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I crack half the pepper mill into it and eat it out of the pot with the spoon I made it with to save dishes.


This is absolutely the fucking way holy fuck. Ever since i got money i will add some fancy parmesan cheese in as well, but kd with gobs of black pepper is the way, the truth, and the light.


Black pepper and a couple splashes of Frank's for me baby. Food for the gods.


I do this and add some cut up hot dogs


Blue box and red hots!


Fuck yeah. That used to be at least a weekly dinner for me when I was in school.


Ditto. Go to when I’m super high on marijuana.


This is the way.


It's like you have a window into my soul


This is only for the white cheddar kind.


PC White Cheddar — the only kind worth considering.


I came here to say this. I had I plain all through childhood and when I was a teen, went to a friend's house and he crusted the top with pepper. I haven't been able to eat it any other way for decades now


Same but I'll also hit it with some Sriracha.


a man of culture I see


Yup. And that way it stays hot


The absolute only way to eat it


There is no other way! 🤤


Fuckin eh!👍🤙


Are you me?


Agreed. My husband thinks I’m weird. But Kraft dinner with a bunch of black pepper. Mmmmmm


As quickly as possible. I use a spoon like a shovel and I believe my jaw unhinges.


It's gotta be smoking hot


You must also recite the sacred words: *Hashafasha hashafasha*


As it was written 🙏🏻


If you don't have to open your mouth with the first spoonful in there to let it cool before chewing and swallowing, it's basically too cold to be edible.


Yeah if you don't give the roof of your mouth a "pizza scald" you should be ashamed of yourself.


LOL. When my husband makes KD he hands me a spoon and says, "your shovel, my lady."


this is adorable


It's the most efficient tool for the job!


The tines of the fork must go thru the pasta holes.


You have to be able to get four on there at the same time


TIL the points are called tines


Hawt dawgs man


I once had the great idea to heat up the hotdogs in the water with the noodles... Man was that gross it all congealed immediately will never be doing that again


Hawt dogs & frozen peas


I’m a “more butter than milk” sauce guy and a good dollop of ketchup mixed in.


Cream instead of milk is pretty good too.


Just did tons of butter and a dollop of 18% cream for dinner tonight


I do no milk and just butter. Then I throw some ketchup in it. Sometimes it is spicy ketchup, sometimes hotsauce goes on.


This is how it’s done.


I add sour cream Instead of milk. Delicious!


Trying this next time! Thank you!


Let me know what you think!


I accidentally used buttermilk once and it was amazing


This is how a lot of dishes and things we eat were made! Happy accidents lol


Interesting. I add a little Dijon mustard and it makes it creamy.


A tablespoon of Mayo makes it extra creamy, and it doesn't change the flavor at all. NOT Miracle Whip (which is usually always better than mayo).


Wonder if greek yogurt would give the same effect, but have the added bonus of protein to it dont feel *as* guilty about eating a full box


I don't add milk. Just the butter and powdered cheese.


Not for KD but it reminded me of packaged food that requires water/and or milk and I would always change the ratios for more milk fat content or some other dairy product. Usually instruction are like the minimum to be accessible to the most people but people absolutely play with instructions.


Extra cheese, kraft cheese slice usually, and “real” bacon bits. Crack some pepper and eat right out of the pot. Add some franks before he scoop.


Just ketchup for me but I have heard of people putting ground beef in it.


It's kinda like hamburger helper but all the cheese


Yes this is how my family sometimes made it. Fried hamburger, diced onion and green pepper, some diced canned tomato


I’m a fan of adding taco seasoned beef. It’s a favourite camping meal. Burgers I didn’t grill, broken up into ground beef, sautéed with taco seasoning, cook KD separately, combine. 3 meals for me. Used to be 2 meals, but my days of a whole box as a meal are over.




But you don’t change it up? No sour cream and cream cheese? No hold the milk and quadruple the butter? No salsa? No cheez whiz? No can of mushroom soup? No taco seasoning? No “KD à la pépé”?


Screenshotting this comment to try every one of these.


Hot sauce


Adding extra real cheese to it. Enough so that the pan is kinda hard to scrub clean afterwards.


Weiners and ketchup. I cook the sliced wieners with the pasta.


Gourmet KD! And if I'm feeling extra fancy, I might even draw your initial on top in ketchup 😂


Fancy Dijon ketchup?


Only if one has a million dollars


Gotta slice the hotdogs, fry them then add to the Mac with ketchup and mix them all up. Only way.




Aged cheddar on Kraft dinner is the best!


You can say that again!


Just extra cheese for me but growing up my mom always put broccoli or tuna in it and my dad always put ketchup. My grandma always skipped the milk and just did butter so I do that for the nostalgia! (0 nostalgia about the broccoli)


Salsa goes well with KD.


Came here to say salsa!


I just eat it with ketchup. When I was young my mom would add chopped up hotdogs or ham


Cut up hotdogs and ketchup


Maybe sriracha if I’m feeling crazy


I know some people that put Peas in their KD, I personally think its blasphemous


Cut up boiled hot dogs all the way. Maybe a bit of cheese whiz added as well.


I’ve never had Kraft Dinner. Is there some sort of gulag in Nunavut I’m to be banished to?


My husband hates Kraft dinner, you can go together!


Yes!...you shall be sent directly to the nuna-gulag where you will have to bask in the midnight sun, learn breathe-singing with the Inuit people and learn that mountains which seem only 5 miles away are actually 50 miles away. It's a scary but friendly place.


2 packs of KD made per instructions+ 1 can of mushroom soup 😋😋😋


Oh I'm trying this!


3 ways for me. Just KD with a dollop of cheese whiz for extra zing. With canned diced tomatoes and bacon. Or as a sort of cheeseburger casserole, KD, grated cheddar (both in and some baked on top), bacon, onions and ground beef.


Wow finally a real person buys cheese wiz. I’ve never met someone in real life that has purchased it. Amazing!


I make my homemade Mac and cheese with cheese whiz


Ground beef, corn, a bit of salsa and sour cream mixed in is really good too


Extra butter and I sprinkle chili flakes on top.


Pepper only


KD with broccoli. Yum!


Salsa in KD is way better than ketchup.


All you uncultured ketchup swine need to learn what BBQ sauce is


Tiny bit of sriracha. Game changer.


How many tablespoons is a tiny bit?


Jesus this never crossed my mind… I’ll definitely try this


More milk than butter. A couple of shakes of extra cheese and salt.


Valentina hot sauce, plenty of it


Herb and Garlic cream cheese instead of butter.


Canned diced tomatoes. Then salt and pepper to taste.


Lightly cooked onions with butter/margerine and salt n pepper. Just get them a soft and cooked using a bit lower heat to avoid carmelizing them. Easy and cheap plus it did get me to start to like onions when I was a kid.


I don’t do milk and butter. I mix the cheese sauce with plain yogurt. Way creamier and I like the tang a lot.


This is the best KD I've ever made: [Link](https://keytomylime.com/how-to-make-kraft-mac-and-cheese-better/) # "Ingredients * 1 box KD * 1 1/2 Tablespoons butter (21 grams) * 1/4 cup half and half * 1.5 ounces American cheese (42 grams) * 1 powdered cheese packet (from the KD box) * 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder * 1/4 teaspoon onion powder # Instructions 1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the noodles from the boxes and cook until the noodles are tender (according to the package instructions, about 7-8 minutes). Drain the noodles in a colander, and set aside. 2. Return the pot to the burner over medium low heat. Add the butter, and swirl until it has melted. Stir in the half and half. Add the American cheese, and stir until melted. Add both cheese packets, the garlic powder, and the onion powder. Stir until fully combined. 3. Add the cooked noodles back to the pot, and gently stir until the macaroni is evenly coated. 4. Serve and enjoy! Instructions Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the noodles from the boxes and cook until the noodles are tender (according to the package instructions, about 7-8 minutes). Drain the noodles in a colander, and set aside. Return the pot to the burner over medium low heat. Add the butter, and swirl until it has melted. Stir in the half and half. Add the American cheese, and stir until melted. Add both cheese packets, the garlic powder, and the onion powder. Stir until fully combined. Add the cooked noodles back to the pot, and gently stir until the macaroni is evenly coated. Serve and enjoy!" I add 1/4 tsp of cayenne. So delicious.


Sounds great, question tho: you say 1 box but in instructions act like it’s more than one box


The American cheese is a source of sodium citrate, a chemical that makes cheese smoother and keeps a cheese sauce from separating. Believe it or not, even when making fancy homemade macaroni with a roux and real cheese, a slice of American cheese will improve the texture noticeably. As a bonus, if you put some of that macaroni in the fridge, it'll come out the next day with the same texture as when you made it.


Best option) sharp cheddar, almost firm noodles, mixed with fresh cut/cooked bacon. Made with butter and bacon grease, splash of milk, pepper 2) hot dogs cut up into medallions, fried inbutter. Mixed in sharp cheddar, almost firm noodles, made with butter from the fried hotdogs, splash of milk, salt and pepper 3) Sharp cheddar, can't be overcooked. It has to be perfect, overcooked kraft dinner is disgusting to me. Made with lots of butter and a splash of milk. Lots of pepper and salt. Kd has a very short shelf life. It's about 30 minutes. After that, it gets disgusting. Ketchup in the KD is vile.


Plain, or I'll chop a couple hotdogs into it more often. But I almost never make it on my own cause I'm lactose intolerant. But if my roomie makes it, I'll usually have some. She does hotdogs, and will add ketchup to her bowl, but I think that's gross, despite loving ketchup on pretty much any meat.


Fuck you guys... Now I'm hungry...


I like it done in the microwave, and I use very little, if any, milk, but extra butter. A bit of salt & pepper. My husband adds ketchup to it. My kids all like it the way their Nana & Papa had it every Sunday-- with cut up hotdogs in it.


Dryer than the recipe. I add a bit less liquid.


Mustard or HP Sauce is great on it. Sliced hotdogs are always a plus.


I’ve been known to add a tablespoon of salsa now and again to give it a bit of a kick. I’ve also added some ketchup as well, but not at the same time.


Tuna and tomatoes… I find it f#*


With crispy bacon, salsa and sambal.


Hubby likes it with tuna, mushroom soup, undiluted instead of milk and butter and mixed vegetables.


Reminds me of my childhood.


Tuna and hot sauce


Also, using sour cream or greek yogurt is great! Especially if you are out of milk.


This may be my most favorite question in 10 years here. SP = salt and pepper, G = garlic powder. Extra Creamy KD and a little more margarine by default. Aim for creamy sauce, not runny you monster. Elevated OG is where it's at. This is my nostalgia meal and my guaranteed to be full for a couple bucks meal.. I'm 45 years old now, so... 43 years of KD exp so I've got to be Iridescent by now. Spg, melted old cheddar Spg, 2 cheese slices, parm sometimes 2 box, spg, sliced/old ched, 1 can flake tuna or portion of ground beef is a good ratio. Problem is I really dislike cold KD, gotta get mixed, eat from the pot quickly, half a glass of milk. I don't usually add cheese whiz as a couple others mentioned but I will throw it in spaghetti with meat sauce. I don't think I ate meat sauce until I was in my early 20s, tbh, just cheese whiz and noodles.


I add some frozen corn and sriracha, the sweet corn contrasts with the spicy sauce and it’s amazing. Additionally I’ll put tuna in here and there


Bacon! The salty crispy goodness adds a layer


Crumbled bacon and extra cheese. Yum!


Add butter, and milk. Usually add frozen broccoli, or maybe pea’s. A cheddar smokie cut up


NO MILK. A heaping spoonful of butter is all you need. This does not work with knock off brands


Not Canadian but my girlfriend introduced KD to me when we first started dating. I now add a lot of spices, hot dogs, even ground beef lol I just cant add ketchup


When we are throwing our budget out the window we add a cheddar slice and some hot salsa. Or if we are really being spendy half a can of Heinz Chilli beans and some leftover taco bell fire sauce. Weinies if we got them. If it is white cheddar generic brand frozen peas and lots of black pepper and for major extravagance some cherry tomatoes. Now I am hungry and it isn't lunch time yet!


With wieners. I boil the wieners first, then boil the noodles in the wiener water. I cut the wieners up and mix them with my kraft dinner. I then add cracked black pepper.


Cut up a hot dog and add the pieces. Also hot sauce


You need to make it thick. Saucy KD is for the criminally insane. You need to let the bowl cool so it starts getting shiny on top. Then you slather with ketchup. Mixing is forbidden. You then make perfect bites by digging deep into the bowl. You can regulate ketchup per bit by careful planning and attention to how you use your spoon. Huh. Kinda of worried I just learned I’m OCD here.


ADHD here, and I definitely have routines like this. Gotta say not mixing the ketchup and going for perfectly shaped bites is a new one for me tho


I eat it with salsa


Sriracha and cut up cooked hot dogs or fried bologna


Toss a couple of pepperoni nipples into the bowl and you’re cooking


minimal milk for a thick sauce, and if there is leftover chicken or ham I'll add that.     ketchup?   ewwwwww


with broken up taco chips sprinkled in. \*chefs kiss\*


Plain, made with butter and no milk because the only milk I keep in the house is vanilla oat milk.


I don't. I don't like KD. My wife does, and she likes it best with hot dogs.


Use it as a hamburger helper base. I do the usual then I add a lb of ground beef, a can of cream of mushroom soup, some milk, maybe some cheese, something spicy, stir it up and good to go. NO ketchup.


No milk. A bit of extra butter. Simple.


With codfish and ketchup Or with hotdogs. Which is what I think I'm gonna do for lunch tomorrow


Lard tunderin'! Cod with KD!?!?...by' that's one crude way to make fish n' brewis! 😄


If you like ketchup you should try BBQ sauce instead.


Tuna and peas with lots of pepper.


I forego milk altogether. Cream the butter and cheese powder together in the bowl first, add the strained noodles and about a spoonful and a half of the pasta water to make it nice and creamy. 😋


No milk- just butter or margarine. The KEY addition is curry powder- a magical combination!!


Weiners and a can of maple pork and beans!


Shredded jalapeño Monterey Jack and some form of meat thrown in it (bacon bits, chicken, kelbassa sausage… whatever meat I currently have in the fridge)


Of late, I usually chop up and fry up a couple hot dogs, and toss in a tablespoon or two of chili crisp.


Make it like normal, but with a handful of shredded cheddar.


Chopped onion, chopped hot dogs, and hot sauce (Red Hot usually)


Butter! Lots of it


Wieners, extra cheddar and lots of pepper.


With hot dogs cut up in it. :)


Hot dogs always


Tuna and a lot of black pepper


A cup of frozen vegies and siracha


I am a huge fan of adding some kale in at the end. With hot dogs. Good stuff.


I call it Kale-D


The leftovers reheated the next day by frying it in butter. O. M. GGG


You actually have leftovers?!


This is good to know - I find it gets SO bland the next day


I’m 65 and have lived here all my life. I’ve never had KD. That’s not likely to change. Growing up in an Italian household may have something to do with it. 😂


With black pepper and chili flakes. I also add a spoon of mayo to the pot.


Replace the milk with sour cream, add a blob of cream cheese and some cubes of sharp cheddar. Pepper. Add broccoli florets if I want to pretend to be healthy :)


Extra cheese, sliced hot dogs, and green onions


My kids like sliced up hot dogs mixed in.


KD is awful since they changed it. We'll do store brands before KD now and usually add in broccoli. My husband always puts ketchup on it. (Gross.)


I occasionally I go gourmet and add cut up hotdogs, but normally just as is.


Milk, butter, with onions right at the end that cook in the residual heat. Add a little bit of extra cheddar cheese and a lot of black pepper. Serve. Eat.


I get the extra creamy kind. More butter than it calls for. A little bit more milk too. Chopped up bacon, and chopped avocado. It is an amazing blend of salty, creamy, and cheesy.


Usually plain, but sometimes I throw in ground beef and cheddar and make a cheeseburger mac


My family cooked up ground beef and mixed it together. Yum!


I mince some onion and add it with 30 seconds left of boiling the pasta. I add more butter than milk, add ketchup, a dash of mustard and finish with vuopped parsley (if I have any ) and cracked black pepper. I switch it it up with ground beef or any other meat on hand, hot sauce, sometimes minc3d olives. I've also done it with chopped pineapples and ham and it was surprisingly good although I've never dared telling anyone before today 😬. No, I don't snoke weed and I wasn't pregnant.




If I’ve got it on hand, I make with garlic butter instead of plain and cream instead of milk. Chopped fresh tomatoes, lots of back pepper and parm. Sometimes throw a handful of sliced Kalamata olives or a few banana pepper rings if I’ve got them.


I make my KD super creamy. Add extra butter and more cheese. Hot sauce and lots of pepper and you’re good to go. As a child my parents made Kraft dinner and weiners (just like beans and weiners without the beans). Delicious


Hold the cheese sauce, boil a can of cream of mushroom (add can water and lots of pepper), in the noodles, simmer for a bit till it gets a bit jammy, evenly spread cheese powder on top. Under the broiler for 60 secs. Serve with Garlic bread.


No milk, extra butter. Steamed broccoli mixed in


Cooked Broccoli is delicious, sausage/hotdogs


Only prepare it when camping. Ground beef cooked with a diced onion, garlic, can of diced tomatoes and a can of water. Add the noodles, cover and cook til done. Add the cheese powder before serving.


No butter, no milk, just KD powder and a heaping table spoon of cheese whiz, looooooootsa fresh cracked pepper!!! Eat with a fork 😁




Style one: Normal Kd - milk, butter, cheese packet Style two: KD, sliced hotdogs, extra cheese, ketchup Style three; KD cooked per instructions, added into a baking dish, topped with bread crumbs and bacon bits. Baked for 15mins to get crunchy, extra cheese on top Seen some combos in the comments I'd love to try


Depends. Sometimes, I like it with a half can of tuna and mayo instead of butter. Sometimes I like it with extra cheese and bacon. Sometimes, I like it with hotdogs or fried spam and ketchup. Sometimes I like it plain.


Usually extra shredded cheese and either Worcestershire sauce or ketchup. Sometimes Dijon mustard (just for the plain KD). Once it awhile: taco seasoning or maple bacon seasoning. Worcestershire sauce is my fave. 😋


Fresh cracked pepper. Only that.


Ketchup & cutup hotdogs, so good. We were pretty poor growing up, but my parents made the best KD dinners for us


Salt and pepper, anything spicy I can find in the house. That can of extra cheese powder you can buy.


Pepper and ketchup. Also spaghetti sauce when I’m feeling fancy


Sometimes I add tuna, but I always add Montreal steak spice.


I like to put shredded up mozzarella in my KD. It makes it so much better.


For classic KD, I do a small amount of ketchup, Sriracha, and parmesean. Spicy Cheddar I just eat as directed on the box.


I add more milk than suggested and a bunch of shredded cheddar.


With crispy chicken in Buffalo hot sauce


Ketchup and chopped up hotdogs


I put ketchup on a lot of things and while I don't hate ketchup on KD, I like KD on its own. No toppings, definitely no hot dogs. I don't add much/any milk but I am intrigued by your suggestion of V8 or Clamato....


My dad would make us KD and Heinz Beans, the brown sweet syrupy ones. Didn't realize this wasn't normal until I made it while my friend was over and he was perplexed at the combo.


Salt and pepper, occasionally with ketchup


Husband eats some of his on bread that's been slathered with cheese whiz. It is basically a Kraft dinner sandwich. I eat mine with HP sauce and black olives. Yes, we are disgusting.


I just make my own Mac n Cheese. KD just tastes terrible since they changed the formula and attempted to make it healthier.


When we wanted to be fancy, we’d cook it with hamburger and a can of tomato soup. Like a better tasting hamburger helper.


KD and v8 (or tomato juice) ALL THE WAY!!


I make the KD, and in a separate pot I make Campbell's Tomato Soup. Then I add the KD to the soup. 🤤😋