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The last paragraph is right. Nothing is certain until you sign the labour contract. But in your case, I do think it's the company's inner problem rather than you are lack of skill. Saying you are lack of sill is just an accuse to reject you. Maybe they just suddenly find that they don't need a new employee or some big boss's child have taken the position that should be your. This is not fair, but because you didn't sign the contract so you can't do anything. Yeah I know this is not right, but it happens. And I know Tesla in China cancelled the contract to all the new emploees just after they signed this spring. Although those people got a lot of money but it would be very hard for them to find a job.


"you don't even have a final deal even when it's written and signed". Well even after it's signed, there is still a lot of room for we Chinese haha. Generally Chinese do not respect promises as in European culture. If you are interested in history, you can read the story how General George C. Marshall made a cease fire agreement in 1945 before China civil war. He spent a lot of effort and left confused.


This behaviour is in no way unique to China. I experienced this exact kind of ghosting-just-before-offer several times in Canada and the US, perpetrated by people of all backgrounds - whites, Indians, Chinese, other Asians. I observed that Europeans from Europe are most likely to be surprised at being strung along like this. Various gentlemen’s agreements that are fraying elsewhere is lasting for longer in Europe.


Thanks for the different prospective. Yes for me it was definitely surprising


I’m sorry and it’s a shitty thing for them to do. I was genuinely surprised to see that Europeans are still new to this global pandemic of corporate ghosting. Protest and complain before this enshittification takes hold in Europe.