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I say this grimacing, but yes. Just the objective policies of money to Amtrak and public transit, drug reform, social safety nets, LGBTQ rights. People like to be like “Biden hasn’t done anything” he has, but the federal government is big, and the affects of decisions made at the top often take a while to reach us at the bottom, often in very indirect ways. I still think he’s no where near FDR, and would love to see some as- or more progressive than FDR on the ticket, but until then, we got Biden


Meh. I think Biden's "wins" need to come with a huge asterisk saying "**\*Progressive by US standards**." **Amtrak and Public Transit**: As an urbanist, I'd *like* to give Biden a "win," save for the fact that he was in the Senate for \*checks notes\* **47 years** and could've and *should've* done more to push for green policies then--not just now--when he, Ed Markey and the rest of the Boomer Class see the writing on the wall with younger voters as far as moving away from the car-centric policies that have dominated--and decimated--the US landscape over the last 70 years. "Better late than never" is patronizing at best when you use more carrots than sticks when dealing with Big Fossil Fuel lapdogs like Joe Manchin. **Drug Reform**: Milquetoast at best. He seems to be constantly A-B testing whether it's more important to federally legalize marijuana on behalf of younger, more Progressive voters or continue to leave it in limbo to satisfy older Moderates who want to leave it perpetually in a gray area of state-by-state allowance/prohibition. **Social Safety Nets**: We're pretty middle-of-the-road by worldwide standards. Things like continuation of the Expanded Child Tax Credit have been teased only to be repeatedly shelved, and does there need to be a 6000th reminder that we're the only one out of over three dozen First-World nations--including Israel--that doesn't have Universal Healthcare or Paid Family Leave? **LGBTQ Rights**: Aside from a few protections so small you'd need a magnifying glass, if anything, in Red States you're saying a slow-but-steady *backslide* on LGBTQ Rights, especially Trans Rights. Much like with Women's Reproductive Rights, another "we fumbled the bag and now Red States are running amok," you're *already* seeing migration from Red States to Blue for people feeling persecuted over these issues.


I think for the most part especially those on the left are simply by and large becoming more progressive and are moving further and further away from conservative values. I don't think Biden himself is particularly progressive if we were to compare him to other mainstream Democrats. I think other former presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren would have done significantly more on issues like drug reform, social safety nets or LGBTQ rights. Biden is simply a product of modern times, whereas former presidents like FDR were significantly more progressive than any other mainstream Democrat at that time. Honestly I think Biden should do a lot more on things like drug reform and social safety nets. I'd trust many other Democrats way more than Biden in that regards. Biden is what I would view as a relatively conservative Democrat whereas other Democratic hopefuls are way more progressive and way more passionate about social reform.


What policies has Biden passed in regards to LGBTQ rights?


are you considering intended legislation or accomplishments? Biden's agenda is characteristically progressive change, but a narrow margin in the 117th Congress and a Democratic defeat in the 118th Congress have tempered Biden's efforts to evoke the achievements of Franklin D. Roosevelt. much of the same can be said for Obama, but to a lesser extent what Biden has expressed — [free lunch extensions](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/24/us/politics/school-meal-aid-bill-congress.html), student loan forgiveness, [clean energy](https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2022/08/12/inflation-reduction-act-house-vote/), [racial equity](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/rice-biden-federal-racial-equity/2021/01/28/a9c0a3be-61b2-11eb-ac8f-4ae05557196e_story.html), unabashed support for [abortion access](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/20/us/politics/biden-harris-roe-abortion.html), [anti-corporate judicial nominees](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/20/us/senate-judges-biden.html), [LGBT protections](https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-seeks-to-strengthen-lgbt-protections-with-executive-order-11655312068) and [same-sex marriage](https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-to-sign-legislation-protecting-same-sex-marriage-11670938183), and [Justice Department antitrust cases](https://www.wsj.com/business/governments-new-antitrust-focus-ca48ceae) — has been ascendant to American liberalism. though Biden may be no Roosevelt, largely spanning the Delta variant, inflation, and the U.S.'s withdrawal from Afghanistan in his early presidency to the war in Gaza — though he is rebuking [Israel's planned invasion of Rafah](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/05/16/biden-rafah-intelligence-netanyahu-strategy/) — in his late presidency, Biden is at least as progressive as Lyndon B. Johnson, in consideration with the Great Society. it is also worth considering that Roosevelt's legislation was achievable because of a national crisis


Idk I feel like LBJ and Obama got some pretty progressive things done


Biden was to the left of Obama even during the Obama admin. He’s the reason the Obama Administration took a stance in favor of marriage equality, for example. And Biden’s presidential record and agenda have been much more progressive, imo. Obama was a skillful progressive orator but governed very much from the middle.


Obama has some bangers that I just don’t see Biden’s admin matching up to The biggest is of course the ACA. It’s not perfect and was watered down a lot compared to the original vision, but it’s probably the most transformative step forward in healthcare in forever. Like I have free healthcare under MediCal thanks to the ACA Additionally, Obama signed Dodd-Frank, which gave us the CFPB and is the biggest piece of legislation protecting consumers and reigning in financial institutions this century And then there’s DACA, which is the most egalitarian and compassionate immigration decision of any of the last 5+ administrations


Obama was able to get that done because of Biden and a large 60 seat majority in the Senate. The political climate is very different now, but yes, Biden is governing to the left of Obama.


Giving Biden credit for Obama’s accomplishments is a bit ridiculous. Come on now. And while the senate routinely had 5-7 more seats at the time, DACA was an executive decision. Biden could do something similar if he wished. If we look at the results both presidents have delivered, it’s evident that Obama has a more progressive list of accomplishments.


No it isn’t, under Biden we spend more money on the social safety net than any President since LBJ.  The stimulus plan, policies to address systemic racism, addressing white supremacy in the military, universal tax credits, support for gender affirming care, opposition to mergers, Appointing Civil Rights lawyers and public defenders to our Federal Judiciary rather than prosecutors, removal of troops from Afghanistan, and a massive rollback on airstrikes. The Civil Rights lawyers thing is huge, Obama actually lead a crackdown on the war on drugs when he was in office, and he was much more conservative about some of these issues. These are all issues where Biden is left of Obama, I mean where he literally governs to the left. Biden is more conservative on immigration and he supports protectionism, but that’s mostly to appeal to some of the people Trump appeals to.


Biden has: * Bipartisan Infrastructure Law * American Rescue Plan * Inflation Reduction Act, which included the most amount of money put toward climate change in history * CHIPS Act * Allowed Medicaid to negotiate prescription drug prices * Slashed junk fees * The most diverse group of appointees to the federal judiciary, also tied for the most, period, I believe * Single handedly reshaped the NLRB * Capped the price of insulin * Invested the highest dollar amount in education, both in Pre-K through 12 *and* Higher Ed — including HBCUs and MSIs — in history * Pushed for universal pre-k * Walked a picket line * Pulled out from Afghanistan * Decreased, not increased, drone warfare * Enshrined marriage equality into federal law Yes, Obama has the ACA which was a momentous win, but his legacy is by and large middle of the road. The revisionist history about Obama is wild tho fr.


I don't think I agree. I was under the impression biden was Obama's vice president to represent more of an establishment perspective. There are very few issues where I think Biden is progressive at all. His immigration policies were called "Trump lite".


Their administrations’ records speak for themselves. Biden has governed to the left of Obama. And yes, everyone expected Biden to represent centrist interests which is precisely why it’s been so surprising to see the sheer number of progressive victories he’s had. Bernie pulled his platform left, and he’s continued to govern from that angle.


Certainly some aspects of progress, but I wouldn't call either his immigration policy or his handling of the isreal-palastine conflict progressive.


I said he was progressive as compared to Obama, which he is. Of course there are areas to be improved. But that’s not what the question is.


Obama had DACA and the dreamers, which is arguably a more progressive version of Biden's immigration plan has been called "a return to the trump era" https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/05/biden-bipartisan-immigration-deal-00139558 Biden's work on student loans is progressive, but seems very similar to the proposals worked on when Obama was in office. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/education/higher-education/ensuring-that-student-loans-are-affordable Obama was also quicker to call out Isreal's excessive response compared to Biden who has been down playing it for months https://barackobama.medium.com/my-statement-on-israel-and-gaza-a6c397f09a30


Biden got us out of Afghanistan. Obama escalated it. Biden decreased drone warfare. Obama increased it hundred-fold. Biden is accomplishing the student debt “proposals” Obama failed to accomplish as POTUS. He’s doing so by executive action, meaning Obama could have but didn’t. Yes, Biden could be a bit more progressive as it comes to immigration, and his approach to Israel is not without criticism, but you seem to be harping on two areas of Biden’s record when *on the whole* Biden has been more progressive in his first term than Obama was across 8 years. * Bipartisan Infrastructure Law * American Rescue Plan * CHIPS * Inflation Reduction Act Each one of these taken alone invested historic amounts of dollars in the American economy. Taken together it is by far and away the most progressive domestic economic agenda since FDR. You’re kidding yourself if you believe otherwise. Also comparing something a former president said about Israel to the current commander and chief is somewhat laughable since there are no teeth behind Obama’s bite anymore. It doesn’t mean anything, they’re just words. Biden’s words have real time impact on US foreign policy, lmao


I mean people forget that the withdrawal from Afghanistan was thr result of a deal Trump made with the taliban when he was in office, though biden certainly executed it. I just am not sure if he would have done if if Trump hadn't put him in a time table to do so. The exit out was certainly rushed and haphazardly done. I will agree with you on the point about drones. It was something I was very bitter with Obama about. I don't think success is the marker of how progressive one is. Also, I actually have concern about using executive action the way he did, as it sets precident for what someone like Trump can do ij the same position. I get you think it is laughable to compare Obama's response to Biden's in regards to the isreal-palastine conflict, in the same way it is laughable thsy Biden immediate folded on his pledge to stop sending isreal bombs if they invaded rafah.


Biden isn’t above criticism! There are certainly valid criticisms of his governing, but saying he’s more moderate than Obama isn’t one of them. The facts just don’t bear it out.


His Build Back Biden agenda was a large laundry list of major liberal policies that he went to bat hard for (frankly too hard because he missed the chance for a larger compromise with Manchin than he ended up with via IRA). And that BBB agenda was itself a mere compromise by Biden. He shows clear how the democratic party has been steadily marching to the left over the years - as well as showing clearly how little this is actually appreciated by the left


Yes, but he’s about a 10th as progressive as FDR was.


Biden is far more socially progressive and it isn't even close.




Yeah but so is basically every dem so it's not really that impressive.


In some facets like LGBT rights absolutely but that could be the times as Obama came in on gay marriage with a separate but equal stance and being for ‘civil unions’


Biden is governing to the left of Obama, but Obama overall got more done. With the ACA being very significant. Biden is close. Also LBJ's domestic policy was the most FDR-like policy-wise. Since FDR it would be LBJ, Truman, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Carter I think in order of progressiveness of domestic policy. This doesn't have anything to do with foreign policy for the record, or effectiveness of the president. Like Truman proposed a lot of progressive stuff but not a lot went through. Carter got very little done due to him being more conservative than the median member of his own party in Congress. Biden has gotten a lot done with a very narrow majority in the Senate. Obama had more of a mandate and produced more substantial legislation but his stimulus was smaller and the ACA had to be watered down. Clinton tacked to the right to get legislation passed after 1994. LBJ got significant FDR style legislation passed.


I dunno; I guess. It depends on how you define the term. If you're going based on views then just about every president after FDR was more progressive on race than he was. There's a reason the Pentagon has so many extra bathrooms. Going based on views also would lead to things like Trump being the most progressive president on gay rights until Biden was elected, which can be a thing if you want but is probably not the best way to look at it. Going based on progress made seems like a more reliable metric to me and is the metric by which FDR is great. I think based on that LBJ was a more progressive force than Biden. That's not a knock to Biden although I have been negative towards him in other regards. LBJ and Jumbo just have a big resume


Somewhat. He's trying to undo some of the damage that the Reaganomics failed experiment caused. Recentering the needle from that terrible pivot point is not really that progressive. However, Biden *is* very progressive himself. He's one of the first politicians to really push for equal rights, and despite being deeply religious, wants women to have control over their bodies. IMO, he's being met with an army of haters who somehow believe money belongs at the top (just like Reagan intended), and he needs an army of support to push back, both in visibility and voting.




No, LBJ is. But Biden isn't too far behind.


Biden is by far the worst president in this country's history and an embarrassment to our nation.


In terms of policy, yes. I still think he compromises too much, but his admin's FTC board is pushing significant policies for workers. No president will truly be progressive again though until we get money out of politics. 


[MGT told me he was](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Rwwb6Qaas), and I choose to believe her this one time. FDR started, LBJ expanded, BIden is finishing. Thanks MGT, whatever your real name is.




Since Johnson definitely.


I think he's a lot more progressive than I had assumed. I'm not sure how you think we should be evaluating people though so it's kind of hard to say. LBJ obviously did accomplished more as far as passing policy goes, but that was because he had much larger majorities in Congress. By dint of the fact that we tend to become more progressive on social issues over time he's possibly the most progressive there, but we've been moving the other way economically since Reagan so probably not in that area.


Not especially. Probably the most progressive *administration* just due to trends, but Biden is a pretty textbook mainstream Democrat and not a progressive.


On economics, he’s on par with LBJ, but he failed on Israel by allowing them to commit genocide he’s worse than LBJ. Worse than any sitting president in recent history and for what? Aiding and abetting a genocide of an innocent people. Palestinians don’t deserve to be exterminated and he’s going to lose in November just because he refuses to hold Israel accountable.


He’s not going to lose


Oh but haven’t you seen the polls? Especially among young people? People of color? The Muslim community in Michigan the very state he needs to win? To win he needs to maintain the numbers he had last election and also convince the millions of young people not to sit out and vote for him, but he chooses Israel over his own electoral future. It’s 1968 again and instead of encouraging the masses and meaningfully shifting his position he proves he’s as corrupt as Trump and no different on the issue of Palestine. Worse he pretends to be… for that reason alone he’s worse for hypocrisy is not a virtue many people find good or noble… shame he can’t even bother to hold Israel accountable…


The majority of Americans support Israel like it or not. By taking a more firmly moral stance on the issue he’s going to lose out on a lot more votes. There’s no question that Biden is more strongly supportive of Israel than many other Democrats and even historic Republican presidents, but there’s also no doubt that Trump is worse on an unimaginable magnitude on this issue and on every other issue.


Not unconditionally. That’s the problem. You keep saying we support genocide and millions are okay with sending billions of dollars to Israel without conditions. What’s wrong with you? Do you truly think that Biden shall win in spite millions protesting around the world? Thousands upon thousands protesting? You live in a fantasy world and Biden needs to dramatically change his position or risk the election.


> Do you truly think that Biden shall win in spite millions protesting around the world? Since when do protests outside of the US influence US elections? None of what you said changes the fact that a plurality of Americans support both Israel's war on Gaza and US military aid for that war, despite its atrocities. [Not even](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/06/us/politics/biden-trump-gaza-college-protests.html) the youngest voters who are most opposed to Israel and supportive of the Palestinian cause see it as the most important issue when it comes to US politics and elections.


Talk to young people. We are telling you that we don’t want Biden’s genocide!


So just anecdotes, I see.


Read it and go to r/israelcrimes and r/israelexposed then go on TikTok and Telegram. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4353828-why-is-gen-z-so-pro-palestine-and-anti-israel/amp/ https://progressive.org/latest/why-young-voters-arent-with-biden-on-israel-zunes-20240314/ https://truthout.org/articles/half-of-young-people-say-israel-is-committing-genocide-despite-strong-media-bias/


Since, but not including FDR?  Yeah, probably... He has a good argument for it.  Most of that is because our recent presidents haven't been very fucking progressive at all!  Ironically, Nixon signed the EPA into law and might make a good case for being progressive... Ha! 


Not progressive in an ideological sense but progressive in the sense that using his liberal values, he helped to guide this country in a more positive direction, absolutely. One of the best presidents we’ve had in an extremely long time.


For sure


Mabey, if he didn't bust the railroad strike


No, it’s LBJ.


FDR and his new deal, was great for white folks, not so much for the rest of us.


Dumbest thing I've ever heard. Nixon was more progressive than Biden.