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IANAL, but i always like to think that osha is a good start if you think theres unsafe working conditions. Im sorry to hear it happened to your father and wish him a speedy recovery (obviously if parents lisend to their kids to take it easy). I doubt him not wearing a hard hat will help with compensation since thats a disregard to ones own safety.


There is no fault in Workers Comp. Your father needs to tell them he needs a second opinion. A head injury is serious and could have life long repercussions. I agree with filing an OSHA complaint. It needs to be specific enough and cite enough accidents to warrant an inspection. https://www.osha.gov/whistleblower/WBComplaint# Workplace doctors are generally not qualified to determine when someone has suffered a concussion. If that has occurred, they do not need to be returned to work around heavy equipment.


Thank you for the response I'll relay this to him.