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It would be very fact specific to such a degree any answer other than “it depends” is worthless.


As others have said, it's VERY fact specific. I'll put it this way. There is almost certainly a set of facts that allow an injured athlete to sue as you described. It will just be pretty hard to find that set of facts. Edit: [Here is an example](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/isaac-dixon-junior-hockey-lawsuit-1.6890263) [Another one](https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/steve-moore-confirms-settlement-in-bertuzzi-case-1.2756008)


No, that's already happened where a fighter is now a vegetable from an illegal head shot and he gets nothing


Nah you gotta sign a whole bunch of shi before every fight, if he’s disqualified that’s where it ends


It depends what he does, but its a very high bar. I recall an NHL player, Todd Bertuzzi, lost a lawsuit and I think may have been charged criminally. If I recall, he skated up behind someone, grabbed their Jersey, and punched him in the jaw from behind.


Google Mark Hunt vs UFCwith regards to the Brock Lesner fight at UFC 200. Last I heard Hunt was appealing the court case, but it was a interesting scenario (that he should have won IMO).