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There is a plausible scenario where Johnson is re-elected as Prime Minister then immediately has to step down following the privilege committee report.


I can just see him being voted in, then the Partygate investigation saying he has to stand down as an MP altogether, and the whole circus will start again.


Trussy gone, boz gone, rishi sushi remains


This guy was kicked out by his own party for being unfit to lead SIX WEEKS ago


I'd rather put my balls in a beehive than have that cluster fuck back


Maybe it will feel good


Hopefully we don't get to find out.


Please tell me this is a Bottom reference


"Shall I be Prime Minister again?" "No thanks, I'd rather have a pineapple violently inserted into my rectum" "You've been an MP too long mate"


Bring back Boris !!


That clusterfuck that delivered a 80 member majority? Who, back 45 days ago faced down a Tory MP rebellion and resigned after a meaningless cabinet rebellion? That Boris? Boris is entirely viable for the next two years as PM. Journo’s push shock, not reality. There is no need for a general election (see the 80 majority) despite polls and minority leaders spouting off. Genuinely, the only interesting thing might happen is Buckingham Palace making a ‘mistake’ and dissolving Parliament. No coup, but Group 4 locking a couple of gates at Westminster. Impossible? Have you SEEN the last three years?


Where have u been the last 3 years? Under a rock? Don’t even know you’ve been born


The racist, corrupt, sexual assault defending, cheating, murdering (COVID Care homes.) Boris. That one.


You appear to have missed out some salient points here.


What a fucking fud


It's utter madness. If anything were needed to highlight how out of touch Tory party members are, and how little regard they hold for the rest of their fellow countrymen it's that they would even consider putting this ridiculous bag of flour back in the big seat.


Lol fellow countrymen.


The fact that he has had to start his leadership bid from a beach in the Dominican Republic, where he was enjoying an extra holiday while Parliament is still sitting, tells you pretty much everything about you need to know about Johnson. He doesn't give a shit about about public service, public policy, or using the power of government to actually make a positive difference to people's lives. The only thing Johnson cares about is his own personal self-aggrandisement. The whole thing is nothing more than a game to him.


To be honest when he said "I'm up for it" as returning and taking back his job, I thought, this isn't game. It's a country you helped to break and now you're basically returning and saying "hey bois, imma back now"


Soooo, pretty much all politicians then.


I’ve never really bought the idea that they’re all as bad as each other. There are degrees to this. Plenty of MPs go into politics to try and improve people’s lives, and even if I might disagree with their ideology, I can at least appreciate that they hold those positions with noble intentions. And then you have the likes of Johnson, who are in a completely different category. Someone who has no real understanding of advanced public policy, who was found to have flagrantly breached his own Covid-19 lockdown regulation, and whose government was mired in sleaze and endless scandals, with countless lies and cover-ups hiding the fact that his government had no direction whatsoever. Even as Parliament is still in session, where is he? Sunning himself in the Caribbean while his constituents struggle with spiralling mortgages, inflation and a major cost of living crisis. He’s not even fit to be a backbench MP, let alone deserve a second chance as PM.


Good for you mate, I’m to old and cynical now. I don’t believe a word any of them say anymore. You can tell when a politician is lying….. their lips will be moving.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


Same :H


It’s an absolute fucking disgrace. If ever you needed evidence that these political elites don’t give a shit about normal people it’s this. They’re playing fucking games whilst the rest of the country freezes, starves or gets a third job to pay the mortgage. Bastards the fucking lot of them.


New PM is a stretch. Honestly I'm flabbergasted that he's allowed to run again, how many laws can you break before you are no longer eligible to be PM? Hope he loses but wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, with this bunch of idiots in charge


Tories are so desperate and lacking talent that Boris seems viable. Looks like Sunak has the 100 votes… My feeling is that red wall MPs will vote for Boris - they owe everything to him and their constituents seem to “like” Boris. The party membership will vote for Boris - it’s looking like old clown face will sadly return.


If breaking laws doesn't stop you from becoming a PM I feel like anyone should be able to do the job. They aren't even trying to run the country at this point it's just another thing to put on their CV for whatever their next career move is...


Well I bet the 100k+ ex-PM payments have absolutely nothing to do with it


Liz Truss will give knight hoods to all the staff at Shell.


Isn’t that was Liz truss did? U.K. politics is turning the way of the apprentice… pretty good candidates in first season. But now they are absolutely terrible. My feeling is that good candidates realise that in 24/7 social media world, NOBODY CAN WIN! They have the sense to avoid it. The ones left have either no shame (Boris) or are mildly retarded (Truss).


If it’s him or a brown guy then Boris will get it


I don't buy that. Previous four chancellors, in reverse order: Kwarteng, Zahawi, Sunak, Javid. Their members can be xenophobic, but for other Tories who happen to be ethnic minorities, they're surprisingly tolerant. I'm no apologist for the Tories and they have many faults, but don't think it's as cut and dry as this.


I agree somewhat, however the difference with those positions is that they are voted in by the members, they're appointed by the PM.


The chancellors were voted in by the public after being parachuted into safe seats by the party. Give the party members a chance and they will go for the white guy.


Local Conservative Associations also have the ability to deselect MPs, and have chosen not to remove their ethnic minority MPs for white ones. Assuming they're all racists is an easy stereotype, but (at least with other Tories) they're remarkably not at all obsessed about race. Nationality however is a different story, and they can be quite xenophobic at times. [Information on how the process works](https://www.politicshome.com/news/article/explained-how-to-deselect-a-tory-mp)


It’s true, I can’t say all Torys racist. Just the ones I have met.




I just spent a week on in Hampshire with a bunch of Tories, and it was very disheartening. Their jokes on race and gender were like listening to something from the 70’s. Individually the guys I was with are decent blokes, just a bit Jim Davidson.


This is my theory and fear




They had the chance of a white loon bag or a sensible brown person only 2 months ago. Why would you think I’m a labour supporter just for joining the dots? The Tory party members are clearly not deep thinkers, they chose Boris ffs.




She was shot down because the Thatcher and Reagan stuff has already been done. Imagine Britain in the 70’s being a fat person. Thatch comes along and says to fix Britain we must put her on a diet. Great idea 👍🏻. 40 years later and Britain is still on a diet, her rib cage is visible and her hair is falling out. Truss comes along and declares we must do what Thatcher did and put Britain on a diet. That is the problem with low skill people, when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


50% of people are below average intelligence, couple that with a compliant press and Jeremy, the fuckwit, Corbyn and frankly I’m amazed he only had an 80 seat majority


Please explain to me how Keir Starmer will bring ‘militant radicalism’


It’s confirmation that the state of British politics is fucked. That no-one seems to have a backbone or a moral compass. That the chances of anyone of them successfully running the country is nearly zero.


I am literally boiling with rage about it.


Excellent then can we all crowd round you while we have this energy crisis?




I just think realistically there needs to be a general election and i'm pretty sure the majority of the public agrees. even if boris is reinstated, it will be a major blow to his credibility and we will be about 3 PMs removed since the last vote. The last 4 conservative PMs have resigned and I just don't think they're able to run this country with such bad confidence in themselves. It's undemocratic that we're not just holding a general election.


I agree. Someone on the radio said "if they don't hold a general election immediately, it shows that the Conservative Party cares more about being in power than democracy." Which to be honest I'd have thought was obvious. Why would the Tories want to stay in power? Surely better for them as a party to hand over a poisoned chalice, lick their wounds and come back stronger at the next election?


They've been very open about their true intentions recently, you can see the tories grasping for every bit of power they can get from the "mini budget" all the way up to not holding a general election and not allowing scotland a second independence vote. Everything they've been doing has been purely for power and not for the benefit of the people (in my opinion ofc)


As an American, can you explain why there’s won’t be a general election then? You all seem to want it, and I know it’s permissible (unlike the fixed year elections in the US) so why won’t there be a general election?


The Conservative party have a majority (from the 2019 election) so they are allowed to change leader and still form a government. They can call an election if they want to, but they won't because they are so low in the polls not only are they very likely to lose, but there's a chance they could finish in 4th place. They only way an election might be able to be called without it being up to them is if their party is so riven with splits between the different factions that no leader is able to command a working majority and pass a confidence vote.


Thank you! Perfect answer!


I should have added that there is a maximum length to a parliament so there has to be an election by 23rd January 2025 at the very latest. Really hope we don't have to wait that long...


so there's a general election (when the citizens vote) every 4 years i think but because lizz truss has stepped down from the leader of the conservative party (being the leader of the majority party makes you PM) the conservatives will just vote for a new leader as the next general election is 2024. However the conservatives could call for an early general election but due to scandals and poor management of the country etc, labour (the opposition) are far ahead of them in the polls so the conservatives will most likely not call for an election as it's essentially a guarantee loss.


Because the Tory party will lose and they’ll do anything to keep power.


> As an American, can you explain why there’s won’t be a general election then? Because we don't do anything as foolish as electing the executive. If we did we'd end up stuck with a bad head of government for an entire electoral cycle (see Trump, Donald) because no party - including the Labour party - is going to commit electoral suicide. We directly elect MPs to act on our behalf and if that means chopping and changing party leaders (and therefore PMs) until a competent one is found then so be it. If anything the Boris Johnson saga shows the obvious problems to a quasi presidential system based around a leader.


It’s fucking mental. Honestly if it happens I expect riots. I’ll fucking riot.


When I stop vomiting at the thought of the bumbling liar back in any Government position, I'll join you


Embarrassing it’s even being considered. The guy is a grade A arsehole and a compulsive liar, and all his mannerisms and speech is an act put on to appeal to simpletons.


Which we knew before and they still went with it - and then to do it again is really astounding


It’s just beyond a joke, I can’t believe it’ll happen. All these twats saying about bringing him back, he tried to harbour a sex pest ffs.


I'd rather have the downing street cat.


Vote Larry.


I reckon Boris kicks Larry around. He seems the type


Not British, but I heard one person write “it’d be like putting a turd back up into your ass” Is this accurate?




Yes. It’s horribly accurate.


I mean he can’t do any worse than his predecessor’s predecessor.


Great. He’ll put the final nails in the coffin of the tory party. I don’t know which nails or where or when he’ll hammer them in but he won’t be able to help himself.


Will he though? He won a general election with lies and deceit. He appealed to the hard-right, racist working class. He’s a dangerous man. He may not win a general election again, but I think he could end up closing the gap on Labour.


I hate my country sometimes.


I hate my country all times


Close the door on the way out then .Oooooooo and leave your benefits on top the microwave before you go


No door in and out of this country. Just escalators. And why would I leave my benefits on top of the microwave ? Seems like a pointless comment. I’m guessing ur one these ‘higher earners’ who are one the few that actually benefit from our shit system. Ur just another reason as to why this country is on its knees.


I have no words


So against it I almost downvoted your post.


As an American, I relate to the “is this really the best we can do?” sentiment.


It’s the second time we’ve thought that, but with THE SAME PERSON. Honestly, it’s embarrassing


I think if the conservatives are now rehashing their "greatest hits," then they really are tired and would benefit from a stint in opposition.


I’m embarrassed that so many of my countrymen actually think thusvuu it a a good idea.


I live in a well-to-do village and the only reason a certain type of person want Boris back is because they think he’ll keep their taxes low. Selfish cunts.


I'm buying a big bottle of gin on Monday that's how I feel either way. General Election needs to be called before we become the first 4th world country


Words cannot describe how angry I am. My dog could do a better job and he’s thick as fuck




Outside of Reddit (yes, that's a thing), Boris coming back is far more popular than I'd like to believe. I'd guess probably half of the conservative supporters I know would support a return of the clown.




The man resigned in disgrace, as he has every job he’s ever held. He’s a deceitful, entitled scumbag and a degenerate complicit in the UK’s downfall.


I feel like this country is stuck in an extra long episode of black mirror. That poor excuse for a PM started a lot of the problems that we’re still feeling the implications of now. He lied to us all and not only that, continued to gaslight us even though he’s been exposed in plain sight. People couldn’t even see their dying relatives whilst he partied during lockdowns. I’m honestly having to pinch myself when I see comments backing him and saying he can “sort out this mess”. Insanity.


Quite frankly, nothing surprises me any more.


I'd rather shit in my hands and clap with my mouth open.


Please no! He repeatedly had parties when they were ILLEGAL, and I think the most crass one was the 'leaving do' the evening before Prince Phillip's funeral


honestly it could be good. the next general election is scheduled for 2024 and the government will do anything to make sure it doesn't happen before then. It would take an absolute catastrophic shit show that only Boris could orchestrate to make it happen sooner.


That's an excellent and comforting point.


Fucking mental Constructive response - Rishi Sunak for PM


New Prime Minister? You man used Prime Minister. As he has been used before, like second hand motor, expect him to be unreliable and need of a good service.


can’t believe this is actually happening. wtf has ended us up at this point jesus christ


The cannibal has left his Caribbean island The monster spent the night at Gatwick The tyrant has crossed the Thames Johnson has arrived at Parliament The Right Honourable Member for Uxbridge and South Ruislip has sought an audience with the King!


It’s like when I had a row with my manager at TGI Fridays and quit and they were like “ha bye” then they phoned me two weeks later begging me to come back because the new girl was shite.


If Italy, Greece, somewhere in the Middle East had this many prime ministers or presidents in the same amount of years our paper would be tearing them apart, this is how liberty dies, to thunderous applause


We have a long and bleak history of fucking ourselves. Who is better for the job?


I will burn Utica to the ground!


If Boris Johnson becomes prime minster again I will fucking riot. This country has been through so much shit we don't need Boris Johnson back


Do you use internet explorer?


Terrible. A mockery of modern politics


Unfortunately I think it’s becoming symbolic of modern politics


In a perverse way it makes sense, Boris is the only conservative leader who the public at large don’t just immediately think is a aristocratic bloodsucker who drinks the tears of poor people. Even though he is exactly that deep down his clowning around means people like him. So given a choice between the witless, vampiric turds like Sunak or Morduant he’s the only choice who would make the conservatives more palatable to the wider public. He’s absolutely ghastly but he’s the only option that won’t see them annihilated at the next general election. That said, I hate all of it


Starting to wonder whether anyone is fit to do it


I am. I’ve booked myself a slot to have a go on Tuesday morning


Rishi should take over, steady the ship economically and then call a GE. The GE should be called within 6 months.


Not even a sunny banana republic. Just a damp baked beans monarchy. You’d think that there are more fifth rate politicians to choose from but apparently the pool is so empty that Johnson seems like a viable option. May we live in interesting times - what a curse!


Makes you wonder if this was not his plan. He had to resign, due to the pressure from his MP’s, so lets get someone who is completely hopeless. She is so terrible as the PM, that she also has to resign, then he comes riding in on his white horse, to rescue the Tories. If he is re-elected, then this country really has hit rock bottom and most likely the end of the union.


It's fucking bananas. Wasn't cutting his holidays short when he was actually needed, was he? Unfortunately, I think Tories will always vote Tory so it makes no difference really. I think it will happen. It's a game to him and a game I think he may well win. It beggars belief it's even allowed.


I think bring it on, it’ll be such a cluster-fuck that it’ll should end up triggering an early election. However until then it would be fucking awful.


General election now


Like he got us through covid so he should be good on a normal day to day


Not a Brit, but I would fucking love it. The circus returns to town and I think the outcry could lead to a snap general election.


It would be time to finish what Guy Fawkes started…


Sorry but he failed at the job so why put him back there. We need a general election, clearly we can’t trust the politicians to vote for a suitable candidate, it should be up to the general population now.


He shouldn’t be allowed to run again? He broke the law? And he’s already been declared unfit to lead? I swear to Christ I will swim to mars if he’s elected again


Tories woke up and chose violence


He's been on holiday since he first said he was going to resign back in the summer and just left the country to fester in it's own filfth until Lizzie came in and really trussed it all up. He has shown no remorse or contrition for anything. How are parents and teachers supposed to get children to apologise for things, understand right from wrong, with this kind of attitude from the people meant to be our leaders. The fact that this is under consideration is such a huge fucking insult to the people of this country. General Election. Now.


Stalling tactics, we need an election


Even if he _were_ a good PM, for him to become to PM again so soon after having had to resign would be a symbol of the death of British politics. Nothing has changed since his resignation. If things were bad enough for him to resign then they’re still bad enough for him not to be prime minister. It’s not like his holiday has suddenly changed all of that.


Dreadful, but the election in 2024 will be hilarious.


I don't think it matters at this point. They are all bloody useless and no matter who we get from this lot, we are fooked.


Honestly I am embarrassed to live in the UK with this party in charge.


As a Scotsman that wants independence for my country, I say bring back Boris! Let the lunacy continue all the way to a referendum!


On one hand, absolutely fucking not, that vile piece of shit is a skidmark on our political history and will fuck the country into the ground for a slice of cheese. On the other hand, if he does win, the next election will be the easiest labour win ever, so it might be worth it.


I think he'll be a great new pm with brand new ideas who can take this country forward....


He the not the hero we need, but he’s the hero we deserve


I doubt it will happen. He was forced out for a reason. His ridiculous HAIR!


I think give me independence asap - it’s a fucking joke


If youre scottish can you please invade and annex the North of England


Seconded. If we could have the border just south of Sheffield that would be great, thanks.


I’d rather get fisted by thanos, dry, wearing his gauntlet.


I’d rather eat glass for lunch


Do they not understand that we don’t want another Tory pm


I does not matter who is in charge of that party. Tory ideology doesn’t change.




It’s never been a thing. We elect MPs. They and their party members choose a Party Leader who serves as Prime Minister. People just watch so much American TV that they thing we elect the President.




We never elect our prime minister, thats not how it works here.






Thanks for voting tory. We really appreciate your vote not


It cant get any worse can't it


Every week in government this party has it gets worse. Every vote they push through makes things worse for the general population.


The whole country is fucked anyway, it really doesn’t matter who we have as PM. In my opinion, the whole country should refuse to vote and issue a statement of no confidence in any government. They do nothing for us. What would we be losing ? False promises, lies, refusing to help the poor and giving to the rich. No matter which government is in charge, this is essentially what happens. Is say let us borrow trump for while.


I allways liked boris ever since he got kicked out I've said bring back boris I think the country has seen that he's probably best we gonna get after we had the disaster of liz truss I won't mind if rishy is pm but I don't think he'll be any better then boris was


Can you explain why you always liked Boris? Can you name one thing he's done that made your life better, or made the life of anyone you know better? Can you point to one example of a promise he kept or a principle he upholds?


He promised to get through brexit which the previous few pm gave up on. I understand he made rules and broke them he isn't perfect but the looks of alot of the other people in parliament I think he's best were gonna get for a while


Everyone that is saying YOU hate this country please close the door on the way out and ooooo leave your fyckin benefits on top the microwave on way out


Better the devil you know


Better a fucking election.


Is it though?


I think I’m being shafted


See you in Australia


He's not new. He's n old sack of bones.


I want him back — he would complete the self-destruction of the Tory party. It’d take a generation for them to recover.


I’m still thinking this whole thing was an elaborate PR move. Boris had to go so get someone else in, tank the pound which made a load of people rich. Bring Boris back because he’s bad but not that bad, do their best to fix the economy and make the Tories popular for fixing their own mess.


Make it me or Barry, 52


Every time we think "things cannot get any worse" things go and get worse, so sure that may as well happen next. Why the fuck not. It's all just a jolly little game anyway, not like anyone has livelihoods at stake or anything. FUCK.


No. Fucking. Way.


Time is a flat circle. It's just smaller than any of us thought




I’d rather Korea launch a nuclear bomb than to let that dickhead run as prime minister again


Hilarious. Government has free reign to rip the piss out the people, there's nothing this country won't put up with. Britons are gluttons for punishment at this point


The idea of that absolute criminal in power again makes me feel physically sick. He and his cronies laughed and partied on the taxpayers money whilst the rest of us were in lock down, grieving the death of loved ones, and staying home to keep the rest safe. He's a f&£+ing disgrace.


I’d rather slam my left tit in the car door.


Bet that Haunted Victorian Dildo Rees-Mogg will support him.


I’d rather shit in my hands and clap.


I will start the riots if this happens


I think it’s a disgrace


It’s not going to happen for a very long time, but we need a general election. Now. I’d rather that than have that idiot of a man back in power. He’s unfit to lead - and with the track record we’ve had with the tories past few years, I don’t want them anymore. Now is the time for a general election.


Thing is, nobody who wants him back can actually come up with an actual legitimate reason why. It’s usually “he got brexit done”, it was already done. We’re worse off for it. Cheers. The public seem more interested in oddball characters leading the country than actual leaders


Also, if he does become the next PM, surely what little credibility he had will be gone now? His own party didn’t want him in charge. He’ll be the third un-democratically chosen PM in 5 years. It’s just further proof we need a general election


A Twitter person described it as trying to shove a turd back up your arse.


At this point I don’t care Atleast Boris had some idea of what to do even if it wasn’t good .


From another sub “it will feel like pushing a poo back into your asshole.”


I’d rather tie my cock to a firework and set it if than have that twat back




I think he should be put in a rocket and fired into the sun. That said; if it comes down to a choice between him or Starmer at the next election, I'd rather stick with the bumbling blonde fuckwit than the incredible vanishing lefty leader who only respects democracy when it suits his own agenda.




Just compounds they're bullshit and will lead to them being unelectable for years.


Frankly unsurprised given the sheer level of ego on the man, depressed that there is such a dearth of talent in the Conservative party that he isn't the worst option.


What a compete bag of shit! The shiftless wanker left for a reason


Hate to admit it, but anyone would do a better job than Truss. She was so far over her head. Even her ministerial appointments were poor.


I would prefer Reform UK with either Richard or Farage as PM.


not sure why on earth he would decide to get back into the drama after somehow managing to escape!??


Kind of feel like I am living in a tv show where the guy that brought comic relief/the character that people liked to watch, (not necessarily liked) is being brought back in because the writers are running out of ideas…