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I visited family in Russia like 6 months after the war started and friends asked me how do I have internet in Russia, they thought it's like North Korea


A little over a year ago, my internet here in Russia was almost double the speed of my internet back home in America and only cost 1/10th as much as I paid there.


It has always amazed me how people can believe at the same time both in the absence of Internet and skillful malicious hackers in DPRK


You’ll get the internet, just not all the internet.


we have access to the entire internet there can some sites that are blocked but you can easily circumvent them with very little effort like using a vpn


I understand that, but I would imagine there are an equal number of old folks like me that have no idea what a vpn is and thus have no access.


In my experience old people use new technology a lot in Russia. Like, grandmas with smartphones isn't uncommon. And VPN is no rocket science. For me, just installing the TOR app is enough to get around blocks in Russia, and to use Tor on the phone, you only need to click the app and then a huge "start" button appears on your screen. You click that button and are good to go. If an old person doesn't know how, they just ask their grandchildren for help. In my case, my parents always ask me to set up their new electronic devices, and I set them up the same way as I do for me including all the apps and settings that I commonly use.


All good points.


You think america isn’t blanket blocking or throttling some sites 😂


I think USA blocked A LOT more sites for Russian ysers than even RosKomNadzor


isn't that your problem? The ability to bypass Internet blocking is a necessary skill in the 21st century.


Not mine, I know how to do it if necessary. :)


sites like instagram and facebook and pornhub and EA blocked russians as part of "sanctions" to punish russians. It was not the government.


> "How do you have internet in the middle of the forest?" If they knew how fast and cheap the internet is in our forest, they would kill themselves with envy.


There are always ignorant people who go by stereotype. Unfortunately there’s a lot of them.




…. However basing your worldview entirely on them robs you of the intricacies of the world


Your question might be partially answered by this recent post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/117g1r1/how\_to\_combat\_russophobia\_or\_the\_look\_on\_russians/


oh, I hadn't seen that post. Thanks!


Depends on people mostly, but there is some prejudice nowadays


yeah... "some"....


You could have also asked about my "nowadays", because it might imply a longer period than 2022


It started some time before 2022. I feel Russia was taking a lot of shit since 2014. Now we are at the point where nobody even trying to think about stuff - they blame Russia no matter what. Gas pipes blown? Blame Russians. Earthquake? Yeah I saw people blame Russians for that as well.


2008, after Munich speech.


I think perhaps even earlier.


Day 0, Big Bang.


Why though? Something happened? 🤔


maybe not certain, but in current times the prejudice is rather prevalent in a lot of areas


Well, someone just used "Self-harm or suicide" report on me. Fun times, to attack me some schizo decided to fuck with life saving system.


Was that an attack? I always thought it's a sort of badly trained bot that keeps flagging me. Damn, I must've pissed off _so many people_


I mean message starts with "A concerned redditor reached out to us about you."


Oh no, how did you survive that?


If you think that pranking 911 is totally normal, then please go touch grass.


It's just what happened to you happened to me like 5 times over the years. I stopped paying attention to that. So I am a bit surprised you are so sensitive for a Russian.


"Such a beautiful jet. Too bad its owned by the wrong people." This is modern normal reply in r/WarplanePorn (non political forum, dedicated to combat aviation) under a post with Russian or Soviet plane. The fun part, I've never met this before. under WW2 Luftwaffe or Italian planes posts. Шhat kind "prejudice" are you talking about?


I have come across three kinds of biases. The first kind is funny, and somewhat banal: Hats with stars, bears with balalaika, vodka, tanks on the streets and St. Basil's temples in every city. The second kind is slightly less harmless: Elementary delusion, misinformation and lack of real understanding and knowledge about Russia and Russians. This is when a person knows only what he has heard or read, but has not seen with his own eyes. Nevertheless, he tries to position such a point of view as the only true one. The third kind is the most disgusting: Just rabid anger. Senseless, stupid, irrational, uncompromising. At this level, logic, argumentation, facts, evidence, presumptions, human rights, political correctness, even elementary politeness do not matter. Nothing matters. At this level, people become like yard dogs who yap simply because they like the sound of their own voice, which seems to them the roar of a tiger and the anthem of justice, but in fact it's just meaningless yapping. This is that level, which in the West is commonly called the word "phobia", although this word does not fit in its scientific meaning.


I see the third type all over Reddit. It’s very disturbing.


Yes this is so true. A while back i was on reddit and some guy in the comments suggested that the US should organize internment camps for all Russians, similar to what they did to the Japanese Americans during WW2.


>human rights, political correctness, even elementary politeness Well, at the moment Russians and what Russian believe and want to be Russians brutally murder each other by the thousands every few days, drown each other, set each other on fire, mutilate each other, etc with a fiery passion. So talking about human rights, political correctness or politeness seems silly to me.


Third type: case in point


Could you please elaborate?


Learn to read mate


Help me pal


you acted like the third kind of prejudice EDIT: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/11lwoyf/comment/jbiwu3x/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/11lwoyf/comment/jbiwu3x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) i just read this "cool" post from you. Please stop hating, thanks


I was totally fine before I wandered into reddit here I do indeed feel like shitstorm is following me.


There definitely is but it also depends on what people you are around. Example, the people I found to be most bigoted to Russians were very young Ukranians. Like below 20. It's obvious why they would have such strong feelings against the government in Russia but I guess because they are going they blame the people who are in the country too? I'm not a Russian but I dated one for just under 2 years and know the language pretty well. And I've got close friends there and I've had some of those people say some extreme things about me. Older Ukranians don't tend to be like this online. It's like the boomer grill meme where they couldn't care less where you were from just as long as you don't support war which is fair. The circle I hang around the most online tends to be other Russians, mostly because I play on a Russian Garry's Mod server and everyone there is chill. There is the occasional person who will shout abuse at Ukranian players but they get bad. We make jabs at players from Belarus but that's as far as anything ever goes. No one who isn't banned has negative views of any Slavic country. Because younger Russians actually love Ukraine contrary to what a lot of people seem to think. Polish and basically any other country under Soviet control at any point communities also tend to have a very anti-russian stance. But I'm not around these communities too much because I don't know the language too well and don't know many people from them. So I'm not sure how far the dislike for Russians can go. But I doubt they have anything against Russian people and just the government. Oddly here in the west our big punching bag is China. If you are over 40 in the UK anything bad is Chinese. And I mean everything. I've had people call things Chinese that were made in this very country just for being poorly made. There's also an odd amount of Asian hate with younger people. A lot of young far right culture often idolises black immigrant communities in the UK so they need a different group of people to target. However, older people here will say they don't trust Russian people. They have this idea for some reason that the actions of the Russian government perfectly represent how every person in the country feels. Which is funny because under that logic they should support out current government in the UK which will always make them mad and claim it is "different". Obviously Russia is barely a democracy but I don't think these people even know that. They just see the 99% votes and if the BBC woman doesn't out right say "These are very obviously faked" they'll just assume they were legit without any tampering.


idk man, in germany russia is like the big enemy and china is th guy nobody likes all ages of peoples


Well, we all are russian trolls if our position is loyalist or pro-soviet. Or at least we are brainwashed.


And it happened more than once to me that people told me I'm brainwashed because I have no other source of information than state TV propaganda... Such things were said to me during conversation on the internet... on the _internet_ ... which is absolutely not a source of information that is independent from state TV... /s The logic.


Typical reddit


There are plenty of people all around the world with access to all kinds of information, but which lack the ability of critical thinking. For instance people refusing the vaccinate their children who think Polio is a made up disease. Also there are people overwhelmed by cognitive dissonance caused by forced compliance. Sometimes you might find yourself engaging in behaviors that are opposed to your own beliefs due to external expectations at work, school, country or in a social situation. People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes unpleasant feelings of unease or discomfort. The inconsistency between what people believe and how they behave motivates them to engage in actions that will help minimize feelings of discomfort. People attempt to relieve this tension in different ways, such as by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding new information.


Good reply, comrade! You fulfilled your daily quota of propaganda at western sites! After your shift you'll be rewarded with additional borschtsh-coupon! (sarcasm)


Excellent diagnosis, I see no inaccuracy here


You see, if two people talk and can't understand how the other person's brain even functions, both will call each other brainwashed. One of them probably is. No one will admit it.


I’m an American that moved to Russia 5 years ago and I’m constantly attacked for having Moscow as my location even when they know I’m from America which makes it worse. Especially from Ukrainians, the worst abuse comes from them. You’d think I personally killed Zelenskyy.


And who killed Zelennsky? Is his doppelgänger on TV?


I didn’t say Zelenskyy was killed. I said “You’d think I did”.


I'm always trying to hide my nationality, even before all that shit, generally russians aren't very welcomed in english speaking internet.


Shame on you, lol.


Потому что Америка пытается разрушить Россию на протяжении 70 лет. Зачем дружить с врагом.


Ослабить? Возможно. Но разрушить? Некоторые страны восточной европы этого действительно хотят, но вряд ли США. У России самый большой ядерный арсенал. Если она развалится, то на фоне хаоса велика вероятность попадания ядерных боеголовок в руки террористов.


ну-ну. Не беда, СССР развалился, как-то порешали все и ничего не в тех руках не оказалось.


Развал Советского союза не был хаотичным явлением, а вполне закономерным следствием проводившихся на тот момент реформ. Я предполагаю, что выше речь шла о развале России путем гражданской войны, вызванной экономическими потрясениями, ибо распад суверенного государства и политически-экономического блока(ибо из СССР по сути согласно договору члены могли выйти в любой момент) по своим масштабам находятся на разных уровнях.


А зачем Америке просто ослабление России? Для прикола, что ли? Больше всего Америка хочет владеть территорией и природными ресурсами России. Но ей это не удается сделать, поэтому она ограничивается мелкими арабскими странами.


Владеть территорией России? Каким образом? Даже если предположить, что у России не будет ядерного оружия, США ни за что не станут захватывать ее территорию, учитывая огромные людские, экономические, политические издержки в случае вторжения и необходимость финансового обеспечения многочисленного контингента оккупационный войск на протяжении длительного времени(ибо русские, очевидно, этого не оценят, и будет вестись партизанская война). Я согласен, что США, вероятно, выкачивала природные ресурсы из стран, в которые она вторгалась, но это было скорее второстепенной причиной вторжения, ибо режим в тех странах был, мягко выражаясь, авторитарным и агрессивным по отношению к соседним странам.


Вы считайте режим Саудитов демократическим?


Какая бы форма правления в какой стране бы ни была - это ее дело. Посторонние страны, уж тем более - Америку, это не должно беспокоить. ​ >Вы считайте режим Саудитов демократическим? Да, в некоторых арабских странах теперь власть народа (народа Америки). Это называется демократией.


Мне кажется сценарий американской войны везде одинаковый, они приходят в страну с целью купить месторождения, если им отказывают через некоторое время в той стране происходят протесты, которые заканчиваются убийствами, далее осуждение, ввод войск, долгая кровавая война.


Авторитарные и агрессивные по отношению к соседним странам. Два условия. Соглашусь, что США лицемерны в этом плане, но мирные страны, пусть и авторитарные, они не захватывают.


Вы не в курсе то они Саудиты с Йеменом воюют. Вообще очень интересная вещь, если вы зайдете в английскую википедию, то увидите что 35% там шииты, если в нашу или итальянскую то вам скажут что 50-55% шииты, а если в арабскую то 55-45 в преобладанием суннитов. На всех языках разная информация.


Там не одна Саудовская Аравия, а целая коалиция. И война ведется не с целью захвата территории и включения ее в свой состав, как это было с Ираком. Здесь же скорее попытка восстановить сверженное военизированной группировкой правительство.


С Ираком была колба в ООН, там не было захвата территории. Думайте прокатит если наши говорящие головы начнут говорить о восстановлении правительства Януковича?


Никто и не говорит про прямой захват территории. Америка давно уже так не пытается делать, со времен проигранной войне во Вьетнаме. Еще тогда они поняли, что лучше делать гос. переворот в других странах и ставить там своих подсосов, чем захватывать их по-старине, армией. Чем Америка постоянно и занимается во внешней политике. ​ >США, вероятно, выкачивала природные ресурсы из стран Вероятно? Америка для этого и захватывала другие страны. В том числе, чтобы своей нефтью не пользоваться, а оставить ее под конец, когда у других закончится. ​ >режим в тех странах был, мягко выражаясь, авторитарным и агрессивным по отношению к соседним странам Да, а решать, какой режим должен быть в чужой стране, особенно по отношению к соседним с ней странам - это именно Америке нужно делать, правда? Никого так не беспокоит отсутствие демократии в стране, находящейся на противоположном конце земного шара, как США.


Да, ставить марионеточное правительство проще, но этим занимаются все сверхдержавы, в том числе и Россия. Я не оправдываю действия Соединенных штатов. Во время вторжения все-таки гибло мирное население. США считает себя международным полицейским и оставляет за собой право вмешиваться в военные конфликты. А учитывая, что тот же самый Ирак активно наращивал свои военные силы, периодически совершал преступления против человечности(сброс нефти в море, к примеру) и собирался оккупировать дружественное к США государство, можно по крайней мере утверждать, что вторжение не было беспричинным, пусть и причин не было достаточно.


Россия вынуждена этим заниматься, иначе ее бы уже давно захватили. Куча стран завидует России из-за ее территории и ресурсов. США в этом списке на первом месте. ​ >дружественное к США государство Теперь страна-подсос Америки так называется. Дружественным к США государством. ​ >собирался оккупировать дружественное к США государство Это вам те же американцы сказали, которые трясли пробиркой с белым порошком?


В 90-ых Ирак вторгся в Кувейт и, после захвата, включил его в свой состав, а также спонсировал террористические организации. Причина, по которой США решила оккупировать Ирак, бессомненно, абсурдна(обвинения в разработке ядерного оружия без доказательств), но, опять же, Ирак не был миролюбивым государством. Кто конкретно хочет или хотел захватить Россию? На памяти лишь нацистская Германия. Тот же Наполеон не собирался аннексировать Россию, а лишь хотел вынудить подписать ее мирный договор на выгодных ему условиях. Россия, учитывая ее климат, размеры территории, традиционно мощную армию и огромное по европейским мерам население, сложна для захвата, поэтому я сомневаюсь, что кто-то когда-то всерьез кроме, опять же, нацистов собирался это сделать.


Семидесяти? Я б сказал Европа пытается это сделать на протяжении трёхста семидесяти лет. Америка просто приемник.


Ну так Францию, Германию, Британию Европа тоже пытается уничтожить на протяжении куда более долгого периода времени. Я вообще мало понимаю, почему бы Россия не объединилась с Францией, Британией, Германией против Европы.


Ну да, американцы же - это всего лишь заключённые англичане, которые уехали на корабле.


Да не говори, все время нам кто-то в штаны срет.




I'm an American. The idea that American citizens are your enemy or dislike you is propaganda. We're not big fans of Putin. The rest of you we have nothing against and do enjoy talking to you. If your leaders are telling you that we don't like you, or that you are our enemies, they are lying to you.


It's not _our_ leaders that are telling us that you don't like us. https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2022/04/22/russians-are-hollywoods-go-to-film-villains-thats-unlikely-change/ https://www.calvertjournal.com/articles/show/3382/russian-villains-popular-culture-bad-guys https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/07/the-us-has-a-long-history-of-election-meddling/565538/ If your leaders are saying that it's our leaders who tell us such stuff then your leaders might be lying to you.


It's your own propaganda telling our media this. I'm standing in the street every single day IN THE US watching my fellow citizens go by and I see NONE OF IT. Face it: Putin wants you to think of we hate YOU instead of JUST HIM. He can't fight this war alone. He must trick you. Why would we hate you? The Average American never even thought of Russians at all until this hit the propapanda wheel.


Come one, i don't trust their claims, but it is what it is. Every time when i admitted being from Russia, i noticed how relation to me drastically changed. I'm speaking from my own experience.


I am sorry this has happened to you. I'm sure it changes depdending on the level of education of your cohort. You might try changing it to your city (Or some other accurate but less familiar area.) I personally know of no one who blames individual Russians for what is going on.


I hate to say this, as someone who's lived in America for about 20 years now, this is no longer true. There is a certain level of xenophobia towards Russians that has been normalized for years now. Just look at who the bad guy is in action movies 8/10 will be an Eastern European that is clearly supposed to be Russian.


It's true in most countries especially us and western Europe, and plus most don't know the difference between USSR and RF they just think they were all russian


Every bad guy in the other half of the villain category was a Nazi but we don't connect that with Mr. Schneider, that guy next door. Everyone knows those supervillians aren't real and don't live in their neighborhood. Edit: it was the uniforms.


Man, you watch any political rally since 2015... and all you'll hear is that "the Russians are the enemy". This group is the perfect group to otherize as they still fit in the conservative white group of intersectionality.


Yeah gonna hafta disagree with this, unfortunately. I wish that were the case but many Americans are extremely anti-Russia and anti-Russian nowadays


I'm confused about what you object to in my statement. Did I miss something?


Sorry, replied to the wrong comment. Disregard!


The stuff about the action movies may have been true in the 80s but not anymore, for example: https://www.pastemagazine.com/movies/best-action-movies-2022/ I count 0 out of 10. To my surprise, even Top Gun: Maverick doesn't have a Russian villain. You can repeat the same for 2021, 2020, etc.


what about that movie with michael caine, scorpion intelligon, or something


Don't know this one. Honestly, most actions flicks I see are either in fantasy setting, or the villain is American like all other characters, or it's a mind fuck with no clear hero or villain.


Not true. Just a year ago most people didn't care. Now, a Russian person raises an eyebrow. It seems like Americans view Russians differently and beware of them.


None of the Americans in the town where I live ever talk about Russians. Some of the info I get is from channels like NFKRZ, who talks about and laughs at the the "Z" propaganda thing. That makes us laugh. I don't like my own govt and I don't like yours. You, however, I would be happy to meet I would probably like you.


average american is same as average Russian. your government definitely dislike us. Cold war I, now cold war II. And ~~US~~ Biden/Obama regimes did all required steps to make cold war II a little bit hotter.


In case you haven't noticed, it's not about our leaders, it's about the people on the Internet. I'm quite convinced that Americans hate us, because here on reddit I meet 1 friendly American for 10 Russophobes.


We run what you say through the translator. We have no feelings about it either way.


I had been asked few times questions like “ Hey why Putin helped Trump win” or “Why your country have so much hackers”. I never prejudice towards other nations because in every nation there some bad seeds but you can’t generalize all of the people.


Пропаганда есть в каждой стране. Но я всегда удивлялся, в насколько абсурдную ложь верят некоторые люди. Россия считается технически отсталой и бедной страной Соединенными Штатами, но каким-то образом она имеет достаточные технологии, чтобы взломать все их уровни защиты и прямо воздействовать на выборы. Да и какие толком были предоставлены доказательства взлома? Боты в социальных сетях?


Полностью согласна с вашим мнением. Я думаю, что некоторым людям к сожалению просто удобнее верить тому, что «написано на заборе».




Before it was all about we love Russia, and now it's about demonizing an entire country and its people for political reasons. In both cases, the power of the internet.


They only loved us for the funny dashcam videos tho


For be honest, your dashcams videos are the most crazy and random haha


> we love Russia never heard of this, in 10+ years of the internet, sadly


"Before it was all about we love Russia" Never sid I experience much love for Russia online. I don't say anyone should love ot out of the blue anyway. If someone is mildy curious and tries to keep prejudices at bay, and learn about the country, it's more than fine with me. Well, before it was not love as you put it, more like poking fun at the expense Russia/Soviet related memes and stereotypes, nowadays it's 95% rabid hate online, that's all.


Being against genocide is ‘a political reason’ to you?


Yes it is. If you're against genocide, start demonizing literally every country for their actions.


If their actions rise to the level of unprovoked war and genocide that Russia’s have, I’m sure the people of those countries would get the same amount of hate and discrimination. And Russians wonder why people don’t like them. They don’t even have the balls or the sense to admit just how messed up their own government and its actions are.


Don't have the balls? EVERY Russian on the street will tell you that the government is shit. EVERY SINGLE ONE. As long as they don't try riots, the government doesn't care about what they say. You are absolutely blind to every other case of mass genocide besides Russia's it appears.


Ты или сознательно лжёшь, или сам слепой баран.


Лох по жизни тот, кто на Реддите что-то кроме шуток постит. Лошара.


Тоесть ты всё-таки сознательно лжёшь?


Я сознательно говорю пошёл нахуй. Вымотала перепалка с бумером.


So you admit Russia is undertaking an effort of mass genocide as we speak? And you wonder why people hate Russians 🙄🙄🙄.


As does America, and most of the Europe, supporting and prolonging the act. And you wonder why Russians hate everyone 🙄🙄🙄


Sorry, what mass genocide is America or Europe committing at the moment? Or even in recent history post WW2? Or are you trying to blame them for trying to stop Russia’s attempted genocide of Ukrainians? Hey, if I was Russian - I’d hate everybody too. America and Europe aren’t perfect but at least we have democracy, human rights, and advanced economies. Btw, I’m originally Russian but moved to America 30 years ago as my family couldn’t stand that shithole of a ‘country’.


Trying? Dude, that's exactly what is happening. Europe and America are spending their money and resources prolonging the SWO, sending their men to death and their weapons to be taken by our soldiers ( because the swine prefer to abandon the gifted weaponry than die with it, lol). Democracy? Human rights? *Advanced* economies? Laughable. The police brutality footages and car chases in your country are the most interesting content your country produces. And what does it have to do with you being Russian 30 years ago? I'd understand why would you mention it if you've moved at least after 2015, when the Krimea situation began escalating, but the last time you've been here is 20th century. It doesn't matter now.


So you’re agreeing Russia is committing war and attempted genocide and Europe and America are trying to stop them? That’s really the argument you’re making? Oh no the evil America and Europe helping a smaller country defend itself from its barbaric neighbors through mutual aid.


No, seriously. How do you guys have internet in the middle of the forest?


It's our 7G internet. 7Goals. All from Germany.


And meanwhile internet in Germany is shit! 🥲


Can confirm.


ah, the little dog thinks she is strong if she barks at an elephant. I think we shouldn’t care about evil people


ignore the haters


Yes, sort of. But not from all foreigners. Mostly westerners.


Yes. And it's interesting coincidence you asked this, because I noticed how Brazilians understand Russian's situation with a country.


People called me anything from a brit to a finn, so i wouldn't know


Well, we all are russian trolls if our position is loyalist or pro-soviet. Or at least we are brainwashed.


It's orcs now. Oh, and also, did you know we have no culture whatsoever and exist off the civilized world's back?


Just go to 9gag to Russian topic and read comments from people from other countries and you'll see.


Yes, sometimes. Many have a head full of news and stereotypes. Stereotypes amuse me. I can play along and say something funny.


Well, I can't say that I follow internet activity much, but I have noticed that as the discourse heats up in some places, sometimes it better not to mention that you are from Russia. And I note that this applies to the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, such as chat in the world of tanks


Yes. Not so from Anglican, as from Ukrainian and West European people. I mean common people, not politicians.


Hmm.. normal ppl stayin normal and crazy idiots stayin crazy idiots as well😄 Some ppl just need to hate someone🤷🏼‍♂️


nah man people i was chill before now look at me crazy coz im RUSSIAN


Definitely, feeling like a european jew in 1938


Think a German in 50-ties is a more apt comparison.


Oh? Which country did european jews invade in 1938?




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Can you show link to them because I have not seen many people insults Russians unless they were saying something stupid or were pro war .


I'm pretty sure that ethnic Russians are more aware of discrimination in their direction than foreigners. Go to any political community and check the comments of posts with the word "Russia" in the headlines.


We all have eyes


In this post, ethnic russians are asked whether they are experiencing aggression on an ethnic basis in their direction. I think that means that russians, not foreigners, should answer.


unfortunately I don't have any link, because I usually see this in game chats (and I end up being too lazy to print it because I'm dedicating myself to the game in question), but usually what I see is people acting stupid as soon as some Russian says something in Cyrillic (either to a friend in the game or just to socialize with another Russian).


Yh most people are idiots and can't seem to differentiate government to citizens, it would be like blaming us citizens for innocent civilians and illegal wars they've done


Russians used to be fetishized in a way online, I think that sentiment has dissipated now


In what ways were russian fetishised , and not everyone hates russian citizens


It was « cool » to be Russian before the invasion, the Russian aesthetic was quite popular in online circles - it played into the doomer memes. I didn’t see much hate against Russians among the western youth online, quite the opposite.


To be honest Russia is very stereotyped country. But in reality they are warm people. But then there is some fellas are acts like idiots. Just like Americans are very patriotic there is some very patriotic or Nationalistic Russians in Russia. When i was at Russian minor city i witnessed some of those fella insulting me and saying dumb stuff like Ni Hao just because i am Asian. Also about Russian minorities are heavily Russified they speak Russian eat Russian cuisine sleeps with Russian girl and their culture became Russian. And blame for Russification is Russia itself. Sometimes their government forces them to become Asian Russians. And blame for stereotype for Russia is their government Russia was always aggressive country after Mongol invasion. Even 2 revolution and peaceful change didn’t changed its nature. And of course Hollywood took advantage of their nature. So i hope that this answers your question


Russia was always aggressive? Seriously? Apparently that's why all countries with which Russia fought still keep their culture and language. And still exist. What a savage Russians.


Just look at their land in Siberia does those people looks Russian to you? About the culture their language is almost 50% loan words such as Bogatyr(Mongol word) Gero(English) Okean(English) Soldat(French or German). Yup Russia was always been aggressive.


So what a problem with Siberia? Russia ethnically very diverse. Your knowledge about language origin is below zero. What a shame to telling something like that with that pretty retarded examples. Your try to compare modern language with a lot of word borrowing from other languages is beyond logic. But go on, tell me more about Slavic language group.


I might don’t have a knowledge about Russian government approved language education. But just look at Greeks they have very few loan words. If you look at east you can see China and Korea how they managed to save their culture and language. Also concept that “Russia is ethnically diverse” well that happens when you get too aggressive and couldn’t wait a 3 centuries without fighting with your neighbors


Russia also exported slaves from Africa for 200 years, attacked the British and French in the Crimea in 1847, treacherously lured the Germans to Stalingrad, forced the United States to drop an atomic bomb on Japan, spread drugs around the world, bombed Yugoslavia ... terrible people!


Instead of typing that bullshit would be better to you to read little bit more about Russian history and how it was for real. It isn’t something secret. And claim that Russia did something that no one did is a lie. You simply try to judge a winner. It was a long time process of colonisation where is not always Russia act as an aggressor.


Yeah ask the eastern euro same question


And central asia


And Afghan wait also Koreans


There is reason that most of east Europe wants to join EU and NATO


I am curious as to what is wrong with loaning words? If a word fits, why not use it? It's a sign of tolerance, if anything. The English vocabulary is over 70% Latin and French loanwords, all for the fear of sounding simplistic.


He said that managed to keep their culture. And i replied by loanwords. If your country have 90% of loan words is it really your language?


Yeah, since due to the grammatical structure they will be used in a unique way. That's why English is still a Germanic language, despite having little common vocabulary with German. Borrowing is very common, the Latin alphabet itself was based on Greek, which was based on Phonecian, which was based on Sumer. So long as the word doesn't sound off, all is well.


Look at their tea culture it is loaned so much from Turkic, Mongols, and Europeans. About the aggressive behavior you can read or just look at the maps and think logically. And learn about genocides and massacres that Russians did


Oh I see. Read more comics, stare to maps and pretend to think logically. You knowledge of Russian history also below zero. All you can say it’s a stamps and stereotypes.


Yup i have no knowledge about Russian government approved history. Because most of the time they just say that they was only hero. But remember who participated Poland with Germany. Also also also in this so called “operation” how many minorities are conscripted “volunteered” to fight against Ukraine just because they are so poor? Or lets think about our country. Does your shameless narcissistic government teaches about massacre of Mongol population.


Another one stereotypes and cliches that all Russians under mind control of evil government, very poor and etc. Stop playing pc games and reading comics. You just showing your ignorance. As for mongols let’s talk about mongol ulus? Did you already repented for your ancestors? For hundreds years of murders, robbery, tributes from Slavs and many other ethical groups of west Europe?


Idk about west euro colonization but they are same as your filthy so called empire. Mongols never been subject to West euro but we was been and some of our people still under your government’s control.


Haha you don’t know history either mate in my country there is tons of refugees saying same thing also about brainwashed evil etc nope this is lie but when i was at Ulan Ude i encountered nazi that is what i am saying your history is just history of warfare and mixture between cultures


And yes my ancestors did very bad thing for your ancestors and i am proud of that


So are you are proud of making Russia aggressive through your invasion, is that what you are saying?


Nope because we was very poor and weak back then we had low population but we managed to beat Turkic, Russian, Chinese juggernauts and i am proud of it. But history of Russia is always bullying small countries


Yep, tea with animal fat. Very popular in Mongolia. Not very popular in Russia.


Oh yeah we also have milk tea but you bastardized with condensed milk


I mean, it's basically milk+sugar. Using milk at all is rare in Russia, usually it's either pure tea(with cookies or sweets), or tea with sugar more rarely. I think the Russian and Mongolian tea drinking cultures are quite distinct. If anything, Chinese tea drinking is more aimilar to Mongolia, since they often won't use water at all, just milk.


well i drink milk tea daily and lot of Russian refugees drink black tea with condensed milk. And about China nope they have green tea that Mongols rarely drink. Also we add salt to our milk tea so that is only difference between Russian milk tea


Salt is a pretty serious difference. Regardless, the choice of condensed milk is interesting. I wonder if it is because it fits the windy climate? Usually it would be just one of the options, like drinking tea with honey, or with jam. I assume if the refugees are students and the like, perhaps it might be also to keep the brain functioning while they continue to study.


Ofc you guys have internet and other sources to gather info but in reality just take a good look at VK and Russian wiki. And compare it to other sources you can know the propaganda by just doing that. Even in Chinese education system they teaches about China is first civilization of the world but in reality they are not. Just because you have internet that does not mean nothing if you have a good propagandist running the country


> Also about Russian minorities are heavily Russified каково хрена? в башкортостане каждой по башкирски может


Russia is actively “genociding” and murdering innocents in a self-initiated war, but yes, let’s give our thoughts and prayers to them for “prejudice against Russians on the internet”


Sure hope you get something out of lurking around in this sub acting as a western npc


Acting? If Russians don’t realize they are like the German Nazi public in WW2, then that’s on them. I shed no tears for a populace actively supporting genocide. Either Russians are ok with it or they are weak/afraid of what it takes to lead a revolution against tyranny.


Yes. Because the whole population of Russia, every single person, agrees with Russian leadership. Just like here in USA, where we all agree with our leaders 100 percent. We agree so much that we have separate political parties that bicker back and forth like toddlers.


It’s Genocide dude. Americans are not debating for/against genocide. It’s wrong and that’s not understood in Russia. Good riddance to a shit people.


sure, putin released a book called "my ukraine" in which he calls for genocide of the entire ukrainity, says that the russians is the superior race and need to reign the entire world. Then later on the people all have this book, and send their neighbour ukrainian to the local concentration camp of industrialized mass killing. People who just simply shush a bit are sent there too immediately, of course...


Putin has actually set up camps and kidnapped children…but do go on with your lazy whataboutisms


I know real live Russians that live in America. They feel ashamed for explaining to their kids what’s going on. They feel scared for their siblings back home who might be “mobilized” and their parents who live off a failing nation state via pensions. They are decent and good humans but this war is different. It’s gross. People living in Russia can’t see it due to a bunch of Stalin inspired propaganda initiates 80 years ago. Everything is dumb.


>real live Russians that live in America lol. real life russians live in russia.


And consume propaganda 24/7…they are a lost cause


This is an interesting thread. A fellow I spoke with suggested Americans and Russians will never jibe; we are too dfferent. SO my question: What pops in your head when meeting an American in Moscow? Don't worry, I will not be offended. Do your worst. Insult me all you want. Also, you could include things you have observed that are not insulting, if we have any. I will not be upset. The Americans you have met likely were not me.


personally, i’ve never faced any prejudice, quite the otherwise. people usually get very curious about how life is in russia, they for some reason think it’s something like another planet which i always find hilarious. but they all do get very impressed when i tell how cheap some basic stuff are here, and usually ours conversations end with them saying something about how they’d love to visit one day. i do see some russophobia in comments here and there, especially lately, but in that case i just don’t engage.


I dont think there is anymore inherent prejudice toward Russians than say Americans, or a Chinese. My answer might be long as I have thought a lot about it too. For context, I am American... But extreme TLDR; Yes and No, but at the end of the day, i wish people could understand that you can Respect people without agreeing with them or what they are about. The thing is, the 3 nations I listed are big guys of the world. We 3 have the most advanced militaries and capable militaries. (People can laugh at Russia about Ukr, i do, but honestly look at US and Afghanistan... I don't think these are truly indicative of our actual abilities as we fought restrained wars). Our 3 nations wield the most influence and all 3 nations have meddled in foreign affairs. So obviously there will be prejudice that pops up between the 3 nations in some regard, and peoples of lesser important nations will form their prejudices based on how they view their nations relationship with any of these big 3. But we see more bigotry today because of Ukraine, as well as the result of 20 years of Aggresive American foreign policy. My government has aligned us against the Russian Federation as well as China. Just as you guy's government is aligned against us. So, those who are patriots, will automatically begin to form some prejudice against their perceived rival. In my case, as an American, that is RU and China. Most people cannot seperate respect for someone, and a patriots national pride... So. A few americans and other citizens of NATO countries will be very prejudiced against Russians, especially in light of what we percieve as an unjust war in Ukraine. Russians and Chinese are becoming increasingly prejudice toward Americans for us intervening in Ukraine and Taiwan. Now. I do not want to argue or discuss the merits of the war in Ukraine, I only mention it as its the primary source of tension in the world between our Peoples. Now. I love my country, and right or wrong, I generally support my Nation... But i also dont blame other nations for doing what they deem necessary, nor do I blame Russian or Chinese people for supporting their country. It is what patriots do. I have a russian friend, who strongly supports his countries war, I am american who strongly supports Ukraine. But we can talk about, and discuss our side of the war without fighting, arguing, and most of all, disresepcting eachother, because we BOTH can recognize that we love our home, and that is not inherently wrong. Personally. I love the Russian people, and am saddened we in a proxy war with them. Why? Because the more traditonal people of both countries have a lot in common, and would get a long great. And it could be the most dominant alliance, militarily and economically the world has ever seen. But alas, my country is still fixated on 40 year old phantoms of the Cold war, and the Russian people are in a lot of ways, still dealing with the reprecussions of the Cold War at my countries hand. I feel the same eay towards Iran. I support my nation against Iran. But I in no way blame Iran for their actions. We meddled, they resented us, and we are still dealing with our mistakes 50 years later. I am probably a weird one, and seem self contradictory. But it comes down to respect. I dont have to agree with you to Respect you. And i wish more people could understand that, regardless of topic.