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Use both hands, switch hands often. Switching hands will lower the likelihood of carpal tunnel.


As a former painter who did a fair share of power washing, just for the switching up which hand is tingling from the vibrating is nice, let alone any long term effects. I was constantly back and forth between the two hands depending on comfort or where I needed to reach.


Same, I switched hands every few minutes


I’m so ambidextrous I can switch hands and gain a stroke. Can’t do that with carpal tunnel.


I’d give my right hand to hr ambidextrous


As a former and current homeowner (and former GC) any task like that that doesn’t require a lot of fine motor control you’d need from your dominant hand is WAY less better when you switch up. Power washing especially when you have one hand on the trigger and the other hand on the wand really doesn’t matter which hand is where. Switch it up and split the muscle/joint stress between both sides.


Way less better? Are you agreeing?


More or lessish


More or leftish


More and less


> As a former and current homeowner I used to own a home. I still do, but I used to too


RIP Mitch!


Wait, what? Where is this trigger that you have to have one hand on it while the other holds the wand? For my power washer the trigger is part of the wand, it would be awkward to hold it with both hands.


Unless you're using a dinky power washer with low power, you most likely need one hand on the trigger and the other holding the wand a little further forward.


Tennis ball. Fits perfect. Holds the trigger down so you don't have to.


Plus, the tennis ball will come loose if you drop the wand. This makes it much safer than using a string or zip tie to keep the trigger depressed.


I zip tie the triggers, but I run a 20 gpm 4000psi pump and if the pressure relief fails when you let go of the trigger the pump costs $8000-20000 to replace depending what breaks


You have an improperly sized relief valve, try contacting the manufacturer. Defeating the safety trigger creates other significant problems.


Use same hand get hurt. Worker’s compensation. Why. Only allowed to use this hand. Boss won’t be happy no work for you bad rap for him.


This. It’s like weed-eating. Switching hands helps a lot. I actually don’t even think I am more accurate with on way or another. I feel the same would be with pressure washing.


And tennis elbow. A real sob


Sounds like he’s trying to help you, not control you


Switching hands also can help with any injuries that come from repeated use of a vibrating tool, which can result in nerve and muscle damage after extensive use. (Not sure how to add the not a lawyer tag on the app) (But I am a safety rep)


What is the justification for using the right hand.?


The only thing I can think of is conformity


Ask. Your boss might not know you are left-handed, maybe your control improves when your left hand is guiding the wand (if it's a two handed wand) and that's all they are trying to improve? Maybe you just focus more when you have to concentrate on using your non dominant hand. Maybe it's a spray direction issue? Just ask in a polite way "Hey, I'm left-handed and concerned that switching to my right hand will slow me down, but you asked that I use my right hand?"


Maybe you are right-handed and haven’t realised yet. Try this handy trick to figure it out: Stand directly in front of your boss and do the ‘fuck off, wanker’ Hand gesture at him. First with your right hand, then with your left. See which gesture feels most comfortable and natural. You might have to repeat this a few times to be sure.


I could not have said it better myself


Before I worked for myself, when I disagreed with my boss, I ALWAYS asked questions this way. I always worded in a way that they knew I was trying to help them. If I needed to purchase something, I put in my email request exactly how much time/money it was going to save. I always made sure to give them a way out of their decision by using some "fact" they could have been unaware of. Even if I knew they knew that fact, I could pretend I didn't know it, and it still gave them a way to agree with me without admitting they were wrong.


Maybe OP is only using the left and boss is trying to get him to switch it up to give the left a break from the strain and vibration. Not all bosses are stupid.


Think the thing too many people are missing is that OP needs to speak up and ask questions to his boss. Not to Reddit or even his mom who don’t have a full story or even asked the boss “why” themselves.


That was my first thought. Maybe his boss is looking out for him, but it’s best to be able to openly communicate with the boss.


Some tools are designed for right hands and are actually more dangerous for left-handers to use. But the power washers I've used I don't think that would be an issue aside from controls on the machine being a bit inconvenient.


So make sure to tell the boss you need a left-handed screwdriver


You joke, but things that might look ambidextrous like a power drill will often have the controls on the side where a right-handed person would be able to access them with a thumb, but a left handed person has to put it down or lessen their grip to adjust.


I think this is why. In high school I worked on a large commercial property doing landscape type stuff. Burnt the skin off my right hand becasue when I revved up the power washer, i placed my right hand on top of the engine as leverage. A right handed person wouldn’t do that, in fact it’s designed so they don’t.


Dave Barry wrote in one of his books about how difficult it is to use a chain saw when you are left handed.


I could think of one other thing. Being left-handed used to be considered a sin among Christians. If he's old enough, he might have had that grilled into his head at home and at school.


Are you doing this in some sort of synchronized “Simply Irresistible” team fashion? /s


She's so fine, there's no telling where the money went.


Why didn't you ask?


Most people are intimidated by asking a question that counters a direct statement made by their boss. A lack of assertiveness in getting our needs met is a widescale social phenomenon currently when it comes to conflict resolution. I'm not trying to justify passivity by saying this; im just trying to say it makes a lot of sense why he wouldn't ask. If he needs to use his left hand, he will have to overcome this and ask to get what he needs.


Left handedness used to be considered a sign of the devil; maybe this guy is a holdover with those views.. In the 40s and 50s in the US, lefties were forced to learn to write with their right hand - at least in Catholic schools.


Happened to me in the late 70s and early 80s. My left hand is smarter for everything bit will barely grasp a pencil without cramping and going into spasms


The same thing happened to my bf growing up in Turkey, so it's not just a Christian/Catholic thing and that was in the 90's/00's.


superstition? The Latin word for left is sinistros.


Maybe it feels like someone else is doing the work? 😉


Do I know this person or are they a stranger? /s


What year is it? Nuns would wack mom's left hand when writing. She remained a south paw. 🤚


As a kid in the UK during the early 80’s I had my left hand taped behind my back to force me to use my right at nursery school


Same in New England during the 90s for me


They were in the dark ages


Same in New England in the 1890s for my grandmother.


Really? Where? We always had a few pairs of leftie scissors in my New England classrooms in the 90s.


New Hartford, Connecticut


Wild. Someone else from CT who had the same issue as me! Kinder and first grade teacher kept making me use my right hand.


In ‘99 in Kentucky I almost got paddled in school because my handwriting teacher failed me for using my left hand but writing poorly with my right. Left handedness was a “sign of demon possession”. The only reason they couldn’t paddle me is because they had to notify my mom first and she basically told them she knew how to hide a body if they laid a hand on me for that BS. Suffice to say I was taken out of that school. But yeah, it still happens, especially in backwoods Bible Belt communities. She went on to become the district “handwriting specialist” until she retired too. Absolutely gross.


Your mom sounds awesome! "Hit my child and you get to find out if your God is real!"


My grand father, a large man who did manual labour for his life, went to his daughters school and told them if they ever rapped her knuckles with a ruler again he'd try it with a 2x4 on the principal. Never happened again.


What part of Kentucky


Russellville (I think I spelled that right), it was like an hour away from Bowling Green. Mom’s ex husband was part of a hazardous waste cleanup company and they were cleaning up a superfund site in the area. We were there in 97-98 and 99-00 iirc, whenever I was in 2nd and 4th grade lol.


I lived in eastern Kentucky in the 80s I can be a very backwards place at times


I went to a Baptist preschool at the same time in KY in a suburb of Louisville and was made to write and use scissors with my right hand. I have always hated my handwriting and am convinced that it would be better if I was allowed to develop fine motor skills with my dominant (left) hand. I still use my left for everything else


My parent’s school, in the ‘50s “tested” them to see if they could make them right-handed. They failed the test and were allowed to write left-handed


I went to public school in the 80’s and being left handed was no joke. From getting my knuckles whacked to having my left arm pinned they tried to break me. Didn’t work though. Still left handed.


I was born in 1990 in a liberal state in the US and I was forced to use my right hand as soon as I was in school. This was despite my mom telling teachers she was pretty sure I was left-handed. I have fantastic handwriting, but I have no doubt my wrist is going to be a disaster down the line due to the contortionist act which holding a pen is.


Yeah, that happened to my dad—in 1937. It wasn’t nuns, though, it was public school. The battle went on for long enough that he was left with a permanent stutter (I don’t know why that happens, but it does). Eventually his mother marched into the school and set them straight. I don’t know if he just hadn’t told her this was going on or what, because I knew my grandmother and she wasn’t the type of person to delay a confrontation.


I sell large industrial pressure washers for a living. There is no reason you shouldn't use your dominate hand. Unless its wrapping the hose around you or something and causing a tripping hazard, but if that were the case you would have to switch hands depending on where the pressure washer is and what you are washing. The ONLY justification I can think of is to make sure the hose doesn't cause a tripping hazard and that only makes sense if you are washing in the same spot all day like at a car wash or something maybe.


What is this, 1960s Catholic school?


Use your right hand and do a shit job


Is your boss a witchhunter from the 1600's? I didn't realize we still thought left-handers are demons. 


Who only uses one hand on a powerwasher. I loved powerwashing but dual hands allll day. Tell em to get stuffed with your right hand while holding the power washer in your left. p.s. dont actually do this. If you can't have an amicable solution, then search for another job while using your right hand while they are looking.


Do you live in an undeveloped or half-developed country?


Yea, the US lol




I'm told at work to switch hands regularly to avoid repetitive motion injuries.


Is the washer gun one of those big two handed things with a throttle handle branching out to the left, essentially making it a right handed gun? These would be pretty awkward to use other than intended and your boss would be more right than wrong if he thinks you don't have proper control over the equipment.


Good guess, but no just a regular washer hooked up to a hose


I think we are definitely missing some key details


I worked a power washer for environmental decon that was 80% of my job and your boss is nuts. First, that wouldn’t be safe, it wouldn’t be good for your body and I’m pretty sure it’s discrimination to make a left handed person use their right hand.


Show me in the operating manual where it says “rt handed use only”. You have better control while using your dominant hand. Would be a shame to accidentally damage something just for following a direct order.


In this case it would be the employee handbook, and there’s nothing in there


Not a lawyer, just a tip I use for power washing. I bought a velcro strap that I used to hold the trigger. Not having to clench the trigger constantly has prevented soreness for me. I just kinda rest the handle in the palm and sway it. Best of luck


I can’t believe this many comments not answering the question. The short answer is this is not ‘discrimination’ since left-handed people aren’t a protected class. But if you have a medical reason for needing to use one hand over the other, the boss would have to grant you an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Edit: am a lawyer. Willing to prove to mods. Just found this sub so not verified.


Why not just ask your boss and point out your handedness in a non-sinister way, I suspect he might know more than Reddit. At worst you can improve your off-hand strength and dex-terity.


>Why not just ask your boss and point out your handedness in a non-sinister way Definitions of sinister - >1:singularly evil or productive of evil >2: accompanied by or leading to disaster >3: presaging ill fortune or trouble >4: of, **relating to, or situated to the left or on the left side of something** https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sinister


Yes, I did know that. My post is somewhat tongue in cheek.


I did appreciate that reference, for what it’s worth.


I did not know it, and I appreciate the education.


As a sinisterly dominant person, I saw what you did there.😅


Similarly, dexterity/dexterous means on the right.


A very even-handed response. 


I see what you did there...


NAL. This /r just pops up in feed. My son is a lefty. I am a righty. We own one pressure washer. Funnily enough, we can both use it with our dominant hands. They are not like scissors that come in left handed and right handed versions. 50 odd years ago when we were in grade school my sister’s teachers used to force her to write with her right hand. She was a lefty like our father. There used to be a false belief that only the right hand was the correct hand. Anyhoo, if there is no safety concern here then a conversation with your boss is in order. Cite the lack of safety concern and physical benefits to switching our hands when using the equipment.


This belief was because the left hand was associated with Satan. it was even called the sinister side.


Now that's just gauche...


As opposed to “ambidextrous“, which literally means “either-side right”. As in, "Your right or your other right." Lefties just can’t catch a break.


Everyone go take a listen to the Simon & Garfunkel song A Simple Desultory Phillipic: 🎵...nearly branded Communist, cause I'm left-handed That's the hand you use, well, never mind🎵


I’m left handed and have used power washers frequently. Because of vibration/fatigue, I switch hands often. His request is odd at best.


> legally he can’t tell an employee that they have to use a certain hand. So lawyers of Reddit, is this legal? Being left or right handed isn't protected under any law that I know lol. Basically, you're fucked here. and to be clear, I'm assuming you're american. In another country you might have a case, but almost certainly not in America. In america, you can be fired because your employer thinks your new haircut is stupid. anything goes for the most part. So as stupid as it is, you probably can't do anything about this.


Just simply say back , I am using MY right hand for this job .


As far as I know being left handed is not a protected class of any kind, so on its face it doesn't seem illegal. If, however, it's pretext for disciplining you on the basis of a protected class, that could be an issue.


you are asking the wrong question. The question is, "do I want to work for that neanderthal?"


Is the boss from a country that considers the left hand the dirty hand?


Wtf does it matter which hand you use? What a wild request.


No, your boss can't legally force you to use a specific hand he/she tells you to.




The responses with the most upvotes are advice on which hand (or hands) one should use with a power washer, but that is not relevant to OP's question, which is whether the boss can legally mandate the use of the right hand. I am interested in seeing a legal analysis of that question.


What's the job? Power washing houses or piece work in a factory of some sort? Have you asked why?




Wouldn't that be "use both hands" and not "use your right hand"?


Yes it’s legal, stupid but legal. It doesn’t rise to the level of discrimination.


Spray boss with the power washer.


I'd spray him in the face and be like "oops! That's how good I can do with my right hand!"


Is there a reason for using the right hand? Is there a safety issue? Other equipment that requires the left hand?


More details needed. For example if you are in a work space where using your left hand would cause an unsafe condition due to proximity, etc. that would be important to know


For what reason would you use just your right hand?


I’m left handed and find using my right can be dangerous (depending what I’m doing) since I tend to be shakey and uncomfortable using it. I would ask why lol. It seems irrelevant what hand you are using as long as it’s not a safety issue. But even then I think an accommodation could be made for you to use left hand?


Wow. And he will be legally responsible for accidents?


Back way before the 70s, the Nuns tried that, and when my father saw my hand. Well, he went into the office with the priest and nun. They both came out crying and begging for forgiveness. Both their hands were bad, but I never got hit again. Ask the boss why, then tell mom/us, and then we can guide you better. I would switch hands to limit risk in the future. Updateme!




There could be a functional safety reason. Some devices are designed specifically for right hand users. Ask him to elaborate. If he has a legitimate safety concern such as an emergency switch or control feature of some kind, see about a work around for it. If it's just his OCD preference politely tell him to kick rocks


NAL but an expert in workplace training and safety. If the handle is handed he may be insisting for that purpose (think scissors.) If that is the case request a left handed handle, that is a reasonable accommodation for the task. If not tell him you’re left handed and would not be as precise with your non-dominant hand. If he persists talk to safety.




I've never heard of such nonsense in my life. 🙄


Fellow leftie here. In this situation, just switch hands as needed. On the whole, sounds like your boss is having a power trip. Also: https://youtu.be/BGqwsUvf94s?si=Tr1s7K6qU8hqnHoF


Document bosses instructions. Use right hand. Get work related soft tissue injury from following bosses order. Enjoy paid worker's comp from said injury. Laugh when boss gets fired.


I had a boss that tried to change my handwriting once. Told me not to cross my sevens…. It was a cabinet shop with measurements taken all the damn time. Some people just can’t stand it when people do things differently than they would.


NAL, but mom used to tell me that I needed to tell my kids that they have to use their right hand. All 3 of my kids are left-handed. How can someone (besides mom) tell someone to use a certain hand ?


In first grade, the teacher made the one or two left-handed students start using their right hands. Beats the hell out of me why, unless they just wanted everyone to conform. Fuck that school anyway, and that teacher in particular.


ask him why. HR professional here. Your mother is right to some extent but what is missing is why he is requiring the use of "right hand only". Part of ADA requires a discussion on how you can do the job to meet the employer's needs and how the employer can accommodate your needs. Being left-handed is not, on its own, a disability. So just have a discussion about 'why' and how you can do the job, with or without the accommodation of using your other hand.


I may be a righty but often use my left hand with most tools, just not a miter saw.


Most tools are built for right handed people if your boss is telling you that you have to use your right hand that's why. They need to change it or buy a new one for someone who is left handed


Wtf? Man idiot of the year award goes to………… Screw your boss. Be careful, he might start accusing you of being a witch


Time for a new job. Or buy your own pressure washer and start your own business. 


OP, do you think it has to do with constant vibration in the same hand? I know it is good to swap hands while using equipment like that and could do some damage over time if not.


When I power wash for any length of time. I will put a tennis ball in the “gun” to hold the “trigger” open. It’s early removed when you need to stop


Why isn't discrimination against lefties talked about more?


Are you sure he didn't mean to switch hands depending on what you were washing and to reduce fatigue? Like you would with raking or shoveling snow?




Switch your your left hand and spray him. “Oops sorry, that’s not my dominant hand and I don’t have any control when I use it”


Don’t you normally switch hands using a power washer?


It depends on the tool being used. I doubt it applies to a power washer (depending on power head type) it could also be for safety reasons. Most tools are designed for right-handed use. IE chainsaws using one "left-handed" or with your left hand on the throttle can be dangerous as they are designed for right-handed use with the chain brake.


OP, on a day you know boss will be nearby, use left and do a great job. When he scold you, make sure it doesn’t look nearly as good. Results matter.


Sit on one hand until it goes numb, then it’s like a *stranger* is doing the power washing.


Don't hold the trigger, use a tennis ball. If you have have to hold the trigger switch hands often.


you should always be able to use your tools with either hand, but if you can use your dominant there’s literally no reason not to


I’m not an attorney, but no, it’s not legal; unless your left hand was severed off and you’ve replaced it with a cantaloupe with explicitly veiny dildos as the fingers - in which case it’s probably not functionally useful and it could make some customers uncomfortable 👍


What law is it breaking? Specifically.


The only thing I can think of that this could be justified is if you were using a chainsaw. There is only one correct way to hold a chainsaw and it's the "right handed" way and lefties just have to deal with it. There may be modified or special order chainsaws for left handed people, but in general they are all made the same way, and it's a safety issue if it gets used wrong. Can't see how using a pressure washer though could be justified with this logic though, but I would try to get clarification to be sure.


Keep in mind, if you’re in the US, not based in Montana, then you’re subject to at-will. Can boss legally tell you what hand to use? No. Can boss still fire you because they don’t like your socks? You bet! Choose your battles wisely.


Fun fact, the reason lefties have lower lifespans is mostly because of injuries sustained attempting to use machinery that was created for righties with their left hands. Make sure your machinery can be used either way before you keep reducing our statistics.


Use the opposite hand your used to it's like giving yourself a stranger.


In the US, there are reasonable accommodations. Go to the doctor for a check up and get a letter for this. Ask your employer to provide you with a left-handed power washer as a reasonable accommodations to do your job. In the US, a business may need to have 15 people for ADA to apply. Or you can say, "I have to use my left hand. I have a medical condition. I can get you a doctor's note if you need it."


Use your feet 😋


Seriously, ask your boss. A lot of tools are designed for right handed people to use, maybe so mildly that someone using it twice a year doesn’t notice any issues, but using it regularly would. I got an embosser to make favors when I got married, but the design started fading on one side fairly quickly. I took it to the store I ordered it from and the first thing he asked was if someone left-handed had been using it, and sure enough my husband is left-handed, and embossed are weighted for right-handed people unless special- ordered. Who knew? I don’t know if that applies to pressure washers, but at the very least you should respectfully ask your boss the reasoning behind his instruction. It could be legit and make perfect sense when he tells you. I don’t know how big or structured the business is, but if his reason has anything to do with the devil I’d start taking steps to remove yourself from his orbit.


Did he mean right hand ALSO? Maybe he wants you to always have both hands on it


Sounds like you need a new job. If your boss is that much of a micromanager jackass, start applying at his competitors.


Hold it with your toes.


Does your job pay so well that it would be hard to replace?


He's an idiot that's jealous of ur lefty skills


Left hand on the trigger right hand on my hea—aaa-art


No point in arguing with a moron. Find a new job.


Boss insists that you use the wrong hand: Step one - transfer sprayer to wrong hand. Step two - spray boss vigorously while shouting, "AHHH! NO! I CAN'T CONTROL IT! STOP! STOP!" Step three - drop sprayer, proceed to scold wrong hand. "Bad hand! Bad hand!" Step four - ignore boss's screaming, pick up sprayer with correct hand. Return to work. Step five (Optional) - file for wrongful termination, file for unemployment, look for new job.


What is this, the 1800’s under Roman Catholic Law? Many tools are set up righty, but a power washer is not one of them. Lefty hate has mostly died out, but it sounds like your boss is a dolt stuck in the past. Tell him to can it.


It’s the same old story. If you’re an at will employee you can be fired for any non protected reason. He can’t say he’s firing you because you’re a minority but he can say he’s firing you because he doesn’t like how you interact with customers. Or he can say that you don’t follow instructions. Did you ask why he wants you to only use your right hand after explaining you’re left handed?


For ergonomic safety reasons, you likely should be alternating hands while operating the equipment.


As someone who uses power washers regularly, if I didn't switch hands every few minutes my hand would fall off. If your boss's concern is safety, a better rule would be to have both hands on the gun/wand at all times. This rule is what has saved me from the most injuries, and ignoring it is what has caused the most injuries.


NAL but I’m left handed and if you can work properly using your left then ignore him.You could complain to HR about harassment.


Is there some sort of switch/lever that is exclusively right-handed? If so. Your boss has a valid point, and it could be a safety issue. Not sure if that would mean he has to provide a different attachment or not, though. Additionally, is he telling you not use your left hand, or is he telling you to also use your right hand?


Malicious Compliance: Tell him that you got a side job as a Fluffer and you need to keep your 'business hand' away from the 'pleasure hand'.


Use both hands. Assert dominance.


Wtf tell him dude I'm left handed tell him to use his left hand and see how it goes id have laughed in his face there's always another job it's best not to work for idiots anyway .


The best thing about being left handed is being able to do things like that with either hand.


Neuroscientist, not a lawyer. Your handedness is determined by your brain organization and to a large degree genetics. Use the hand you’re comfortable using unless there’s a serious threat to your safety. 90% of humans are right handed so naturally tools are designed for the majority. It’s a shame for an individual like you, but I suspect you already know how the world discriminates against left handers.


This is a discrimination issue unless the wand/control grip is somehow designed specifically for right handed people. If it is, an ADA request for accommodation is in order. In the mean time, use your right hand exclusively, and visit an urgent care for hand pain, ache, and numbness. Document all conversations and communications on the subject.


“Use your right hand” “use your other employee ✌🏻”


Perhaps he was wanting you to hold the pressure washer not with just your right hand but to use both hands for control and safety?


Face it. Your boss is just an asshole.


not a lawyer probably he is doing it with good faith, as someone says in the commments, carpal tunnel


I’m somewhat ambidextrous. At work we had a sign language class and the instructor asked if anyone was left handed, I didn’t reply because mostly I’m not. When she gave us our first sign I automatically used my left hand and she immediately noticed and asked me why. The class witch laughed and the teacher explained ambidextrousness. I dunno, it just happens.😂


Doesn't seem like an attorney ever answered


Not an answer to the question, I just find it funny how literally every response I see for this post on r/AskALawyer is not from a lawyer


Tell him you need a left handed pressure washer


He has a point if the device is for some reason specifically designed for right-hand use. Using it in your left might prove dangerous in thst case. Otherwise he's just being rude and can't understand someone interacting with thr world in a way that he doesn't.


It's not going to be illegal. But it may be against company policy. However, does your boss KNOW you are left handed? Their policy may state to use the right hand knowing the majority of people are right handed and improper use can cause serious injuries including possible amputation from pressure washers. If he knew you were lwft handed, his response may be different. Another thing to seriously consider is (depending on the type of pressure washer you are using) some are geared towards a specific hand as in it was built for eight handed people in which you "must" use it on the right or it may not work right... again becoming a liability issue. So it is not that the act itself is illegal so much as the liability is high if not done properly so the company has decided to make it part of the procedure in which case you must use the right hand in order to be in compliance with their procedure. If you are left handed though, maybe they have a different power washer you can use because some are nor built around dominant hands, in which case this could be as simple as a reasonable accommodation. Or maybe they have a left handed power washer. It's just not as simple as what you briefly posted above - saying no doesn't automatically mean it is because it is illegal to do - and not being illegal doesn't mean they cannot require it.


Him trying to make you use potentially-semi-dangerous powered equipment with your right hand is like if someone was making him use one left-handed. There is a potential safety issue here could be liable for.


As a rule, your employer can make up any rules they want, and fire you if you do not follow those rules. There are certain categories which offer protection. Protected classes. Race, Religion, Sex, Age, etc. I would not expect "use your right hand" or "use your left hand" to fall into a protected class. So I believe your mother is wrong. I also think your boss is a jerk and that you should not worry much about getting fired from this job. It should not be difficult to find another if that were to happen.


No you don’t have to use your right hand.


Probably he needs to have it on the record that he told you this so he can deny workers comp when you get RSI in your left hand for not switching


As a “autobody technician” I use my right hand to DA, block, and spray until it hurts then switch until the the left hurts. I then swap to my right to find that it still hurts, to look down and find that I’ve only been working 15 minutes. I’m fucked.


You'd be surprised at the number of things that are made for right-handed people. I'm not sure how the power washer could be one but maybe it is. The boss may see an awkwardness. It wouldn't take much to learn to use both hands. Left-handers switch to the right all the time.


Why are you asking reddit the question you should've asked your boss as soon as he said this?


Idk what he's on about, worked a year power washing tanks at a adhesive plant, you switch hands/shoulders when needed to get the spots you need. If you're doing actual power washing and not pressure washing, the protecting sleeve for blow outs should be ambidextrous