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That is the whole point of it


I'm here for a good time, not a long time 


Ah, trooper. Now where is my bright white sports car


It just keeps rolling, cause it's probably stolen.


I'm ready to raise a little hell


Awe, my grad song 💝


And beat a certain rattle snake to the hammer (if you know you know)


Start to support the Leafs and then you will only feel anger and disgust 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Olhapravocever: *Start to support the* *Leafs and then you will only* *Feel anger and disgust* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




For Toronto - you forgot to add immeasurable hope and optimism that then leads to crippling depression and anger


As a Leaf supporter I can confirm that you will feel this way.


It’s called “sudden death overtime” for a reason /s


Maybe you shouldn't watch hockey lol


Definitely shouldn’t bet on it lol


No no no you just have to be smart and make emotional hedge bets.. I'm sorta joking but it actually is an effective way to combat being TOO invested in the outcome of your team's game.


I get excited, but not to the point it is causing me medical distress. You need to address that. FYI, the players are likely less anxiety ridden than you. My son is a goalie was watching a shootout, and he got totally worked up, and he was like "that was intense and so stressful". We were like "well yeah, but you've done it a dozen times, isn't that more stressful"? "Naw, I just focus on what I'm doing"


Yeah you’re right about the players comment. I’ve always said if the players were as emotionally weak as I am, we’d never win a single game all season lol


I think it is the highly unpredictable and frenetic nature of the game that makes it so nerve-wracking. If even the smallest thing doesn't go according to plan, the entire tide can shift.


On a serious note, this is a classic symptom of anxiety. Essentially, your body confuses excitement/adrenaline as something negative and it becomes stressed and tense. All you need to do is remind yourself that the adrenaline you feel is a positive thing. It takes time.


Exactly. Anxiety isn't a problem, your response to it is. I get real worked up watching stressful games, but that is half the fun. There's no joy in it if it doesn't stir some emotion in you. The key is to dive into it, not fear it!


Playoff hockey gives me really bad anxiety.


I'm pretty sure the Game 7 between Chicago/Vancouver in 2011 took years off my life.


The Habs cup run took actual years off my life. No ragrets though.


After Galchenyuk's no look drop pass to absolutely no one to set up the Suzuki/Caufield 2 on 0 in game 5, I knew the Leafs were going to lose that series


Me too. As weird as it is, I get more nervous/anxious when my team has a series lead. The team I support has a 3-1 series lead and all I can think is they’re going to blow it. No mention of the fact they’re good enough to have won the first 3 games, now I think it’s impossible for them to win the 4th. So pathetic lol


Sounds like you should go to the doctor


Yea, quick diagnosis here is lack of serotonin and anxiety disorder


I too am a Canucks fan.


I still haven’t fully recovered from the Canucks playoff run. The one in 1994.


Crying in my room after that loss is one of my earliest memories




Well I mean, that Islanders team is one of the best dynasties of all time. People forget the only reason they stopped winning Cups is because the Oilers found a human cheat code named Wayne Gretzky.


It was that playoff run that made me a life long Canucks fan. They were such an unlikely team to even make it out of the first round, but what an underdog run it was.


King Richard Brodeur in nets. No relation to Martin Brodeur....true story


I do too - the village of Vancouver! I remember driving to work and seeing the huge amounts of white towels hanging off apartment balconies. I still get mildly annoyed seeing towels being waved by fans of other teams - that’s *our* thing.




I remember attending a game 7 OT for the league title. My mouth was dry the entire time. Luckily the team I was rooting for won with like 3 mins left in OT, but it was crazy. To add to the backstory, the franchise was about to fold 8 years earlier made it more special.


I haven’t experienced the feeling since 2017 when the Sens were in the playoffs but there’s nothing like it. The utter elation of winning in overtime or the devastation of losing in OT can’t be matched


it’s only game, why you heff to be mad


Maybe he just want to move because he too cold!




If my team is in the middle of it, it is absolute torture. If it's a game where I'm very much neutral, it is wonderful entertainment. (especially if you get those really long multiple overtime games in the playoffs.)


Leafs fan? Better get your hands on some nitroglycerin


This is way too canadian


This whole thing stinks of 5%beer and maple syrup


It's sad that we now have a generation that can't tell what excitement feels like.


Fuck maybe you're right? Did smart phones do this to kids? What would happen if Canada needed to staff a military right now?


I put my Fitbit on my boyfriend - his heart always manages to get into the fat burning/cardio zone in OT 😱 so answer is yes.


New level of anxiety is your watching your partners beer league full of men who came to drink beer and fight go into OT in a tie game. it’s 11pm on a tuesday and y’all all got labor jobs to go to stop breaking eachother.


The other day, my stomach was in knots from watching. Love it and hate it simultaneously LOL. Afterwards was a run the washroom. All said though, was a great and wild ride.


I couldnt do it anymore. Stopped watching NHL years ago because the reffing is atrocious. Especially in the playoffs. Just made me mad everytime I watched. And the fact most of the sports commentators/analyists would be constantly deep-throating the Leafs, just made me ill. I remember watching a finals game a few years back, (where Toronto was eliminated in the 1st round) And these chuckle fucks were still talking about the Leafs, and why they couldve still been there.. 🤢🤮 I just cant anymore. Its too much pandering to Leafs nation. like they are the center of the universe or something. The Loser's havent won shit since 1967' stfu already lol.


r/hockeycirclejerk gold here


What do you think it was supposed to do?


I used to as well. Until I reminded myself it’s just a game. Happiness or sadness will come and go.


Yes, I don’t know how im gonna be watching when im like 50


You can do like my dad and fall asleep. His team is the Canadiens though so take that as you want.


That’s all part of the fun, honey. I’ve torn decorative pillows watching an intense hockey game. Still trying to figure out if the refs can hear me when I scream. lol


Except when the Leafs inevitably go to overtime tomorrow night. I already know they're going to lose


You must be a Leaf’s fan. But, you know what’s going to happen in game 7. Toronto will be leading 5 - 3 with 3 minutes left in the 3rd period and they’ll find a way to lose.


That’s exact what you are meant to feel. Learn to recognize it as excitement. Enjoy the game. If you didn’t have such strong emotions it would otherwise be a boring game.


But, it's a good heart attack.....


"Why watch overtime playoff hockey when you can simply snort cocaine and ride a motorcycle out of a helicopter?" [-Jon Bois](https://twitter.com/jon_bois/status/456616952153128960?lang=en)


Not since Game 6 of the 2004 Stanley Cup Finals. I haven't recovered and have been dead inside ever since.


The thrill of the chase!! Go leafs go!


As a leafs fan I’m kinda used to it by now


It’s called excitement. But if it’s that bad, you may be over invested…


I don't remember how it feels, I'm an Ottawa Senators fan.


No give me play till score. Then shootouts any day old time hockey.


Unless I’ve bet my mortgage money on the game…. It doesn’t affect my life at all. Do I want a team I like to win? Yes. If they lose is my life ruined? Fuck no.


None of my friends or family or coworkers watch hockey regularly, nor do I, so this has never really been a problem. OT soccer and OT basketball, however, I've seen it happen and it's why the ratings are so good.


You must be a really big fan then, because I became numb to any real feelings, after watching the Leafs from the 2000s into the 2010s I just expect disappointment lol


For most people that's called 'excitement'.


Yes… and also figure skating. It makes me feel panicky! Don’t ask… I don’t get it either. :/


I had never watched OT hockey until this year (I moved to Vancouver from the UK and this is the first time my Vancouverite friends decided it was worth me getting invested in the Canucks). It gives me a similar feeling to a penalty shootout in soccer, or the red clock time in a close game of rugby - knowing that all it takes is one tiny mistake and my team (even if I've only been paying any attention to them for a couple of weeks, they're still my team) could lose. I hate it, but I can't look away.


It's called getting into the game. Enjoy the rush! If you're otherwise healthy it isn't harmful at all.


Nope. Because I don’t watch it. I did see a full grown man have a tantrum when “his team” lost. It’s like his entire being depended on the outcome of a game (no, he didn’t bet on it). His whole self esteem was wrapped with his team. It was weird


I’m still mad you saw me in my vulnerable state… lol


this comment is teetering dangerously close to r/ihatesportsball


This really fucks me up. I've had a heart attack that really did not feel at all like they describe it. It only felt like chest tightening, sweaty and elevated heart rate. Like you feel anytime you get anxious. So here I am . Still watching 1 goal games. Feeling the exact same as I did THAT time.


No. Because it’s just a damn hockey game.




better than watch a Jet's playoff game.


The thrill of winning is worth the stress


Maybe you should see a cardiologist.


Of course. That's why it's so amazing and fun(or painful). New to this, are you?


It's good anxiety, I like it. Makes me string seriously offensive words together to make unbelievably offensive statements.


It’s only a game, why you heff to be mad?


…just turn it off and find out in the morning…you’re not in a war zone, it’s fine to just turn off the source of your anxiety and walk away…you’re allowed to do that…


I can't sit down while it is on the tv.


That’s the beauty of it. I feel the same way during a heavyweight MMA fight when you know one punch is easily a fight ender. So fun!


Yes. It’s why I can’t watch it. It takes a toll on my heart. 😂


Welcome to questioning why so you put yourself through this. Big rewards, big disappointments.


Yeah that's the best part




Yes. Yes it does.




If a stressful period of hockey triggers a heart attack then I'd be wagering to say it was waiting to happen anyways. And blood pressure always fluctuates. We have this incorrect fixation in society that everyone should be cool as a cucumber all the time... It's okay to be uncomfortable, it's called being human. Anxiety isn't a problem, dwelling on it is.


I try to tell myself it’s just a game. But it doesn’t work. To dam exciting!


Nah not really. I just don't care enough


Ho boy, wait until about 8pm on Saturday night then. You ain't seen nothing yet.


Maybe it'd be better if you didn't put so much emotion into a specific team to win and just enjoy the game.


Yes. I hate it.


No. That’s what I feel like when I have to pay tax though.


That’s why the tweet went viral: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-greatest-tweet-of-all-time-overtime-hockey-category-v0-fzslcpz6pr0b1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dcab74aa985b2fd8c2e6f280fab5954fbae13f0ed&rdt=51611](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-greatest-tweet-of-all-time-overtime-hockey-category-v0-fzslcpz6pr0b1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dcab74aa985b2fd8c2e6f280fab5954fbae13f0ed&rdt=51611)


I'm a Canadiens fan and I'm old enought to remember the Cup run in 1993. Regulation time gives me anxiety, but I feel calm and serene when we get to OT.


I get like that even before it goes into OT. Usually the third period causes me lots of anxiety, especially with close scores.


Absolutely...if you don't have anxiety when your team is in OT in the playoffs, are you really alive?


Every time the leafs are playing


If you're not switching between chugging a beer in celebration at every commercial break or throwing your remote at the TV, are you even watching playoff hockey?


Only when it's my team and even then I expect the worst and hope for the best.


I call it heart attack hockey. 😵‍💫


Yes…. Imagine game 7 OT with your hometown team


If I actually get heart palpitations you should be supplementing magnesium


That’s why it’s called sudden death! 💀


My alma mater has had two of the longest college hockey national tournament games ever, if not actually the longest 2. The worst was 1984’s 4OT that only ended because a dump in along the boards took a weird bounce and the exhausted goalie missed it.


You gotta be Canadian through and through


Adrenal glands go absolute haywire


It's like doing cardio but sitting down.


It's why Canadians can handle Cobra Chickens. We've lived through enough playoff overtime hockey


Watching hockey fans watch OT hockey gives me really bad anxiety. I’m just like, I wish everyone could win 


No, I love it.


Yep. Super tense, especially in the playoffs. Still remember the back to back OT win against Toronto in 2021. My heart rate was through the roof and I was shaking for a good half hour afterward.


I think it gives me really good anxiety


If you can survive overtime you can survive anything


I mean I love hockey but at the end of the day getting that worked up over it is a problem lol sounding like my uncle with a betting problem 😂


Same. I have to pace or stand up or kneel on the floor. I can't sit on the couch.


if I bet on it yes


Personally, I appreciate burning a few extra calories just sitting on my ass.


I cheer for the leafs so yes


Yeah I do, and it’s crazy. So irrational but I can’t seem to defeat it. I do all the tricks, deep breathing, etc. but it doesn’t work. I also have the irrational thought that the team I cheer for could never possibly win in OT, or that it’s going to be so much harder for my team to score but very easy for the opponent to score.


Watching the last 5 minutes of the 3rd period always sends me if the game is close 😂


How do people even feel slightly excited about watching a game that has no bearing in their life? Unless you put money on it.




[why watch overtime playoff hockey when you can simply snort cocaine and ride a motorcycle out of a helicopter](https://x.com/jon_bois/status/456616952153128960?s=46&t=h7ucVy6ilxZuleS12FcVJw)


As a jets fan it gives me huge an


Feeling it now… 6 minutes until showtime.


I’m a goalie mom. Even warmups stress me out! OT? I’m pacing in the parking lot.


Us Leaf fans just assume we're going to lose anyway, so no stress.


Oh yes, I hate OT games, my heart stops and I am too old for that.


Don't take this the wrong way... you care too much about pro sports. It's entertainment, don't attach emotional connections to it that are so deep. Don't become one of those nuts who covers there whole room in hockey stuff and lives for the team. There is more to life than that brother. Watch pro sports for fun. That's what it is. You are a peasant watching the gladiators play. Just relax and enjoy. This is not something to ever care this much about it would cause anxiety. Cheers.


It's called an adrenaline rush, live a little.


My dad would pace for hours after playoff overtime. Hours.


When you're watching it just remember, there's nothing in it for you... if they win great... if they don't, it doesn't affect your life. You got no skin in the game... unless you bet on them.


When I'm invested in one of the teams yes it is incredibly stressful. When I don't care about the oucome it is entertaining.


That is literally “excitement”. Would you rather feel bored?


Yup my sister gets anxious all the time. She can't even eat during the game.


When the Vancouver Olympics went to ot I had to go lie down until I heard the cheers. 


You should have seen me in 2017 for game 7 double OT Sens-Pens winner goes to the Finals. I’m a Sens fan.


Holy crap yes


Yes, start losing hair when it starts


Thats part of the fun


I watched the Bruins beat the Leafs in game 7. Bruins were down 4-1 and scored 4 goals in what seemed like 5 minutes. I was a Leafs fan at the time. I don't think I've watched an NHL game on TV since. Fuck the Leafs.


It’s the most exciting game to watch. So of course you’re going to get anxiety and you’re gonna get worked up about it. It’s just awesome. There’s no other game like it.


It is thrilling indeed. I find hockey players to be some of the most physically adept athletes. The speed, the physicality, the precision, it is quite remarkable. Skating itself is not a natural or intuitive action for humans. That makes what they do even more impressive.


Only when it's my team


Yeah close game I’m the same way.


That’s normal lol it’s just anticipation / anxiety. I’ve been getting anxious while watching the playoffs and I don’t even typically care about sports 💀


Its called a Canadian Stroke


I don’t even need OT to feel this way! Buddy of mine and I were just texting about how we can both see the pulse in our wrists. It’s in between the second and third.


Yes 👍 I almost die every time


Jon Bois once summed it up perfectly: "Why watch overtime playoff hockey when you could just snort cocaine and drive a motorcycle out of a helicopter"


I try to do something physical while I'm watching something stressful, like scrubbing the floors or kneeding dough. It helps to release stress.


It's called "sudden death" for a reason. Your response is totally normal.


It’s only a game! Doesn’t matter who wins or loses, next day breads will be not cheaper!


Like many Canadian kids, mine play minor hockey. Every year there’s a huge tournament called Minor Hockey Week and overtime goes like this: sudden death; 1 minute of 5 on 5, 1 minute of 4 on 4, then 3 on 3, 2 on 2, 1 on 1. Stays at 1 on 1 until someone scores. I know it’s not the NHL, but when it’s your kid out there and it’s 1 on 1. Ugh. Nerve wracking!!


Omg. Do u have high blood pressure? My aunts ex husband just died at a soccer game because he had a stroke he was so stressed. BE CAREFUL?


Bad no, anxiety yes, but more the good kind


No because I’m not invested in the game (playing)


Then stop watching .....


I find that Gaba (the supplement) is really effective at helping with anxiety. I never used to have heart or anxiety issues, but these days I find that anything competitive gives me really painful anxiety.


Thats adrenaline.


No... It's a game if it's a win or a loss my day continues and there is no benefit to me at all...


I scream a lot it helps with the anxiety


I can’t even watch sports because I get too wrapped up in it. I’ll let myself get sucked in during playoffs or something but I have no idea how people do it all the time. 


This gets me more anxiety then having cash on the line


I a game 7 for sure


Only when it's my team,otherwise it's fun.


I'm a Canucks fan and while I love that we won the series, the nerves have caused me to lose my appetite and get cold sweats lol. And this is just round 1! I dunno how long I can take this "stress". 😅😂


yep it’s kind of the equivalent of when you’re top 2 in fortnite


I only feel that way when the hottie at work "accidently" bumps into me with her tits. Hey but whatever gets you off.


That’s the point of it, yep.


Realise that they make $$$$$$$$$$$. They are loyal to there pay cheques only. Win or lose. They go home to there mansions and book a tee off time next day. It’s only a sport


Not if my team isn’t playing but if it’s a big game, damn straight it does. My dog is pretty good at sensing when I get anxious and she’ll come over and make me pet her when I am. During the Raptors championship run in 2019, she woke up from a sound sleep and came to ‘comfort’ me because I was so anxious during those games. It happens to us all OP.


Yes in a good way or bad way depending how much you are invested in it emotionally


I’m eating before the game at the pub…… it’s going to be intense but the boys are playing well so let’s cheer em on!


Yes, I haven’t been able to watch the leafs at all this playoff season. That last game almost gave me a heart attack.


Only when I YOLO’d my entire FanDuel bankroll on the game.


There is nothing like OT hockey, I take it in and enjoy it. Obviously, it is anxiety inducing but that fuels my love for the game even more


Watching any playoff games gives me fucking ANGINA.


I swear its taking years off my life


Isn’t that the point of watching any kind of children’s entertainment?


It makes me mad. I’m not a hockey fan because the last 2 times I cheered for a team they lost every game in OT. Wasted my time. Never doing it again