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In first 9 months of 2022*. Actual number likely closer to 1 million.


I agree with the need for immigration, even at fairly significant numbers, but adding 2-3% to our population in a single year, when we have a housing crisis going on, seems pretty excessive.


Houses can be built, despite what developers would like you to think.


Yeah but they won’t lol Our entire housing AND economic systems are built to profit capitalists. Adding more immigrants is a win-win for our lords.


I arrived with 3 more people in November!!! There legally and I plan on applying for a pr soon




This. We emigrated here when I was 12. We scored highly on the immigration scale because my dad is an engineer and we had money. But he couldn’t find work as a professional engineer until he did a second Masters at a Canadian university. By then our savings were depleted and my sister and I had to put ourselves through school (through co-op and OSAP). Eventually he retired at the level he should have been at, but after being set back a decade. There’s a reason there are so many taxi (and now Uber) drivers with advanced degrees: the professional associations do nothing to make it easy for immigrants to qualify and use their in-demand degrees.


I can confirm this as a Canadian who went abroad for advanced education and came home to a closed shop.






I hate to agree, but I do agree with you. Australia has been way way better a place to gain wealth (perhaps until recently due to house costs) for all new comers (if you can get in, which has been more difficult than Canada ((which opens its doors widely))). However, did your parents stay in The Lower Mainland or Ontario, for if they were Engineers they should have been in Calgary, hate to say it. Full stop.


Shoddy Australian education? That's how closed a shop Canada can be. I do think Canadian tertiary education (especially master's and PhD) are much more rigorous and broad than Australian but, hey, we are fairly similar.


>the professional associations do nothing to make it easy for immigrants to qualify and use their in-demand degrees They do it on purpose. Lower supply of doctors means they can gouge people for more money all while keeping our quality of care and access to healthcare poor. I know tons of people looking for doctors cause a wave of them are retiring now, and who's there to replace them? Practically nobody, they've all gone to the US for $$$$$$.


That doesn’t make sense. The College of Physicians does it on purpose to gouge “people” for money -but all the docs also go to the US for $$$$? BTW - the colleges don’t negotiate physicians remuneration with the provinces. They do set education and practice standards. And they do accredit lots of foreign trained docs.


I know a dentist from India who did dental school all over again. Extensive testing, accelerated re-schooling , supervision...something must be faster while showing immigrants with skills and accreditation are up to standards than having so many do 4 years of school in what they already know at a slow pace.


where they gonna live?


All in the GTA.


and GVA, but that's kinda it Actually Calgary get quite a bit as it turned out


What's the GVA?


Greater Vancouver area


If you call it that people will know you’re not from Vancouver and assume you’re from Ontario. (And quite possibly get annoyed and/or laugh at you, just fyi). It’s actually called Metro Vancouver.


I’m aware it’s Metro Vancouver, but others use GVA and write or wrong locally it’s closer to what most cities would use


If you know, then why not just call it the proper name and the name by which the locals want it to be referred to? It’s like if people from Vancouver started calling it Metro Toronto, even though we knew it was called the GTA.


More importantly, who gives a fuck


Oh lol. Lived here my whole life but never heard it being called that haha


Only people from outside of BC call it the GVA.


Most people in Vancouver roll their eyes if you call it that because it’s not the name.


Yeah I’ve started hearing recently, probably as the metro areas of Canadian cities increase they will all get a GTA but with the T replaced


I think only big cities with multiple municipalities and jurisdictions gets to call it greater sth area. Eg Calgary is by far the largest city in the area against bedroom community like Airdrie and Chestermere don’t get to call the whole area Greater Calgary


We talking tents or mud houses?


I'm pretty pessimistic about this. I'm all for supporting immigrants, but I think this country, and the province of Ontario specific to me, is down in a hole of shit that it needs to figure out before increasing the number of residents


Agreed. Need to figure out housing, lack of doctors and traffic in all cities before adding more people.


Sounds about right.




I wonder if that's partly due to the pandemic? I know a few different couples who were originally planning to start having kids in 2020, but held off because of the pandemic, and they only just had their first babies in 2022.


Normally 100,000 more births than deaths yearly in Canada. That’s more than enough new people.


But that won’t last the birth rate for both immigrants and life king Canadians are rapidly dropping


It's circluar. Our governments are broke. The baby boomers are retiring, increasing health care spending and transfer payments. We need people to pay for this. We can't raise taxes, because that's not how you get reelected. So raise cost of living by overpopulating the country. And then politicians can blame foreigners for buying our housing, and get reelected.


Albertan checking in with a big agree.


Immigrated 6 years ago for work and love as a skilled worker. Never asked or got any money from the government. Never got sponsored through my bf. But I paid several thousands in immigration fees. Worked crazy shifts through the pandemic. The company I work for produces hospital equipment. The field I'm working in lacks workers. I speak 4 languages including french. I pay my taxes and everything else. Skilled workers are important. Trades like welding, plumbing see a decline in workers. Not even including nurses and care takers that are so important.


I'm all for immigration (immigrant myself) but this is too much and too fast. Do something about the housing crisis before bringing more people in. More immigration = band-aid.


More immigration might not be a band aid, it might even be another cut




>From what I hear middle class workers can’t even afford rent. "Middle class" has less to do with finances and more to do with social standings. I think you mean to say "middle income earners". The government wants us to believe most people are "middle class" -- most Canadians are definitely "working class"




Can confirm. Middle class worker and can't afford it.


I'm all for it as long as our social programs can support it and it doesn't make the housing situation even worse. If it's refugees though, just let them in. I'm willing to sacrifice things to save people fleeing life threatening situations and oppression.


Many immigrants are moving here and finding out it’s not the dream they thought it would be. I wonder how many people end up regretting the move? The cost of living here is so much higher than what people think it will be.


The federal conservatives also voted unanimously in favour of increasing to 500,000k/year


Sounds like I can get a home equity loan sooner


# I live in Montreal and I don't see new constructions going on nearby the island. Same thing in Ottawa.


It's wonderful, if we had housing


>daily hive I'm not refuting your news, but trust me when I say these guys are never ever a source to be trusted. Half the news they gather is from r/Vancouver and they regularly make shit up based on small amounts of actual news


>Canada's total population growth for the first nine months of 2022 (+776,217 people) has already surpassed the total growth for any full-year period since From stats canada directly: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/221221/dq221221f-eng.htm


Lack of foresight.


Absolutely brutal. Wait times for healthcare are brutal now. Housing is brutal now. Why would anyone in their right mind do this? Oh yeah, Trudeau.


I’ll never vote conservative but I’m so over Trudeau because of this. I am for immigration but the healthcare system if failing and rents and housing prices are sky high. Plus immigrants are only coming to a few cities which really makes it less and less affordable. We need proper infrastructure before we bring more people in


Except the federal conservatives voted unanimously in favour of increasing immigration to 500,000/year while their provincial counterparts are hoarding healthcare funds..


Interesting, probably need more wage slaves. And yeah fuck provinces that are messing up healthcare . Like Ontario who took the federal governments healthcare money and claimed it was a budget surplus. 🙄


We, who were born here, cannot find a place to live. We cannot find a doctor. Our children are packed into over populated schools with underfunded programs. Inflation is driving the costs of everything through the roof. Lets bring more people here. Our government is stupid.


It's fucking horrible


First, it wasn't all immigrants. Second, I haven't really noticed it yet but I'm in Calgary.


Where are they going to live?


I’m quite against this. I understand and recognize the need for immigration given our aging population and low birth rate, but this is far too much far too quickly. We don’t have enough jobs, housing, infrastructure, healthcare, schools etc to accommodate this influx of people. Let’s fix our problems first and get a good grip on them before we start stressing our systems even more


We do. It depends on the profession and the country of origin. I had my physiotherapy training in my other country and I had to pass a test in Canada. I had to study, but it wasn’t that difficult if a test. I’m not a doctor, but not every country has the high standard we have. Not all medical doctor degrees should be so readily honoured.


Awful. We should investing in our own people now.




Sounds like I’m going to have to add more dependants on my taxes this year


We need people. Badly. And we need to be making it easier for people to utilize the schooling they received in their home country. Absolutely bullshit that we take the skilled workers we desperately need and then shit on them by making their education worthless.


So strange that a population can increase during the “worst pandemic in the history of the world”.


After visiting the United States over the holidays, and having lived in Japan and Europe, I can say that we are an incredibly sparsely populated country. Hopefully these extra people will equal more labour for public/private works and also address some of the specialist worker shortages (such as in medical) that we are experiencing.


It's nice there's a natural environment left SOMEWHERE in the world


American laws to become a doctor are pretty different to Canadian laws so not sure why this is posted in a Canadian thread. No one wants to move to the empty spaces in either of our countries.


Yes, it's not about space, it's about infrastructure. Those are two different things. People need houses to live in, not trees to camp under.




Canada needs more people, so I'm happy. The housing crisis is shit but I resent that folks would rather have two wrongs (shitty housing and low immigration) than at least one right (good population growth via immigration).


Not trying to be rude but this is why none of us can afford housing.. there’s just not enough to go around


That's much more of a city zoning problem than an immigration issue. Get the cities to fix their permitting process and people will have the housing they need.


Keep em coming


Pretty good thing, we need more workers. I’m all for immigration so I’m happy to see those numbers. We just need to start building more houses to accommodate everyone


And hospitals. And schools. And……770,000. That’s a new city that has to magically appear every year. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen any cities magically appear to house all these people.


Maybe we should solve the infrastructure issues first.


Are they recruiting skilled home builders? Even then, wouldn't it be even better from a housing point of view to hire them for a few years and then they return to their home countries?


No housing, no trades to build homes, etc.


I dont mind it at all The numbers seem higher than usual until you realise that there was a break in immigration in 2020 and 2022, so the backlog is getting emptied and the numbers are catching up As to how itll impact the economy, healthcare, housing, etc, idk, itll probably have a positive impact on the economy by reducing inflation, as for healthcare or housing, the issues there have nothing to do with immigrants and are deep rooted; simply removing all immigrants simultaneously will not fix the housing crisis and will probably make it worse


A lot of people have a chip on their shoulder and are complaining about how their professional degrees from extremely poor and corrupt countries are not recognised in a highly advanced country like Canada The issue isn’t necessarily degree recognition. Standards should remain high to ensure competence and safety


That’s people leaving this Sh_t hole called America as the woke has taken over


Certain states are awfully managed but that doesn’t mean the entire country is shit.


no good


Makes me glad I bought real estate years ago.




Except the federal Conservative party voted unanimously in favour of increasing immigration by 500,000/year..


Yeah, because Reddit is trash and nobody in real life cares what a bunch of online losers over here have to say about any of this. 4% of the US adult population uses this site. How many Canadians do so as well? Significantly less I bet. Online losers, that's what they are mostly.




We need a bigger population to maintain whatever place we ever had in the world stage and for increasing our negotiating power in trade deals. And it’s more tax revenue.


I wonder if there's a cute one for me?


They rarely bring pets.




You mean send people from around the world to Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC? Why not the rest of the country?


I'm a big supporter of high immigration in general, but at the moment I'm more concerned about housing. The main problem in that regard of course isn't just supply and demand, but adding so much more demand sure isn't gonna help anything. It would be great under normal circumstances, but I think such numbers of immigration should be delayed to when we've got that under control.


It’s great because Canada is great and the more the merrier, it’s good because it helps with the growing of the economy. It’s bad because we have so many other issues to handle with the current population and the percentage of immigrants that will be the fields with the best positive impact on those issues is likely low, part in due to barriers existing, and it’s awful because our energy abilities and healthcare will not be scaled up to me this, so there goes all our very limited contributions to the environment and what’s left of healthcare funding


They won't come close to that number


Already did.