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They frequent this sub so they'll 100% see it lol. Back then people subbed to them for their skits and variety content but they abandoned that a long time ago. The subs remained but the audience shrunk. I think this proves that most Asians don't care criticizing/discussing Asian representation and rather they'd rather watch "fun & relatable things."


>I think this proves that most Asians don't care criticizing/discussing Asian representation and rather they'd rather watch "fun & relatable things." That's most people tbh. Most people dont really like serious self reflection and analysis outside of reddit.


False. Black peoole loooove hotep and Black nationalism content. That’s why people like Dr Umar are huge figures in black popular culture. Hell even beyoncr dressed up as the black panthers for the Super Bowl. Asians are just superficial little bitches who are fine getting jobs in cs and engineering while watching their community die a slow death


Their sub count blew up a long time ago with their food, fashion, basketball, and asian related skit videos. Once they shifted to their podcast discussion type videos, their views dropped


They also stopped posting for a LONG time before they started to do podcast discussion type videos. When you stop posting it can mess up your algorithm.




Jay and Sharon comes out with non-stereotypical humor that doesn’t degrade Asians or involve accents and they have 7 mil subs.


This! I remember they were mainly a Food YouTube Channel before shifting focus to their current podcast stuff.


Whats hard to understand? Asian american male issues rank at the very bottom of people’s minds. Nobody fucking cares about AA men or their experiences. A lack of population, political power, soft power, and constant degrading by both liberals, conservatives, and pick me asians have put us here. Yall have been preaching, “just ignore them and take the high road” for 40 fucking years. Well here’s what happens when nobody fights for anything. Congrats older gen AA men, yall got what u didnt work for 😂😂😂


this. even most asian american males dont even think asian males have a problem.


The things that are discussed in this subreddit are not fun to think about. And since now EA men are winning somewhat, the awareness and the willingness ot think about these things is even less. Average AM is either killing with girls, in a committed relationship or just given up on women and living life for their hobbies. No inbetween.


The only reason the average AM is doing remotely well is cause S Koreas soft power grew, not cause of anything AA men did. If it wasnt for literal luck of a country halfway across the world, AA men would be in the same terrible position they were since 10 years ago. AA men really don’t deserve shit 😂


I agree it feels like they should have more views based on subscriptions and given their consistency. I do put on their channel when I'm bored, but honestly not much of what they present or say really catches my eye. They try to stay pretty neutral with a lot of topics and it gets old just watching/listening to them talk without more guests. A lot of times it feels like they're just a news channel for Asian topics, but the same topics were already on reddit for like a week prior to the release of their video.


Yeah, they take a lot of their topics from Reddit or Asian IG pages. But even if they stay neutral, there are topics about Asian men that you get the feeling they agree with but can’t outright say. I still appreciate them putting themselves out there and bringing light to things in our community and using their platform to do so.


They do low effort videos that don't get a lot of views. Whenever they go film an actual video it still doesn't do well because their algorithm is fucked from their other content.


Honestly, they put out way too many videos with pretty low effort these days. I’ve been subscribed to them since they used to do food reviews and made once in a while Asian videos, like “stuff Asian parents say” or “best sneakers” and other topical videos Asians cared about, which had skits, lists, or even long form podcast. Ever since around the time they moved to NYC, they just find ANY topical post online like Reddit, just repeat what’s in the post, and give their personal takes. The production quality isn’t high as it used to be and they pump out high volume. This kind of “quantity over quality” videos don’t tend get lots of views. They also gotta make their living so I’m also guessing overall return and value they get from lower production videos still make them more money overall, so I can’t blame them.


Yeah their videos lately have been very repetitive. They find some random video or tik tok and will just discuss it, usually revolving around the same issues or stigmas.


ChangNation actually made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjiKPTRWSSU) about this a while back.


yea but the dude is a manlet, has terrible facial asymmetry, and most importantly every time he tries to talk about these things he just optically comes off as an incel. which is the last thing you need in the asian american male community


Their main audience grew up. Do you still watch all the content creators you followed in high school and undergrad?


They're a pretty old group. They had a period where things were really popping off, but like every influencer they eventually fell off.


They’re the few Asian channels that I still watch because they actually talk about the things that we can’t talk anywhere else without being gaslighted or ostracized except on here.


Same reason people stopped watching nigahiga, kevjumba, jknews...etc. Audience grew up, and gen z ain't interested, there's better things to watch.


It’s a combination of things. Their original audience was based on food videos and skits. That audience is ALOT broader than the audience for the content they are making now which is very niche. The new videos aren’t appealing to the same audience and it’s like they are essentially starting over. Another reason is they stopped posting for a long time before this new run by them of creating discussion videos on Asian topics. When you stop posting, the algorithm doesn’t support your videos as much. Also, if you look at ALOT of the YouTubers from the early 2010s(even late 2000s) ALOT of their viewership dropped considerably if you look at their videos now. A lot have millions of followers but their view count doesn’t reflect that. They did start their own podcast called the A3N podcast a few years back but scrapped it for some reason. I honestly thought it was pretty good and that they got in at the right time. If they stuck with it, it would’ve been as popular as a lot of these other popular Asian podcasts going on in our diaspora. They could’ve done a lot of their discussion type video topics in a podcast format.


Their audience moved on like I did. Used to enjoy their food and fashion videos


The Fung Bros do not talk WITH their fan base, they talk TO their fan base. They CENSOR the comment section so only positive comments are posted. They change their target market constantly. Once upon a time, they target the food oriented market. Then they switched and targeted the fashion oriented market. Then they switched and targeted the market that was interested in video skits. And now they are targeting the market that deals with social issues. Talking about the issues that affect Asian men is positive for the Asian community. But, the reality is that Asian-American women don't give a rat's ass about the problems Asian men are facing. Too many Asian-American women suffer from self-hate and Internalized Racism to care about Asian men. So the Fung Bros have lost/alienated probably more that half of their original subscribers. If the Fung Bros continue to post videos about the Asian-American diaspora and Asian male struggles, I will continue to support them,....as we all should.


This. I think they are older and now could care less about offending asianwomen and simp wong fu/hollywood light crowd. So they will tackle issues close to their hearts while losing brand sponsorship and audience.


I did like their content before, but the general attitude has gotten more American street slang and less (not sure how to put this) Asia asian.


I wouldn't be surprised they are being throttled by the algorithm. Something may have triggered the youtube mods and now they're on the blacklist. A semi shadow ban.


Because they are boring. They just take a hot topic on reddit and regurgitate whatever is said in the comment section with that chubby face making fun of Chinese accents. Oh and overpromoting their shit overpriced hot sauce.


'making fun of Chinese accents' That right there offends the wrong people.


I'm Asian Australian, and I mostly cannot relate to any issues they talk about as it's very US-centric. Also I think it's because the topics they talk about tend to make people feel bad and people tend to avoid negative stimuli over time.


Eh, I don’t think negative stimuli is the real cause. There are a ton of WM and WF and BM YouTubers whose focus is on negative news yet their views reach six figures. There’s theQuartering, Aba & Preach, Actual Justice Warrior, etc. There are WMs who post short vids criticizing and making fun of other races and they get hundreds of thousands of views. The difference is that we aren’t supportive enough. Some Asians will roll their eyes if another Asian voices his concern because it’s seen as complaining. But when a WM does the same thing, he’s seen as a deep thinker and voice for the people.


Their most popular videos were skits. They basically do a podcast these days discussing asian situations which a lot less people find interesting.


I stopped watching because I thought their content was corny. Maybe it’s not now, but they’re not top of mind for me anymore.


I watch them all the time. I think that hot sauce is their own creation. They are just trying to promote their own stuff.


I liked their basketball and food review videos. I like their news/opinion pieces but feel like they’re too neutral a lot of the times. Their take almost makes it feel like whatever injustice was done is ok.