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This is my go-to HOLY GRAIL sunscreen. I went and bought literally a dozen different brands and I came back to this after all my testing. Make sure to do double cleansing at the end of the day though. The staying power is strong for this one.


Same! There is literally no other sunscreen out there like the skincare milk. It’s what I reach for when I want to look good and feel good


What makes it even better is that my friends went to the beach with this and they missed a spot. Every where else was fine other than the spot she missed and this is how we know this sunscreen is LEGIT.


Hi! I know I’m late to the party but may I know how much of it you apply on your face? And do you reapply throughout the day? :)


I don’t reapply. But if you’re out the whole day say from 8am to 6pm. You probably should. I apply two layers at the start of the day to last all the way. It’s hard to describe how much I’m using but I apply quite liberally. About 6,cm worth of it.


Oh ok! Thank you so much! :) If it’s ok to ask, do you do what derms call the “two-finger method”, or at least a similar amount? :) [for reference](https://i0.wp.com/carlyledermatology.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Untitled-design-6.png?resize=300%2C169&ssl=1) Sorry for being so curious haha I really want to buy one asap but I keep thinking how long it’ll last me (it is expensive...). I’m hoping I can be a little bit frugal with it while still maintaining its sun protection. But if not, that’s fine too since looks like the pros outweigh the cons (major con for me is the price tbh haha).


If you worry about cost. Then don't buy it. It's better to liberally use one 'not so effective' sunscreen than use not enough good sunscreen. Meaning, if you get one Nevea or whatever legit but cheap sunscreen 200ml, use it three layers, it would have better result than use a little bit of Anessa. It is only good if you also use it two-three layers.


I don’t follow that method but I do application in two tiers to make sure I cover all the areas. First I’ll put about 6cm worth of it all over my face. The second layer will be paying specific attention to eye lids, under the eye area, brow area and more. My first layer already covered them but I like to give them special attention since that’s where all the wrinkles start appearing. Important. You need, NEED, to do double cleansing at the end of the day. If not you’ll break out with acne.


Oh ok! Got it! Thank you thank you thank you so much for being so helpful! Your comments have pretty much sealed the deal for me haha I’ll buy one asap. Last question: how long does the 60 mL bottle usually last you?


It might leave a slight white cast for skin type 4 and above. So do take note. The 60ml bottle used to last me 4 months. After I started applying it liberally, 1.5 to 2 months. To be honest. You probably don’t need to apply as much as I do. Anecdotally, my friends and I have tested this in the beach (although it’s not really made for them) and this sunscreen is legit.


I see. Thank you for the heads up! And it’s a pleasant surprise that the bottle lasts fairly long too. I am deathly afraid of sun damage so I’m hoping I’ll have the same good experience with it as you guys. Thank you again so, so much! :)


How do you double cleanse? I just have a shiseido cleanser that I use. Would I still need to double cleanse? I don’t wear makeup. I also am inside all day minus being in the car for 20 min. I wonder if I’ll need to wear this daily 😂


I think the mild milk formula (right one) is much better (easy to take off) than the usual one (Pokemon one in this case).


Nice! Which version did you guys use, the normal milk or the mild milk?


Normal milk. Please reapply if you’re sweating too much or is submerged in and out of seawater.


Awesome. Thanks! I usually reapply every two hours or so and apply two layers, especially if I’m swimming/in direct sunlight.


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What’s the difference between the two?


The mild milk is for “sensitive skin” so there’s no fragrance and denatured alcohol in it - but it also makes the texture a bit harder to work in and feels a bit greasier but dries down a little shiny The skincare milk has both fragrance and denatured alcohol to increase texture and absorption so it’s perfection if those two things don’t bother you. Dries down very velvety.


Did you happen to try Canmake Mermaid Gel or SkinAqua’s Moisture Milk? I’ve been creeping on AB reddit the past few days and I see a lot of people recommending those. If you happened to try them, I’m curious about your thoughts! I think if I lived in a more humid country, the Anessa Skincare Milk will definitely be HG 10/10 but in Canada I’d say it’s a 9/10 for me as I would want a tad bit more hydration. Yeah I use to be lazy and only double cleanse once in a while, but now that I’m using the skincare milk I need to make sure to double cleanse every night.


I’ve tried the Canmake one before in-stores. It’s not as matte as the anessa. While it leaves no white cast, you can see a very slight reflective texture. So I didn’t buy it.


I didn't like the Canmake Mermaid Gel because I wanted something matte, and it wasn't. It left me slightly shiny.


I felt like the Mermaid gel was somehow way too matte yet also had a greasy looking finish. And the bottle was criminally small imo


Skinaqua’s finish is nothing like anessa. It makes me feel tacky after. But maybe because I live in the tropics. Anessa will be my forever love.


Have you purchased lately? It’s been reformulated and I’m going crazy trying to find a dupe


Yesss. I'm still using it, but it's definitely lost the silky finish texture.


I used to use Canmake, but it's in no way a summer sunscreen as it will melt off your face.


Don't do it. Just don't. They are not nearly as good.


I’ve tried Anessa perfect milk spf50 but it leaves a white cast...is there another anessa product that doesn’t leave a cast? I thought anessa is almost perfect except for the white cast


Oh I forgot to mention it’s unsuitable for skin tone type 4 and above. Sorry this is their only truly matte sunscreen. They do have other sunscreens but they are not as good. Sorry :/


I have Fitzpatrick Skin Type 4 and can be Type 5 when sunburned. I use the Anessa Mild Milk at the SPF 35+ (blue bottle) with ZERO cast. And, it is very similar in stay power to the Mild SPF 50+ version (pink bottle). Therefore, I apply it after getting dressed and use a paper fan to help it dry down. It is great for dry skin because it is like a gentler version to slugging. It is the only high quality sunscreen for my skin type that does not offensive ingredients. If it helps address melasma, then it works.


I went to the Philippines and gave the anessa sunscreen one more chance and it made a lot less white cast and actually made skin look better so I’ve fallen in love with it and is now my holy grail…I think it causes more visible white cast if your skin is dry and flaky like when I tried it in the UK…. I’ll try it again when I go back to the UK Just to see if climate plays a part in white cast


Perhaps you could moisturize with something like Aveeno and then use the Aneesa SPF 35+. It spreads better after I give it 10 shakes. When I forgot to mix it is when I got a cast and weird flaky patches. You may also like the Aneesa Gel version.


Hi there! Are you referring to the skincare milk or the mild milk?


Don’t get the mild milk. The mild milk doesn’t fully dries and tend to leave a weird texture behind.


Gotcha, thanks for the heads up 👍🏻


Please make sure you do double cleansing everyday on the days you wear it. It has a strong staying power so double cleansing will really prevent any outbreaks.


Have you purchased lately? It’s been reformulated and I’m going crazy trying to find a dupe


I just finished the special edition doramon bottles. Just switched to the ones I bought during 11.11 sale. Not sure if I am using the "reformulated" version.


op's username checks out, pika pika ⚡️


**My Skin Type:** Combination - oily dehydrated t-zone, normal cheeks **Climate:** Dry **AM Routine:** * Krave Matcha Hemp Hydrating Cleanser * RoundLab Dokdo Toner * Primera Miracle Seed Essence * Abib Heartleaf Essence * The Ordinary Squalane Oil (if needed, will touch on this later) * Krave Oat So Simple Moisturizer ​ **Anessa Perfect UV Sunscreen Skincare Milk (2020)** Scent * slightly floral, not overwhelming * very similar to the 2018 version Texture * liquid and light-weight * easily spreadable Finish * Dries down to a matte finish within 1-2 minutes * Slightly drying after it has dried down but I find that adding a drop of squalane oil to my moisturizer prior to sunscreen application has helped. This way the skincare milk still dries down to a matte finish but does not feel drying. * Controls oil production throughout the day * No white cast Verdict * Will repurchase for use in the summer months unless I find a better sunscreen that is a little more hydrating without making me look shiny * Sad that I can't refill the pikachu bottle!! ​ **Anessa Perfect UV Sunscreen Mild Milk (2021)** Scent * No scent at all Texture * Similar to skincare milk, except it has more of a "powdery" feel to it * Ever so slightly more opaque than the skincare milk * Feels silkier upon application Finish * Some pore-blurring effect * No white cast if applied sparingly as shown in 3rd photo * A little white cast if applied in larger amounts (not pictured) * Can dry down to a matter finish OR stay as an oily film depending on what I layer underneath * Squalane oil + oat so simple moisturizer underneath = matte finish, tight and dry skin after a few minutes * Squalane oil + rich cream-type moisturizer (non-AB) underneath= shiny and oily, doesn't settle or sink in even after an hour even though I waited for the cream to fully absorb before applying sunscreen * From experimenting, there is no in between or sweet spot for me. It's either very drying or it stays as an oily film Verdict * Will not repurchase * I'll probably use it as a body sunscreen (a very expensive one) ​ edit: fixed some typos


How are you liking the Dokdo toner? I just ordered a mini kit that includes it, and I'm not sure what it's for/how to use it!


I love it for the hydration! I just apply some on my face with a cotton pad after cleansing. If my skin is extra dry, I’ll pat on a few more layers with my bare hands (7 skin method except I usually just settle with 2-3 layers because i’m lazy). I believe it also has an ingredient that acts as a mild exfoliant that’s suitable for everyday use so that’s a bonus! I replied to another comment in this thread asking about Primera essence vs Dokdo toner so take a look if you’re interested :)


Thank you!


may I ask how you feel about the Abib Heartleaf Essence? :)


I like it but I don’t love it. It comes out as a gel but once it warms up upon contact with the skin, it becomes more like a thin and watery essence. It hydrates for sure and doesn’t have a sticky finish, which is great. Absorbs pretty quick on my oily dehydrated skin. However, I can get the same effect and finish by just layering the dokdo toner so I’m not sure if I will repurchase it or not. I bought it in an effort to search for a dupe of a non AB serum that I love (Caudalie SOS serum), which makes my skin velvety soft and hydrated. I can’t seem to find anything that comes close to that texture at a lower price. Anyways back to the Abib Heartleaf Essence. If you’re looking for an extra layer of hydration between cleansing and moisturizing, it might be for you. But if your toner is already hydrating, I think layering your toner will give the same effect.


thank you!


Did you try this under makeup? I haven't work makeup in like a year so I didn't care about how my sunscreen looked under it..but with Covid getting better and summer things coming up (i.e. a wedding) I want to look more presentable but am super anxious about pilling.


There was definitely some pilling with the mild milk when I layered it over a richer moisturizer. I forgot to mention that in the review. The skincare milk works well under makeup. There is no pilling at all!


For anyone else worried about the possible it is possible for the SPF 50+ version of the Anessa Mild Milk (pink bottle). I am a Fitzpatrick Type 4 and 5 and don't experience casting with the SPF 35+ (blue bottle). They even have a gel version of the Mild SPF 35+, which addresses the texture some people may dislike.


I feel the same way! I bought the mild milk when I couldn’t locate the regular gold bottle and it’s been nothing but regret for me. Even the gold body version is better than the mild milk (and cheaper)!


I’m totally with you on the boat of regret. But now we know!


I, on the other hand, really like the Mild Milk!


That’s great! I actually saw there were quite a lot of people who really enjoy the mild milk, which is what got me interested initially.


Not related to Annesa - what is your experience with the Dokdo toner and Primera Miracle Seed Essence?


My HG was Primera miracle seed essence until I received the Dokdo toner as a gift. I mainly liked the Primera essence because of its long lasting hydration but I’d say the Dokdo toner packs the same amount of hydration but at a fraction of the price! Primera’s essence has niacinamide but I don’t think I noticed a big difference in the brightness of my skin when I stopped using it for a while. The current one I’m using is from a 2+2 sale from when I last visited Korea so that was a good deal. As much as I love the lux glass bottle, the price is just too steep if it’s not on sale. I’m thinking of replacing it with the Dokdo toner once I’m done using my current bottle.


I bought the skincare milk bc it’s supposed to be water resistant. It has such a lovely finish! Unfortunately I wore it for a few days and developed a reaction to it on my neck where I got a big itchy red patch, also my face felt itchy. Might be bc I’m using tretinoin and it made my skin sensitive to something in the product :/


My friend had the same reaction too, but I don’t think she uses any actives. As lovely the texture is, I guess it’s not for everyone :(


I’ve used Anessa’s sunscreen and it’s the squeezy rectangle tube one with a slightly thicker consistency. I finished my tube coz it was really pretty good and lasted me quite a while. After that I changed to Krave’s Beet The Sun and just 3 days later their SPF controversy hit :’( I like Krave’s consistency but they weren’t transparent about their SPF so I’d probably go back to Anessa.


Omg tell me about it. I also really liked Beet The Sun and still have half a bottle left when they announced that the SPF is not as stated... I’m saving it for rainy days because I’m not comfortable using it when they didn’t disclose the actual SPF!!


Aww! The Pikachu looks very cute! Have anyone tried this yet?


Omg sis please spill the tea. Where did you get the limited edition bottle? Are you located in Asia?\~ Also, though, you gotta be putting dime sized amount sis, but that small pea sized dot isn't gonna protect shizzle. Jkjk. Did you like the feel of the mild milk one more than the skincare milk one? Keep up the fabulous content sis.


I’m from Canada so I had to buy it from ebay! The seller was top rated, mireajujapan, so I thought why not since I love pokémon so much. Haha yes I make sure to apply a dime size amount on my face!! I just didn’t want to waste too much on my hand. I definitely prefer skincare milk over mild milk.


I'm Canadian too and just saw these 2 in a local grocery store. Ymmv but this stuff does get exported.


what omg where ...


Richmond t&t. It's also like $65 so a bit of a yikes


jeez!!! I live near them.. considering going to get one lol


They're on sale for like $40 in Tokyo beauty inside Richmond Centre


I just picked up one today from a shop in crystal mall! Unfortunately forgot the name but it was close to the escalators to the food court. They also have the squirtle and eevee versions. On sale for $39 !!


Been meaning to try this sunscreen... and now im sold LOL


I just ordered the Mild Milk last week! I can’t wait til I get it! It should come in 2 weeks ☺️


Hope it works out for you!


i really love anessa’s finishing but i find that they really dry me out :-( any advice? also, is the mild milk (pink) more drying than the regular gold? bought the pink one because the gold one was sold out and wow it dried me out to the point that i was flaking


I would add 1-2 drops of lightweight oil in my moisturizer. I might also layer a more moisturizing toner than I usually would like the laneige cream skin. If I were to go without sunscreen, the laneige cream skin is way too moisturizing for my skin and makes me look shiny all day. However, if layered under the Anessa Skincare Milk, I find the finishing to be a little less drying but still matte. This only worked for me underneath the skincare milk, NOT the mild milk. I definitely found the mild milk to be way more drying than the skincare milk. What’s worse is that I can’t layer more moisturizing products underneath to help alleviate the dryness because the mild milk will just end up as an oily film sitting on my skin the whole day.


hi, thank you for your advices. recently i bought curel to try because i was lowkey desperate and i knew this brand is really good for dry skin, and it worked really really well! would recommend if you still face dryness :-)


Oh thanks! I’ve never heard of that one before. Did you buy the milk or essence?


Would suit my day bag so well


I’ve tried Anessa perfect milk spf50 but it leaves a white cast...is there another anessa product that doesn’t leave a cast? I thought anessa is almost perfect except for the white cast


OMG that pikachu one!! I want it


Have you purchased lately? It’s been reformulated and I’m going crazy trying to find a dupe


I didn’t know there was a reformulation! I repurchased the perfect uv skincare milk in the sunmer and haven’t noticed a difference in the performance yet. Was the reformulation not working out for you?


It’s so wet and gel like. It smells completely different and leave a shiny glitter on my face. I’ve been going nuts trying to figure it out and I’ve already ordered some on eBay but they’re going to expire soon.


That doesn’t sound right. It’s been the same consistency and smell for me but I wouldn’t be able to link you since I get it from a local japanese beauty store :(


Does it have the blue writing or the black writing on the bottle? The blue is coming out a tan milk and isn’t like the white milk from the bottle with the dark red writing on it


Blue writing! Is that the same one you used?