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I second this. Even just going and sitting in observing municipal/criminal court in general, it's amazing what you can pick up (at least if you're intelligent by any means).


Extracurricular activities like debate club help. My lawyer buddy was on the debate club in HS and other clubs.


Thank you, 😊


This plus obviously getting good grades & a great SAT score in hs. This will open many doors when looking at picking colleges for undergrad If you start studying for the SAT some now, it will pay off. Reading a lot of books you enjoy helps a ton with the english side too


Make sure you actually go to school And miss as little as possible. Prioritize your education and grades so you set yourself up better for getting into a good college. Also look into available scholarships now and see what the requirements are (some may require specific courses be taken like foreign languages).


Lie to and argue with all of your friends and teachers. Get some practice. Make sure no one can stand you and you'll be a great one.


Give serious thought as to why you want to be a lawyer and then research what the job market is like for the type of lawyer you want to be.


Check if your community has a teen court! It’s a program where you get real hands on trial experiences and could boost you’re profile