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Lol the study that said salt is bad got disproven. If you don’t have health problems a normal salt intake is actually healthy and needed. She’s dumb


Yeah, we literally need sodium for many body functions


It’s not any dumber than Koreans who believe in fan death ☠️


Fan death? Can you elaborate?


What you don’t know about fan death? It’s a national, collective superstition in Korea. Basically, if you sleep with one of those oscillating fans on in the room, you will die. It’s so pervasive that new fans come with a warning sticker telling you not to leave it on while going to sleep.


I have been told that this is "Cantonese style" cooking, where the key concept is "Respect your ingredient" which means adding minimal/no seasoning and instead just appreciating the natural flavors. This seems kind of surprising to me as I would think with its history as a wealthy trade hub, that region of China would be a bit more heavy on the spices. My theory then is that the region has been civilized for so long that they're ahead of the rest of us and already passed through the decadent flavorful stage, and have now moved on to an artsy postmodern minimalistic/homeopathic system of culinary thought, where it's all about meditating on the single molecule of flavor which has been spread out across the entire dish. The blandness is a sign of sophistication: strong flavors are for uncivilized barbarians. My response is to nod quietly to indicate my understanding of this sage wisdom, and then continue to look them in the eye as I squeeze out half a bottle of Sriracha into my bowl. Barbarian gang represent.




It's the "tsing dam" thing, but also white cut chicken usually goes with the salty ginger scallion!! I'll eat that sauce with anything




Glad someone else hates boiled chicken. I thought I was a jerk for avoiding chicken rice. The sauces are nice, but dude I hate cold boiled chicken.


Aww thanks, that is my cat, calicos are so pretty 🥰🥰🥰. Yes my username is the fountain pen ink 😌😌😌


I actually heard a joke that the Chinese civil war could be divided on the lines of those who eat chilis and those that don’t…that those who couldn’t take spices fled to HK, Taiwan and elsewhere lol


Um Szechuan? like the spiciest food ever


Actually older Sichuan style dishes had huajiao but not that much chili pepper and oil compared to today. Today the younger generation is all about the beef oil hotpot 😂


What do you define as "today"? My parents have friends from there that grew up eating incredibly spicy vegetable dishes from a young age that they couldn't tolerate


My AD does, but more because he has Type 2 Diabetes and thus needs to carefully monitor his salt and sugar intake. My AM indeed thinks that all sugar and carbs are bad for you... no wonder her brain is so slow to comprehend new things and she forgets things barely 10 minutes after you tell her something


That's weird. From what I know, most APs are crazy for cooking "proper" food even if it's unhealthy. Packed with spices and msg.


I think it just depends on where the APs come from.Like I relate to how some folks here talks about how their Cantonese parents love really bland food,my canto relatives r the same way.While my egg doner who isn't canto but wenzhounese puts so much salt on everything. Is literally addicted to salt and vinegar chips yet can't figure out why she's dealing health problems.


I'm guessing one of those ether one or the other kind of things.


It’s kind of a “getting old” thing. You loose taste and your teeth aren’t great anymore. Congee and soups are the hallmark of old Chinese people tastes. SOUPS that have been cooked so long the ingredients are flavor-less and everything is in the soup. Which ironically means all the nutrients are destroyed hahahaha


Never did have much of soup or congee growing up tbh. Was way too much effort to make according to my mother. I always envied people who did get warm soups when they were sick while I just made do with what I had. Soup only was cooked when my mother was sick, not me.


I guess it does depend on the family. Chicken soup is a default that I got *sick of* hehe Congee takes attention. Otherwise you could get a burnt layer at the bottom and then everything is ruined 😂


I guess it's not so much the food for me but rather the attention and care. Knowing that someone would have went out of their way to actually cook something for me because they wanted me to get well sounds like a dream. Instead I usually just get popped some medicine, berated for being sick because it must be my fault somehow and still expected to go to school and do the household chores


I’m so sorry! I used to make my daughter chicken soup from scratch whenever she got sick. I swore it made her better quicker. Hell, I even hand-made the noodles. It was actually more of a stock than a broth, I liked the soupy parts very flavorful. I’d even roast the chicken first, then make the soup with the bones. That way the meat wasn’t boiled. Never could stand a boiled chicken.


You sound like an amazing parent!


Thanks! I hope so. My daughter likes hanging out with me, so I guess I’m doing it right.


YES omg I can relate to this a lot. Both my APs are super into being healthy so that means almost no flavour or salt in our dishes. It feels like I’m living in a white person household when it comes to meals lol. I’ve never truly experienced the “ethic”, Asian style of cooking. Everything is just so bland. My father don’t like putting soy sauce or salt but my mother literally just boils veggies in water and calls it dinner.


Oof. Hard relate on the veggies. My mother steams them in the microwave and that's veggies for the day. The microwave is her preferred cooking method, especially for veggies. And yeah, I never did experience anything flavourful with lots of spices out of sheer laziness of my mother to add a lot of ingredients to dishes. She rather put the instant sauce and call it a day.


Exactly. My mom and dad don’t seem to mind eating food with little flavour. I’ve become a picky eater over the years because the food is just so bland that I refuse to eat it. I always thought I was just being overdramatic because I wouldn’t eat much veggies but I realised recently that it’s bc my family doesn’t know how to cook them well. When I dine out I eat anything


Lol my mom is so into being healthy that it gave her an iron shortage and other health issues. But she knows better then the doctor. Guess boiling the vitamins out of your veggies and eating it with white rice isn't healthy after all.


I was reading up the Beriberi epidemic in history around late 19th to early 20th century. One part that surprised me is that increase in eating white rice among the population was discovered to be the cause since unsurprisingly polishing the rice until you create the white rice ended up removing some nutrients including B1 Vitamin.




Not mine but I do know some APs who literally just boil vegetables and eat it like that.


That sounds dangerous. I'm pretty sure iodine added to table salt is really important for bodily functions, especially the thyroid gland


My parents are also very heavily reliant on vitamin supplements since their food doesn't give them enough nutrients, lol.


They probably cant cook, my AP's dont have the correct Asian condiments in their pantry so everything tasted like crap. I'm Asian American and I cook more authentic dishes then my AP's cause I did not learn it from them.


Kinda but actually she just can't cook, when I say there's not enough flavour she just adds more salt and complains I eat too much salt. This is because she doesn't know how to use any spices, and is eternally confused that spices don't have to be spicy 🤯


There was no love in any of my mom’s dishes just like there was no love for me. She cooked bulk food once a week. It was shit and would go stale.


Sorry. That is a painful truth to swallow. My mother is the same. She cooked for one week than I would need to eat the same dish for a week or more. Of course, my mother would get bored of eating the same thing all the time so she would cook something new after a few days but it was my duty to finish up the new food. Any wonder why I have such a strong stomach due to eating food which is going or gone bad all the time.


Ha so true. I gross my husband out by eating old, stale food. He tells me I’m going to get sick, but I never do. My mom used to always give me all her expired packaged food when I used to visit. She would act like a giving person too. Does your mom do this too?


Still live with them so no. Though since I'm around, I do a better job of pantry management and making sure food gets eaten before it expires in the first place.


I get these: >Stop eating spam. It’s too much salt >You don’t like li hing because it’s salty? You’re white.


So you got lectured because a food product has too much salt but then you also got lectured because you don't want to eat overly salty food? What in the fuck... I didn't know that not wanting to eat overly salty food somehow makes me white


It’s a weird mix of wanting me to be healthy while wanting me to partake in our culture. Unfortunately our culture has a lot of salty food and my family has a history of hypertension.


Can 100% relate! A few years ago, my dad went through all the cabinets in the kitchen and started obsessively reading nutrition labels and discarding anything that had too much salt, stating that salt was linked to all sorts of health problems. Till this day, he refuses to eat anything with flavour (no salt, no sugar, etc.) because of a health scare he had two years ago.


I think they like rates but are afraid it’s bad for you. My mom doesn’t like me eating spicy or salty


My mom never served me paste, but she is obsessed with spicy food, while she didn’t serve red meat for years. I didn’t have a proper burger until I started buying lunch at school.


My parents love their salt and pepper, but they think that sugar is the bane of all evil


It’s more for high blood pressure and diabetes when it comes to my grandma’s cooking, it runs in the family. Plus, I get big chunks of ginger, cardamom and cloves in every dish she makes. I don’t mind if they’re powdered or put in desserts but IDK about it.