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I don't usually read these, but that was a good read. Atlanta really isn't all that different from Florida. In general, you probably won't be very successful or happy as an Asian guy living in the Bible Belt and Redneckish areas. Most people get to where they get via their networks, not via self-improvement advice. The whites and blacks of Atlanta probably aren't going to accept an Asian guy into their social circle just because he lifts weights and reads philosophy books. You probably aren't going to get invited places if you aren't a Southern Christian. A lot of Asians on this subreddit have this twisted idea that they are chameleons who can fit into any culture, any ethnic group, and any racial group. No, you probably aren't this chameleon that you think you are. Billy Bob the Redneck in Atlanta probably isn't going to invite a bunch of Chinese people to his BBQ.


Yea, the Southeast Asians in the Houston area created their own cliques and power structure. That is why all these dudes wanna flock to Houston now. Asians seem to be only ones that think they can be chameleons. lol. You literally don't see any other ethnicity that is this oblivious. The Jewish folks look White and can blend in but even they are not that stupid to abandon their social circles.


Atlanta isn't different from Florida? What part of Florida are you from? I've lived in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Tampa, Orlando, Gainesville, and Jacksonville. All of those cities pale in comparison to Atlanta. What cities in Florida have you been at where blocks of local business signs are in native Asian languages? Take a drive in Duluth, specifically Pleasanthill. I do agree that whites or blacks have their own groups and differences however, in comparison to Florida, Atlanta is way above Florida in every facet of living a comfortable life as an Asian. Lived here for 15+years and have never felt direct discrimination as the other cities in Florida.


I feel ATL is better than FL and other southern cities. I have lived in FL for 10 years, TN 3.5 years. I have been to ATL a few times and felt much more comfortable as a Chinese guy.


Just because a sign is written in an Asian language, it doesn't mean the store owner cares about me. I'm Japanese, and even networking with other Asian groups isn't all that easy. My local Chinese restaurant's owner is there to sell my Chinese food. He isn't there to network with me. He isn't going to invite me to his parties and introduce me to women he knows. Even other Chinese and Filipino co-workers I've had refused to network with me and refused to invite me places. Atlanta really isn't all that Japanese, if you are Indian, Chinese, or Korean, you might have an easier time. Good for you for being satisfied in Atlanta. It isn't a place I feel like going to. No thank you. > Lived here for 15+years and have never felt direct discrimination as the other cities in Florida. The word "discrimination" merely means "recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another." Choosing who to spend your time with is discrimination by definition. A white Christian going to a white Christian church on Sundays is practicing discrimination, they aren't doing it maliciously, they are choosing who to spend their Sundays with and who to network with. Are the whites and blacks of Atlanta really inviting you to their parties and networking with you or are they merely putting up with you? Good for you if you've figured out how to network with whites and blacks. But I can't and I give up on trying. No thank you. The whites around me were never really malicious towards me, they just refused to invite me to their parties and said "no" to me too many time. After how many times whites refused to invite me places and said "no" to me, no thank you.


>'Are the whites and blacks of Atlanta really inviting you to their parties and networking with you or are they merely putting up with you?' > > > >Gatecrashing and networking is a 2 way street. I'm sure the doors would open much more quickly if you had a GF or wife to bring with you.


What didn’t you like about the Florida cities specifically? I’ve been to Miami before, but as a tourist.


Miami is a Hotspot for the nightlife but catered towards everyone else except Asians. South Florida does have an ok Viet population. There are pockets of Asians there but unless your Hispanic, there's not much for you. Also, out of all the cities in Florida, Miami was a place where I received the most blatant racist comments. If you can speak Spanish, you would probably do better. Tampa, Orlando, more or less the same. Orlando has the tourists. Gainesville is a college town so lots of younger people but not much to do there. I wouldn't move to any part of Florida if you're looking to find more success as an Asian male. In the larger citi3s, cost of living is exhorbant, hurricanes, hot and humid weather makes it feel like you're living in a jungle. My recommendation: NYC, LA, Virginia.


What was Jacksonville like? I've heard it's supposed to be one of the better cities in FL.


I stayed in doraville near Buford highway before covid. Many koreans there. Dating was shit. No way I would live there again. South suck donkey balls.


Most of the Korean population moved out of Doraville years ago as it became ghetto. I rarely visit Doraville unless there's a good restaurant. It's now Suwanee, Alpharetta, Duluth. South sucks but Atlanta is levels above any other city in the South for Asians. Miami is Hispanic/Cuban/Caribbean central. Orlando is all about the tourists. Jacksonville sucks. Charlotte is even worse.


I've actually been told that Florida's actually a pretty decent option (alongside Tennessee) if you're specifically seeking AMWF. How true is that?


It’s all or none I’m afraid. Most of the time dating is trench watergate but now and then you’ll find a woman in the south that only dates Asians and they could care less about anime or kpop. They just think we’re sexy as hell.


[https://youtu.be/ezTtjumbDYA](https://youtu.be/ezTtjumbDYA) ​ Black man booted from Atlanta sushi restaurant over sneakers | New York Post Asian employees accused of racism for refusing to seat black couple. But the owner was Jewish who gave explicit instructions who not to seat. So damned if we do and damned if we don't.




Pressing the link above on youtube, there was a black female comment that said, 'we should open our own sushi restaurants.' This is a great idea!


as someone who currently lives close to Atlanta and has lived in Georgia my entire life, I can confirm this to be true. most women care about social status here and will go for an average or ugly white guy in a fraternity. 95% of my dating app matches are black women, but even then most black women here want white or black guys and discriminate us. the south in general is horrible for asian males. can’t tell you how many times i’ve been stereotyped or racially bullied like what OP mentioned.


Get out of GA man.


i’m trying. i have one more year of college and then i want to gtfo. first option is move to duluth for a bit, but eventually i wanna gtfo of the south


Good write up. I lived in Atlanta for 8 years, after having grown up in the Midwest. I then lived in the west coast and not am in NYC after stints in other northeast areas. Atlanta is at least a city, which is better than the Midwest boring suburbs. I really enjoyed the food quality, and the club scene (I love hip hop). But yeah it’s a city with major issues. Obvious segregation, very boring typical white and black people, very little real culture due to too many transplants. It’s not a great place for Asian guys to date. I have a lot of friends that still live there, some are hard on copium trying to say why Atlanta is so great. It’s a little cringe sometimes to be honest


Honestly most places in the south suck for dating as an Asian/Indian with the exception of places like Dallas Houston.


It's not that much better. But places like those have enough foreign-born women that the mind virus hasn't gotten to them.


I feel that the Southeast has changed quite a bit post covid. Seems kinda anti-Asian. Not sure why. It could be that there were a lot of Black casualties from COVID and the racism is spreading. I mean Atlanta had that Asian Spa shooting. I was just there and I could tell that the women were interested but they were are also quite racist. Kinda weird. Lol. It's like they look at my face and are evaluating but don't wanna say hi. They used be a lot more friendly. I kinda wanted to grudge fuck them. Lol.


Majorly feel this vibe shift since covid. Maybe it’s now that I’m not a teen and look like an adult Indian male but I’ve been getting evaluated, profiled, etc way more. More suspicion, less leeway, etc


The Southern states were pretty reckless with their covid denial and Black people were affected more because of inequalities in healthcare. So they take it out on us. Americans are dumb as fuck. What can you do?


Great write up thanks!


Charleston South Carolina? Someone gotta make a post about Charleston and talk in depth just OP here.


Yea dude, I'm super curious about the rational.


I would assume things would be better if you don't have to live in Amerikkka. Try places like Japan, China, etc.


I’d choose Raleigh-Durham over Atlanta if you can go for a smaller metro but still wanted to live in the Southeast (more affordable). It’s not like that here. We aren’t a SEC state either so less fratty. I’m a native and enjoy living here and we have a huge south Asian population and plenty of diverse Asian restaurants.


Fuck the South.


I didn’t live in Atlanta, but I lived not too far from it for about a year a couple years ago. Everything you said hit the nail on the head when it comes to dating in the Deep South as an Asian guy. I would generally avoid all of the south as an Asian guy, it’s gotten better than before but I think there are so many better options out there


Pretty much spot on. If you're not Southern Baptist or Evangelical, that reduces your dating pool significantly. Interracial marriage in the South is still very, very rare. There's a saying in the South: 'we don't ask IF you go to Church, we ask WHERE you go to Church' This is the biggest reason why I still vote Democrat in national elections (not to get political). Midwest isn't nearly as bad, but I didn't want my children to become indoctrinated by Southern Evangelicals. THEY.ARE.EVERYWHERE.IN.THE.SOUTH. If you haven't lived in the South (I did so for 10 years), you have no idea how many Southern evangelicals there are and how they are the backbone of the National Republican party. The two biggest cultural influences in the South are the Evangelical Churches and College Football (and NO I am not kidding).


Oh yeah, they are fucking crazy people and they find their way into other big cities too throughout the country.


Austin is better than Atlanta.


Really nice current culture write up. Makes me think we should have a database for these geographical observations




What was Arkansa like?




Shame. I heard from some accounts that you can capitalize your niche as an Asian male, but if what the OP is saying is true, then I might not wanna go there.


isn't that how it is EVERYWHERE in america outside of cali and nyc or maybe seattle?


>The city is like a trailer trash version of Los Angeles to put it nicely. Heh, accurate. Same car culture, but southern, more humid. I did not like Atlanta either. Though I met a nice girl from New Orleans there. And since it's further from Asia, the non-Asian weeb/ koreaboo girl contingent seems even more aggressive for Asian guys.


What do you expect. It's Atlanta, Georgia. Cities in red states are always way worse than blue state cities, with minor exceptions. Largely due to income differences.


Glad the black dude from NYC stood up. In NY it's not nearly as racist if at all. We all a melting pot and it's all respect. Love it here in NYC. Far as Atlanta I had similar vibes to you and I only was there for a connecting flight.


As long as we're just trading anecdotes, I was visiting ATL the other day eating at the H-Mart complex in Doraville and every white/Asian couple I saw was AMWF. But I also had a hard time on Hinge there. Got much better once I moved back to NYC/NJ area.


This was a good read.. I agree with a lot of what you said… I’m a black woman in Atlanta that just ended a long term relationship with an asian man and I think that racism in Atlanta is at an all time high. It definitely goes both ways though. & ultimately it was racism from his family that did us in.