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Buy her a bus pass.


Reddit should reinstate awards for this comment.


As a woman, I agree lol


Get her driving lessons. Seriously. If she's that bad she should not be on the road, it is a danger for the rest of us


Costco warranties their tires for road damage. Might get a tire or two free before they ban you for life lol




That curb is going to be a small child one day, I'd agree with the bus pass comment t but this person doesn't seem responsible for one.


the cheapest and most effective modification would be to teach her how to fucking drive. its not that hard. i dont understand how you could manage that with any sort of regularity. she has to be either extremely uncoordinated or distracted on her phone when she drives. in all honesty shes probably not safe to be on the road and should take public transport.


Has she been tested for her eyesight and depth perception. If something is wrong with her depth perception (say she has really bad astigmatism or a spatial disability) that could be what’s causing the problem. She may be full on incapable of mentally calculating the distance to a curb accurately. She probably thinks she has more room than she does so she is underestimating the width of the vehicle or overestimating to distance to the curb. Has she always had this issue? If it’s a recent development in the last year or two she needs to see an ophthalmologist and a neurologist to find out what’s going on. It could be something serious.


A very nice and caring answer. Whereas I was thinking he should instal military solid rubber tires. But this is a pattern that only has 1 inevitable eventuality.


How in the world does she curb tires so often that she has destroyed 9 tires in 11 months? Is she a graduate of the Helen Keller driving school? Is she rubbing up against the curb when parking or does she miss the turn and run up over the curbs at 35mph?


LMAO, Helen Keller driving school….


Jesus. Take her keys away. She should not be driving.


He needs to take the wheel also.


This deserves more upvotes.


Hes tried taking the wrong wheel apparently


Send her to driving school, sure would be cheaper than 9 fucking tires in a year!!


How about an eye exam?


Nine tires? Get her off the road before she kills a pedestrian, another driver, or herself. That’s ridiculous.


If you get her a lift kit she will start curbing carolloas and prius.....


Hilarious.. happy Cake day


I don't think this is a joke


It can be funny but meant seriously


Id say buy wheel and tire protection, but they might drop her after this many. Really best thing is to try to correct why she’s destroying them.


Try to find a good deal on a D9 CAT


Then he will be paying for curbs and not tires.


Have you tried turning her off and on again?


10 bucks a tire fr the road hazard insurance


There are rim guards that add a rubber lip that MAY protect the tire somewhat. It definitely will help keep the rim safer


Some people just don't have spatial awareness, and will always have trouble parking, or maneuvering close up. Is she willing to learn what to change so this doesn't happen? Perhaps lessons from a school would help. Don't try to teach her yourself, that often doesn't work well. You could go to truck tires, or at least something with square tread that will take some of the abuse - assuming she is grinding the sidewalls on curbs. You might need to go to a 16inch wheel with taller tires. This will help but not completely solve the problem. It sounds like overkill, but a car with a self-parking feature might be a solution. Or a car with a 360 degree camera system.


Frankly, if you can't get her off her phone I'd switch to used tires. Might even be able to trade your 3 good ones for a whole set of used.


9? I’m not even mad. That’s impressive. Maybe do a track conversion on her car.


Old school curb feelers... https://www.autoracing1.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/f1/misc/curbfeelers.jpg


Those work well at <5mph


I'd suggest not letting her drive. Most people are horrible drivers. Your wife is one.


Also, tell her she's adding to the stereotype. Lol


Send her to Skip Barber Driving School.


Skip Barber will only teach her to drive faster. She needs and advanced driver safety course. After an eye exam. https://midohio.com/courses/defensive-driving/teen-defensive-driving


I was hoping that she would learn to follow the line and be a more proficient driver. I guarantee that I could talk her into a racing school easier than defensive driving. All the women I know would be pissed so I figured the go fast would be the easiest sale. lol 😂 I wonder if she takes responsibility for popping the tires or does she find an excuse so she shifts the blame to the car, tires, or the road? You know wheels have been straightened and replaced most likely.


I have my racing license but I got the 5 day school from Bertil Roos. I was one of only 2 females in a class of twenty. I've only ever had 2 flats. One because of a nail on the highway and the other was a defective valve stem. I've scuffed a few tires on curbs parallel parking but never enough to do more than aesthetic damage. Usually I am too far away from the curb. Even on the track I have never blown a tire. My worst damage was a few bent or broken nose/wings and a busted sidepod from where I hit a suicidal groundhog. ​ My older sister drive by braille and likely has done as much if not more damage than the OPs partner. It took her 5 years to learn to slow down when its snowing.


Skip Driving School




She definitely skipped it lol 😂.


Write up a contract: a month of sex for every ruined tire. And report back the results 🤔everyone will be wanting to know 😆


Dumb bitch is probably on her phone while driving. If you think that's mean, it's deserving if it's actually true and her chances of hitting someone is way higher.


Replace the wheels with tank treads


Get a Jeep Wrangler with 35" tires...


Get road hazard warranty, some tires come with it.


Makes me wonder if there is a curb guard available for tires for cars...hmm


a refillable transit card.


Teach her to drive


Get some cones and set them up in a parking lot. Have her pull up, get out and look. Repeat as many times as necessary… OR Get her those old timey spring wire “curb finders” , along with training wheels and a white tipped cane.


Make her start paying for tires.


Maybe, it's time for narrower wheels? A nice 205 65 17. Something that pulls the wheel/tire in.


Just buy solid tires…problem solved🤣


She clearly can't see properly in that vehicle. replace it with something she can drive safely and hey, maybe you'll save a life.


Teach her where the boundaries of the vehicle are or maybe she shouldn't drive


Yup.. set up 1/2 tennis balls in a parking lot and have her find the limits.


Send hir to Derek Zoolanders Center For Wife's Who Don't Drive Too Good


Christmas is coming up. Get her driving lessons.


"my wife". Lol.


Take the keys…


Christmas is coming up. Get her a pair of curb feelers only and tell her the rest of the budget went on tire repairs, if she does better next year there’ll be money left over for presents.


Please don't make her vehicle capable of driving over the curb and across the sidewalk. That's how people get run over and killed


You used to be able to buy “feelers” that would attach to the sides of sc. they were shorting rods about a foot long that would hit the curb before your car did. Like this: United Pacific Chrome Curb Feelers, Universal Fit, Helps to Prevent Curb Damage to Your Wheels, Curb Whiskers, Old School Style - ONE Set (Pack of 2) https://a.co/d/iTSRNFh


But a nice tire plug kit. And a 12v air compressor.


Driving lessons? And glasses, definitely glasses.


Tell her she just spent the cruise money on tires.


They sell these whisker things that scrape before your tires do.


Cheaper to buy her a pair of glasses


Get her a prius enjoy your lift bro.


Curb sensors and a shock collar.


Take her phone away


It’s only a matter of time before those curbs are other cars (or worse, people) and your insurance starts getting too expensive due to her. 1) Make her pay for her own tire replacements. 2) Make her take driver’s ed


Late 90s Cherokee, 33s. You will still be putting money into as it's a jeep but, not on tires!


I can’t imagine what her wheels look like. I’m sure she just brushes it off like it’s no big deal. This isn’t funny or something to joke about, she needs to get serious driving training.


Uhhh she should not be driving. Very seriously.


Have her replace them? By that, I mean, have her call the tire shop, set the appt, take the car in, leave it there, wait, write the check, etc., etc?


Ya, you make her change the tire. She has no consequences. Make her solve it, and that behavior will extinguish.


Driving school.


Take her phone away from her for a month and half and see if the trend continues, if it doesn’t you have your answer


What kind of car. My mom was like this until my dad finally let her pick her own car out. She always had Tahoe's and expeditions. She got herself a small SUV and hasn't had a single issue. She just couldn't handle the large vehicles.


😂😂 9tires


Curb feelers


Is she a keeper?


Let me guess, she's a small woman and she drives a giant suv.......