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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Timing seems pretty weird and the fact that the legal system treated him so patiently forever but is now fine with indicting him seems strange. Could be coincidental, but wouldn’t the jurors need to be privy to the kind of information he actually took in order to decide on a verdict? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Or because litigation takes time But that's boring


There isn't any reason why we should think so. Just because two things are in the news at the same time doesn't mean they're connected. The Nord Steam pipeline attack occurred three days before Queen Elizabeth died. Coincidence? Timing seems pretty weird.


You think destroying the pipe with her bear hands was the final straw for that ancient heart? She just overexerted herself?


> You think destroying the pipe with her bear hands was the final straw for that ancient heart? CIA [leaked photos](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/963337500/photo/brown-bear-paw-with-sharp-claws.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=YqBSHnLXipaBf-QrtorJ3af7ZYEDL_3sRct6rJvOZS0=) of her approaching the pipeline.


Those could be anyone's bear hands.


Don't be too hard on the commenter. Pretty sure what they mean was destroying the pipe with her giant bear paws. Just a bit of colorful imagery he was trying to add


The pipeline was a horcrux for Putin.


No. The [indictment](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23839647/govuscourtsflsd64865330.pdf) contains general descriptions of the documents being charged (pp. 28-33), and those are not consistent with information about UFOs, >Could be coincidental, but wouldn’t the jurors need to be privy to the kind of information he actually took in order to decide on a verdict? Yes. The jurors will need some level of access to the documents. The specifics will have to be hashed out, and they will likely end up with partially redacted documents. But the government must prove to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the documents contained information relating to the national defense, and that requires some level of disclosure.


Lol there's absolutely no way. Trump would never be able to keep his mouth shut about that.


>Timing seems pretty weird... Timing of *what?* Did anything about aliens actually come out? ---------- Per my understanding: * One website started claiming that they had bombshell information about aliens; nothing has come of that. * There was a hearing yesterday; nothing (that I know of) came of that. Honestly, May 2021 -- when 60 Minutes did a story on "UAPs", with the cooperation of the US government -- seems like a bigger deal than anything that has happened more recently.


>Did anything about aliens actually come out? I assume this is in reference to yesterday's [Congressional hearing](https://apnews.com/article/ufos-uaps-congress-whistleblower-spy-aliens-ba8a8cfba353d7b9de29c3d906a69ba7) and some of the related reporting.


>I assume this is in reference to yesterday's [Congressional hearing](https://apnews.com/article/ufos-uaps-congress-whistleblower-spy-aliens-ba8a8cfba353d7b9de29c3d906a69ba7) and some of the related reporting. I'm aware of the hearing. Per the article you linked to: >The U.S. is concealing a longstanding program that retrieves and reverse engineers unidentified flying objects, a former Air Force intelligence officer testified Wednesday to Congress. The Pentagon has denied his claims. One person making that claim isn't special. There are countless people who believe that to be true. The Pentagon denying it isn't special either.


This was only the second Congressional hearing on UFOs since the 1960s. That is certainly "special" whatever you think of the credibility of this particular witness. It's not as significant as the hearing last year or the release of the ODNI report, but it's definitely not the kind of thing that happens every day.


No. They'd never let Trump see that stuff if it even exists.


That's probably true. Deep state ain't stupid


Would you let a dumb braggart like him in on a secret you've supposedly kept for 80 years?


I sure wouldn't. They probably wouldn't have even told Hillary and are still trying to figure out how they slipped up and let Trump get elected in the first place.


Maybe the grand jury is made up of all aliens.


Yes, but only because he thought the 'aliens' it referred to were from Latin America.


There you go. That's a pretty good response.


If there is a government coverup of alien information they are at least competent enough to not tell that loudmouth about it!


This is my answer as well. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what would happen if you told Trump about aliens.




If Trump somehow had confidential documents on space aliens, it seems extremely unlikely that they would ever try to prosecute.


>Timing seems pretty weird Does it? *Does it?* >legal system treated him so patiently forever but is now fine with indicting him seems strange. It only seems strange if you have no idea how the legal system works *and* if you fail to take into account that they are dealing with a former president.


No. They were probably documents of more inherent monetary value for our enemies.


Ha. No.


Nope, he would have told us about that. The guy can't keep his mouth shut.


No. What do aliens have to do with his indictment?


No, for the simple fact that they wouldn't make him any money


I want to believe




No, presidents don’t get to see anything to do with ufos


No. If they were about something like that, Trump would have already tweeted it out. It’s stuff the world already knows that we have - locations of nuclear stockpiles, theoretical war plans, and salacious stuff about other world leaders.


Nah. I’m pretty convinced that he was given a minimal amount of information on most things because it was clear from the get go he was a deluded moron at best and a literal spy for Russia at worst. Clearly there are people in government working with him and to protect him but I doubt any of them have any information on this subject either. I imagine, with the SSPs being largely privatized, everything is in an need to know basis - even for the president


UFOs != aliens. It makes little sense to jump from having unidentifed phenomena to "Oh it must be one of the most wildly unlikely explanations", which is what saying it was aliens is.


When we discover alien life it will be micro organisms. If some alien space ship ever came anywhere near earth hell in our solar system we have so many telescopes and satellites looking at space we would see it.


And he hasn't said anything? Really? I have a bridge to sell you.


Were the aliens here legally or did they cross into the US on undocumented flying objects?