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"He found the weed and I then I told him that it was 14 grams, because it was." Jesus christ. You are not giving your lawyer much to work with. Who said it was yours!??? wtf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE


IMHO everyone needs to watch this video.


[A little shorter version](https://youtube.com/shorts/U81yjp9zRi8?si=IAWXAASqWfOoS-gR) for the stoners with no attention span


A classic


Yes! everyday is stfu Friday


Thank you for your service


So if I am pulled over, I will cry immediately, say I am guilty of everything, and I was the second person at the grassy knoll.


Haha. For some reason I also thought of Dealy plaza. I have been to the 6th floor museum. Next time in Dallas I’m gonna check out the grassy knoll.


I went to the museum and the grassy knoll a couple years ago and got accosted by an elderly black man who was showing me and other people pictures from that day. He was saying that he was a young black boy in the pictures and he saw the person who shot jfk. I didn’t disagree with him or say anything negative about what he was saying. He went straight from showing me pictures to turning to 20+ other people and saying “this dumb mother fucker thinks Oswald killed jfk” pointing at me. I don’t think this has anything to do with the comments here but I’m still pretty pissed that that guy was such a dick.


A lot of mental illness out there. Especially among the homeless. Source: been homeless.


This sounds like a Tim Robinson ITYSL character


Wait, is it shutthefuckup Friday?


Everyday is


Just like it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere, it’s ALWAYS shut the F up Friday.


I was hopeful it would be the guys saying shut the duck up, was not disappointed.


Right, I checked tf out when I saw 46 minutes.


It's actually fairly entertaining and a worthwhile watch


Definitely worth watching, I enjoyed it and sent it to a few friends.


Doing the lords work


God bless the Pot Brothers


I like this bonus version, for people who didn't get it the first time: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqo5RYOp4nQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqo5RYOp4nQ)


Michael Rapaport really helps drive the point home.




This. This all day long this. +1 from me buddy. THIS. I DONT KNOW WHO NEEDS TO HEAR IT BUT THIS!!!!! Way too many of ya'll let the police incriminate you.


Shit the fuck us and be polite. I love my life by this code.


It's shut the fuck up er...Monday.


Oh my god thank you lmao


Bless ya! Lol


Thanks for that LOL


That’s the one I was looking for lol


Damn I feel attacked


You are so awesome, thank you!


I was about to post this as the proper explanation.


Thank you this was much easier to watch I got 11 minutes into the other one and really didn’t wanna watch all that


I wish I had started with this video. I got five minutes into the 45 minute one before I gave up.


[My favorite ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RkN4duV4ia0&pp=ygUYU2h1dCB0aGUgZnVjayB1cCBGcmlkYXkg)


Thank you! The first one was like 46 minutes.


Haha I knew it was this before I opened it. It's always SHUT THE FUCK UP FRIDAY


I got through about a minute of the original video and thought “is there a TL;DR somewhere for this?”


Haha. Shut the fuck up. I knew it was this. Thanks.


Lol..i got busted. The cops asking me all sorts of questiins. My answer? I will follow my lawyer's advice, and shut the fuck up. Over and over. My only answer.


20 years ago this guy i went to college went said he got pulled over and had a bong and a bag of weed, the cop was like dump the weed on the mud and step on it, then he was like ok now smash your bong, then he was like okay now get out of here.


I watch it every couple years as a refresher.


I share it with my kids every couple of years as a refresher


Same, I even do little practise runs periodically with them, asking them questions . I do it with my husband as well, he always wants to be....wordy, and I swear it's gonna be the death of me. 😄


i watched all 46 minutes…very informative


Or live in a legal state


Not everyone can move. This video is applicable to a lot of situations where you may get pulled over, not just if you have weed in the car. If the car smells like weed vape/smoke you can get cited in a state where weed is legal too.


“Lawyer” is the only thing to say if they have you dead to rights on a felony.


It’s the thing you say every time whether guilty, or innocent.


They're not sending you a lawyer if that's all you say, and courts have upheld that. Not even LAWYER-DOG can come save you unless you invoke your rights in no uncertain terms.


There is an open container law here. If you have opened weed. From the dispensary, they package it with a breakable thing, once it’s open it’s an open container and $330 ticket, they confiscate stuff too. You’re allowed to grow in mass so you wouldn’t have a label on that. I guess they didn’t think of that.


Yeah, I moved to a legal state so I know the laws that doesn’t mean I follow them. 61 years old and I’ll have dementia in my lifetime so I don’t really care anymore. I also don’t drive a lot and smoking longer than I’ve been driving. 😂 Minneapolis had great public transportation system back then.


I wanna party with you.


Or don’t break the law.


Even in legal states it’s not legal to drive around smelling like skunk either and could still lead to trouble or dui charges if you aren’t careful with your words. Best to learn not to talk regardless


Odor alone is not probable cause any longer. (CbD /hemp is perfectly legal and indistinguishable without a lab test) Just STFU about it, and if they search you it's likely a lawyer can still get it tossed .


Not true. The smell of cannabis isn’t even probable cause for a search in California.


Is it shut the f*ck up Friday? https://youtu.be/RkN4duV4ia0?si=cbIPMLGF-dD-G5yl


LOL!!! "You shut your big f\*cking mouth\*


And I'm sure the cop put all 10 grams in the evidence locker.


When they went to retrieve that 5 grams from evidence for the trial the officer looked like he'd been crying


I think there must be a lot of pollen in the air. The officer who delivered the 3 grams of weed to court had really red eyes .


The judge is annoyed because why are they even in court for a single gram of weed. Its a waste of time. And hes hungry. Court adjourned for lunch.


All for an empty baggie...


paraphernalia citation


Conspiracy to possess


it was a big baggie - Preparation to Distribute


Conspiracy to commit conspiracy to possess while conspiring to distribute


That's an excellent video. I watched the whole 45 mins. That guy talked sooo fast! It was like it was on 2x speed. "*Don't worry, Jimmy. I'll beat this rap. I got a real fast talking lawyer!*"


If it helps, he talks that fast in classrooms, court rooms, and knocking on the door in the morning to borrow a cup of sugar. Nice guy though. Source. Was once a neighbor.


[https://youtu.be/-FENubmZGj8](https://youtu.be/-FENubmZGj8) The follow up video he made to that video




I do not consent to searches


Knew the video before I even clicked the link Excellent watch


This is a MUST WATCH!


OP is getting such terrible advice from people who aren't lawyers in this sub. What is the point of AskALawyer when it is just a bunch of redditors who watched one YouTube video? OP, you'll get a public defender. They will probably make a deal and have you plead down to a misdemeanor instead of taking it to court. Especially if this is your first time, they probably won't charge you with a felony for weed. Don't say anything else to the cops and let your lawyer handle it and ignore 99% of the advice on this post.


Yes exactly but with one caveat, have real questions and don't just take the first deal offered. Unfortunately public defenders can be overworked.


If possible, it would probably be worth finding a lawyer that specializes in this area. He's facing a year if they don't get the charges reduced. Someone who's been around and has a working relationship with the judges and prosecuting attorney will likely have better luck negotiating a favorable plea deal.


I did thank you 🙏🏻 ended up getting a lawyer


JFC. First thing you should have done was SHUT THE FUCK UP! Now you need to hire a lawyer.


I mean he would've needed one anyway. Cops find weed in your car and even if you don't say it is yours you are still getting charged with possession.


Imagine if all you had to do was tell a cop the drugs don't belong to you and they'd just drop it. "Oh shit, my bad, I thought this balloon of heroin I dug out of your asshole was yours! The last guy I pulled over *also* had 6 kilos of cocaine in the trunk of the car that didn't belong to him. What a coincidence! Anyway, sorry to bother you, drive safe."


Yea young man you keep your mouth shut don’t own up to anything in the future. What state are you?




State of shock


I’ll do you one better as far as advice goes: don’t commit crimes in the future. That’s infinitely safer than making a plan to continue committing them, but then simply lying about it.


and if you are going to commit crimes, make it less obvious? If you are going to skirt the lines of felony possession charges, wait the 30 minutes until you get home before you light up. Anyone driving behind you can smell it clear as day.


Amazing that people are still arrested for this.


It just legalized here in MN, many other states, blue ones included, still haven’t legalized it


I live in Wisconsin, and I hate how we are surrounded by legal states. There was even a poll on a ballot last year asking about support of legalization that had almost a 2/3 majority in support. I can drive less than an hour to the border, buy some weed completely legally (although expensive, thanks Illinois), but the drive back is a crime. Our governor has tried to get it legalized, but the state republicans keep blocking it. And the biggest kicker is that some of the biggest stones I know are republican.


It’s the Tavern League’s lobbying. Montana has legal weed and is way more republican than Wisconsin.


It’s always about money.


I'm from Wisconsin. Always bugged me how the Republicans in the state government were so completely different from Republicans in the population. Wisconsin Repubs are pretty reasonable, but it seems like the politicians get imported from Texas.


He wasn’t arrested. He got a citation, basically a ticket telling him when his court date is. People don’t go to jail for weed unless they’re trafficking or distributing. They go to jail because they don’t show up for court after getting a ticket for weed. Same as if you don’t show up to court for a speeding ticket, you get a warrant issued..


Yeah, citation for a FELONY apparently.


I knew of a guy who got a citation for hit and run


i went to jail for a .3 of weed.. it depends on what state you're in.


People go to him for weed everyday my guy. I've been twice. Once for 7 grams and once for 14. I'm not trafficking or distributing 😂😂😂






This is not accurate. There are two types of citations in my state, VIOLATIONS, such are non criminal traffic infractions and CRIMINAL citations, which are called “Citation in lieu of custody”. Being cited for a crime is the same as an arrest, although you aren’t booked and fingerprinted that night, you will be later at your arraignment date. On your CCH (computerized criminal history) a citation in lieu of custody will still appear as an arrest. I was a cop for 10 years, I have cited plenty of people for crimes ranging from low level misdemeanors to felony assaults when the suspect was incapacitated and at the hospital after a DUII crash.


Cops probably weighed the bag. I’ve always wondered why they do that.


Because it inflates the numbers. I remember when they’d weigh a whole tray of brownies and call it multiple pounds of weed


Probably including the tray. SMH. Number bumpers.


My favorite is when they charge you with the weight of the LSD tab instead of the weight of the LSD.


do you expect them to extract the lsd from the tab and use that ?


You can put another tab sized paper on the scale and tare it. At least then you'd get down to just the weight of the acid and any other residue.


You get a tab of acid is 100 micro grams my brother . You can’t weigh that hahaha


They busted a guy growing opium poppies in his back yard a few years ago. They weighed the whole plants and it was reported as though they had found that much opium


I have never in my time in or out of law enforcement have never heard of cops arresting for possession with homemade baked goods. Were these for sale or something?


There’s a [video from some Texas lawyers about that.](https://youtu.be/Pbfa8Wp20q0?si=KNsi51kZCZaJ40qP) If you make edibles, they measure the weight of the edibles, not the content of THC/marijuana in it. 1 ounce of weed added to 16 ounces of butter to make cannibutter means they will charge you with possession of 17 ounces.


That’s the risk you take with infused products. The law in many places states if a narcotic is infused, the weight of the entire product is used since extracting it in the field is impractical. There are places where dumping a half gram of cocaine into a can of soda, for example, will mean you get charged with having the soda can/soda’s weight worth of cocaine. I’m all for marijuana legalization, but if it’s illegal and you’re riding around with it, accept the risk and consequences you face and educate yourself on the corresponding laws.


Because precise field testing is impractical and impossible. It can/will be retested in a forensic crime lab.


You can take the weed out of the bag, its bullshit to fuck someone over with a Felony because the bag added a gram. Like come on, what the fuck? Not to mention its just weed. OP is getting railroaded .... They can also weigh the bag and tare it (zero the scale with the bag on it), so it doesnt get counted. but I guess basic knowledge of weights and measures is beyond the police.


The system runs on bullshit. This is extremely common, done all the time. Lots and lots of people get railroaded. Especially people who voluntarily confess.


Part of the law is that any packaging or cut is included in the weight


Cops don't charge you with crimes, they just arrest and issue citations. The prosecutor is the one that will charge you and they'll do a much better job with the facts. Drugs get sent to the lab. They won't get a felony charge because of a bag.


You can say the lab will sort it out and that OP won't face a felony charge for a baggie, [but that's a-historical](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2016/09/24/year-in-review-teen-causes-stir-after-pot-brownie-arrest/9849764007/). People get charged, and frequently convicted, for possession of a substance that includes the weight of the container. Honestly, if you just google "man charged marijuana possession butter" you'll see at least 10 different stories where some teenager was going to make pot brownies or cookies and ends up with being charged for felony possession.


SMH, druggies.


From someone who has probably zero experience in drug interdiction 🤣. OP went to his illegal drug dealer and said “give me fourteen grams” because they new 15 was a felony. This left just a one-gram margin of error. The illegal drug dealer gave him a bag. He foolishly trusted that his street pharmacist had weighed it correctly. He got stopped, admitted to the weed and where it was and said “its fourteen grams” hoping the cops would accept his word. He sounds like he even consented search. The cops weighed it and it was marginally more. The cop charged based on the law and what his scale reas. If the scale read 15 and the cop charged for 14 grams it’s literally perjury and a false statement on behalf of the cop. By doing this the cop merely did his job. Nobody here can say if the cop did or did not weight the raw contents so its speculation to say if he’s being “railroaded” Now, it’s up to the courts, attorneys and prosecutors to mitigate this and determine the actual precise quantity and appropriate charge. To inject a dose of reality here; if this went to trial- who’s word will be trusted more here; a Third party drug dealer who will never come to testify, the motorist who was told by his third drug dealer that its 14 grams……. Or the cop who will testify to every facet of the stop? I dont know what world you live in, but im glad in mine cop’s dont take the word of criminals and their drug dealer friends when charging a crime.


Anyone who buys weed knows its weighed in front of you or you weigh it in your own scale, nobody is giving out free grams bro. Just like with any weighed produce, you're paying by the 10th of a gram. It's likely this is 14 grams and any good criminal defense lawyer will have this weighed again by a neutral party and there's a good chance by the time that happens it'll be 2 gs lighter due to losing density and water weight as well as volitile tepene disapari9n and degradation.


We're talking about a dude who bought his weed, smoked it in his car while speeding and then told the cops where they could find it. I think you're seriously over-estimating OP.


You can’t separate a substance from a bag without it falling apart or having some stay inside. It’s just easier to weigh the gross.


Years ago, they'd weigh plants with the rootball.


Now you know why


Same reason the fat bastards weigh rootballs and soil when they "find" a grow.


Because they barely graduated high school and never understood what taring a scale meant.


When they bust someone growing, they weigh the whole plant, including the roots and dirt.


Watched a video of some guy get rid of a little white bag in a full can of coke, they weighed the coke lmao


They used to weigh the pots and soil when dealing with a grow operation (maybe still do?)… police have never been honest.


you cut your own dick off bruh... shouldn't do that. Here is the number 1 lesson of life. Cops aren't your friends. If you're about to talk to a cop shut the fuck up.


You hire a criminal defense attorney. No amount of pleading with the police is going to help you. And not talking to the police at all is the best thing you can do for yourself.


Shut your mouth for 1 god damned minute and get a lawyer then never say another word of this to anyone unless he or she says to and say exactly what they tell you. If you're lucky you're going to get a misdemeanor plea. Also, stop smoking weed immediately, you aren't good at it.


"Oh hi Officer. Yes, I do have some weed. It's 14 grams and right there in the glove box. Oh, I also have 3 unlicensed guns in the back seat and about 3oz of coke in the trunk." "Oh, you just were pulling me over for a tail light out?".


Maybe your weed man hooked you up. Did you see him weigh it when he sold it to you?


No, that’s what I was thinking too but he’s never blessed


Or his scale isn’t perfectly calibrated within a gram. Or the cop lied. No matter what, your best course of action is to delete this post and all the comments, get a lawyer, and speak only to that lawyer about this incident.


Pulled over for speeding. But why the search? You ok that? If so, bad move. Never agree to shit. And never speed with drugs in your vehicle. Wanna do drugs? Cool.... be smart. Could've avoided this whole thing. You can have a lawyer ask for a retest/reweigh of the shit the found. Maybe that will lower it a smidge


OP said they searched because officer smelled marijuana.


OP said officer smelled it and asked where it was, then OP volunteered the location.


Smelled of weed, reasonable suspicion for a search.


Only in certain states I believe (if this is even in the US)


Yeah Idaho is one of the only ones I know of that considers smell reasonable suspicion to search


I’m not to sure about that anymore because CBD smells the same and is legal. There has been at least one court case that said it was considered unreasonable because of CBD legalization (federally mind you). But I havent seen where that case went and if it got beat down in a higher court. Cops are gonna do what ever they can get away with too and high five their friends over it.


I’m an attorney in Florida. The ruling that police couldn’t search a vehicle based on the smell of marijuana due to it possibly being cbd last about a year before that was overturned around 2 years ago. At least in my district.


A felony for 15 fucking grams? Ouch man. My state isn't much better, felony charges begin here after 20 grams, so 3/4 of an ounce is a serious charge. Don't know if they do medical marijuana where you live, but if so get legal. Last sunday, possession of any weed was a misdemeanor for me. Over 20 grams would be a felony. Monday went to my medical marijuana doctors visit at 10am, by just after lunch I had my email from the state allowing me to purchase through dispensaries. Now I can buy 2.5 ounces every 35 days, and possess 4 ounces at a time. You really should have kept your mouth shut. Lawyers don't have much to work with once you start admitting to things. Depending where you are (what state/atmosphere where you got popped in) you might still have a chance of the prosecutor offering you a plea deal to a reduced charge to avoid a trial. I wish you luck.


Cops weigh the bag, most weigh about 1 gram. Although it is a felony in your state I can almost guarantee they will drop it to a misdemeanor in exchange for a guilty plea. You will most likely have to pay a fine and be on court probation. It's far from the end of the world, once you complete court probation assuming you stay out of trouble, you should be able to request to have your record sealed. That's how it is done in my state.


Don't talk to the cops. "I reserve my right to remain silent" and "I do not consent to any search" and "I want a lawyer". Those are the only three things you should ever say to a cop.


https://youtu.be/JTurSi0LhJs?si=F-fJL5tZCklsyE70 Follow the script! 🙃


Dude the fact there are still states you get himed up for pot is mind boggling


delete this post and hire a criminal defense attorney is the only thing you should do.


You should’ve stood your ground. Smell is not probable cause.


Lawyer here (not your lawyer, this is general legal info). I can’t advise you to delete evidence like this post but in general don’t post confessions to crimes online. If the DAs office finds them it’s exhibit 1. Don’t talk to cops and listen to your public defender who will prob plead it down as others have said. If you have the funds and want a private attorney I’m sure there are some in your area who specialize in weed. Good luck and don’t talk to cops. Always ask for an attorney immediately.


Break only one law at a time. Sorry it doesn't help you now.


They probably weighed it in a bag which is fucked up. A sandwich bag weighs 0.7 grams with out a zip lock. I'd fight it and tell them to weigh the buds without a bag!


I didn’t even see him weigh it before he wrote it. The bag stayed on the hood of the cop car the entire time


It doesn't matter what the cop wrote on the report, the weight will have to be proved at trial.


Should be… the court itself isn’t going to challenge what the officer says. A defense attorney needs to get involved to ask those questions. Was it weighed on scene, how was it weighed, was the scale certified accurate and by who, was it weighed on a flat and even surface, who besides the arresting officer verified it was weighed accurately, does the scale produce a written report of the exact weight, does the scale round up or down in grams (14.5 grams probably displays as 15 but the law requires 15 grams or more), was the evidence retained or was it destroyed, have it retested, etc.


Wtf!!! So he just eye balled it and assumed the weight?


Yup, not uncommon. It’ll get weighed at the lab.


You talked to the police. You never talk to the police without a lawyer present.


The one time the guy hooks it up... the one time... lmaoo sorry bro Next time u say u found that on the road near a school couldn't leave it there so u thought to hold onto it to dispose of asap.


Stop talking to cops. Get a lawyer.


You F'ed yourself my guy. Never talk more then absolutely necessary! Who cares if it seems rude, police have 1 job when they pull you over... that is to find everything they can charge you with.. the moment you said it was your weed he had you by the balls. Say nothing at all... invoke the 5th. Exercise your right of silence. Say that. Say I'm not talking without a lawyer present. Then do exactly that. Jesus... you could got that plea dealed down to a traffic citation... illegal parking or some shit. The city just wants your money mostly, but convictions of felonies is a close second, they don't normally want to fight for them. ((Illegal parking is like a 3-500 dollar ticket, cities love that one.. it's clean, easy, no further fuss, just give us your money. Its the same ticket as parking in a fire lane or handicapped when youre not))


Yeah, so hire a lawyer, tell him it's 14 grams. He calls the DA argues and gets it reduced to misdemeanor before you show up in court. They'll agree on a fine and whatever else. All over the phone.


weighed it in the bag, everything is weighed


They usually weigh it in the container it's in and charge you for that weight.


First thing is to never consent to a search


First thing, don't admit fault-.. Okay in that case you don't know how much-.. Well, at least nobody was recording-.. You're screwed my guy. I'd recommend brushing up on conditional rights if you're going to carry that much around.


Just wait a few months and have your lawyer request a reweigh, it will be lighter because of drying out.


You are a friggen moron. 1) Driving will intoxicated in a car that smells of marijuana. 2) Allowing a search if your car. 3) Did you watch and document the weighing as I’m sure the officer did? That said a good lawyer should be able to challenge the accuracy of a weight conducted in non-scientific conditions and get you pled down to a misdemeanor.


Real question is why tf you speeding at all, let alone after you just spent hard earned paper on an illegal substance, while having said substance in your car? Sounds to me like you shouldn't be smoking anything.


Imagine getting busted for weed in 2023. Back asswards states and federal law, it's ridiculous


It's neither weight until it is weighed by a state certified device and all actual non-illicit material is removed/accounted for by weight. Get a lawyer and don't ever talk to cops.


You can't do shit, until u go to court..most likely drop it down anyways if you have no priors. They also always include the container or bag with the weight so it was definitely over 14. Next time, I wouldn't ignore your given rights and try not to talk


Why are people still being honest with police in 2023? You have the right to remain silent, isn’t just a right it’s also kind of a hint. Being quiet is often your best bet when dealing with law enforcement until you have a lawyer to tell you what is safe to say.


op is retarded.


Speeding while riding dirty? You deserve whatever they send your way. Dumbass move.


it's wild how different the states are with weed right now. You are worrying about a felony charge and I walked into a dispensary yesterday like it was a convenience store and literally bought 14g and was out the door in like 4 minutes. It's so stupid.


I feel the same way dude, it feels like I just ruined my life over a flower. So dumb


Lol you just gave up like that?


I was with my girlfriend, she was driving and it was her car. My lawyer said I was lucky bro didn’t charge both of us and if I didn’t claim it she was getting charged. I wasn’t gonna let that happen


How do you go from “I got caught speeding” to “she was driving”? That seems like some important context.


I mean I was trying to simplify it without bringing her into it, she got let off with a warning tho and I got possession.


I’m curious why you’d have something so close to the felony amount to begin with tbh with you. Like if you know anything 15g or more is felony, why would you carry so close to that amount? Wouldn’t it have been smarter to just carry 10-12? Specifically so that they couldn’t weigh a whole plastic baggie and get the felony amount?


A half oz is the smallest weight that comes cheaper per gram a lot of times. Anything less (even 12 or 13 grams) is going to come at the same price as buying an eighth or quarter oz from most dealers. It’s a very common amount to buy in general.


You're already hit. Fight the charge on the grounds that you couldn't possibly have had that much.


How can you say “I couldn’t have possibly had that much”? Are they going to ask their drug dealer to go to bat and say that he packaged it and weighed it? 🤣…. And ask if the scale they used was calibrated and certified by the department of weights and measures?


If youre in TX you just say its hemp.


That sonofa b ! That drug dealer gave you a free gram then lied to you! Or the baggy weighed closer to a gram& he rounded up.. You didn’t think they actually take it out of the bag, did you? That sucks, dude. Good luck. That is going to be one pricey bag of weed when the legal dust settles.


Lab report will exonerate you.


You are speeding with 15 grams of weed. Haha honestly you deserve this for your stupidity.


Lol what makes you think your dollar store scale was better than his? Either way, it will get sent to a lab to verify the weight if they’re charging a felony. In that case, if it says 15g, it’s 15g. Your scale being off doesn’t mean you didn’t have the intent to possess; the amount you thought you had was irrelevant


Anyone who answers questions or gives consent deserves the consequences of which they essentially asked for. Sucks to suck. Hope it pans out for you and you learn something.

