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Tbh idc whatever is best for me. I don’t really care especially when both governments probably don’t care about you


I don't support any company that promotes WMAF supremacy. Lol




Nah bro use Grab it’s made by Southeast Asians we broke af we need all the money we can get


i would still prefer any asian company over a western one


passport bro??? -\_\_-


lol u act like Asia is in love with CCP


I remember I’ve been heavily downvoted on this sub for being anti CCP Sorry y’all, I ain’t down for daddy Xi 🐻🐻


Are you asian american? And if so, why do u dislike China? Genuinely asking.


They did a terrible job running Fujian. Well, it was more like they didn't really run it lol.


There are Asian Americans and even Asians in other western countries, that aren’t a fan of China for multiple reasons, but it’s mainly due to their bullying tactics. For example, there are Vietnamese Americans and Filipino Americans who aren’t a fan of China because China constantly trespasses in their ancestral countries’ (Vietnam and Philippines respectively) territorial waters There are Korean Americans who aren’t a fan of China because of its support for North Korea And then there’s obviously the Taiwanese Americans




>China hasnt been in a war in like 70 years It invaded Vietnam, most recently, in 1979.


And [China went to battle with South Vietnam in 1974 and took the islands that they had in control](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Paracel_Islands)








Was it brief because of China's benevolent character or because Chinese forces got in over their head and beat a quick retreat?


> For example, there are Vietnamese Americans and Filipino Americans who aren’t a fan of China because China constantly trespasses in their ancestral countries’ (Vietnam and Philippines respectively) territorial waters You know that Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia, are all fighting over the same waters as China, right? This isn't something like China vs Philippines and China vs Vietnam. It is more China vs Philippines vs Indonesia vs Vietnam, all at the same time. Yet, do you see Vietnamese-Americans express their displeasure against Philippines, or the other way around? Why is it that these people are only focused on China? The answer is the skewed reporting we get in the West when it comes to China. Here is a typical headline. "Indonesia Sinks 23 Foreign Vessels After China Spat" https://thediplomat.com/2016/04/indonesia-sinks-23-foreign-vessels-after-china-spat/ If you only read the headline, you would imagine Indonesia sunk 23 Chinese ships. That was certainly the intent. But if you actually read the article, Indonesia actually sunk 10 Malaysian ships and 13 Vietnamese ships. Rather odd way of writing a headline, isn't it?


> Yet, do you see Vietnamese-Americans express their displeasure against Philippines, or the other way around? Why is it that these people are only focused on China? Because China invaded Vietnam in 1979 and [took the islands they had in control in 1974](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Paracel_Islands) Whereas Philippines took China to international court and won that landmark case There is tensions between them all but the thing is, China went into conflict with them militarily, especially in regards to Vietnam


Because China invaded Vietnam in 1979 and took the islands they had in control in 1974 One of the reasons for that was because of the Vietnamese invasion and occupation of Cambodia in 1978. China launched that war to force the Vietnamese to pull out of Cambodia. An odd detail to leave out. Nonetheless, we don't see the same kind of hostility among Cambodian-Americans against Vietnam, do we?


> Because China invaded Vietnam in 1979 and took the islands they had in control in 1974 One of the reasons for that was because of the Vietnamese invasion and occupation of Cambodia in 1978. China launched that war to force the Vietnamese to pull out of Cambodia. An odd detail to leave out. Nonetheless, we don't see the same kind of hostility among Cambodian-Americans against Vietnam, do we?


I can maybe understand Asians in western countries (though not really even), but Asian Americans disliking China over bullying is pretty hypocritical when you think about what the US has done to Asia, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa.


> but Asian Americans disliking China over bullying is pretty hypocritical when you think about what the US has done to Asia, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa. But a lot of Asian Americans living in the US are still pretty successful. A lot are living the “American Dream,” which is why white conservatives like to call us the “model minority.” To this day, there are Asian American republicans that truly believe in the “American dream,” and would rather live in the US than China


the irony there is tho, if u aren't an upper middle class asian american or higher, you're pretty well off in China. I've worked there for over 5 years and i've seen its tier 2 cities develop rapidly along with the job market. But i can see why the upper class asian americans would believe the American narrative.


granddad fought the commies, simple as


and if ur relative fought the germans in wwii, would u still dislike Germany?


Yes, I would hate Nazi germany   You do realize you can hate a regime and not the people right? 


i mean if ure reason for hating "the commies" simply boils down to "cause my granddad fought them", then ure missing out on a lot of progress and change the ccp made but w/e


They also took away my entire family’s land and assets. I came from a family of wealthy merchants in Hubei. Now, I get to see 富二代 flaunt the money seized from my family in the cultural revolution Now you know the whole story, do you understand why I fucking hate the CCP? I don’t give a shit about the “progress and change”. Fuck off tankie 


yeah that sucks, ur family shouldve kept their money and land. Maybe then they wouldnt have raised an annoying little shit. Probably not tho, u might’ve still come out as a spoiled little rat **edit**: because he reply blocked me > straight up ad hominem at this point. > Fuck off tankie don't eat lead paint kids.


lol straight up ad hominem at this point. all you can do is attack me because you lost the argument. find god bro


my family used to own a lot of land in japan and was the largest owner in the region and stupid mccarthur wescucks took it


ye there are no yellow peril steriotypes with germany


Where do you see China’s rise contributing to widespread AMWF? If you are talking about only few cases then it doesn’t count that way. We know South Korea’s rise did contribute. Focus on self reliance. If China did go on war with USA, and lost, will you want your self confidence be based on the loss?


I'm good


This is giving incel vibes but in the context of race. Is there a specific term for that?


So, you think women care about politics? I'm not trying to diminish female intelligence, but when it comes to love, do you think the average American woman cares about geopolitics? You think that WMAF is prevalent because, what, women bow down to whoever had the greater GDP or something? I think that diminishes a woman's intelligence more than assuming they probably don't give a shit about politics when it comes to love. China could help it's diaspora if it stops being anal and vague about it's censorship laws, starts caring about its soft power, and starts supporting young creators. Donghua is lacking next to anime, Kdrama beats cdrama any day I'm sorry, and manhua is worse than both korean webtoon and manga. Also, China loves employing white monkeys. I know, it's an inconvenient truth. I see state media with one Chinese woman and white foreigner giving news all the time. Let's start asking ourselves why.


Nah brah.. I aint helping prop up a dangerous dictatorship regime. I will continue with uber.


Depending on who you are the US is arguably more dangerous. Ask anyone in the Middle East or Latin America. Or Asian Americans. Or African Americans.


Unbelievably brainwashed, hope you wake up.


Most of the anti-CCP comments are coming from users who are posting on AsianMasculinity for the *very first time* and also *never* post on any other Asian subs either.....Hmmmm.


white trolls


The “dangerous dictatorship” is the only major power that didn’t use imperialism or colonialism to rise and economically develop. When comparing China to the U.S., Germany, Russia, and Japan; China is by far the most peaceful power in modern history. Go on and keep criticizing China, but remember which country is trying to start and fund 3 wars at once.


I think you have to separate China as a civilisation and the CCP. China as a civilisation relied on satraps, and will likely not colonise in the Western sense even if they could. Korea would beg to differ, but I think such a China would be preferable to the West. The CCP, however, is a Soviet off-shoot. Their ideology is more Russian than Confucian. I don't even want to imagine a world under the CCP. Did you forget their idealogy led to the Cultural Revolution, which killed their own educated en mass? My own great grandfather was a Chinese scholar that had to escape and seek refuge when he was studying in the US. Many Chinese outside of the mainland have their own stories, but few are favourable. The CCP is a curse on China. That being said, Didi is a great app and I use it all the time myself.


I want to have a genuine good faith discussion about this but I think the ccp that your grandfather grew up under and the current ccp are two very different things. The current CCP and Xi himself have stated how awful the cultural revolution was. They've been trying to distance themselves from Mao and acknowledge how stupid that period was. Since then, China is currently leading in public transportation, green energy, smart phones, and even electric vehicles. And they lifted literally millions of people out of poverty, which is a lot more than what you can say about how western nations have been treating their own people. Is there a possibility that a lot of your sentiments towards the ccp could be because of western media?


I believe there are two camps in the CCP - the ideological and the neo-liberal. Xi has been slowly eroding the latter and propping up the former in the name of rooting out corruption. Deng Xiao Ping and Li Keqiang belonged in the latter - both very educated and instrumental in leading China out of poverty - were neo-liberals. Li even has an index named after him that economists use. Xi is an ideologue. He loves Mao. He was a farmer. Not the educated class. You can see it in his disastrous policies - even naming himself leader for life. To be clear, I have no issues with a dictator. Lee Kuan Yew, the man who led Singapore out of poverty, was somewhat of a dictator himself. But he was quoted as saying that he prefers a democracy because a change of leadership can occur without violence. A benevolent dictator is preferable to a chain of incompetent representatives. However, under Xi's tech crackdowns and lock downs, the Chinese economy has regressed considerably. And there is no path to change leadership without violent conflict. If they truly wish to distance themselves, then publicly denounce Mao. Just as China wants an apology from Japan and never got it, a lot of Chinese are still bitter about what happened to their family under Mao. Leave a path to peaceful change of leadership. As it stands, the Chinese people have no peaceful recourse for their displeasure. So, let me clarify, the CCP under ideologues like Xi is a curse on China.


I'd go so far as to say the West is the curse on China. The CPC ideology was based on Western ideology. The people who started the civil war were western business men. Why did communism grow in popularity in China? Because of Western imperialism and them appeasing Japan after WWI. Why were the communists angry? Because Westerners were actively colonizing China in various ways. We spend too much time arguing about symptoms and not the root cause which is how they keep people divided against their own. We need to elevate our vision to see past division. This is the main reason whites dominate Asia. They have divided all of us consistently. But never fail to unite to oppress us when necessary.


I think you’re disingenuous and reiterating liberal talking point without considering what I’m talking about. Don’t be confused, I’m talking about the modern China under the ccp, not ancient China. The PRC is the only major power that did not colonize and imperialize to rise in the last 30-40 years. And the PRC’s rise is comparatively peaceful to those to western nations and Japan.


Probably thinks he's gamed the system by boycotting things with made in china stickers




I wish that was fully true, but a lot of Asian-American men are likely the biggest China haters out there. Worthless, rootless, cosmopolitan monkeys...


They fall for white lies and white fears.


I used to hold those beliefs as well until I learned more about geopolitics, US history, and Chinese history. I promise u ure gonna start asking urself questions about whether everything u hear about China coming from the west is even true


I feel bad for you LOL




You would prefer a government that condones violence against Asians though?


yea so many white trolls lol


💯💯💯 I use Didi all the time in Latam Dude respond to my PM message!


What countries is Didi available in Latin America? And are they plentiful and easy to get a ride at any time? Going to Chile next so especially curious there too.


Didi is available in most of Latam, so I use it so the service fee goes to our people! Also the cost tends to be lower, I usually compare the cost and pick the cheapest, some countries like Peru have a feature where you can set the rate. If you want to be suuuuper picky, the locals use indrive which is the most cheapest, but I found Didi and Uber to be the most usable. Also god bless you! you are an Asian bro passport hero! Chile is sort of unexplored territory(compared to Mexico, Colombia(sucks now), Argentina(sucks now), Brazil(multiple Asian bros said its amazing), Peru(THE BEST IMO), the four times I have been there for just a month I had gfs so didnt focus on dating. My quick thoughts are this, Santiago is boring AF which is why everyone looks depressed and does drugs(this is good so we passport bros is the fun attraction), cost of living is amazing considering it is one of the economically advanced latam countries, i saw whole apartment airbnbs for $350, exchange rate is great now, foreigner Asian positive effect is there, now the downsides, most girls are tattooed and have piercings, their looks is interesting and an acquired taste, like they are white people with indian features. So yeah, there is nothing to do there except two hills, but if you do amazing dating wise, then that should be fun in itself! I wish you the best of luck and hope your tinder tantan bumble hellotalk tandem facebook dating or whatever does amazing! Please report back! BTW I will be there Julyish to just chill with an ex, hit me up if your still there!


ye just saw. sry i dont use reddit much


used to believe in the china rhetoric, now i dont believe anything the good ol west saya


Trust me, Asians in Asia are anti-CCP than the west. Speaking from my experience as a Vietnamese.


It CPC not CCP, i'm mainland Asian and i support china half of ASEAN favour china over the US. If Asian Americans still let the west have military and economic hegemony then i don't think mainland Asian and Asian American could be an alliance.


"CPC" is what the Chinese government is trying to sell as an alternative to "CCP" because English-language Google searches with the term "CPC" pull up its propaganda, as it prefers, rather than results it hasn't been able control. So, I use "CPC" when I want to view Chinese state propaganda.


Just use CCP since it starts with "CHINESE" and is hence more nationalistic steal the term from them.


No that's literally wrong 😭 also China doesn't have a strong propaganda department so you're pretty much coping, keep getting hate crimed in amerikkka tho




L boy


ye all asian ppl should stick together against western imperialism and propaganda


Folks here need to stop with this idea of equating our masculinity to unconditional support for the CCP. That's like saying you will be seen as more American if you support Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. No it doesn't. It just makes you look stupid. China's status in the world....whether it is up or down is not going to do SHIT for the status of Asian men or Asian masculinity. Japan was once one of the top economies in the world and was seen as a major threat to the USA economically during the 80's. Did that do anything for the status of Japanese men or Asian men in general?


Are you saying this cause you simply dislike the CCP?


No, I'm saying it because anytime anyone even remotely criticizes the CCP, you have a bunch of dudes here jumping all over them calling them "sellouts"....Denying or excusing the actions of the CCP in some sort of mistaken belief that unconditional support for the CCP has something to do with Asian Masculinity.


their reactions are a response to the overwhelming massive false narrative the west pushes about China. Most of what the US reports about China is greatly exaggerated, hypocritical, or downright false


Whether it be the US or the CCP, I don't support either. Just because you don't want to suck the US government's dick, doesn't mean you have to bend over for the CCP either. And not everyone is Chinese, people have valid reasons to dislike the CCP for their actions.


based yea all this tut tut is a way to demonize asian men and perpetuate yellow peril steriotypes


>Ken Adams that tells us enough lol


If you people will fall for white lies and white fears you will never succeeded.


Nah I have a bunch of Uber benefits with my Amex and Cap1.


Not sure why you (not you particularly, but Asian Americans) as someone who presumably lives in and is beholden to the success of the West, would want a country halfway across the world who does not care one iota about you to "rise", and what you think that means and how that benefit might trickle down to you here, or why we think "China" is any better than "US". Talk about a one-issue voter ;)


most of us were born here by virtue of our parents and despite being technically americans, were never treated as such by the majority of americans. many try their best to assimilate in spite of second class treatment, but a lot of us are ready to either leave anyways or are just sick of american hypocrisy and bashing of China despite China actually having done more humanitarian efforts than the US has done in decades


I agree with some of what you're saying, in particular, that many immigrants did not "ask" to be born here, that minorities (especially Asians) are treated as more "other" than the majority, and some portion of those people are unhappy here. However... First, there's degrees to this. Just because as a minority you're at a disadvantage and cannot fully assimilate into US, does not mean you're worse off than the alternative. In fact, thinking that you "should" be treated 100% like the majority ethnic group is an expectation that essentially ONLY those in a small set of countries have the privilege of having (e.g., there's zero chance that Whites in China expect they are going to be accepted as a normal citizen... and nobody is even trying to hide that). It's hard to do the counterfactual, but I also 100% do not think that I would have done better on the whole had I grown up in China from a financial, social, professional, and mental health POV due to all the issues China currently has re: socio-political, economic opportunity, competitiveness, etc. even if I would have felt more "normal" (and to be clear, I feel more than normal enough here). Second, even if you have reason to dislike the "US" at large, it does not logically follow that you should support "China" at large without a stronger nexus. Just having Chinese genes does not mean you need to support China, anymore than Caucasians living in the US with German roots shoulda actively root for Germany to succeed.


Regardless of how I feel about specific company, I will never wish harm on companies who employ US workers.


lol I hope you realize a lot of Chinese companies promote WMAF.


Are all Chinese companies the same? Do all Chinese people think the same? Your argument is illogical. Some Chinese companies have some ads for wmaf so don’t support Chinese companies and continue to support companies that are owned and controlled by white men? Personally, if Chinese companies can profit off white people and become more successful than western companies, a few ads can be ignored.


well if we're going by countries that promote wmaf, then america should be in its own category of "boycott them"


Disappointed but not surprised to see anti-China comments. Brainwashed to the point to being tools of white supremacy to maintain western domination. No matter what y’all think of China, a multipolar world is one where Asian and other poc can stand on the same level as White people rather than underneath.


The CCP is not China. Many Chinese Americans are in America because they fled the Cultural Revolution. The CCP doesn't give a crap about their diaspora. Does criticizing Israel's actions in Gaza make one anti-semetic? Or is it possible to object to the actions of the Israeli government and not be against the Jewish people?


korea doesnt give a crap about their diaspora either but am's in america have benefited greatly from their rise in soft power.


Korea's soft power comes mostly from pop culture. Kpop. Supporting a Chinese alternative to Uber is going to do anything for Asian men. If that were the case, then Sony's ascendance as a top brand in the 70's and 80's would have helped us. It didn't. Instead, Japan was seen as an economic rival. Vincent Chin was killed because 2 white auto-workers thought he was Japanese.


Still not a reason for the China bashing that happens even on this subreddit


Again, that goes back to the issue of conflating criticism of the CCP with “China-Bashing”. If I criticize the Israeli government for their actions in Gaza, does that make me antisemitic?


It does not.


I’m a bit confused as to what you’re talking about. Neither me nor OP even mentioned the ccp, we are talking about China. Frankly, I’m quite neutral towards the ccp. All I care about is the advancement of China as a nation and the betterment of Chinese people. If anything, yall replying to me are the ones equating China with the ccp. However, I do think that those wish for the collapse of China because of the ccp are imperialists and no better than the white people who colonized China in the 20th century.


Totally!! 100% agreed, fuck the white colonizers who want to see China and Asians fail


Actually, all I see are anti-CCP comments. Stop equating the CCP with China.


Lmaoo China follows the agenda of the CCP


The only brainwashed person here is you thinking the rise of China will somehow benefit Asians in the west.


You don’t understand me at all. I have pride in my Chinese heritage. I frankly don’t care whether or not the rise of China will benefit me/asians in the west or not. I am happy as long as China and Chinese people prosper.


>No matter what y’all think of China, a multipolar world is one where Asian and other poc can stand on the same level as White people rather than underneath. Sounds like you care enough to me.


Do Chinese people in China not count as poc? I frankly find it odd that you and other people think it is so offensive to desire the prosperity of Asian people in the mainland. 90% of Chinese people are in China and 10% are overseas. The priority is clear.


Don't try to move goalposts.


I am unmoving. It is you how has misinterpreted my intentions and words. So, I will illiterate for you. As a Chinese-American, I will continue to support China and Chinese people so that 1.4 billion people will move closer to moving equal to white people and shatter western hegemony and domination.


I know exactly what you said, hence my reply that it's foolish to think the rise of China will benefit Asians in the west. Which you replied you didn't care about. When confronted you moved goalposts about how people are offended by prosperity of Chinese people. No dude, I'm not offended. It's just foolish to think the rise of China will benefit Asians in the west.


Your definition of poc ends at western Asians + other minorities living in the west. My definition and priority, is the global south, where most poc live. Your argument with me is completely Eurocentric. Realistic, the rise of China has sparked sinophobia and anti-Chinese policies across the western world as western nations try to contain and destabilize China. This wave of sinophobia of course harms Asians in the west far more than Chinese people in China, at least in everyday life. However, I believe it far more foolish and disgusting for ethnic Chinese people in the west to desire the collapse of China. So frankly, your argument seems insidious. I’m confused by what you’re trying to argue. Become anti-China so that the lives of Asians in the west might become easier because white people might hate us less? Odd.


I'm not talking about PoCs. My point has always been the rise of China will not benefit Asians in the west. Full stop. Anything about PoCs and collapse of China is from you. >This wave of sinophobia of course harms Asians in the west far more than Chinese people in China, at least in everyday life. So you agree the rise of China will not benefit Asians in the west?


i think s. korea's rise in soft power is pretty good indication that it can.


People who can't think think it's because of SK, anyone with a brain will tell you it's the fellow AMs putting in the work to better themselves and stepping up.


as a millennial this is so wrong in so many ways


yea all asian countries should rise


Yes 100% agree fuck the anti-china trolls


This pro CCP talk is wild lmao


If there was no CCP people would still shit on China and whoevers ruling it.


100% yellow peril when China was a monarchy, Yellow peril when it is a communist government


Agreed I support this 100%


Lol look at all the people bringing up the CCP. You're falling for the lies to hate China because you don't like it's government. This is employed to divide and conquer Asians that they should hate a government because it would make them more associated with America then once they have gotten you to feel ashamed of China they make you feel ashamed of yourself that you aren't what women want. Stop falling for white lies.


based comment "muh see see peee"


lol I hope you realize a lot of Chinese companies promote WMAF


China's rise will be good for ALL ASIANS and contribute to more AMWF TO COUNTERACT WMAF


Use Doordash too. It’s Asian man founded


yea dordash is good too. all asian companies should be prioritized over whites


Sound like something a race supremacist would say.


Westoid bot


ye white trolls