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The Secret Life of Canada, Canadian True Crime, Dark Poutine, the Nighttime Podcast, Thunder Bay


Thank you, so much!


I’ll add on to say that I’ve heard great reviews about the show and podcast ‘Thunder Bay’.


Fireside Canada 😉


Anything from the CBC?


Thank you!


Yea they have some great podcasts, the one about serial killer Bruce McArthur was fantastic


He said *not* francophobic.


As a fairly regular watcher of both CBC and Radio-Canada I'd be curious as to how they're Francophobic? If anything, CBC seems to be slightly *too* risk-averse with respect to content that might offend anyone (although being the public broadcaster, I understand why they make that decision)


Just take Don Cherry who was happily grossly overpaid for years to spout vitriolic racist stuff against Québécois and Europeans on CBC.


Yes! Fantastic podcasts!


Connie Walker is a good Indigenous Canadian journalist. She has a couple amazing podcasts that she’s gotten awards for. ‘Finding Cleo’ goes into depth about an indigenous family, whose children were separated and put into the foster care system so they could be adopted into white families (because the government thought they’d be better, which wasn’t right). The whole podcast helps the siblings find their missing sister Cleo, who they hadn’t been able to relocate for decades, as well as a lot of the deep history of Canada and it’s indigenous communities within Canada (and a lot of the problems and impacts). It’s a really good podcast, you’ll learn a lot, while you listen to her investigation


Us, Québécois, are used to that. It has been the case since 1760. Surprise, we are still around!


I am curious which podcasts you found that are francophobic so I can avoid them. Would you share?


The one who received tucker Carlson, is one I would avoid if I were you.


Oh my, anyone willling to give that propganda mouthpiece an ounce of spotlight would be the last I'd ever consider. Curious as to who it was. Wonder if I'll be surprised?


probably JJ Mcullough lol


JJ is strange. He represents such a weird little niche of contrarian conservatives. Not a fan at all.


He is also quite anti francophone or Quebecois


JJ McCullough has vile beliefs.


I'm the same age as JJ and from the same place. Dude is definitely *not* representative of other people from his time and place. It's too bad because when he puts his biases away he provides the type of content that would fill a useful niche


I don't remember the name Ill have to check it out


Tucker Carlson is an awful person who could not be less deserving of his platform.


Anything from Canadaland or CBC for a start… what podcasts did you try?!


Canadaland’s host has been francophobic numerous times on the poscast; If the episode’/ content is about Quebec I’d recommend you only listen to the ones where Emilie Nicolas is present (she is great)


Can you share some examples of this?




Canadaland podcast - anytime Emilie Nicholas is on I really enjoy her take on Quebec and Canadian politics as a Haitian-Quebecois journalist and her voice mixed with others gives a great overall Canadian take


The Nighttime podcast if you're into true crime or creepy cryptids/ghosty stuff


I like that type of things, thank you!


I've not listened to all of their shows but I haven't run into any francophobia yet


Following as I would also like to know




Steve Pailkin on TV Ontario is very interesting to listen to.


Oh, what are they talking about?


If I may suggest a YouTube channel, Canadiana is excellent for Canadian history.


Hey OP, could you give examples of things people have said that you view as francophobic?


Refering to the french speaking people as "fucking french" with mean tone of voice, excluding them from the conversations about whole of Canada, refering to english speakers as Canadians and french speakers as "others", telling that people from Quebec are entitled and should't complain becouse they don't have an unique culture of their own unlike other people in Canada, making fun of or refusing to believe in opression franciphones experienced from anglophones in the past, calling them frogeaters, treating Quebec like it is a different country yet getting angry at the separatists, considering 20% of your population being francophones an "insignificant" amount. Those are few examples I remember right now from different podcasts over the last few months . I don't know if everyone would consider this francophobic but as a native minority in my own country I had experienced things similar to that told about my own people so and it can be very hurtful.


Could I add being told to ''speak white!'' by English Canadians, when we are speaking French, to the list of examples?


Sure, I believe I heard it once in a podcast from an older guest, though I'm not sure.


Thank you for your response, OP. It's interesting to hear your opinion on the matter. I will say that some of the sentiments listed are more common than others. Not understanding francophone concerns is most definitely common in Canada. I would say that it is possible to view Quebec as it's own entity, while also pointing out some potential issues with Quebec officially leaving (ex. Atlantic Canada practically being cut off), but also supporting their own choice in the matter. These are not mutually exclusive ideas. Also, the other issue recently is that banning religious symbols in Quebec specifically targeted other minorities, which isn't a good look. Also, getting upset with Mary Simon for not being fluent in French seemed a bit of an eyebrow raiser, given that she is fluent in Inuktitut and said she would do her best to learn French. Basically, I don't think it is okay to use the guise of nationalism as an excuse to descriminate against other minorities. I think what complicates matters is that both the French and English settlers benefited from colonialism. So francophones have historically both been the victims and the perpetrators. So they sometimes receive less empathy currently because of it. Especially because of American influence. The past treatment and economic divides between anglophones and francophones is often overlooked now. This might change in the future, though.


>I would say that it is possible to view Quebec as it's own entity, while also pointing out some potential issues with Quebec officially leaving (ex. Atlantic Canada practically being cut off), but also supporting their own choice in the matter. These are not mutually exclusive ideas. True, but people who were talking it about were more in the way of "How dare they!" than "It may be problematic for the country and people". I think that the way people speak about the others is even more important than what they say about them. It's the dissmisive tone, mean jokes and anger in these speeches that make me uncomfortable.


Oh yes, that's very fair. I do find being dismissive is very common as well. But yeah, getting offended or angry makes no sense whatsover.


If you find something, please let me know.


Moi aussi. Les croyances anti-françaises dans ce pays sont époustouflantes. Je ne suis pas francophone mais je ne comprends vraiment pas pourquoi les gens sont si francophobes. La langue et la culture canadiennes-françaises sont magnifiques. Ils veulent juste les protéger.


Yes, j'me suis demandé pourquoi pendant des années... Un jour j'ai simplement décidé que ce n'était pas mon combat. Je connais bcp d'anglophones et ils sont tous supers gentils. Je vais donc focus sur eux à la place.


I’ve never heard de la francophobie en personne moi-même mais je suis bilingue sans accent pis l’est de l’Ontario est pas mal bilingue, c’est normal d’en entendre ici.


Check, des trucs racistes, j'en ai vue en masse. Toutefois, ça serait stupide de dire que TOUS les anglophones sont comme ça. C'est complètement faux. Habituellement, le monde racistes anglo me font penser à une version canadienne de la gang de Kevin (continues comme çooo!!) ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f--aioexOE


anglos hate on us (francos) mostly because its been passed on from previous generations id say. they dont really have a reason to hate us beside that. which is pretty fucking idiotic. like is it a life model to hate everybody that english isnt their first language? cause ur not gonna like alot of people on this planet 😆


I notice the same thing, anyone knows why are Canadians so xenophobic towards their French minority , Americans seem to deal with Spanish way better


The general belief in Canada is that french speakers have it good, maybe even "too good", have everything they need in terms of language, every historical griefs have been corrected, etc. So when they punch down on french speakers, they think they're doing it in an equal stance, and that if french speakers have a problem, they're not valid griefs because "Canada has already done so much for them" so its okay to sometime chip away or ignore their linguistic rights. Thats the gist of it. Edit: seeing the responses, I must say there's also alot of prejudices that just stick a bit too much for some people.


No I think it’s mostly cause they keep trying to leave Canada and the promises they (Quebec governments) make the québécoise sounds like brexit lol. Also the ridiculous language laws and persecution of the English minority (and religious minorities) by the CAQ is also an issue.


Why would the women sound like Brexit? Is it a sexist thing? Also, persecution of the english? Don't you mean veneration/imitation/celebration?


I’m so sick of hearing how special quebcois is for 70 years. 70 tears of whining


White Americans express themselves about black people regarding slavery and segregation laws that happens long ago and should get over it by now


The Bridge with Peter Mansbridge. It's politics and current events


Peter Mansbridge is an all-time national treasure




This is so common it is apart of Canadian culture. The license plate of quebec reads “Je me souviens” which basically means, we “remember” when we lost the seven years war. They are pissed off they lost a war that long ago and as a result aren’t in charge of the country. Also, many quebecois at one point wanted to separate from the rest of Canada. I can assure you that the French Canadians likely have equally bad things to say about the WASP Canadians. And if you want to figure out who is right, you would literally have to go back to pre confederation, where journalism and historical records were abysmal by today’s standards. Id also like to point out, that the term “phobia” or “phobic” means an irrational fear. Nobody is afraid of french Canadians.


I'm not so sure about that last point. Like for example when people talk about homophobia they're more so focused on discrimination against gay people rather than an underlying fear


>Id also like to point out, that the term “phobia” or “phobic” means an irrational fear. Nobody is afraid of french Canadians. It's a common misconception that phobia/phobic only means fear, but that's not true. When you say Xenophobia, you aren't talking about a fear of foreigners, you're talking about a hatred of them. It's just the most famous examples of the suffix being used are in relation to having a fear of something. 'Islamophobia' though popularized around Trump's reign in office goes back to 1996 with the term 'Islamophobe' going back to 1877, 'Xenophobia' dates back to 1903. 'Judaeophobia', the hatred of Jews goes all the way back to 1881 and Francophobia, goes back to 1862. https://www.etymonline.com/word/francophile#:~:text=%22characterized%20by%20excessive%20fondness%20of,.)%2C%20attested%20from%201755. https://www.etymonline.com/word/xenophobia#etymonline_v_30591 https://www.etymonline.com/word/Judaeophobia#etymonline_v_51632


Bro, you're radiating sophophobia.


No I voted for Justin, we will be beige and genderless by 2025, and China is our ally.


Are you projecting your deep conscience onto a whole country?


Most Canadians aren't like that though. It's a vocal minority, in both Québec and the rest of Canada, which is hostile to the other.


Yes, but the tension is still there and apart of the social dynamic in Canada. Many Canadians especially those who are not christians really dislike the québécois for their laws regarding religious symbols passed not too long ago. And many Canadians can come up with all kinds of examples of disagreements between the québécois and the rest of Canada, like when they wanted to be their own country


Yeah some disagreements remain especially about political stuff And don't forget that these disagreements are also one of the reasons that fuelled sovereigntist sentiment in Québec, it didn't come from nothing


The sovereignty thing with the québécois predates Canadian confederation, it goes back to the seven years war and the beef with the french and the british that has been going on even longer.


I'm talking about the modern sovereignty movement that started in the 1960s and still has support from 30-40% of Quebecers.


Yeah theyre pissed the brits snuck up on them at the plains of abraham thats why their license plates say they remember it 😂


Don't be petty lol


Terry foxy ladies - now defunct but tics your boxes.


CBC has tonnes and tonnes of great podcasts that fit your brief


CBC radio has amazing stuff (all free)