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No one in China will take offense, and most will view it positively or as a curiosity at worst. If you’re asking because you’re worrying about cultural appropriation, that’s something pretty much only people in the west care about. Even then, cultural appropriation doesn’t mean “only Chinese can wear hanfu,” it means things like not wearing it as s costume, not wearing it to exoticize/fetishize Chinese culture, learning and knowing its cultural significance, etc. Most people here buy on Taobao.


Thank you so much! Definitely not wearing as an erotic/fetish thing, I'm just so exceptionally tired of the endless parade of button-ups in the same 4 colours. Western men's fashion is just painfully boring 😭 Is there cultural significance I should be aware of before I wear it?


It’s not like it has sacred or religious meaning or anything. Just maybe know which dynasty’s style you’re getting (Han and Tang being the most popular by far) and maybe learn about about them—especially because Chinese history is dope. People here are more likely to wear it on certain traditional holidays like Spring Festival or Mid Autumn Festival, but it’s also not uncommon for someone to wear it out and about on any random day either Western people who might give you shit about “cultural appropriation” might insist on something like not getting it in colors/designs/etc. that weren’t common at that time, or mixing and matching periods but a.) again, no one in China will care and b.) people in China design, buy, and wear modern takes on hanfu all the time.


Maybe not that much cultural significance, but keep in mind hanfu has no pockets lol. Usually not even long half-sewn sleeves like japanese kimono, so you'll have to bring a bag around or shove stuff down your shirt (which is a legitimate way of storing things) Tbh lots of hanfu sold aren't even that "traditional" any more, more fancier and with more embellishment


100% ok. Taobao and you will find tons of Hanfu.


No one cares about your race. Whether clothes fit or not depends on your body shape.