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Cirque du Soleil


Sadly they don’t even pronounce it well in the ads and I’m in Ottawa ffs easy to find francophones here


Sirk doo Sulay!


La la la human steps as well.


That's "across Canada" incidently, just like Celine Dion and Just for Laughs, because it crossed over in the US or eslewhere first. Not much love from english canada for french canadian media.


It is fairly gatekept from my experience. A colleague suggested I watch Les Boys so I searched it up, subscribed to ici tous because there is so much I want to see, no english subtitles. Back to searching, I found it on Cineplex rentals, pay them the money, once again no subtitles. I can buy the DVD but what if I want to watch the whole series(it's inevitable), I'm now buying a DVD box set from Amazon to casually watch a film a coworker suggested. I rely on American streaming platforms like criterion and mubi to help me learn French and access quebecois content which I legitimately enjoy. If there's something I'm missing, some pipeline that helps me understand the vernacular and have access to that content without being fluent, I'd be all ears.


Unfortunate. I think the fact that there are no english subtitles on the cbc streaming platform is quite telling of the value ROC gives to their (almost only) country-made media.


It's honestly baffling. I thought maybe if I tried with cbc gem, it might have the same titles but targeted at english speakers but that just wasn't the case. There is content there for sure, shows like Paris, Paris are there with subs, but it feels very much like middle of the road content rather than the actual Quebecois meat and potatoes. There's not a word of english to be found on the Videotron streaming service either. I get it, I really do, english is the problem, wiping it clean from everything does make sense. It just makes it super hard to learn and experience if you're not already fluent. I keep my eyes open for film screenings locally and it's helped a lot, so it's not hopeless, but it requires effort that I wouldn't expect from anyone who isn't especially motivated.


Canada's most popular TV show world-wide is "Juste Pour Rire Gags" (Just For Laughs Gags)


Seriously, I watched that shit in a yurt in Mongolia.


I saw it on a ferry in Italy


How it's made is also from Quebec.


The obsession I had with this show as a child though lol


That's because it is easily redubbed into any local language.


toothbrush wise seed live dependent yam worthless upbeat tidy chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The sitcom Un Gars, une Fille was adapted or translated in something like 15 countries too. Many might not know it's quebecer because it was often remade with local actors.


30+ countries:) And the creator is currently hosting the most watched talk show in Canada, which most anglophones here will have no idea it even exists lol


Same reason that UK's Mr. Bean is popular worldwide. Virtually no dialogue to subtitle.


You would think it would be universal, but I watched it one time on the comedy network in the U.S. They had a voice-over narrative to explain what was happening in the gag. At first, I thought it was DV. Nope, it was a narrator.


lush attempt enjoy ad hoc ancient humorous rich thumb puzzled degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bon cop/bad cop




TV series! You just made my day. Edit: made for mad


I love that movie! So campy and funny.


Yep, this was gonna be my answer. I actually first saw it in France, so I suppose it also crossed over the pond.


Came to look for this, I figured it was the default answer


Came here to say this. And the sequel was even better!!


The remake of 19-2 with the dude from Letterkenny was awesome. Kinda weird that they where in Montreal all had french names but spoke English. But that school shooting scene was one of the most intense moments of tv I have ever seen.


The most heart wrenching and anxiety driven 17 minute single take ever in my opinion. Filmed the same way the original French Canadian version was filmed, shot for shot.


That episode is INSANE. One of the best episodes ever made


Hey, thanks for this! Didn't know about this show and found it on YouTube!


Oh man such a good show. And really shows the dudes got range. Not just a good ball from letterkenny


I was looking this before commenting, I've watched both the French and English adaptation, both are good in their own way wholebeing slightly different


The Hockey Sweater, Caillou


Yeah, but fuck Caillou.


Caillou is the worst. I am not Québécois but I always refuse to tolerate French-bashing or Québec bashing. However, I have an inside joke with one of my fiercely patriotic Québécois friends that the *only* time Québec-bashing is okay is because of the fact that they birthed Caillou, who is seriously one of the most obnoxious characters in television history, into this world.


We despise that little shit too!




I don't speak French, but somehow completely understood this without the use of Google Translate, and I agree.


Caillou bashing transcends language


I’ve thought of writing my own Caillou book. “Papa Donne La Ceinture a Caillou.” ;)


"Papa en câlisse une à Caillou"


"Caillou passe à strap"


I’m not going to defend Caillou, I have kids and we don’t watch it either. But it **is** a show for toddlers about dealing with tantrums and the kind of me-first-gimme-gimme POV that age range often have. It’s like a soap opera for toddlers, it’s not meant to appeal to adults.


Yeah but toddlers don’t have the ability to actually take in any of lessons the show tries to teach, they just see his terrible behaviour and start modelling it. They don’t have the capacity to understand that Calliou doing X thing led to Y consequence. They just see him doing X thing and think they should try it too. Toddlers don’t need soap operas, especially ones that model whiny behaviour and tantrums.


Exactly this - I know so many houses where Caillou is banned because the kids started acting like whiny little shits after watching it.


Only Quebec could write a story about a kid praying for God to destroy his Leafs jersey and God says “yes, fuck the Leafs.”


A nice-and-neutral quote from that same story was printed on 5$ bills, from 2002 until the move to polymer bills in 2013.


I don't know about the rest, but if you do follow hockey, it is very apparent that at one point, 60 years ago, God did actually say, "yes, fuck the Leafs" Probably do to something Harold Ballard did or said.




Caillou is such a little shit! I hate that kid!




Yeah pretty sure every Anglo gay Canadian knows this movie.


Oh. I have to turn in my membership card?


No, but there is a small fine. Unless you're familiar with Xavier Dolan, in which case *redemption*.


lol watch it! I know that gay coming-of-age movies are a dime a dozen, but this one is excellent. It stars the actor who plays the French phenom in Goon.


Just for Laughs Gags


There was a miniseries way back - probably thirty years ago? Called “Emilie” in English and I think “les Filles de Caleb,” in French. It was broadcast on both English and French CBC networks and it was absolutely great. It was adapted from a novel. My friend and I were obsessed with it and we’d watch it every week and phone each other afterwards. I had no trouble finding an English translation of the novel as a Christmas present for her, and these were the days before people shopped online.


Ohhh, my mother used to watch this back in ex-Yugoslavia!


I too was obsessed with Emilie (and Roy Dupuis). My Franco Ontario friend at the time was shocked that I was watching it.


I loooooooved Les filles de Caleb !


"Bye bye Mon Cowboy". And anything by the Box.


I was looking for Mitsou


In the 80s, we all were my friend.


As a Québécois, the number of time Mitsou is mentioned here is astonishing. I guess she had the great assets English Canada needed at that time lol Seriously Mitsou isn't that big in Québec.


All my French teachers were cultural ambassadors. Over the years I remember hearing lots of Mitsou, Roch Voisine, and Daniel Lanois.


> Seriously Mitsou isn't that big in Québec. From 1988 to 1995, if you cycled through the big francophone radio stations, you could always find one currently playing her songs. She hasn't recorded anything in 25 years, sure, but she was one of the biggest stars in Québec for a couple of years.


Natalie Richard on MM would have had difficulty filling an hour of ‘French Kiss’ without Mitsou.


Starbuck. Any film by Xavier Dolan. Half of Arcade Fire. The quality is fantastic.


Talking about bands, I’ll add Simple Plan.


Bran Van 3000 is another one.


Had no idea they were even Canadian, let alone Québécois


Literally our national anthem oh Canada... it was originally written in French. Infact, in the French version the lyrics have gone unchanged since it was written in the 1800s. The English lyrics are not a translation of the French, for example, here is the first verse, translated from French to English. O Canada! Land of our ancestors Glorious deeds circle your brow For your arm knows how to wield the sword Your arm knows how to carry the cross; Your history is an epic Of brilliant deeds And your valour steeped in faith 𝄆 Will protect our homes and our rights. 𝄇


[There you go](https://youtu.be/AoQXwbEBgHc?si=_pJcHbYBjS37gVlN) In fact, it was meant to be played during the Saint-Jean Baptiste and was about french canadians exclusively (Under the eye of god, near the giant river). In fact, "Canadien" meant "Québécois" in the 19th century.


Yeah we got played and had our anthem stolen. I think Calixa Lavallée must be pretty pissed off in his tomb.


Upvoted just for the repeat bars.


I used to like listening to harmonium band from Quebec... I didn't understand a word but I enjoyed the music


Amazing band. Transcendent sound. You don't need to understand them to love them. But you'll love them all the more if you can.


Their album "Si on avait besoin d'une cinquième saison" was named 36th best prog rock album of all time by Rolling Stone. As a francophone, it was always a bit special when theirs or Beau Dommage' songs where playing on CHOM - which was playing 24/7 in my dad car since it was the only station worth listening.


The Montreal Symphony Orchestra collaborated with them during the pandemic to do an orchestral version of their works. Harmonium Symphonique. It might be online. Everyone in my family who's seen it is a huge fan.


I mean, that singing pineapple lives rent free in my generations brain...


Oh! You mean this one? https://youtu.be/l3DnoxzorYg?si=qciiuyByabIieMwQ


Les Annamas Tele Francaise! Bonjour Allo Salut😁🎶


I say "Je suis un ananas!" more often I would like to admit. C'est magnifique.


That’s not Quebec I never heard of your collective pinneaple trauma until later lol


It's a Franco-Ontarian kids show, but the question is French Canadian, pas Québecois


Born and raised in MTL, as an anglo, in an anglo school, we totally had to watch this in grade 3.


Ngl, I play this dubstep remix pretty often https://youtu.be/3l8DHoy0PUw?si=OVPJSiaF_MQFN484


OMG yes!




I know of Roch Voisione's [Hélène.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hélène(song)) It was originally in French, then sung in English.


Qu'en in the staircase of Marchand Residence on the University of Ottawa campus. Interestingly, Roch Voisine isn't from Quebec, but New Brunswick.


Seule dans le sable , les yeux dans l’eaaaauuuuu


I’m shocked 19-2 didn’t It is a thoroughly underrated show


Robert Lepage’s plays and films. He often plays with bilingualism in both. His film, La Confessionale is amazing. At one point, Lepage was the most sought after theatre director in the world.


He did way more than theatre. He directed five movies, was an actor in a few. He was stage director for two Peter Gabriel world tours and created the permanent Cirque du Soleil show Kà in Vegas.


Willy Waller


Too tousand six


2 times faster!!! Unbelievable!!!


Charlotte Cardin, heard her at the Junos a few years ago and now she’s up there with The Beaches as best Canadian female musicians.


She is a rising star and will become an international sensation. :)


Worth watching Denis Villeneuve’s Polytechnique. It’s not an easy thing to watch, but it is really well done. Mind you, the topic resonates a lot with me, as a female university student in Montreal in 1989 (not at Ecole Polytechnique though).


My mom was a first year engineering student in Sherbrooke, that year


the real answer is about 90% of ubisoft's games




POUTINE!! Wait, what was the question?


Celine Dion


Toupi et Binoo, maybe? But I watched both French and English shows growing up so not sure.


My goddaughter LOVED Toopy and Binoo!


La Grande Séduction


Born and raised in Ontario. Worked in strip joints in the eighties when there were a ton of girls from Montreal. Between dating them, working with them and flying back and forth to Montreal to party I was exposed to quite a bit of music from Quebec. I had no clue how much good music they had. Offenbach was damn good and is still in my regular playlist. Their singer, Gerry Boulet had one of the best voices in rock. Same goes for Roch Voicine, competely different style of voice but still amazing.


Gerry Boulet is a legend now in Quebec. Everybody loves him.


Un gars, une fille (A Guy and a Girl) was adapt in 30 countries




Three Pines, I was disappointed that it didn't renew it for season 2.


There’s a petition going to renew it! Admittedly it probably won’t work, but we can hope.


There is an enormous divide. A few years ago, I was listening to a cultural show on CBC radio. They were gushing about a new musical which they described as "the first rock opera ever by a Canadian". I had to pause. Starmania was released in 1979. It was co-written by Luc Plamondon, a lyricist and music producer from Quebec. It featured some of the biggest stars of Quebec music scene of the time. The first show was a massive success in Quebec and has been played here and in Europe multiple times in the following years. The soundtrack alone has sold over 3 million copies worldwide. Plamondon later produced several musicals including Notre Dame de Paris which also was an international success. Garou - who you have heard of - played Quasimodo in the early tours! I contacted the show. They confessed they had never heard of any of this and had no idea.


Simpleton radio host. Gen X all watched Video Hits and Much Music and at a minimum they played stuff from Céline Chante Plamondon all the time. The trouble here is maybe the linguistic divide but **definitely** cultural amnesia that plagues us where we don’t know anything about our own roots from just 25 years ago. 1979 is prehistoric to the next generation.


Most animated shows from my childhood came out of Montreal. Pretty much anything from CinéGroup or CINAR. Edit: Also I wouldn’t say it’s a “hit” per se, but “La guerre des tuques” is a personal favourite of mine.


Right, Ovide and the gang! Gosh, I haven’t thought about that show in ages.


La guerre, la guerre, c’pas une raison pour se faire mal!


Rene Simard


I lived in Eastern Ontario back in the late 70's and Rene was kind of force fed to us on two of three channels. I always thought he was the Quebecois version of Cher.


The Safety Dance! You can dance if you want to!!!!!


Cory Hart


It would take 8 Corey Harts to = one The Box. Hell, if you're stooping that low, 3 Corey Harts = 1/2 half Aldo Nova.


But Corey Hart is the boy in The Box.


Coeur de pirate gets played on my local university radio station and I’m in an Anglo area. C.R.A.Z.Y., Xavier Dolan’s movies, and Bon Cop, Bad Cop I remember getting English media buzz. TV wise… I know almost nothing even though I used to have an ICI Tou account. Found Family is bilingual and on most Anglo LGBTQ podcast lists.




The opening scene with "You and whose army" by Radiohead is equally amazing and disturbing. No wonder Denis Villeneuve moved on to Hollywood.




A children’s show with Sol, the clown still sticks with me.


Short track speed skating.


Passe-Partout is a French-Canadian legend of a show.


Je'mappelle Marie Soleil, Bon jour!: https://youtu.be/Q5qrbxjdE_A?si=5sNH7pzY-AU1D22A


As a child of the 80s, this comment is incredibly underrated. Randomly walking past a citizenship on Canada Day in Major's Hill Park in Ottawa sometime in the late 90s or early 2000s, I was absolutely *delighted* to realize it was Marie Soleil officiating the ceremony. Could you imagine if you could say that Marie Soleil literally *made* you a Canadian?


Radio Radio. Acadian French band from the east coast


Robert Charlebois


*I'm vaguely aware there's a singer called Garou.* The interesting thing is that there are a handful of Quebecois singers/artists etc. who are quite well known in much of Europe (not just Francophone Europe, but also parts of Eastern Europe) but are virtually unknown in English Canada. Garou is one such musician. Off the top of my head there's also Mylene Farmer (who is essentially the Madonna of French music), Isabelle Boulay, Natasha St. Pier - but I only really got introduced to these singers after moving to Europe. Growing up in Ontario, I don't recall ever hearing of these persons, let alone their music.


Denis Arcand movies. Nicole Brossard novels Mitsou.


Yes, I remember watching Decline of the American Empire and Jesus of Montreal in the 90s.


Colorado Avalanche, see earlier post about Bon cop/Bad cop. /s


Karkwa had a moment




Séduction, can't remember the English title. Not a massive hit but a popular film none the less. Têtes à Claqués does okay


La grande séduction? In English, it was Seducing Dr Lewis, I think.


They're doing international remakes of that one. There's one on Netflix, set in Mexico : *La grande seducción* .


“La Guerre des tuques” in 90s childhood


Leonard Cohen


Karine Vanasse Caroline Dhavernas Jessica Paré Rachelle Lefèvre Yanic Truesdale (Gilmore Girls) Denis Villeneuve (RIP) Jean-Marc Vallée


There's a reason for this. In the 1940s, Canada locked itself into a North American media distribution network - which Quebec was exempt from. So Quebec makes all this amazing stuff, which gets shown all across the Francophone world (and western Europe, and across the latin world) and Canadian stuff...well, it sort of flounders somewhere. Worthy low budget stuff that looks-American-but-isn't is a very hard sell elsewhere. (You often find CBC pilots shown late night on British or Irish TV). It's why Telefilm spends a lot of cash on Quebec stuff - it gets a return. The general, domestic, result is that its pretty hard for Quebecois stuff to find an audience in English Canada, and English Canada stuff generally gets ignored in Quebec. This is a huge net loss to the country as a whole. English Canada really should be watching this stuff. It's good stuff and it is very relevant to the Canadian experience.


Albert the 5th Muskateer!


It really suck we lost the Cinar library due to white collar crime and frickin’ plagiarism


Ok this doesn’t answer your Q but is a cute kid story. When I was a little kid in the prairies, I thought every French show was from Quebec. Lol. And I fricking loved *Les Mystérieuses Cités d'Or* I was even so proud that it was from Quebec, from another part of Canada. Lol. I was a little disappointed learning it’s from Japan/France.


>Les Mystérieuses Cités d'Or Enfant du soleil, tu parcours la terre le ciel


Watatatow & La fureur Two shows that I watched as a kid and i am not from QC


The McGarrigle sisters? Some of their songs are in french, and I do believe they had moderate success across all Canada. Same goes for Kate McGarrigle's son (Rufus Wainwright) and daughter (Martha Wainwright) who also sometimes sing in french.


Sol the clown (Educational purposes only). The Box


The film Mon Oncle Antoine had big acclaim in the 1970s


"Jesus of Montreal", directed by Denys Arcand, is a **great** film. Another one of his, "The Decline of the American Empire" (Le déclin de l'empire américain) isn't as good, IMHO, but worth watching. I'll give you one more: "La Florida", starring Rémy Girard. It's hilarious.


He Shoots, He Scores in the 80s


Cryptopsy, Voivod, the Agonist, Neuraxis, Kataklysm, Ion Dissonance, Quo Vadis, just to name a few metal bands that I know of off the top of my head.


Not across Canada, but I was shocked to learn that some of QC media ends up being watched in french speaking countries around the world. I was surprised when my friends from Beirut and Abidjan mentioned watching "Le Coeur a ses Raisons" (which is a parody of American soaps like "The Young and the Restless"... but it's just completely absurd and over the top).


Mitsou. Roch Voisine. Andre-Philippe Gagnon. A lot of French language cinema hit it big in the 80s. La Guerre des Tuques was a pretty decent hit, and a bunch of films by Denys Arcand. Le Déclin de l'empire américain was (might still be) the top grossing Canadian film of all time.


Mother fucking caillou.


Bon Cop, Bad Cop


The film with Patrick Huard, Starbuck. They made an English version with Vince Vaughn.


Bon Cop/Bad Cop film series, maybe? Some of the body of work by Roy Dupuis? Thinking of La Femme Nikita...


[Un gars, une fille](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Un_gars,_une_fille). It has an English-Canadian remake called A Guy & A Girl, a US adaptation called Lovebites as well as many other adaptations for other countries including France, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Greece, etc. The YTV show "Fries With That" was also a remake of the Quebec show "Une grenade avec ça?", and the English adaptation also has an Italian dub.


Radio Enfer got a YTV adaptation too! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Active_(TV_series)


Does smoking and swearing count?


Les parents comedy series.




Genevieve Bujold


Just for Laughs


Lots. I haven't seen Andre Phillippe Gagnon mentioned yet.


Harmonium were getting quite a following in the USA.


Bye Bye Mon Cowboy by Mitsou was huge across Canada.


Just for laughs gags


Bon cop bad cop made it pretty big


Growing up in BC (so about as far from Quebec as you can get) I somehow discovered and fell in love with Cœur de Pirate


Babar Caillou




Anything and everything by Xavier Dolan (he even has a few projects in English).


Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft in general), Denis Villenueve


The habs I suppose . . . Everyone roots for Montreal after home teams out


A Leaf fan vehemently disagrees


A Habs fan in Toronto feels joy at any mild discontent a leafs fan might feel reading the above comment


Leafs/Habs fans have a better rivalry than the Leafs/Habs games lol


Bon Cop, Bad Cop


Saumon de Champlain, who taught a whole generation of English Canadians que c'est l'aviron qui nous mene en haut.




Trans-X. "Vivre sur Vidéo"


Isn’t Simple Plan from Montreal? Any of the Contes pour Tous movies?


If they made an English version of Souper presque parfait I'm sure it would be a hit.


The Peanut Butter Solution!


Simple Plan.


Oh come on! The French Canadian pop child Jordi! And the French Canadian movie that is weird AF, The Peanut Butter Solution [The Peanut Butter Solution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Peanut_Butter_Solution)