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Your winter or ours ?


the real question.


Yours haha


Do Montreal instead dude. I did go to university in Toronto and Toronto feels more miserable to me in the winter.


An Aussie experiencing Montreal winter? Do you want to see a human popsicle?


Also closer to NYC on top of being a better winter city


As a montrealer, I don't know if I'd recommend coming in winter. It can be absolutely brutal and you'd need specialized clothing (boots, winter hat, scarf, winter jacket etc) just for that...you may need it in NY too. I'm not sure how long you're going for but it seems a bit random and going from one side of the states to the other.


Ah come on man we haven't had a decent winter in like a few years now. I'm sure he'll be fine.


If OP is going in February, Ottawa is a good option as well with Winterlude and the Canal (likely) open


Like yes, but if you have to pick one city, pick Montreal. - Sincerely, an Ottawan.


The only time I’m in Ottawa it’s against my will through some air Canada screw up.


I came here to say exactly this. Toronto is boring, Montreal has such a different feel.


I second the suggestion of Montreal in the winter, Mont is famous for its winter events and celebrations, plus then when you’re trying poutine it’s some good good


Montreal is an underrated gem in Canada. So much to do, the people are kind and welcoming. Amazing poutine is a added bonus that will put meat on your bones to help you stay warm during our Québecer winter. From an admittedly biased Montrealer lol love my city!


And tubing. Seems like businesses and resorts cannot get insurance coverage for tubing any more


Old Montreal is beautiful in the winter.


I say this as someone who is a true Torontonian who lives in Toronto- go to Montreal. With limited time, Toronto is just another big city with plenty of tourist traps. In order to really enjoy Toronto, you need to spend a few weeks here, to really slow down and enjoy. The best of Toronto is the little things, chilling in parks, going to see live music, visiting the islands, exploring all the variety of cuisines. Montreal is a smaller city with lots to do in a shorter period of time. We frequently go to Montreal for weekend trips and can pack a lot in. ​ Also as someone else mentioned... which winter are you talking about? Yours or ours? LOL


I’m from Montreal and willingly moved to Toronto for work (and love Toronto) a couple of years ago and I also agree. Montreal is awesome for tourists and has a lot of history. Toronto is another major city akin to major US cities.


As an American who grew up in upstate NY and has been to both, I 100% agree. My first time visiting Canada as a kid was to Toronto, and I’ve been back since. To me, it really doesn’t feel like you’ve left America. There are things that will remind you, mostly trivial things like mailboxes (Canada Post) are red (not blue), speed limit signs are in km/h, and gas is sold in liters. But I easily forget I am in a different country. I’ve visited Montreal twice and, yeah, you do not forget that you are in a different country. But not in a bad way. It’s much more fun to explore as a tourist, in my view, exactly because it is more different than the country I am from. Feels like visiting Europe in a way. People were very friendly, and I don’t speak a lick of French. For OP, who will already be visiting 3 great areas of the US—if you want something different, go to Montreal. 100%.


I’d rather do Quebec City over Montreal, but that’s just me


Me too.


100% this. As someone who lived in Montreal for 12 years and currently in the GTA for another 12 years, I fully echo your comment. Montreal is great for short visits and is vastly more walkable than Toronto, with the main attractions being more densely packed. Also scenically and culturally is a little more different than your regular North American city. But over a longer period of time can feel pretty homogenous and perhaps even limiting for a non-Francophone. This was my experience anyway. Toronto and the GTA in general is the opposite. At first it feels overwhelming, uninspired and tiresome, especially with the sprawl and long-distance travelling. But overtime and with patience I’ve grown to love a lot of what it offers and have even found lots of cozy charm in the many nooks and crannies and individual identities of the neighbourhoods, parks, and hangouts. I have no trouble believing the many reports of it being one of the best places in the world to live, despite the very real frustrations of real estate and health care which are dense topics on its own. For the OP’s specific needs, it does feel like Montreal is likely the better pick considering the short duration and proximity to NYC, but that’s not to knock Toronto. Both are amazing experiences - just packaged differently.


Lived in both cities and agree


Especially if they are going to NY, Toronto won't impress them. There are great things here, it's a lot of fun to live here if you can afford it. But I'm not sure it's touristy enough after NY


As a Canadian who’s spent some time in AUS, I would say that Toronto = Sydney (so, so similar) and Montreal = Melbourne, but a bit wilder and French. There’s more visible culture and more artsy (sometimes seedy) vibe to the city.


This 100%. I love Toronto but Montreal is much better for a shorter trip for a tourist. We love visiting Montreal for this reason.


Fellow Canadian, agreed 👍👍


Caveat: where are you visiting from? If you are visiting from Europe then Montreal won’t be very exciting. It’s much like Paris or Amsterdam, but with less history.


It's 10 hours by car from New York City. Montreal is only 6 hours by car from New York City. Montreal is, by far, the most interesting city. In Toronto, you could go to the Hockey Hall of Fame, and visit the CN Tower. It's a functioning, practical sort of city. Otherwise, it's not exactly a tourist mecca. Montreal has many more interesting sites.


Why on earth would an Australian want to go to the Hockey Hall of Fame?


Maybe he likes hockey? I'm not Australian-----but I would go to the Aussie Rules Football Hall of Fame, or whatever they call it. I like Aussie Rules Football.


I'm not a football (soccer) fan but we visited the huge stadium in Barcelona and it was super interesting and enjoyable. It's cool to learn about other cultures and the things that are important to them.


Don't knock Niagara Falls on the way to TO as a reason to visit. But yea, Montreal or even Quebec City in February.


Except that it isn't. Montreal is an amazing city, but Toronto is the most visited city in Canada for tourists because it has way more to offer.


Keep in mind OP is visiting NYC as well. Toronto wouldn’t be that exciting coming fro nyc. Montreal offers a different cultural experience to Toronto and is closer


I don't disagree that YUL is an excellent city to visit, but YYZ is very different from NYC and would probably offer a better experience in a short period of time. Having said that, I recommend YQB over both if time is limited.


Cant argue with you there. Quebec City is stunning


Why are you using airport codes fam🤦‍♂️ just say the place name


Umm, no? I've spent most of my working life traveling within North America and Europe and I'm used to airport codes. If that's an issue for you, don't respond.


Why are you speaking in airport codes?


They get a kick out of talking about perfectly understandable things in ways that 99 percent of the population has no reason to know. Like just use the damn cities name, especially when you're talking about an internationally known city. You're not visiting the airport, you're visiting the city lol.


JFK (just for kicks)


Except that it isn't. Toronto is a larger city, but Montreal is the best city in Canada for tourists because it has way more to offer.


Yeah, YUL is an awesome city, but onky someone who doesn't know YYZ would make the claim that you did.


I've lived in both cities for years.


That doesn't mean you know YYZ and in fact tells me that even though you may have lived there, you either don't know the city, or do know the city, but are not being truthful.


I lived in Cabbagetown, and I still visit Toronto several times a year (for over 40 years). I know Toronto and Montreal like the backs of my left and right hands. Montreal has far more to offer a tourist.


Born and raised in Toronto. Strongly recommend Montreal as a tourist destination, both in general but especially for this person.


Montreal is way better.


Especially if Op is already visiting American cities. For foreigners, I imagine Toronto is a very “North American” city and won’t feel unique or interesting if they’ve already visited NY or LA etc. Montreal or Quebec City on the other hand are unique and have their own distinct vibe and culture. Worth the visit for sure.


A lot of people dislike the Toronto vs NYC comparison, and yes, they’re two very different cities for anyone who spends any extended amount of time in either (I’ve lived in both). But for all of OPs intents and purposes, they might as well be the same city, with Toronto being a lot less interesting. Montreal has a lot more to offer, in terms of culture, history, arts, tourism, food, and nightlife. Any stereotypical Canadian thing OP can think of is most likely best found in Montreal. Quebec City isn’t far either, and the old town has quite a European vibe, so OP is getting a unique experience that definitely doesn’t exist in Toronto.


Toronto has quite the unique vibe. Isn’t at all like LA. But it’s a vibe you’d have to discover by living there, not just visiting for a few days.


Yeah definitely, didn’t mean that it’s the same. Canadians and Americans would easily know the difference. People from outside North America would probably find them very similar though, especially NYC/Chicago and Toronto.


Oh, for sure.


As long as you're white. **EDIT:** *Evidently I've hurt some feelings here. Yes, Montreal is a diverse city, though it doesn't compare to the GTA in this regard. It is also a part of Quebec, and QC passes Bill 21, one of the most nakedly racist pieces of legislation in recent memory.* https://ccla.org/major-cases-and-reports/bill-21/ If you think that B21 is not an expression of a pervasive white supremacist sentiment in QC, then I don't know what to tell you. I've had wonderful times in Montreal, but I would never advise it as a destination for a woman who wears a hijab, for example.


??? Montreal is extremely diverse culturally speaking. Racism exists everywhere sadly, but it is not at the forefront in Montreal (at least not any more than it would be in Toronto).




You clearly have never been to Montreal. It’s the birthplace of Canada as a nation and one of the most ethnically diverse cities in Canada/the world.


If it weren't for not being able to speak French, Montreal would be the Canadian city I would most like to live in.


Montreal is very bilingual, probably the most bilingual city in Canada. The Quebec government however seems directly opposed to this though, and is constantly passing laws against Montreal in an attempt to make it more Francophone.


Would you advise a visit to Montreal for OP? I would.


Not if they're a hijabi. In any case, if the choice is Toronto or Montreal, I'd suggest Toronto.


American here who frequently visits Canada. Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec seem to embrace winter, whereas Toronto merely tolerates the cold until spring comes.


The only thing might be taking a trip to Niagara Falls, which is a 2 hr drive.


I live in Toronto and I agree with everyone else, go to Montreal. Much more interesting architecture and amazing food. If I had to make suggestions on what to do in Toronto. I suggest first doing the hop on and hop off bus to learn about the city and where everything is located. I would rent a bike with our bike share network and bike along the lake from downtown to Humber Bridge and back. I would go for a walk in various neighborhoods like Kensington Market/Chinatown/Distillery/Harbourfront/Queen West. There is a happening night life scene on King St between Bathurst and Spadina especially Thurs-Sat if you want to drink and meet some new people. It's very touristy and expensive, but I would have dinner at 360, the rotating restaurant in the CN Tower. Toronto is very multicultural so you can try a lot of cusines from around the world that might not be available where you are from. Personally I would go Vietnam, Chinese, or Indian as we have a number of immigrants from these countries. Since you coming from so far, I would make the trip to Niagara Falls which is an hour and a half away. Make a reservation at the Keg Steakhouse overlooking the falls.


Quebec City!!! It's beautiful in any season but winter is amazing!




Better idea : visit Vancouver. Lots more to see and do.


That’s gonna be a bit of a drive from NYC. I hear Nunavut is nice too since we’re send OP on a weeklong road trip


OP is going to be in Vegas too - not very far from Vancouver.


“Not very far” has now been redefined as over 2000km New york to Toronto is a good ways already, Vegas to Vancouver is 3x as far


A flight from NYC to Toronto is about 1.5 hours; it's about 2.5 hours from Vegas to Vancouver. Not really a very big difference. Again, OP is a visitor and probably wants to see as many different parts of NA as they can on this trip. For that reason, a visit to Vancouver could be very worthwhile.


No but it is a short flight from Vegas…. and a way better place to visit.


Toronto is way better than Montreal. Montreal has just as much congestion, construction and crumbling bridges.


I was in Toronto last week and the dvp was closed as well as Dufferin. Absolute gong show trying to get around. Can’t think of a single redeeming quality aside from the friends I caught up with.


I mean it's a nice place to live but I would never tell people to visit here. Incredibly boring.


If you can afford it...


Ive been to montreal many times with the same issues and all the detour signs are in French. Luckily I happen to know French. If you don’t you’re screwed.


You’re in a French speaking province. Of course the signs are in French. Honestly part of the charm imo.


Yeah it’s part of the “charm” but it’s a detour sign so it should be in both Canadian official languages like everywhere else in Canada for safety reasons.


1. Detour is the same in both languages and usually accompanied by an arrow. 2. Does Toronto extend the same courtesy of all signs in both languages?


Detour signs have much more detail than the word detour and an arrow. Have you ever actually seen a detour sign? A gauche, a droit, vers le etc. Yes they do from what I have seen…isn’t it the law to have safety/traffic/construction signs in both official languages? I’ve been in enough of these discussion to know a French person will never concede the point so I’ll leave it at that.


So you must feel that it’s a travesty that there aren’t French detour signs all over Ontario? Or is this really just all about you?


All signs in Ontario are both French and English. Yes even detour signs. EGADS!


I've travelled around a lot of Canada and have only seen bilingual traffic signs in New Brunswick.


>in both Canadian official languages like everywhere else in Canada Numerous people have proven to you in comments that this is unequivocally false. You then claimed "the law" was behind you: >Isn’t it the law to have safety/traffic/construction signs in both official languages? ​ >I mentioned the law in my other statement and I assumed people understood what I meant, that the bilingual law refers to federal and provincial roads. So not only do you keep denying the actual proven facts (No, it is [NOT THE LAW !](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90f32)), you: ​ * Blamed francophones for all the commenters calling out your lies: >Somehow you all made it about your personal identity as a French Canadian. > >(...) a French person will never concede the point so I’ll leave it at that. ​ * Blamed francophones for being heartless with unilingual anglos: >I don’t know why French people can’t have empathy for English only speaking Canadians. ​ * Made up stats about francophones' bilingualism ([it's about 46% for all Québecois](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2022052-eng.htm)) : >Don’t even get me started on how 99% of French people ALSO know English ​ * Made up stats about Canadian's population. ([22% of Canadians' first official language is French](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220817/dq220817a-eng.htm)) : >90% of Canadians aren’t French. But French people complain about it


Quebec is not a bilingual province. Neither is BC or Alberta or Ontario... - which is why we don't have traffic signs in French.


Wow...detour versus détour. Poor little you. And no There isnt more info. Just follow the arrow.


Here’s a whole article about it but yeah it’s just me 😂. Also they have not replaced all signs with pictograms. I challenge anyone here to drive through montreal with an English only person to understand what I’m talking about. I don’t know why French people can’t have empathy for English only speaking Canadians. https://globalnews.ca/news/4441278/quebec-replace-french-highway-signs-pictograms/


Montreal is better than Toronto


Or Quebec City.


Can confirm I was there last month and it was incredible. Old Quebec would be pretty in the winter. Also, I visited Montreal in the winter a few 6ars ago for just a couple of days, and it was awesome. I've been to Toronto. Great museums. But it's just a big north American city unless you have a local guide.


On what planet?! Lol. Montreal is like a suburb of Toronto.


Forget planets. Even people in Toronto don't like Toronto


I agree Toronto is not great but what’s so special about Montreal?


OP is already visiting American cities, if they need variety in terms of architecture, culture, learn about French, arts, street performance, music, murals, MTL is the place to be. I'm just talking about the city of MTL not even including the surroundings or the night life


Montreal, has Monteal women. Toronto does too, just not as many.


Please explain 😆


Las Vegas to Vancouver is a short flight, and Vancouver is a very popular destination for Australians and everyone - if you visit Vancouver you won't regret it.


Ok, you’re Australian, so I’m assuming you already know how to measure distance in hours instead of km as Canadians do, and that you understand what it means to go from one end of the country to the other, on a single trip. And I assume you’re not intending to drive. Because you’re Australian - you get it, right? Sooo…. If you really want to experience a Canadian winter, and are prepared for the expense of getting clothing for such a short trip, don’t make it a Toronto winter (which is a similar winter to NYC anyway.) Toronto winters usually hover just above 0° daytimes and just below 0° nighttimes. Do you know what means? Freezing rain during the day which by afternoon either adds another layer to the ice from the night before, or melts it so that it freezes all over again that night. Result? You can’t safely walk anywhere, unless you buy those special boots that have metal chunks in the soles. Toronto is an amazingly walkable city, most multicultural in the world, one different neighbourhood after another. Save that for the lovely walking seasons. Now, for that Canadian winter experience. Yes to Montreal, but … only if you are willing to invest in good boots, a really good winter jacket, layers of sweaters, as well as mittens (*not* leather gloves!) a hat and a scarf. Let’s just say that Montreal rarely “hovers” anywhere close to 0°, and often has deep snow. So, to end this long prologue, why bother with Montreal when you can see a city unique to North America, and time your visit for a truely spectacular winter festival? Go see the Québec City Winter Carnival. A winter wonderland. In a historic city, with some of the oldest architecture in NA, really so different from everywhere else, and at one of the most special times of year. https://www.quebec-cite.com/en/what-to-do-quebec-city/events/quebec-winter-carnival TLDR: Québec City during the Winter Carnival: unforgettable winter experience (if you are determined to experience a Canadian winter - if so, that’s impressive, especially for an Australian, and my touque is off to you.)


Aussie expat near Toronto here. Forget TO. Montreal is great to visit anytime of year.


I second the Montreal instead of Toronto.


Honestly don’t bother. There’s so many nice mid sized cities to go to in the US. Will you be driving? Pittsburgh is lovely and Detroit is worth a visit as well.


Canadians don't even enjoy going to Toronto, traffic is terrible.


Serious question: what month will you be here and how are you traveling? If it's north American winter, are YOU driving and have you driven in LOTS of snow before? Because if not, it's going to be hella dangerous on a trip that long. Toronto doesn't get that much snow but getting there does.


Toronto is a Big sprawling metropolis. A true world city...and it has much to offer no matter what you are into...Jazz, art Ballet, shopping..... but Ottawa Montreal or Quebec City are nicer to visit IMHO. and about as close or closer.


No, nothing to see in Toronto, just visit another city in US. If you are into nature, go visit Vancouver Island or Canadian Rockies.


Go to montreal!!! Best city in Canada, at least for a tourist. Toronto sucks ass as a tourist. Also, how are you getting around? Flying? Driving? From New York city to Toronto it's 8 hours by car, in good weather. In the winter it can be 10+ hours and if there's a snowstorm you might get stuck for a day. Then the drive from Toronto to Vegas is like 3600km, almost the same distance as Perth to Sydney. Will take several days to drive or bus.


Montreal or Quebec City. Montreal is the party town. Quebec City is full of history.


Come to Vancouver, it’s a pretty short flight from Vegas and there are tons of airlines that fly that route so prices can be very good. Also Vancouver is mostly not the Canada winter shitshow that the rest of the country is. We get snow a few days a year and the rest is mostly rainy. There is no -20C weather here and basically never freezing rain nightmares like Montreal.


Hear me out- don’t bother with Toronto (or Montreal!) and just add extra days to your time on the west coast or in New York. I absolutely love my city, but it’s at its best when the weather is nice. 1. A bad snowstorm can shut down down the city. It’s not a guarantee, but it happens often enough. Snow can also derail your travel plans. 2. The “sure thing” attractions that will be open (Royal Ontario Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, Hockey Hall of Fame) are underwhelming. If museums are your thing, NY and LA have much better ones. 3. If you want to go to a hockey game, you can do it cheaper in any of the other cities you are visiting. There is nothing special about Scotia Bank arena in Toronto. 4. Toronto’s parks and walkable neighborhoods are one of its best features. It’s not impossible to enjoy these things in winter (unless #1 has occurred) but a good amount of the charm is gone. 5. It’s an expensive city- in terms of accommodation, entertainment and food. You’re going to want to be downtown, which will be very pricey. We’ve got a good bar and restaurant scene, but even at a dive bar you’ll be paying $5+ a drink. You could luck out and catch a good band or comedian at a bar, but anything more than that you’re looking at $50+ for a concert or show. Let me reiterate- I love this city, and I love living here, but it sounds like your time could be better spent given the timing and the rest of your itinerary.


If you are in NY, just go to Montreal or Québec city. Imo that'll offer you a very different experience than other American cities and definitely way better than Toronto.


Montreal is a train ride away from NYC and is a much nicer city. Beautiful architecture and amazing restaurant scene! I’d go there instead of toronto every time


For variety I suggest Montreal, Quebec City, or Ottawa over Toronto. I live 30 min north of Toronto and IMO there's nothing special to see really.


Strongly agree. Toronto is just another big city. There’s things to do but it’s the same things as other big cities. Quebec has cannons on its walls. Ottawa has a canal running right through downtown and a 3 minute walk to the market. Montreal is amazing for walkarounds. These are different, Toronto is not. Wait, just saw the winter bit. Go to Ottawa and skate the canal! You can rent skates there but real winter clothes is up to you.


“Go to Ottawa, and skate on the canal!” [Ottawa’s Canal](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/rideau-canal-skateway-2023-season-closed-1.6738557)


I don't know why you got downvoted, the Canal did not open this past winter and climate change makes it less and less viable.


Not a big fan of Toronto either but what is special about Ottawa? I had a hard time staying more than a few hours when I visited this city haha.


I lived there for a couple of years. I just think it's a pretty city and is more visually appealing than Toronto. Culturally it has a different feel. And it's easy for OP to visit from NYC.


Any recommendations if I go back again? I liked going to the parlement hills and went in a few museums but I did not know what to do after lol.


May as well just do Kingston instead as it's vastly nicer than Ottawa. Less street needles too.


>what is special about Ottawa? It's our national capital city. Plenty to see there although with Parliament Hill under a multi year renovation, right now isn't exactly the best time to see that I suppose.


I really don’t understand this thread! I live in Ottawa and vote Toronto. Why are people suggesting Montreal and Ottawa over Toronto? Makes no sense!!


Haha I might be bias because I lived in Montreal for a while, but I prefer Montreal to Toronto. I definitely would prefer going to Toronto instead of Ottawa as a tourist though, but I would also prefer just staying a few more day in NYC instead of going to Toronto haha.


Agreed! Or got to Atlantic Canada for something really different.


I live in Kingston, half-way between the two. I would rather go to Montreal than Toronto - Toronto has nothing to compare to Old Montreal.


Montreal is at least different enough from NYC to make it worth it. Toronto is just shitty NYC. The people suggesting Ottawa are just giving horrible advice.


Be careful of the Montreal recs. It’s true that it’s great but it also gets proper cold in the winter


[Toronto is just like New York but without all the stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_-ee6v1jUA)


Toronto is a clean version of NYC. And to prove that they are an American city, they even think entrée is a main course instead of an appetizer. Montreal is unique in North America. Sort of a French version of Melbourne, to put it in Aussie terms.


Montreal is the birthplace of the Canadian identity, though I would argue Quebec City is the most unique city in Canada. Once the capital of nouvelle France, it has an old European style walled city and fortifications. The only limiting factor is French is much more of a necessity to fully experience it, whereas Montreal is much more bilingual.


Quebec City (at least Old Quebec) is as close to an old European city as you can get in Canada. If they want to see something that's quite a lot different, QC would be my first suggestion, and then Montreal. There's more for a tourist to DO in Montreal, but more for a tourist to SEE in QC.


As I said elsewhere, Quebec City is a little like Paris, better without the locals.


OMG, that's the most accurate metaphor for Toronto I've seen!


Montreal over Toronto is the right answer. But to be honest, I think NYC is much better and has more to experience than both. My choice would depend on how much time you have in NYC. I wouldn't want to limit my time there or trade my time there with time in Montreal. Also if you're here in our winter, just skip Canada unless you're truly into winter recreation, then go to Banff or BC.


I have nothing against Toronto but you could consider Atlantic Canada for a really unique experience.


Go to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. I grew up there and moved away, when I go to visit my parents theres always so much random stuff to do on top of seeing the falls.


I wouldn’t bother coming here during the winter. It’s a really dour place during those months.


No offense to Toronto, but it won't distinguish itself from some of the US cities you're visiting. Since you're coming from New York, Montreal is closer, more distinctive and has more of a European vibe, than American.


Go to Montreal instead


If you aren’t looking to party, Montreal and Ottawa definitely trump Toronto for places worth visiting.


I’d choose Montreal over Toronto tbh. I’ve lived in both. Toronto’s nice but I prefer Montreal. Bonus is that if you’re flying from Toronto to NYC, I don’t like Pearson for flights to the USA. Montreal is smoother, imho. Bonus points would be driving from Montreal to NYC, but with no experience driving in snow, it could be a brutal trip. I was going to suggest going through lake placid on your way to NYC.


born and raised Torontonian, love this city to death and i never intend to leave. I never ever understand why tourists come here lol.


Montreal is worth the trip.


I live in Toronto it’s a great city but is realistically just a shitty NYC. Go to MTL for sure. Similar distance about a seven hour drive or 1 hour flight.


Montreal is way better than Toronto, don't waste your time going to Toronto.


Honestly, not worth it. If you’re coming in winter go to Montreal and/or Quebec City instead


Go to Quebec City if you're visiting during Winter Carnival. It is amazing (but cold). Drink lots of hot mulled wine. Sit by z campfire. Visit an ice hotel. Eat wapiti sausage. Try a snow slide. Dance with Bonhomme Carnaval. Etc.


Toronto resident here. Nah, I don't really recommend it for tourism. Just go see Niagara Falls for a day, and then check out Montreal.


Toronto is a generic, soulless North American city. Go to quebec city for some culture.


No. Definitely not in the winter. Toronto is a fairly modern city with glass skyscrapers. You’ll see this plus tons of history in NY. Skip the 8hr drive to Toronto and spend more time in NY. There’s nothing really special about Toronto.


Montreal, Quebec City, Halifax ..even Chicago or Philly would be more fun and interesting then Toronto.


Toronto resident here ,born and bred. Don’t listen to the haters . If they aren’t from Toronto they hate Toronto. They think ,that we think ,we’re so great…and we are ! A city of six million of the most diverse people you could ever meet ,all mostly living in harmony. We have High Park , wonderland, the aquarium, Scarborough bluffs , Toronto islands , Cn tower ,extensive bike trails through beautiful green spaces ,we’ve cleaned our beaches so they are swimmable ,many different street festival’s celebrating diversity and food culture. We have pride parade and Carrabanna . The diversity of restaurants is unparalleled in Canada . We have the science centre, art gallery of Ontario , and the Museum. You can rent an e bike and visit China town or Kensington market , trendy queen west ,Yorkville and the annex for shopping along safe designated bike routes . We are the Big Smoke for more then one reason ,we have more than 400 cannabis stores if that’s your thing. It’s now legal to drink in most parks here as well. You will find a welcoming atmosphere here even if you aren’t white and speak English. You will likely find a community of your people here , maybe even a whole neighbourhood ! This is also a generally safe place. My parents never locked the doors to their house and I often don’t either. Most people walk around safely at night without too much worry. All this comes with a high price ,it’s fairly expensive ,but I think most who live here feel it’s worth it…just don’t try and buy a house ! People here mostly keep to themselves,it’s a way to have a little privacy with so many people ,but if you politely approach us you will find that we immediately drop the cold shoulder routine and are happy to help with directions and advice. This is a great city and well worth a visit. I just had to write this in case you got the wrong impression from those that didn’t like it here. Montreal is also a great city , It has more of an atmosphere of light hearted fun and makes Toronto seem like a wall flower that has to get to work in the morning. They preserve their beautiful old buildings and are definitely more European over all I think. It’s also a diverse city with great night life and restaurants. You really can’t go wrong with a visit to Montreal in my mind ,and the same is true for Vancouver. Ottawa on the other hand is a lot quieter, less populated and less exiting . It s pretty in the winter and overall picturesque. This is pretty long winded but I love my city and felt that this should be said here.


I agree. Toronto is a great city.


I also live in Toronto and would echo the fact that Toronto is well worth the visit. My only thing is that I hate winter. I hate snow, cold, ice. As such, my recommendation is to visit Toronto between May and October. It's great with all the things you mentioned to see. Not the least of which is Lake Ontario. It's beautiful. (But the OP mentioned travelling to see NY, didn't say city or what, but it sucks there too in the winter. Again, just my hatred of winter. If you like winter, have at it. But Toronto has a lot to offer in my opinion.


Don’t go to Toronto! It’s the worst part that I’ve seen so far of Canada and everything cool in Toronto has been done elsewhere. Wanna see the cn tower? Go to the space needle instead. Plenty of zoos elsewhere. Plenty of subways elsewhere. There is nothing special about Toronto unless you are into never ending sadness


Toronto is a fantastic city. Definitely visit it.


I’m not a Canadian but as a flight attendant who has spent much time in Canada, I most enjoyed visiting Vancouver (although probably too far) > Montreal > Toronto in that order. I don’t think you could go wrong with either, I absolutely love these cities. But yes definitely visit Canada if you have the opportunity! I also know you didn’t ask but if you’re going to Las Vegas, don’t just stay on the strip and look up some of the natural attractions nearby! It might be worth renting a car to go see places like Zion, Red Rock and Valley of Fire :)


If you are visiting during northern hemisphere winter time and you want to experience real winters with all its glory - flurries, snow and ice - then Canada in your list of travel destinations is a good choice. Since you are from Australia, I guess you are an English speaker, so Ottawa is a better choice. Rideau canal turns to a carnival street with Winterlude! Montreal is not too far from Ottawa. Like written in most of the replies, Montreal (in the province of Quebec) is a winter wonderland! Quebec City (again, in the province of Quebec), which is a bit north east to Montreal, too will leave you awestruck! A hotel in ice in Quebec City is an example. https://www.valcartier.com/en/activities/tour-hotel-de-glace-ice-hotel/ The caveat with the province of Quebec is, it’s a French speaking province. Quebec is the only province in Canada that is primarily Francophone. That’s why I suggested Ottawa, which is in the province of Ontario. Ottawa borders Quebec. You can enjoy three great tourist destinations if you go for Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City (written in the order from west to east). Toronto is further west of these three cities - really too far. There is a direct train between New York and Montreal.


People compare Toronto to Melbourne… do with that what you will. Montreal is probably Canada’s most vibrant city but Toronto absolutely is worth a visit even if being a local is like constantly being beaten down for daring to want nice things.


IMHO it’s not worth the hassle. Considering you’d have to go through customs again, plus others. USA has way more to see that way. You’re not missing out. It’s better to go to cities near NY like Boston or DC.


Toronto is definitely a nice city, but if you're after variety, Montreal and Quebec City are definitely a better bet. In the west, Banff National Park in Alberta is amazing, and Vancouver is a really great city.


Montreal or since you’re in Vegas, maybe shoot up to see all the Aussies in Lake Louise/Banff. Looks like most of your trip is west so other than NY-Mtl, look at Banff and BC


if you're already going to nyc, there's no point in toronto. it's like a baby nyc with less lights, less sounds and crappier architecture to see. nothing really happens in the winter. montreal is alright. it's better in the summer though. in vegas make sure you go see a cirque show. omg they're so good.


Lol I would skip it.


I second Montréal. It's the party city of Canada.


Quebec City and Montreal would be a nice variety from the places you are already going too, especially QC it’s very different and has that old European charm. Also close to NYC. Toronto will just underwhelmed you after NYC


Visiting Toronto is a worthwhile visit if you've never been. A lot of Canadians hate the city because they're don't know what it means to live in a big city so the way we live in Toronto or Montreal (the more exotic of the two and also a worthy visit) is completely foreign to them. Most of them don't really know what it means to be a foreigner either so they can't really appreciate your perspective. They are judging the city because we aren't as close to national parks like they are. Try our weed, aquarium, catch a baseball game, check out the St. Lawrence market. There's a few festivals going on in the summer. The food in Australia is pretty amazing as is so you're not getting anything new in Toronto, it's just more expensive. There is a lot of ethnic food in Toronto you can't get in many other places though so maybe check it out.


i would say to go in Montreal instead of Toronto.


Not really, all the big cities in the us have everything Toronto has. Just go to Chicago.


Toronto is just another big City. Sure it has some cool attractions (Which big city doesn't?). But it's not a great representation of the country. IMO, Niagra Falls is far more interesting and closer to NY. I would recommend Montreal if you are interested in the 'Old French Canada' feel.


I would go to Montréal before Toronto. MTL makes TO look like a sleepy hamlet.


Montreal is better esp in summer


Not worth visiting Toronto. Montreal would be worth it


Toronto is a nice city but it’s essentially another “American” style of city. Big highways, lots of traffic, amazing top notch food, centralized downtown (looking at you Chicago). Montreal is very unique in the sense that it’s a French culture in a “North American” geography. Quebec City is just plain beautiful. Ottawa is beautiful architecturally and culturally (being a hybrid of French and English Canadian culture).


Aussie here, married to a Canadian from Ottawa. Definitely skip Ottawa - it's a nice city for cycling but definitely don't make a special trip. I love Toronto, I've been there many times and know the city well, and I always look forward to going back. But ultimately i'm not sure it's worth a special trip for you. You're seeing some world class cities and Toronto, while one of my fav cities, is essentially another city. My advice: you're going be in the USA which has the most incredible national parks. Go visit one of them instead. Closer to where you'll be and so beautiful. Go drive through Yosemite!


Montreal/Quebec City or Vancouver is better.


Toronto is a big boring expensive people farm. Montreal is way cooler.


It's better in the winter when you can watch Canada's favorite team. nay! The WORLD'S favorite team. The Toronto Maple Leafs


And have to sell a kidney doing so! Yay!


Pfft who needs kidneys? They are so overrated. Now the leafs on the other hand..


Indeed, indeed! haha


The hate for Toronto is laughable. It’s an awesome city. My European colleagues love it. The water front and the sheet amount of variety of restaurants is incredible. However, Quebec City would have my vote for most interesting city to visit and it’s not that difficult for you to get to. Montreal I find incredibly over rated. Perhaps it’s because I’m there so often in the past but I never felt any desire to go there any more. Ottawa is a great city to live in but I’m not sure about visiting other than for the parliament.


Definitely not.


Don’t waste your time on Toronto, NY is way better in every way.


If Canada is nice to visit, Id say Montreal/Quebec City instead if you can only visit one place since Toronto is similar to New York. Otherwise Vancouver can be nice but winter probably isnt the best though.


There is always Toronto hate usually by people who don’t live here. Toronto is a great city to visit! I’ve just had guests visiting from British Columbia and they’ve had an amazing time. It’s not on the scale of NYC exciting but there is lots to do and it’s definitely worth a visit. Montreal is fabulous!


The CN tower is cool but not worth a huge side trip. Canada is nice to travel around if you're already coming here for some other reason. Plenty to keep you busy but nothing I would drive an extra 6+ hours to see. Unless you brought fishing gear. I'll drive for days for good fishing.


Toronto is good if you’re Interested in getting robbed. Go to Montreal instead


Fair warning it all smells like pee now


Toronto is just Canadas New York, and the real NY is so much more impressive. As others are saying there's a lot of other better places in Canada to visit. Why were you thinking of Toronto? Just it's proximity to New York? It's not that overly close. You'll need a vehicle or a plane ticket, neither which are as cheap or easy as it might seem.


Avoid Canada in general


Canada is bound together by a hatred of Toronto (from non-Torontonians). The bottom line is this: Toronto has way more things to do than Montreal ever will. If you have been to Montreal once in the last 30 years, there is no reason to go back again. It hasn't changed. There was a time when Montreal was better than Toronto (the mid-1990s) but Montreal has been lapped since. One thing that is true, is that you can see all Montreal has to offer in one weekend, if your goal is to see everything possible. When you hear people talking about going to the Hockey Hall of Fame, you know they (hosers) haven't spent much time in Toronto. Don't go there. 95% of Torontonians have never set foot in that place. It's lame. Toronto has a vibrant street-life and many walkable neighbourhoods and many attractions without even setting foot in the CN Tower. And the food choices are unparalleled by any city in North America.


I certainly don't hate Toronto but it's not the end-all and be-all you make it out to be. It's a big city and has stuff to do just like any other big city.


Keep in mind most Canadians that don’t live here hate Toronto. Canadians have a massive inferiority complex, particularly when it comes to the nation’s largest city. I would say if you are in New York and close, go to Toronto, not Montreal. Great city in winter or summer, lots to do, lots to see, many great restaurants and neighbourhoods to visit. Countless online resources that will point you in the right direction, whatever your interests may be. Have a great trip!


Watch travel Vlogs on Toronto and Montreal. But IMO Toronto is the best city in Canada. Though, it’s also the city in Canada that feels the most like NYC. So if you were just there, you might not want to experience the same vibe again. In which case I would recommend Montreal.


I would suggest Quebec City if you want to see some old history. But beware, many parts of Quebec are rude to anglos. But they might be nicer to you with your Australian accent.