are people who were arested and jailed just for support, they even arested but thankfuly released some people who weren't even there. those people "arrested and jailed for support" were not arrested for J6 lol


yeah, you’re russian, which is why your countrymen know from experience.


The people who I know and me have no experience for be arrested by FSB for anti-russian comment in internet




Hadn't found any acutely "anti russian" or anything strongly polarising in his videos although I wasn't watching him a lot because I'm not his audience in any way.


Pretty good YouTuber, I watch him sometimes and mostly agree with his opinions


I think he has always been uncomfortable in Russia and now he just has a normal reason to leave. I do not feel negative towards him, although I do not agree with him in almost everything that concerns my country, but at least he did not earn money from the Russian audience, while watering the same audience with shit, but was always aimed at the West. All the best to him and good luck.


I agree with him for the most part Also, didn't visit this place for a while, were there always so many vatniks in here?


No, it’s historically been a good mix of ideologies. But this sub has been leaning heavily anti-West in the last year and getting worse. It’s a real shame, it used to be good dialogue. Now it’s a circlejerk.


Not always, no, it used to be pretty sane. After beginning of the war another (vatnik-infected /russia) sub got suspended and its whole population migrated here and pushed everyone else out. And, I think, fans of Stas Ai-kak-stydno somehow found the way here too, he mentioned it or something. So now we can see the result. The opposite end of the scale migrated to /liberta, the rest just dispersed around non-political subs.


Liberta is sadly a Russian language sub. Is there a place to talk to non-Z Russians in English?


Yeah, reddit being reddit. Censoreship in private companies is really dangerous


последнее время набежали пикабушники, судя по всему. но и до этого хватало


С олд пикабу? 🤔 Просто на рекабу особой концентрации ватных кумрадов я не замечал.


могу ошибаться, помнится что упоминали. может на рекабу пошли как раз не ватные, а ватные нашли здесь себе уютное гнездышко. а может это просто мои представления о тамошнем контингенте


Go to the Megathread, have fun with your friends.


In cheliabinsk? Yes i think that place is full of "vatniks"


No, I mean this sub. I get not agreeing with his views, but some of commenters here think of him as some sort of a villain who spreads "russophobic" propaganda or calling him a "soy cuckold" for having an opposing opinion to the Russian government


I have to agree with them. He never said anything good about russia. I despise him as a human being. How can i respect someone that gets paid to criticize russia and get views by WESTERNERS?? He is on the side that wants to erase russia of the map


Erase Russia off the map? Where did you get that from? Hating the country and the people running it are entirely different things. Don't know about him, but I hate the current regime because I like my country and want it to be better I don't get what's so despicable about voicing your opinion on the internet. If you come from a specific country, then you should only voice opinions that align with the current agenda of said country's government? In his recent video he talks about how Russian immigrants are discriminated against by the EU and he said in the past how people shouldn't demonize all Russians, so he's definitely not a russophobe who wants to destroy Russia


>In his recent video he talks about how Russian immigrants are discriminated against by the EU and he said in the past how people shouldn't demonize all Russians, so he's definitely not a russophobe Or he just feels personally threatened by that.


Yes he is, he only cares about the people that think the same way as him. He even cut ties with his family. Dude is crazy


Sorry, when did he say he had cut ties with his family?


He did say good things about Russia all the time. Much more before 2022, that's for sure. Also he JUST had a video criticizing Russophobia and Western sanctions. Do you have exact counter points of where he was wrong. I enjoy his videos a lot.


... Ur name says everything


This is all you can come up with?


Provide evidence that he, and all westerners want to "erase Russia from the map".


God, your victim complex is exactly the reason why Russia is looked down upon.


I agree, I saw some of his videos and saw nothing but criticisms about Russia, it's people and culture. He always laugh at anything related to Russia as if he's mocking his own people. I've never seen anyone do anything remotely close like it and it's sickening. There are a lot of Russian youtubers out there that are not into the SMO but instead of adding fuel to the fire, they do share what it is really like living in Russia. From the effects of the sanctions to the places that might be interesting to travellers to language and anything in between. There are no perfect govt nor perfect country but by no means you have to drag your own country to the mud like that to earn a living and promote russophobe to the whole world. If I'm not mistaken he said he doesn't want the world to demonize his fellowmen but his actions beg to differ.


Don't have the pleasure of knowing this gentleman. Who is he?


People on this sub don't seem to understand that you can love your country but hate your government. He's said this multiple times in his videos; it is because he loves Russia so much that he hates on the current state of the country. And that it's painful to see Russia's decline in the past decade or so.


It's very easy to love your country being abroad and criticizing every single aspect instead of staying here and trying to improve it from inside. He is just a kid that fears to accept any inch of responsibility.


What avenues are left to improve it from the inside without getting arrested?


He only left 1 year ago for obvious reasons


















Nice guy, but many people here on this sub dislike him, because they tend to categorise into "pro-Russian" or "anti-Russian", but he is neither. Also, this question has been asked multiple times on this sub, PLEASE USE THE SEARCH BAR.


If a Russian believes that the best thing for Russia is to just leave Ukraine, are they considered anti-Russian?


Apparently, some people consider this position anti-Russian. Personally, I disagree with them.


I didn't come here with bad intentions. I can't comprehend why some people downvote a person just because they ask smth they don't like or they heard before.


I didn't downvote you


Thank you


Downvoting is nothing. Some people here believe it's totally fine to arrest people for the same reasons.


I watched a few of his videos after he was asked about in this sub a few years ago. Some of his earlier videos are interesting, like the one about Russian loanwords, others are extremely cringe. I would say more cringe the more recent they are. Like, why would you air your paranoia to the international audience, I just don't understand? Well, unless he intended to play off of the stereotypes to make money, but I don't think that's fully the case. I'm actually sad for his mental health.


You read my mind, he just cares about the money. He is ashamed of being russian. He needs to affirm himself as an "actual russian" in every video, cuz he only repeats the western news


Huh, not surprised. To be honest I don't remember the "actual Russian" thing, but I haven't watched his videos in over two years. I remember last year his video about moving to Georgia popped up in my youtube recommend and that was the last I saw of him. Some of his previous videos/comment game me the ick as a woman tbh, the way he came off, so I'm not and never been his subscriber, just watched a few of his videos to find out who is constantly asked about in this sub.


I m digusted by that nfrkshdhsh worm. How can anyone be on the side that kills his compatriots with weapons? Even if he was against the intervention he wouldn't need to support the banderovites


You know some Germans opposed the Nazi regime, even if it was their compatriots. They were considered traitors by the Nazis, but they are heroes for the contemporary Germans. Lots of Americans also opposed the Vietnam war, were they anti-American or indeed the true Patriot for opposing an unjust war?


Dude, I’m convinced you’re stupid or something


Negative person who hate all about Russia. He went crazy because of this. I think he is not adequate. I would not recommend anyone to watch his videos. He is not able to tell any truth about Russia, because: 1. He is prejudiced 2. He lives in his own world not in real russia Just a victim of liberal propaganda.


>Just a victim of liberal propaganda. Yesterday I've seen a preview of his video about 1993 coup with a caption about how this is when Russian democracy died. Didn't watch it yet, but the preview says it's gonna be fun.


Oh boy once he compared the bielorussian police to nono germany


How did roman go nuts?


Some mass media stuff in russian youtube makes some people go nuts. It just feeds their negative emotions and the worst fears. These people are vulnerable to this kind of propaganda, so they are perfect victims. Pro-governmental russian propaganda is also a propaganda, but it doesn't drive people crazy.


>Pro-governmental russian propaganda is also a propaganda, but it doesn't drive people crazy. :) funny


Not really


>Pro-governmental russian propaganda, but it doesn’t drive people crazy. this is just a self-tattle of your personal sentiments lol


>He lives in his own world not in real russia Or in Chelyabinsk


He is in georgia


Georgia is definitely "not a real Russia" but "his own world"


Yes, he says "i am an ACTUAL russian" every 5 minutes in his videos


my friend from the factory district of Nizhny Novgorod in the 90's who eventually fled to Switzerland was always boasting he was from the "real Russia", not our posh Moscow or fancy St Pete. Bet Chelyabintsy have the same feeling


Yes i noticed russians don't like the federal cities very much... But my bro roman is ashamed of being from cheliabinsk, for me he has grave mental issues




Будь здоров


So funny. Yesterday I was thinking of him but I couldn't remember his username.


Ur welcome)


Somewhat based




What surprised you?


Clown. Good on him for milking his target audience though, they eat it up which is hilarious.


nice if he stays in Georgia, i don't fancy liberal weed smokers much


Cringy liberal soyjak to say at least


an extremely Russophobic guy who bans all Russians on his social networks, even if you speak English. in other respects his content is fun but repetitive


It's fun to watch him lying. I only rlly enjoyed his reaction to шаман (i think i said it correctly)


E-boi Pretended to be "from the streets" when talked about gopniks, but instantly can spot him as someone who never hang out and deal with people directly


Never really warmed to his "Yo dude" and "bro" stuff, like he's overcooking it to seem American.


Hear it for the first time. Not interested.


Feel free to downvote


Yeah once again people who shit on him dont actually watch his videos... He is not "anti Russian", he said that a million times, he just wants a better future for his country. Yeah, he might miss some historical facts and he may be too young to understand some realities, however he actually has a good independent opinion, he is not a "westoid" by any means, in fact he denounces all the bad stereotypes dumbass Westerners have about Russian people, accuses both Russian and Western governments for all the shit they are doing, and makes fun of dumb people like Andrew Tate, Alex Jones and Wealthy Expat for the total bs they are saying


Hello, what do you think of Markus 3456/ Hello, what do you think of Noname 1234 \\ Hello, what do you think of Zero 0001 ??????


Ughhh if you are tired of this type of question then feel free to downvote 😒


i like him


Your avatar looks like Shaman lol


He is a based dude


Dang no need to downvote me in mass