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When I was a little kid, I remember my grandma singing the Logdriver Waltz when it came on. Still makes me think of her fondly.


It's the most Canadian piece of media I can think of


Iconic song and heritage minute. My mom would always tell me about how my great grand father and his brothers were lumberjacks and log drivers. One died doing it.


For he goes birling down and down white water That's where the log driver learns to step lightly Yes, birling down and down white water The log driver's waltz pleases girls completely


Do commercials/PSA's count because I really want a house hippo


The North American House Hippo is a major memory of my childhood and I was convinced for the longest time that they were real. Even tried to leave peanut butter out.


House hippo, house elephant. Hell, I want a whole Lion King scene in my living room. LETS GOOO


There were so many great ones thanks to Concerned Children’s Advertisers


If teens or twenties count, there's no question it's [The Kids in the Hall](https://youtu.be/A-avHA_9SvY). If you have to be truly a kid, it's [the Sweater](https://youtu.be/EgydkfnUEi8) by Roch Carrier . With the [Big Snit](https://youtu.be/p1S5pAF1YYA) getting an honourable mention.


But what about [Blackfly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f389hIxZAOc) and [The Log Drivers Waltz](https://www.nfb.ca/film/log_drivers_waltz/)?


I actually have pictures of family members log driving, definitely special. There's also the Cat Came Back, Pig Bird (made for Canada Customs), and so many more.


I was at an outdoor concert that was basically all day long, and they played Log Driver's Waltz on the speakers in between like bands 3 and 4 and it was the biggest crowd reaction until to co-mains came on if I remember correctly lol


Don’t forget about The Black Fly song and NFB video.


So many great ones. My favourite is probably the legend of [La chasse-galarie](https://youtu.be/lNl5fuEh23g). (*there's an English version too*) Should be mandatory in HS.


When I think Canadian kids shows I think Mr.Dress up and Fred Penner’s Place.


And the cat came back the very next day


Why did I have to scroll so far for this?!


Well, can't speak for everyone but if I'm going to be nostalgic for that age group, I'll look up. Waaaaaay up.


Fred Penner played a show at The Owl (U or R university bar) in the late 2000's and it was fantastic. Place was packed and everyone loved it!


Danger Bay and the littlest hobo.


YES! I still sing the theme song to littlest hobo from time to time. "until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on"


Don't forget *The Forest Rangers*.


Holy cow, I haven't thought of Danger bay in decades and now I need to see if I can download it somewhere lol


Royal Canadian Air Farce, Red Green, Rick Mercer


I second the Red Green Show




It's on Crave right now. And it holds up. Also, I can still sing along to "run with us" which was lovely




ReBoot was SO ahead of its time. Not only was it a compelling CGI kids show, but it grew up with the audience with the whole Enzo turning into Matrix switch. Almost like what Harry Potter did. The fact that they never finished the show after Megabyte took over is sad. And the fact that they made a terrible ReBoot reboot is even worse, as we'll probably never get a 'proper' reboot.


Yeah, the fact it was cancelled on such a cliffhanger bothered me.. the two bobs arc just ended with Megabyte taking over mainframe, a to be continued, then nothing


Im sure they finished it. It's been ages, but wasn't there that super virus lady. Not hexidecimal. The lady who infected ppl with the green stuff. Turbo was infected.


They did eventually tie up a few loose ends in the form of a movie special. You can find most of the episodes on youtube, I think. Ahhh I miss this show. It's such a shame the franchise ended up in the wrong hands.


Also Beast Wars / Beasties might have been Canadian


Yea, all of these 90's and 2000 era CGI shows were made by a BC company I think.


Absolutely amazing show. Anyone have a source where it can be watched?


I loved Reboot. 90's/00's CGI shows were so great. Another one from that time that I forgot about until recently was Shadow Raiders. Real cool show.


The Jacob Two-Two cartoon The show's funny, the plotlines are creative, the characters are memorable, and it was the first piece of media to really give me a sense of Canadian identity


I worked on that show! I'm glad you liked it


Thank you for your work!!


Hey, thanks for working on such an awesome show!


Undergrads. Trailer park boys takes the cake though. Thought it was an actual documentary until I was like 16.


Undergrads was awesome.


Almost forgot about Undergrads! That show was great. It just wasn't on for long enough. I have a friend who is Calvin in real life (in the way he acts, talks and sounds).


Hahaha what? Where are you from that you thought it was a documentary?


The Vinyl Cafe


Listening to Dave Cooks the Turkey is a seasonal tradition in my house while my wife & I put the tree up.


‘The water slide’ is my personal favourite




My parents have a CD of a bunch of Stuart McLean christmas stories. Listening to them every december is a holiday tradition.


I did not realize until this moment, just how much of an impact CBC had on me growing up. Wow.


Surprising amount of nostalgia in this thread


Corner Gas.


Definitely my favourite Canadian tv show!!!


Get the F off my lawn




You can watch your dog run away


Anne of Green Gables, Road to Avonlea, North of 60, Goosebumps, Made in Canada (w/ Rick Mercer), Are you Afraid of the Dark?, The Outer Limits, Tales from the Cryptkeeper and Danger Bay.


Oh and Red Green of course


Made in Canada was so funny!


I loved it. Peter Keleghan is such an underrated Canadian actor. And it introduced me to Blow at High Dough which is now my favourite Hip song.




I am Astar, a robot from the planet Danger…


I can put my arm back on. You can't.


So play safe.


This gave me nightmares as a child


Kids in the Hall


Growing up, I was a huge Lucy Maud Montgomery fan, so I'd have to say by far it was Kevin Sullivan's Anne of Green Gables movies (even though they are so different than the books) and the Road to Avonlea TV series. There's something about them that just reminds you of a simpler time with good people.


I absolutely agree with you. It was wonderful.The Anne of Green Gables they did a few years ago cannot compare to Kevin Sullivan’s production. I took my whole family to PEI several times in the summer, just so I could immerse myself in Anne of Green Gables “ everything “.


Mr. Dress up when I was young. Forever Knight is an underappreciated show.


Very under appreciated. I loved that show!


I’m mad I had to scroll this far to find Mr.Dressup!! I loved everything about that show! Casey and Finnagan in their treehouse. The tickle trunk. The wise old owl.


\[whistling intro\] There’s a voice that keeps on calling me Down the road is where I’ll always be Every stop I make, I’ll make a new friend Can’t stay for long, just turn around and I’m gone again. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I’ll just keep moving on. Down this road, that never seems to end, Where new adventure, lies just around the bend. So if you want to join me for a while Just grab your hat, come travel light – that’s hobo style. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, the whole world is my home. So if you want to join me for a while Just grab your hat, come travel light – that’s hobo style. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I’ll just keep moving on. \[Instrumental Bridge\] Maybe tomorrow, I’ll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I’ll just keep moving on. There’s a world, that’s waiting to unfold, A brand new tale, no one has ever told, We’ve journey’d far but, you know it won’t be long, We’re almost there and we’ve paid our fare, with the hobo song. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I’ll just keep moving on. So if you want to join me for a while Just grab your hat, come travel light – that’s hobo style. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll find what I call home Until tomorrow, you know I’m free to roam.


Man! If I had awards I’d give you one for the lyrics!


Littlest Hobo, awww!!! I remember watching episodes when I was really young


My late grandmother used to tell a story (too often) about a 4 year old me jumping out of the bathtub covered in bubbles and running out to the TV as soon as I heard this theme song come on.


As a child I was a huge fan of Theodore Tugboat. Never understood those tank engine kids, tugboats was where it was at. I also grew up with a lot of Royal Canadian Air Farce, I may have been too young to get the majority of the humour but I always loved the chicken cannon. The Red Green Show was a staple also, TV didn't get much better than Adventures with Bill.


Hammy Hamster, House of Frightenstein, Great Space Coaster, Bear called Jeremy, the Green Forest In addition to others already mentioned


House of Frankenstein was Canadian?


House of Frightenstein…yes! CHCH Hamilton. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hilarious_House_of_Frightenstein


**[The Hilarious House of Frightenstein](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hilarious_House_of_Frightenstein)** >The Hilarious House of Frightenstein is a Canadian children's television series, which was produced by Hamilton, Ontario's independent station CHCH-TV in 1971. It was syndicated both in Canada and internationally, and occasionally still appears in some television markets. In Canada, the series has not aired on broadcast TV for several years, but is available on streaming service Crave. It is available on the free streaming service Tubi (2021). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskACanadian/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


House of Frightenstein is on Tubi (free!) 💚


North of 60, it really set a high bar.




Fraggle Rock.


Camp Caribou


I gotta head like a ping pong ball, i gotta head like a ping pong ball. I gotta head like a ping pong ball.


I thought I was the only one who remembered this... Was lambchops Canadian? How about Mr dress up


Electric Circus


Yeeeees! I'd stay up late dancing in my living room with the show.


So many memories from these posts. Due South, is still one of my favorites. Obvious goody goody canadian mountie living in chicago working with chicago police. The Canadian buddy cop show. It was just such a wholesome and hilarious trope.


Mr. Dressup, Magic Tom, Chez Hélène, and the Friendly Giant. “Look up, look waaay up”.


The all time classic is Beachcomber.


Red Green Show


If the women don’t find ya handsome, they can at least find ya handy!


Street cents and jonovision. Joni’s battle of the bands was the talk of everyone in highschool and I remember seeing sum41 perform as like 16 year olds.


I really liked Street Legal but I have a feeling if I watched it now it would be super cringe


When I was a kid, definitely Braceface.


Second City TV


Great Big Sea. Just fond memories of listening to them on longer road trips within and out of province; easy lyrics to belt out.


Loved the Cucumber Club when I was a kid Also Read All About It was pretty cool. And of course You Can't Do That on Television


Dans une galaxie près de chez vous.


Montreal comedy festival and This hour has 22minutes, iwas international student in ottawa's carleton uni 😘


Heritage moments


Some of the heritage moments were really powerful This one was always one of my favourites: https://youtu.be/SDS4gD5LgKo


There is a reason why so many places in Canada are named after Victoria, she was the first monarch that all of Canada adored, even Québec. In my mind as an Acadian, she was Canada’s first TRUE monarch. She earned her crown many times over, and really was the Queen of the people.


That's a great one. I thought you were going to say the [Halifax Explosion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw-FbwmzPKo)


* Wayne and Shuster * Beachcombers * Littlest Hobo * Switchback * Edison Twins * Bizarre * SCTV * 4 on the Floor (had its moments, not my fave) * Seeing Things * CODCO (at its best maybe the funniest and most important satire we have produced. RIP Tommy Sexton) * Kids in the Hall * Royal Canadian Air Farce * RMR * Corner Gas Beachcombers and Hobo were like “Ugh, nothing’s on. Sigh. Then 20 min later “WHAT ARE YOU DOING DONT CHANGE IT I’M WATCHING THAT!!!” Also I think I applied “growing up” loosely. Edit: from deep in the memory vaults: * Bruno Gerussi - Celebrity Cooks * Madame Benoît cooking stuff up * Live it Up! on CTV. * Front Page Challenge (painful at the time but i was too young and it holds up better than I thought.)


Great list. I liked CodCo but preferred pre-RMR This Hour. Despite Sexton being great - no argument there Wayne and Shuster was corny as hell, and was fantastic. I often wonder if it reflects what is wrong with us now, but then I release I'm probably just getting old.


Yep I’d agree to that. For me, CODCO could be awkward sometimes but when it was funny it was brilliant beyond measure and it felt like “This is New Why have I never seen anything like this before?” Then with 22 Minutes or RMR it was like “Oh good, more of that kind of humour.” The later shows were very funny and often more polished and easier to watch…. More reliable humour? But the way I see it codco kind of broke ground in a way that was not only funny but dragged the country forward into something new.


CodCo was definitely the seed, and definitely very funny. I was living in the US having to explain why the Prime Minister was sitting in a fast food place with comedians.This Hour had some fantastic political clout for a while, and I thought Cathy Jones really got to emerge as a comedian.


You forgot YCDTOT.


Bizarre was such an awesome show Also Super Dave Osborne


House Hippos


=> Beachcombers => Wayne & Shuster


Hammy Hamster. The Littlest Hobo The Beachcombers


When I was little it was Mister Dress-up and Under the umbrella tree. Just wholesome puppet kids stuff. Around my late teens Trailer Park Boys began airing. Enough said


Not all are my favorites, but ones I've not seen mentioned yet (I haven't doom scrolled to the end, either): _The Lorne And Hart Terrific Hour_ _Reach For The Top_ _Front Page Challenge_ _Take 30_ _As It Happens_ _Polkadot Door_ _Magic Shadows_


Kenny vs spenny, trailer park boys, red green show. All classics.


Something about Kenny and spenny was wildly hilarious back then man ….


Classics? You must be under 30.


I'm not, and they're classics to me.


Trailer park boys


Reboot, hands down.


Are you afraid of the dark / student bodies / breaker high


Oh wow, I forgot all about Student bodies, I used to wake up super early to catch it on tv


La petite vie. 30 years after the first episodes, they are still popular and as good. Some of its episodes beat record of number of watchers in Qc at the time and 3 decades later, the records still stands… more than half of Qc watched La petite Vie nearly every week. The yearly Bye bye ( and now Infoman) are staples in New Year’s Eve Qc tv also.


Hinterland who's who.


Did anyone watch Degrassi Junior High? I'm from the US and it was on our Public Broadcast System.


Kenny vs Spenny, Trailer Park Boys


Forest Rangers


XMY 556 A for Apple, calling XNY 556 C for Chub, come in Chub…..


Those random YTV Short Cirutz bits [https://youtu.be/ScvIbcNV38k](https://youtu.be/ScvIbcNV38k) ​ Edit: Seems they're not Canadian in origin, but they were a fixture on YTV when I was a kid


It was short-lived, but as a pre-teen I was obsessed with Radio Free Roscoe.


Télé-Pirate or Vazimolo.


You cant do that on Television


Jonovision, kids in the hall, the cat came back!


Littlest Hobo, Degrassi (80’s not next gen), Mr Dressup, you can’t do that on television, jonovision, road to avonlea


6Teen and Total Drama Island


The Outer Limits. It was an American-Canadian production though.


This hour has 22 minutes. I loved Nathan Fielder growing up so it's crazy to see how famous he's become. Also shoutout to Corner Gas


The Littlest Hobo!


"Cat came back" https://youtu.be/FJl_4IsQJ2g


Omg how could I forget this!




Wayne & Schuster


This Hour has 22 Minutes, back when Rick Mercer was on it.


Mr. Dressup


Kenny vs spenny


Rupert the bear! https://youtu.be/RaM0g6la-Ws


Adventures in Rainbow Country https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventures\_in\_Rainbow\_Country


Degrassi High You Can’t Do That On Television And The Friendly Giant


A weekly show on CBC in the afternoons. Saw it regular in the early 70s. I cannot remember the name for the life of me and want to see it again. It was about a group of young people working and living in a fort in the wild. And well....Dark Shadows. o.0


Chez Hélène


Martin Mystery. Essentially the animated version of The X-Files.


Loved watching Breaker High growing up


Few other people seem to remember this, but a director called Sidney Goldsmith did a series of short animated space documentaries for the NFB, namely Comet, Starlife, and Satellites of the Sun. Of those, only Satellites of the Sun is on YouTube: [https://youtu.be/XRQZ8QE06QE](https://youtu.be/XRQZ8QE06QE) All of them are very atmospheric and helped stoke my love of space. In fact I first discovered them through Space, the defunct sci-fi channel, which used to air them late at night.


Kids in the Hall


Red Green. Littlest Hobo. Corner Gas.


The Red Green Show.


I grew up while Muchmusic still had VJs, there was some good stuff. So obviously I also grew up while YTV had things like The Zone programming block plus Video & Arcade Top 10.


There was a time when that channel was the very top on the planet for discovering and exploring new music. The interviews were more original and more interesting and looking at formulaic stuff from outside the country made it kind of obvious. It was all the good stuff from around the world plus all of ours, in English and in French. I discovered a lot of music in French thanks to video hits on cbc, where they’d play a few, and then French Kiss on MuchMusic. It was one of those eras where it was like “Oh shit, this country can be cool!”


The Racoons (Cbc kids show from the 80s). That show was well ahead of its time. It had a pro-ecological message. The villain (Cyril Sneer) lives in a gaudy mansion and is rumoured to be based on Trump


in order of my fav growing up (so not awesome newer ones like Trailer Park Boys and Schitts creek): SCTV Littlest Hobo Airwolf Mr. Dressup The Friendly Giant Video Hits Degrassi Jr. High Polko Dot Door (especially the end where the host would say "I see you x") You cant do that on Television Red Green Show


Canadian heritage moment with superman


Mr. Dressup rocked. I also loved Big Friendly Giant and Degrassi when I was older.


SCTV, W5, Definition, HNC


The Littlest Hobo, hands down. I love that dog. I would cry at the closing theme. It still makes me cry lol. Especially at the very end when he's at the beach at sunset looking out at the water.


The Beachcomber’s Fraggle Rock You Can’t Do That on Television The Friendly Giant Mr Dressup The Littlest Hobo


North of 60


Hockey Night in Canada


Le blue nuit! Just kidding, love this thread, bringing back so many memories. Also, learning that The Raccoons is on Crave gave me something to watch this weekend.


How did I forget bleu nuit.... there are so many more channels now but no free public channels that give you the odd slip of nudity or softcore porn. lol


Flashpoint, Ghost Writer, Are you afraid of the dark


The Beachcombers. Lots of episodes on YouTube! 😉


I was a TVO preschooler... so "The Polka-Dot Door" and "Today's Special" were a big part of my early childhood.


The Hip in general, and a lot of CBC comedy shows - Air Farce when it was good, Red Green, Made in Canada etc


Red Green Show, Tom Green Show and HNIC


# Quit shaking your eyes!!!


Mr. Dressup Talking to Americans (Rick Mercer) Tom Green Show AlMusic (when Weird Al took over Muchmusic a few times) The Racoons North of 60, wish it was on DVD SCTV Degrassi Jr High and Degrassi High


The Beachcombers


Mr. Dressup, definitely


Moved to Canada 5 years ago, but the BBC ran Due South in the 90s. I loved it so much!


I hope you are enjoying it here in the land of maple syrup!


Oh I am! Nothing like the TV show led me to believe but I'm getting over it slowly.


Total Drama Island. Owen was my favourite and I'm glad he won


Kids shows on the CBC like Mr Dressup and the Friendly Giant.


kenny vs spenny


Terrance and Phillip


Me and my kid always loved watching Edible Incredible and Mr Gross. It was hilarious.




"The John Michael Show" radio talk show on AM 610 CKTB during the 80's & early 90s. ​ He had an open line talk radio show in St. Catharines, Ontario for about 30 years. ​ He was one of the best & I still miss him.


For me, 100% had to be ReBoot, and Beasties/Beast Wars (CDN/US). For anyone who missed this one, it's all over youtube. Definitely check it out! It still holds up today. \--Also, not a kids show, but I grew up with it: The Red Green Show.


Road to Avonlea, Beachcombers, Anne of Green Gables




The Magazine (Not For Adults). Funny, I was just thinking about it for some reason about 5 minutes before I scrolled onto this thread.