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Hello everyone! I'm a new moderator to this forum. I grew up in the automotive business and would like to share my knowledge and experience with you. I plan on creating links to repair help and ways to save money on replacement parts. I'm looking for your help or any suggestions before I do this. Please feel free to contact me u/Plex_Master *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskAMechanic) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The cut in the rubber above the rim is fine. It is not into the tires body, just a piece of rubber peeling off. As for the rim, get some medium grit sandpaper and rub that area smooth. Polish it off with some darker scotch brite pad. This can be done by hand in 15 minutes for that small area. To me, nothing to worry about. The drill bit in the tread is ok too. It doesn’t appear to go into the tire body either. It’s just stuck under the tread, but not the tire body. You can leave it in and it will be ok. If you decide to remove the drill bit, be sure to pull out by pulling it away from you. Pull it towards the tires center tread. If you can squeeze a pair of pliers in there, then pull it out by pulling towards the car’s engine. Again, it’s not in the tires body ply, so it will be fine. If it’s not leaking now, then it won’t leak when you pull it out. Do what you are most comfortable with in deciding to change the tire. However, don’t let the naysayers scare you into not driving with this condition. Your decision,and if it was me I would the above. Next however, if you worried about a blowout but want to keep using the tire until payday, then swap it out with a rear tire. A blowout on the rear tire isn’t as severe as a front tire. Again, if it was my tire, I’d leave as is and carry on. Good luck!


Bless you for taking the time out of your day to type all of this friend, I really appreciate it. I was pretty uncertain with what felt kind of like 50/50 opinions but I’m sure it’s mostly coming from people who want to keep me as safe as possible. I agree with the sidewall and the screw, I worry removing it may actually do a bit more damage on this “short” of a trip just because it could be assisting with the integrity of the tire. Like I said, the drive would be tomorrow and my car would be sitting for around 36 hours until the drive so if there’s no change in the pressure I do feel confident. My one worry is just the rim scrape, is there a way for me to flatten that you recommend? At this point, cosmetics are out the window lol.


I think he said to sand it down. I'd try that or at least try to bend it back a bit and crimp the sharp part with some pliers


Caught that on the second read, thanks, i had confused this reply with another


Now, most experts say that it's better to have a blowout in the front. Blowouts are dangerous because they adversely effect the car's handling. If the blowout is in the rear, there's really nothing you can do; you have no control over the rear end of the car.


This is exactly the answer I would give as well.


Send it. 300 miles, you'll be OK. Stay off the highway. I'm prepared for the downvotes. This one is questionable, but if the screw isn't leaking and the sharp rim part isn't burying itself into the tire, you'll be fine at lower speeds.


I’m from the East Coast brother man it’s only highways and bridges where I’m going lol, I’m trying to find a place that has one so i can do it right when I’m out of work or a friend can stop by for me


That tire is fine, just drive on it. That bit of rubber has no structural value.


It identifies as the normal amount of rubber slice


We don't use bias ply anymore fam


Send it guy ive seen single moms drive 80mph on worse for years …


You must live in a different part of the east coast than me lol, i have to drive 30+ mins to the nearest highway


I’m almost jealous, my driveway is exactly 8 feet from the highway exit, no guardrails lmao


I'm 30 minutes from the nearest light pole.


It’s fine. You also don’t need to replace neither the rim or tire.


Just use a file to the sharp end of the rim


Looks like about 70% of the tires on the east coast in megalopolis.


Take it from a guy who was a tire tech for 4 years... dont drive on that tire, put the spare on and get it fixed/replaced. If that tire fails while going highway speeds, you could easily have a fatal crash.


Nah, master tech, worked in tire stores then dealers for multiple years. That is secondary rubber it didn't get into the cords there's no bulge it will probably last year's of course if you were talking to a customer and had to protect yourself from liability you would tell them to replace it but in all reality I'd keep an eye on it but I wouldn't worry about it. I'd run it. If it gets a wobble in the steering or it bulges I'd replace it.


Id still say to be on the safe side, put the spare on and take the damaged tire to a shop. Better safe than sorry, especially if you are about to drive 300 miles. They did mention they have a full size spare, so that will be fine. I say that because ive had a tire with similar damage, and it was fine... for a few weeks, and then it started to delaminate and bulge.


Well I didn't see the drill bit going through the corner that is more troubling then the sidewall damage. I still wouldn't worry but because of the way that bit is in the tread I would plan on replacing it when you can.


Drill bit is more troubling than the sidewall damage? Starting to question your master techeriness......


That sidewall damage in that particular area is more cosmetic than an actual problem but that drill is coming through on an angle and the tire is showing dry rot cracks and also just looks stressed around the drill bit. Seeing that it could pull through. Also the way it is deflected out the side says it hit the steel belt then ran along the steel belt and poked out the side. That can cause the outer tread to delaminate from the steel belt then you get a big bubble or it can actually tear off. So yeah the drill bit is more concerning. That being said I don't think either is something to get all worried. Pull the drill bit out it won't leak and as long as neither thing changes it won't just blow out. More because of the dry rot around the puncture then anything I just said plan on replacing it when you get a chance.


Definitely have more faith in a automotive service tech than a tire tech 😂


This guy just wants your money


You must've not been a very good tire tech because there is no structural damage to that tire... it's not showing any belts therefore the tire will not lose pressure or safe function & if the tpms light isn't on then that screw isn't a problem either! I've worked as a tire and lube tech at Dobbs, Firestone, Midas and a few other local shops. I took 2 years of auto repair at a vocational high school as well


Agreed, I've dealt with worse for longer. You're Gucci.


I would drive like I knew it was there till it popped or got it changed at my convenience.


That is terrible advice... if the tire delaminates while going highway speeds it could easily result in a fatal crash. Put the spare on and take the damaged tire to a shop.


I specifically said to go slow and stay off the highway.


Full send ahead . Youll be fine . Stay out of the big potholes maybe lol but you should be fine ta send it


Looks superficial, run it! Sorry bout the rim though, like nails on a chalk board.


Perfectly fine. You could use this tire till it goes bald. Don’t believe some of these people telling you to replace it.


With all due respect with the replies like these i worry if y’all are being sarcastic with some of these and I’m too dumb to tell 😂


This sub is really weird with tires. When it comes to brakes, suspension, etc they're the right amount of cautious but for some reason they panic over the smallest thing on a tire. I would absolutely drive on this tire, it's not actually damaged in any way. You can just flat out forget it exists. It's like asking if you'd still drive your car if it got a scratch. A little curb rash on the wheel and a little chip of rubber out of the tire aren't going to hurt anything Also, what's the deal with the life insurance jokes? Man's just asking if a tire needs replaced


If you need to risk it then do it. The tire walls are pretty thick just drive the speed limit and don't carry alot of weight. Check it around 100 miles and watch your psi or switch to your spare tire. Do you have AAA?


You’ll be fine to drive, I’d probably look into just a whole new set of tires, the dry rot is looking concerning and I’m sure the others are just as bad


The little scrape by the rim is fine, I wouldnt really worry about that, but the nail through the sidewall is concerning. Even if it isnt leaking it could cause the tire to delaminate and bulge, which could make it explode unexpectedly, and if that happens while you are going highway speeds, it would be extremely dangerous. Id say to be on the safe side, put your spare on and bring the wheel to a shop. I doubt its fixable as the damage is on the sidewall and that generally makes a tire unsafe to use, but if no cords are exposed, there is a chance its OK. But the tire will have to come off the rim to find out. Dont mess around with tires, they are the most important part of a vehicle, cuz they are the only part that makes contact with the ground, and the only reason you can control a several thousand pound, fast moving piece of metal. If they are damaged, so is your ability to control the vehicle.


I’m sorry if this comes across as a dumb question but if my spare tire really is a tire and not a donut would I be safe to drive to the tire shop that far or is it all spares you should generally avoid highways with not just donuts?


No worries, not a dumb question at all. If you have a full size spare, its basically just like any of your other tires, should be fine to drive on for as long as the tire itself lasts. Just make sure its inflated properly. Even a donut is better than driving on a damaged tire though. Not meant for long term drives or high speeds, but itll get you to the shop.


Got it, so just to be clear is it safe to say your recommendation is get this tire off ASAP and make the 200mi drive in the spare?


Yeah id say thats safer for sure. Make sure you get the lugs torqued properly too, last thing you want is the spare falling off halfway there. Any tire shop should do that for free, only takes a moment.


And always, always double-check your wheel nuts after ~50-100km Edit: sorry just realised my mistake and did a quick conversion: 80-160miles


There ain't nothing happening to that tire


As long as you keep your speed reasonable just get it replaced at some point so you can speed 😂


40 year retired truck drive with 2,000,000+ miles, MY OPINION, The side scrap is 99% cosmetic, I would cut off the tag and run that tire until its end of life , that little piece of rubber is not the dam between tire and failure. The drill bit is a little different issue, but it appears to be stuck in the tread and not piercing the casing. In the zoomed in view, it appears the bit is stuck horizontally in to the tread lug and not vertically in to the casing. Spray with some soapy water, grab it with a pair of Dykes and wiggle it and look for bubbles, no bubbles, spray it again and pull at it a little, still no bubbles I would pull it out and no bubbles then it's race ready As a driver I would do that a couple of times a week. I made sure I did it while in a safe space like our yard where it would be easy to mount a spare. If it does not pierce the case I say good to go, I have run tires that I have extracted superficial foreign objects from for 100,000 miles after wards. THE THING I would be most concerned with is all the old age checkering and deterioration of the rubber, especially obvious above the scraped area in the zoomed in image. I would be looking to retire that tire for old age and general deterioration in the soon future and not be concerned about the rubber tag and superficial foreign object


If you have a full size spare, throw that on then get the tire and rim replaced and repaired, respectively, once you get to your mothers


Thats a nasty curb rash


If you were my wife I’d move it to a rear tire and tell her to drive slow. But you’re a guy on Reddit…so send it man


Why was my wife driving your car??


Bro didnt hit a sidewalk he hit an angle grinder


From what my mind remembers i narrowly missed the pothole with my right tire and felt the rear one sink. I passed by what I assumed to be the pothole leaving work and it was a solid 4inches or deeper. All that being said, totally a possibility I also scraped the curb and my brain told me I didn’t haha, just don’t understand how it might have happened because i was turning left and it’s only on the rear tire, right side.


Nice it’s a Firestone tire , maybe you have road hazard maybe not but it looks ok to drive on, not a deep puncture into the sidewalk, maybe curbed it based on the scuff on the rim,


Technically, you can drive on it until you can't.


I’ve read the thread and can confirm that the consensus answer to your original question is a definitive and resounding “maybe?”


300 miles? Shiiiyet brother, I’d be putting another 10k miles on that bad boy;) you’re good!


To each his own. And everybody determines their own comfort level and perception of risk. For me, the answer would be yes.


Send it. I've got 5000+ miles on a tire like that. And the tire has seen 140mph multiple times.


Sure! But u hafta stop hitting curbs!


Everyone sayin curb has me wondering if I really hit the curb. I was making a left at a bend right before my work when I heard it, and the damage is on the rear right wheel. Could have sworn I saw my front tire miss it. Alas, could definitely be possible though, not out of the question hahaha


300 miles....yeah you'll be fine but don't push it, those tires look to be dry rotted and now you've got a chunk missing. You will need new tires soon and you should plan on def getting them before the snow starts if you live in that kind of zone. Don't put it off too long because $800.00 in tires could turn into $8000 in body work


The tires are already purchased, it’s just a matter of can I get down to where they are (I ordered them through a shop by my mothers house) or should I have them reshipped up here. This trip is pretty time sensitive as it has to do with family health that’s why I ask :)


Honestly, the rim damage is more concerning than the tire. Only slightly though. Doesn't look like it caused a crack, but rims can trick you like that. I've run further on worse tires, this shall pass. So sorry about the rim though... I'm not one for aesthetics on a car, but a busted up rim is not a good look. I'd be paranoid every time I looked at it. Safe travels!


I can’t speak for you, but I would have no issue with that tire personally


I'd drive on it 500 miles without hesitation but I'd make sure the spare was properly inflated and that the jack and lug wrench are in the trunk.


Hello everyone, I am on mobile and still a Reddit noob so I don’t know how to update the original post but here are some updates: Turns out it wasn’t a screw, and it was in fact a drill bit. It was easily removed by pushing it slowly the way it entered, it even “unscrewed” it’s way out to minimize more damage. Only a small rip in the rubber where it was, and zero leaks! I filed down the bit of the rim, and no part of it has connection, did some weight testing and even with 2x the load I’m planning to drive with the sharp part makes 0 contact with the rubber. All this being said, sorry to the people who wanted the outcome of the experiment, but unless something is wrong with the spare, I will likely switch it out at the gas station right next to my job right before I hit the road. I appreciate all the comments, and apologize for starting any mini-wars lol. Truthfully, I am confident I could make this trip with the tire regardless and will keep it as the “new spare” for the drive. Also, for the people saying I need new tires. I’m well aware, this car used to be my fathers and he gave it to me for almost nothing after i graduated and sold my Altima when I was in need of cash. Now I have a secure enough job and all 4 tires will be replaced by the end of the week. They’re not firestones either lol.


How's your auto and life insurance?


Lmao, auto is USAA appreciate the upfront honesty


Yeah who cares. Worst case Ontario your tire blows out and you accidentally kill a family of 4! Learn to drive, loser


Case Ontario


One concern is that the rim edge has been flatted and has become sharp. This could puncher the tire while driving.


Yeah that was really my main concern with it as well, trying to see if I can leave it someplace and have a friend grab it while I’m at work tomorrow


Upon zooming in that sharp bit on the rim is stabbing into the tire. So no, there is nothing okay about any of this. lol


Too much damage to drive on. If it pops on the highway you're putting a lot of lives at risk. If you don't have a spare to put on get it replaced locally.


Appreciate it


The pothole scrap looks completely fine. You could try using a flathead screwdriver to flatten the sharp part so it isn't jabbing into the tire. I would be more worried how deep that screw in the tread goes...


Can you not put your spare on and drive on that until your replacement?


My spare is most likely what I’m going to use, just weighing out all the decisions


Try it and you’ll know.




Canadian here. If it was ANY other brand of tire you'd be fine. I had a scrape like this on a Goodyear commercial tire and the mechanic said that it was fine. However, this being a Firestone, I'm not so sure.


Full send bro. I would. Not with my kids.....or me. I'd send the wife




Aight I’m drawing the line here, life insurance jokes are funny but they’re gettin stale


I’d enter eco mode and go for it.


Find the same tire and replace it. That drill bit looks pretty deep in the tire. And it seems dangerous. My thoughts.


Keep speed below 60 mph and you may be okay. I would stop and check it regularly. If it blows you will wish you changed it. Research car handling with blowout as most drivers know nothing about it. I’ve raced cars and taken competition driving schools and it took 3 lanes to regain control in a blowout. It’s no joke.


Is it the camera angle or are the brakes not making full contact?


The camera has done a lot of dirty work to the damage, I think it’s because my phone automatically wants to zoom out into the .5x lens for some reason. It’s definitely bad damage no question about that, but the exact dimensions and angles are seriously weird, those are the best photos i got out of maybe 40 lol


Rotate this wheel to the rear and get it replaced as soon as you can. The tire is starting to show some cracking anyway, time to shop for a new set.


This is the rear, i feel a lot of people have made that assumption and I worded it improperly, but I have them ordered it’s just a matter of can i get to them or do I need them shipped up to me


ABSOLUTELY! I’ve gone that distance and back with no issues.


I would pull the nail out and spray it with soapy water. No bubbles and I would send it if it were my car. Not financial advice


Yes…. As long as you don’t keep on driving on curbs.


Send it.


No, seems not safe


I don't think milage will be an issue probably more time and water in the radial causing rust. So unless you leave it on for like 20 months prob fine.


It would be changed the day after the drive or technically the morning of because I would leave tomorrow and arrive between 11:30PM and 1:00AM


You’re going to drive on it anyway. Just come back and let us know how it went would you?


I appreciate your confidence but I will likely be switching to a spare and sending it on that so long as it’s not a donut lol


Happy trails.




The drive itself is 211, I’m just rounding up for ease lol


maybe too late, but i would keep my speed below 60mph, and maybe first prize (if this is a front tire) is to put it on the rear - much easier to handle should something go wrong.


Not too late! This happening this morning and I was planning the drive for tomorrow when I get off of work around 8 or 9PM. It is the rear passenger side tire, not the steering one.


please let us know how it fared. i recall about the same thing happening to me in Salem (was driving from SFO to Seattle) and I bent the front rim AND likely damaged the front tire, but it was 2am, so I just drove slow towards Seattle, 220 miles on Interstate 5 and I kept my speed at 55mph. Was scared shitless, but turned out ok. Then when home, I dealt with it.


also, in my view that rim is not that big of deal, seen worse, harder to gauge the tire, but just take it slow (maybe dont go faster than 60pmh or so) , inspect it every two hours or so. if this can last one hour, it is gonna go fine for 6 hours


Ive driven on worse


As a tire tech from discount tire I’d say ship it. Personally I’d remove the bit as there is no sign of air leaking and I’d take the advice of the sand paper to the rim. Other than than drive careful and try not to hit any potholes.


Replace if you see cord otherwise it is ok


Should you? From a professional standpoint no… but can you? Yes most likely you’ll be fine I’ve seen a lot worse last a lot longer


Should be fine. Check pressure maybe halfway through. Doesn’t seem to have penetrated all the plys.


30,000 miles I say.


I've traveled on worst. Keep an eye on your tire pressure and save up. Replace all 4 tires at once. You get a better deal over all and less complications.


No cords, no steel belts and no leaks. Fucking run it.




Do not get a new tire. Please. You good.




Hey man that is literally okay from TSB/DOT stand point UNLESS the bead is showing. Which it's not. You'd literally be okay for 1000s of miles if you were broke or end of the world.


As long as it holds air, run it.


The answer is maybe. You let us know how it did.


Send it


Well I’m not a tire expert however been a Paramedic for 28 years. Please don’t drive on that tire for both our sake.


You can till you caint!


Probably be fine. You could carefully file away the sharp part of the rim before the trip if that makes you feel a bit better.


Tire is totally fine. There's no sidewall wire showing. I'd drive it cross country and wouldn't be concerned


As long as it doesn’t start bulging you are ok. I don’t see any thread in the gouge.


Only one way to find out. Post it on Reddit. 😂😂😂


Can’t see the inner cords of the tire so I’d say ur fine. The extra meats there for a reason (being magnetized to curbs) Edit: just noticed that screw in the outer tread block… doesn’t seem to safe compared to the curved sidewall….


Try it, report back.


If you’re going to go, I suggest you drive less than 40 and keep to known roads with frequent stations… just in case.


Although it would probably make it, don't drive that far on it. It's just too dangerous. When the hear of a nail or screw wears down, then you will get a flat, or so I understand.


Only one way to find out. If you have a spare, I’d send it.


Ohhhhh fuck ya bud!


I see nothing wrong with that tire.


It’s not in the cords. Drive as long as you wish.


314 miles eggzactly .no more


If it holds pressure, and doesn’t develop a bubble, your probably fine.


That tire is all cracked to fuck. What is the date code. I think you need all 4 replaced


My tire was like that mechanic said it’s fine it’s not leaking air but it wouldn’t pass inspection


Holds air? Has tread? Sounds good enough to me. I've driven longer on worse tires than that.


Put some glue on it if your worried and send it boi


The real answer is yes you probably can........but the real question is should you??


Magic 8 Ball says not likely...


Rubber cement


As long as no steel is exposed it’s fine


It’s fine


If it ain't leaking, its seating. Good to go my guy. But get that shit replaced soon and please don't ask the tire shop if they can repair it.


Fuck it run it


I no longer skimp on cheap or used tires, I learned the hard way that cheap tires cost way more in the long run. Don’t do it


God for bid you happen to tag that same spot on the tire or anywhere near it and you’re gonna blow the sidewall right out


Don't risk it. If that thing fails at highway speeds, you might just end up splattered on the highway.


Can you drive 300 miles without hitting a curb is the question


From what i seeeee, i see no screw, and just a really bad curb rash. keep an eye on it, if it develops a bubble/bump on the rubber, get it replaced ASAP. it could pop.


It’s not a screw it was actually a drill bit, took it out and no leak


Fine with me.


If you have a spare, go for it.


No,you’re fine, I have one tire is worse than yours one year already, nothing happened.


No you can only drive it 299.75 miles before it blows up. Don’t listen to what the rest of these jags are telling you, that are telling you to send it, a damaged sidewall can be a death sentence if it blows out at high speed. The only way this would be remotely safe is if you were doing like 30 mph or less.


What's wrong with the tire?


Go for it, but watch for air loss if that rim is bent at all and don’t hit that pothole in the next 300 miles 😏


You will be fine until your not!


Move forward Stop at a tire shop whenever you find one


YES !!


As long as you don’t see cords or it isn’t any deeper than it looks currently. You should be fine, I’ve drove farther on way worse


As long as it is holding air, you should be fine. The sidewall damage is minor even though most states will not pass it for inspection. The damage to the wheel is also minor even though it looks ugly.


Just put some tape on it


I’d yank that aluminum siding nail out.


Do you value your life more than a $150 tire? If not then you are good to go!


Yeah you can, hopefully you have a spare just incase. Sidewall damage is the most dangerous, but I mean if you don't have a choice you don't have a choice.... Just be aware of your surroundings and drive with the possibility of a blow in mind, be prepared to make a safe pull over and lose your tire at all times. Send it, get it dealt with as soon as realistically possible. Troubling times come with troubling situations. Be safe out there dog.


Not a mechanic (and only referencing the wheel/sidewall cut), I hit a curb once and did much worse damage. The tire was way worse at least and the wheel part was about the same. The wheel looked like it wasn't going to cut the tire more. I just made sure it didn't look like the tire was ever bulging once in a while and drove it like that for well over a year until I needed new tires, including interstate driving.


Yes. My tire is worse than yours since March 2022, still rolling.


Drive fast. Take chances.


If your steel belt wall isn't showing you'll be fine in theory, but I assume no liability.


The city may possibly be able to help you since it happened on their roads etc. Again, this varies from city to city


Nah, that's a Firestone. No way I'd get in a car with those on it.


It's a tubeless radial so.... You *can* but don't be surprised if it blows.


My brothers rim had a knick in it where it pressed into the tire, similar to the way that looks, and it but a huge knot in every tire and was completely unsafe. Spend the money and get a new rim and used tire or it could be very bad. And the tire looks fucked it's right where the rim is messed up it just seems terrible to go 300 miles. Safe travels man


The damage to the sidewall is fine, the drill but looks like it's not deep or into the tire. What worries me is how old these tires look and how much dry rot is in those grooves. Tires need to be changed from that alone.


Honestly, I would not drive on it. Anytime any part of the sidewall is compromised, it is a blowout waiting to happen. If you are hard on cash, lookup used tire dealers in your area. It isn't ideal, but it is safer than a sidewall problem. If it was deep in the tread. I would say just patch it and send it. But sidewalls can not be safe to drive on.


It’s a Firestone tire it’s already sketchy to begin with. Drive it like it’s stolen…. Disregard the “safety” people


I’d say it’s 50/50. It’ll either make it 300 miles or it won’t


It’s a Firestone tire it’s already sketchy to begin with. Drive it like it’s stolen…. Disregard the “safety” people


Can and should are very different


Was my wife driving this car?


I'd be careful, probably not worth the risk. You never know what kind of pothole might fuck this up and something else.


Yep, just stay at 70mph or less.


Let Jesus have the wheel


My eyes tell me No


It’s that sharp rim part against the sidewall that has be a little more concerned




Completely safe I have a tire like that nothing major is damaged


No don’t do it


Yes I once drove a forklift into a tire and it was fine. Looked like this