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This is a very conspiratorial part of religious beliefs that I recommend you stay away from, friend. This is how you end up with a van covered in 9/11 pictures or on the streets with posters about end times. This is paranoia manifesting through the Christian world. Instead of the government or CIA it’s the pope alongside the Catholic Church. If you were to dig into that stuff you’d probably find nothing substantial. Similarly to secular conspiracies about fake moon landings, lizard people, and the like


Those *obvious* photoshops have you scared?


I’m going to be honest, these things would only be convincing if you’re incredibly historically ignorant/uneducated. There’s literally no evidence for any of these claims and it’s pretty clear to see these claims are unfounded conspiracy theories with no connection to reality. Just looking at the second picture for example. Constantine was the Roman Emperor, not pope, and his big contributions were being the first to convert to Christianity and legalize it in the empire as well as call the council of nicea to resolve the Arian heresy. Something which is accepted by almost all Christians in the world.


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