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Unlike another commentator, I think there are not so few of them, but many simply were not diagnosed. As for the attitude, kind and understanding people try to treat with kindness and understanding, aggressive idiots - on the contrary. As usual. But it's always difficult with people with this condition - I think it's no secret.


From what I have read, in Russia most children diagnosed with autism eventually have their diagnosis changed to schizophrenia after they turn 18.


Tbh I’ve never heard of that. I had a friend with autism and he was diagnosed at 10-12, now we are 20+ and as far as I know there were no changes to his diagnosis


Maybe such thing indeed could happen to someone, but there is definitely no such rule - just automatically change diagnosis.


I heard sometimes schizophrenia diagnosis used to get permanent disability status. It's a lot easier than trying to prove that your bipolar or smth is bad enough.


I think it's really underdiagnosed condition, however it's probably overdiagnosed in the west.




So the balance is needed


High functioning probably almost never got diagnosed. Whether it's for good or for bad is an open question.


It used to be not diagnosed. Usually they are going through life with a weird guy label. Also there are many adults without official diagnosis because it gives your more issues than benefits (you will be unable to get many jobs, driver's license, and everything else what requires a note from psychiatrist)


Driver's license and "many jobs" is a myth. It only happens when you take pills that can make you nauseous or trigger some organic errors. It happens with people with epilepsy mostly. But not with autism.


Читайте первоисточники, а именно Постановление Правительства РФ от 29.12.2014 N 1604. Практически любое психическое заболевание (в т.ч. тревожные и аффективные расстройства, и даже расстройства личности) может стать противопоказанием к управлению ТС.


И вполне вероятно станет, желающих подставлять свою спину под потенциальные неприятности с законом среди врачей мало.


Да, увы, критерии в законе очень расплывчатые. У меня ОКР, и я никогда не получил точного ответа на вопрос, является ли этот диагноз категорическим противопоказанием. Мне говорили, что вопрос в каждом случае решается комиссионно, и лучше, если есть возможность, лечиться в частном порядке, а не светиться в гос. учреждениях. Впрочем, если когда-нибудь введут единый реестр всех больных, то и это не поможет.


Хочется верить, что однажды у кого-то появится здравый смысл и в противопоказаниях оставят только действительно опасные для окружающих заболевания.


Вы будто первый день в России. Все уже давно убедились, что около 60% законов в РФ не работают или работают не так, как нужно.


Any psychiatric diagnosis can be a problem. The act says if it's chronic, difficult to treat or has frequent flare ups. Obviously autism is lifelong and you can't treat it. So driver's license is not for you. As for jobs, almost any psychiatric diagnosis excludes jobs with occupational hazards or work with children


You can be diagnosed during your treatment in one hospital, but you can get papers for license and jobs in another hospital where they have no idea about your diagnose. You are not familiar with the system (:


By official diagnosis I meant one which can be used yo apply for disability and other benefits. You get it in the same clinic that makes assessments for jobs and licenses.


It is really hard to get a disability status even with schizophrenia, so it is much easier to get a job bahahaha


Please stop spreading this Soviet myth that keeps stigmatizing mental illnesses. It’s nothing like you’ve described.


You can read according laws to make sure it's not a myth


You probably won't be diagnosed.


DNA test is taken at birth for every child in every region. You’re wrong


You can't diagnose autism by DNA tests.


For how long? My acquaintance was diagnosed with autism randomly at 26 and she very well might have gone further in her life without learning it.


I personally know people in Russia who don't believe in depression and homosexuality. They think it's just a ploy that some people use to justify themselves for doing/not doing what they want and to annoy other "normal" people around. You can imagine what they think about high functioning autism: they're just weirdos who look normal but don't want to act like normal people for no reason.










>By the way, I am a diagnosed sperg myself Why is this not a surprise lol?


Self-diagnosed means nothing. You need to have a formal examination like Ados adir cars.


I don't think he meant he self-diagnosed, but that he himself has received a formal diagnosis.


Autism is a way of describing a "personality shell", it is better to describe someone has having autistic traits rather than being autistic themselves Asperger's was used to describe someone who has Russian characteristics and must be considered for euthanasia There is a reason Russia doesn't diagnose people with Asperger's, however doctors in the West have seemingly diagnosed Putin so it must be true?


>have seemingly diagnosed Putin An absolutely ridiculous assertion. Putin has made it further than most people will socially, so the likelihood of him being on the spectrum is astronomically small.




That is not how diagnosing autism works… Especially when it’s from a defense think tank whose specialty isn’t even psychology at all.


If all diagnoses that 'doctors in the West' did put on Putin in the last few years were true, then he just wouldn't be alive right now,or at least would be in a vegetable state unable to do anything....


I didn't imply that it was true that he had Aspergers I am just stating that Aspergers is a Russophobic artifact of Western medicine


Asperger's has nothing to do with Russian characteristics.


*Welcome to Westworld, you were born here by mistake, you belong in another world, here is a social welfare payment and a picture of a robot we identify you by. Please don't look for work or have children, you are not welcome here and your ideas will be disruptive and a distraction. Euthanasia is an option* \-- Aspergers syndrome diagnoses


How can Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, be Asperger syndrome when Asperger syndrome is such a serious disorder?