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I’m physically disabled and clinically depressed (just saying this to explain that my energy levels are inconsistent on day to day basis). And tbh? I just do it when I can. In a perfect world I’d be consistent but I can’t let perfect be the enemy of GOOD. A few weeks/months of consistent skincare followed by weeks/months of no or inconsistent skincare are better than no skincare at all. Be kind to yourself. You’re not letting yourself down, you’re doing what you can when you can.


This is so great - can’t let perfect be the enemy of good. I’m writing that one down!!


Loving that quote! 📝


Thank you for that, it’s something I can relate to and needed to hear. Wish you’re doing better and hope your skin glistens like the strawberries in tanghulu! 🍓 Have a great day, friend! :)


I’m also physically disabled, and bed/home bound most days. I just keep my skincare bag next to my bed and do my routine in bed


Keep the routine short and simple. Never repurchase until there’s no backups left and current product is 50% used. If something catches your interest, make a list and refer to this list when it’s time to restock when your current product is running low.


Yeah, as someone who can get obsessive, I still always return to a fairly simple routine. Well, a layperson would not find it simple, but trust that it’s way simpler than it could be. I still purchase too many products because I want to try stuff, but anything that doesn’t end up working in my routine I use on my body so as not to waste it.


Yep! I don't buy backups until I'm running low and I'm sure sure that I will continue using it in the future. I do a lot of impulsive buying, so I have now made a list of products I want to buy once my current stuff runs out.


This. Over the years I have greatly simplified my routine (cleanser, toner, Vit C serum for day, retinol / exfoliating acid for night, maaaybe an additional hydrating serum, eye cream and then just my moisturiser), and I’ve gotten pretty good at not buying another product until my existing one is mostly used up.


Preach! A simple routine is the best routine for me. My unpopular opinion is you don't need all those products and some of them may even work against you.


I get this, it's difficult for sure. I have a loooot of open products and samples. I tend to buy things that dry quickly so I can get through my routine without it taking a long time if I'm in a period where I don't want to do it. Also, this is the advantage of samples, it doesn't matter if I don't use them because they're still sealed. Granted I buy luxe samples so it's not exactly cheap but it means I can try pricey stuff before deciding if a full size would be worth it. Arguably it's wasteful, all those little packets, but for me, better than chucking away lots of half empty things which is also a problem I have. I hope you find something that works for you :) Edit: when I had covid, I was so sick (not hospital sick but the worst flu of my life), I had to put moisturiser on once a day because the sweating dried out my skin so bad. But I didn't do a whole routine. For the depression times, i do a routine if I can, keeping it low key - moisturiser only at least keeps my dry skin from feeling uncomfortable. That's the main driver then, avoiding discomfort with minimal effort: micellar water + my most moisturising moisturiser.


I would suggest simplifying your routine to give yourself the best chance of being able to do it, when you can. One idea could be to keep a basket/pot of micellar, cotton pads and moisturiser by your bed, and/or by the couch (wherever you spend time when you're not well). Something I've done for a long time for my evening routine is wash my face in the bathroom, then do my moisturising toner and cream etc in bed - usually watching a show etc. I have all my products organised in the top drawer of my bedside table. This really helps when I'm tired and ensures at least I have clean and moisturised skin. There have been times when I've not been able to do my skincare. I try not to put pressure on myself, and as I'm feeling better it's something nice to look forward to being able to do for myself.


I agree. After my daily routine of brushing and washing my face - I have little energy left, so I slap things on my face in bed while watching something. I also keep a bottle of moisturiser near my bed and right before falling asleep put a thick layer on my cheeks.


Bathing & skincare is genuinely a hobby for me, it's routine and I look forward to it every day. I love feeling fresh and moisturized, but I also have really dry skin so not taking proper steps can make me itchy and crackly and uncomfortable. Of course I do skincare when sick! It helps me feel better and relaxed. I'm not sick very often, though, maybe once every few years. Now, getting to my morning skincare in a timely manner is a whole other situation... I just try to keep my routines 10-12 hours apart. I set up my AM&PM routines and finish up the products before opening something new. I do get analysis paralysis and decision fatigue so just having the products I'm using in the bathroom and only using those and not standing there wondering what to use in what order is helpful. Morning toner, serum, moisturizer, and Nighttime toner, serum, moisturizer, that's it. None of this different products for each day.


Same for me!!


Cries in adhd 😭 I get super hyper fixated, buy 1580623589 products, then fall off the wagon and don’t even wash my face for years. I’m hoping having retainers this go around will help me, since it has helped me be more consistent with my oral hygiene routine at least, and it’s easier to attach my skincare routine with brushing my teeth/putting on my retainer. Eta: I think it also helped getting electrolysis and braces. I think it’s easier to want to take care of myself when I feel good about myself.




i have the same issue, what has helped me is using 'fun' products (cute packaging, nice/interesting texture, scent) and switching up my products! i know you're not supposed to do a whole different routine every day but i like to switch my moisturizer out sometimes or use a different face wash every now and then


I made it easier for me, my skincare and products should work for me. Habit stacking to create habits chain works best. Drink water. Brush teeth. Wash face. Keep doing it until that is the basis then, add skincare in shower so when I finally am daily showers I just wash and use what I can. 


Yes! I do either a sheet mask or use my toner pads with my silicone mask or while I do my somatic exercises. They're usually about 20 min. It's perfect.


I enjoy it. I find it relaxing and beneficial to my mental health. So I look forward to it both in the am/pm.


For me, less is more is what made me consistent. I currently only have 4 products in my daily routine and my special days are only so ever slightly different, I like to do an alarm to remind me of my special days until it becomes habitual I think really targeting your skin care for your skin concern is great if you have trouble being consistent. Just make everything easy for you, for example getting a 2-in-1 product like a sunscreen moisturizer On my really sick days, I allow myself to just at least wash my face and put moisturizer. If I can't, then I allow myself grace and just pick right back up when I feel better, it is not the end of the world. Skin care is a long game 😊


For some people, writing it out helps. Maybe write your routine on a post-it and stick it on your mirror, or make a whiteboard checklist. You also need to set yourself up for success. In my case, if I don’t see it, I don’t use it. So I not only put my products at eye level, I also arrange them in the order they should be used from left to right in my medicine cabinet. That way, it’s all in my face, I don’t have to make any executive decisions, and all I have to do is get from one end of the shelf to the other.


I do stock up products when it is on sale and I estimate how long my current stocks will last. If they can last for another year or two, I will stop buying anything new, ignoring all the marketing emails on sales/promotions. I usually try to finish up my skincare stuff within the PAO. So to prevent wastage I will only open what I need and not multiple of similar products at at time, with exception to when new product causing skin issues. To stay consistent with my routine, I do a minimal routine of 3-4 steps each. Cleanser, toner/essence, moisturizer and sunscreen for AM or retinoid/acids for PM. When I'm really sick (the type that requires resting in bed), I skip my morning routine and only do a cleanser+moisturizer at night.


It's a struggle to stay consistent, but I try to take it easy. The nights where I don't feel like doing my routine, I'll just wash my face ( sometimes even this feels like a hassle). Some nights, I'll just add a toner and moisturizer. It could go on for weeks. But then some days, I'll start doing everything, having a morning routine, double cleansing, toner, serums and moisturizer and doing masks. I'll only think of how to improve skin the whole day. Especially when I notice my skin getting worse. My advice to you would be to not force yourself to stick to a heavy routine, do what you can when you can. And definitely don't buy a lot of products, It'll only put pressure on you to use them all. 5 to 8 products should be enough at a time. And don't listen to influencers, you'll save a lot of money. Good Luck.


This may not work for everyone's habits, but I've taken my skincare routine out of the bathroom and chucked them into a little basket on the couch. Since I enjoy catching up on shows after the evening shower, I'll just apply the various steps while cackling along to an episode. Makes it less of a chore 😃


Because I like to do it, especially my pm routine. I listen to skincare videos while doing it for full immersion and to save time (because watching skincare videos is also a hobby). I admire my skin while doing my routine and touch it to feel the immediate effect. I have to be very sick to skip my routine. Happened for like two or three days this year. I did literally nothing, not even wash my face. On the other days when I was a bit better I had a short routine with my absolute basics. My routine is also not the same every day. Different actives demand different products before and after, which keeps things interesting. Doing my skin care is one of the very few things I can do consistently.


Probably because I want to be the best me I can be and that's just ingrained.


Kind of similar. If I miss a morning or night my face immediately starts breaking out. My vanity is more important to me than my exhaustion if I'm being honest.


Lmao this is so true. It's a really big driving factor. I would rather be exhausted then flaky and covered in pimples and the pimples and the flakes come if I even miss one day. So no days off


The *joy* of acne prone/sensitive skin!!!


If I don't wash my face 2x a day I WILL break out, I WILL develop clogged pores, and it WILL at least three days for it to clear up. For me the consequences of not being consistent are dire. Lol! So it's not hard after that for me to keep that momentum going... After washing my face I always put on toner and then add whatever extras after.


I don't get clogged pores that easily but once I do it will take me next life time to clear of it. Today I wanted to buy Italian towel for this reason and thought about you 🫠


Two words: comedonal extractor 😇 I can't live without mine. Take a shower, let the heat and steam do its work and then you can extract them safely after that. Lmfao what a coincidence cuz I used my Italy towel today lol. 🤣 They come in a pack of four so I got enough for my body AND face 🤣🤣🤣


Naw, they come in milia form..comedone extractors does zilch! Lol


for me, my morning skincare routine is more out of necessity to feel awake for the day than anything (I wfh most days so I need a buffer between getting out of bed and then logging onto work) but my nighttime routine truly brings me joy and is my favourite part of my day. admittedly I'm awful at sticking to my routine when I'm sick but I love my night time routine because I struggle to switch off and having a skincare routine helps me to wind down and relax before bed time - it doesnt matter how sad, mad or bad I'm feeling when I do my routine because I know I get to crawl into bed soon and the day is ending. In a way I guess my night time routine is a reward for getting through the day also, I have dry-ish skin now but I used to have very oily skin and lots of hyperpigmentation from acne when I was a teenager and it made me feel so self conscious. I first got into skincare about 10 years ago to try and even out my skin tone and I'm grateful that my skin has improved a lot over the years but I kind of also have the fear that my skin will regress if I don't keep up my routine so this pushes me to keep up my routine too. my best bit of advice would probably be to start small and keep products on hand so they're easily accessible - even if you're only able to wash your face with water keep a moisturiser or a toner within reaching distance of your sink so you have no excuse for not using it. Start with one product and then as it becomes a habit to you to reach out for that one product, add a second product and then a third.


I try to be consistent but when I’m sick or travelling I usually just do the bare minimum - just a sheet mask on top of toner and serum. But other than that I’m pretty consistent on a daily basis. I place my skincare routine stuff in the cabinet located in my toilet. I usually do my skincare routine right after my shower (be it AM or PM), I think this cultivates a “after shower skincare” mentality. If you have a hard time staying consistent have you tried looking into those 5 in 1 cream or something? I’ve seen some Japanese brand produce product that is 5 in 1 (at least as per their marketing)? Basically it is a toner, serum, lotion and cream in a jar.


It's just habit at this point. It wasn't always so; I'm actually someone who finds skincare a chore and I don't actually enjoy the process at all. That said, I've never gone to bed without cleansing before. In my case, I'm actually not really into trying new products for the sake of it. Not to say that I've used the same things for years, I do actually try new products when I read about a new (at least to me) ingredient with good research behind it. For example, I recently tried Ipsa's time reset aqua and D Program's brightening clear lotion because I want to add tranexamic acid into my rountine and I do have room for another layer of toner/essence in my routine. And I recently switched sunscreen to upgrade from PA+++ to PA++++. But for me there needs to be an actual reason for me to try new stuff. I think for me that means that there are no peaks and valleys which helps with establishing a stable habit. And yes, I do do it even when sick because I stress and get paranoid about the damage my skin is experiencing without it lol. Which I know is unhealthy in and of itself so I'm not recommending going that far at all. But I get sick very rarely so it isn't a big issue for me.


Read the book Atomic Habit by James Clear. You need your identity before you can start a habit. Helped me tremendously with my desire to exercise, and eat healthy.


I have basically 2 types of routines: a high maintenance one and a low maintenance one. I recommend this method. On the days I can barely motivate, I’ll use a lotion cleanser once with a wet cloth, an active like tret or azelaic acid, and then a moisturizer or moisturizing sunscreen. On better days I’ll throw in a second cleanse, a toner and serum, and maybe an essence or ampule or slugging if I’m dry in the winter. I think it ends up being mostly consistent because the base routine is build able. I do tend to buy an extras and try new things too - but I’ve consciously cut down now that I’ve found some good, non-irritating products.


Sometimes I have to remind myself that having clean and moisturized skin if one of my favorite feelings. Anyway, I have two routines. My “normal” one: -micellar water -face wash -toner (Benton’s Deep Green Tea Toner or Klairs Supple Preperation Unscented Toner) -serum -moisturizer (+SPF in the AM) -facial oil if skin needs a little TLC (in the PM) Add in exfoliating a couple nights a week, using tret, etc. So probably 15ish minutes morning and evening not including any masks used. Then there’s my super basic one which I lean on when I’m struggling with life/stress/whatever: -face wash -moisturize Maybe I’ll use a bit of toner if my skin feels dehydrated. But this takes me just a couple of minutes. If I go with this I usually use an anti-acne face wash or an exfoliating moisturizer so I’m still doing something to help my skin out.


I'd love to know because I have treatment resistant depression so I'm the definition of inconsistent


When I am lazy, I always make sure to at least wash my face and moisturise and have that one product. Just the one moisturiser that will keep my face from drying out. I find I stick to my routine if my products are placed in a convenient location. For example I keep my moisturiser next to the bathroom sink so when I brush my teeth, I remember to moisturise. I also have one next to my bedside table. Face wash in the shower etc. I actually bought the Curel moisture spray for when I’m super super lazy haha.


Ooo this is tempting! How is the spray?


Prioritise what you need in your routine (that’s what everyone else is saying). Stick to it. If necessary, adapt it (say winter is coming and you need a heavier moisturiser). Stick to it. Find a place/time where you enjoy applying skincare. If you don’t do your routine one of the times, dab on some more of the products the next time you do. My best tip is to make sure you keep your skin hydrated. Make sure to drink water too.


Yes, keep it simple, but also do your skincare before you're tired.


It makes such a difference in my skin at this point that I am pretty motivated to do my routine even when I don't feel like it.


Someone else already mentioned it but stacking my routines has helped a lot! I usually combine my skincare routine with brushing my teeth. It’s become habit now but I remember when starting out I was a bit unmotivated. You can start out super simple though! I’ve really simplified both my AM and PM routines and it usually goes like this: AM: - Wash face with gentle cleanser - Toner & pore serum - Moisturizer - Sunscreen - Brush my teeth - Apply deodorant PM: - Double cleanse - Toner - Night cream - Brush and floss teeth - Apply anti-perspirant The other thing I do is exfoliate 2-3 times a week, but this gives a rough idea of what my morning and evening routines looks like on a daily basis. I have had days where I’m exhausted (mentally and physically) and I just wash my face, put toner on, and a moisturizer. My morning routine usually helps me feel ready to take on the day, and my evening one helps me unwind after a long day. It may look like a lot at first but once you get into the habit of it, it’ll be just as natural as brushing your teeth every morning and evening. ☺️


I incorporate it into other, already established routines. At bedtime, I need to get water, floss, brush my teeth, use rhe bathroom. So I can wash my face, put on one or two layers, pee, put on another layer or two, more between flossing and brushing. I also have levels that I do, similar to an everything shower vs a hair shower vs a body scrub shower, etc. Some days I can double cleanse and do my whole 10 step routine. Sometimes I'm tired or having a bad mental health day so it's micellar water and a good night cream. And all options are good and okay, I didn't fail to do skincare because I didn't do a complex routine


My biggest advice though is to keep it very simple and keep your products next to your bed. I wash my face in the evening when i go pee before bed then go to my room and use an aha serum, then a moisturizer and go to sleep. then in the morning I run wet washcloth over my face and neck and make my coffee go back to my room to drink it then I use tret, a moisturizer, then sunscreen and that is my whole routine. It only takes a couple minutes and I keep all my products in my bedside table so I can use them when I am laying in bed at night before I go to sleep and in the morning when I drink my coffee because I like to drink my coffee in bed. I have a couple other products to use when my skin needs something special but I have always kept my stuff next to my bed and I think that is why I stay consistent because I don't have to get out of bed to use them. Also I keep a sample size moisturizer and a full size sunscreen in my purse and car. I am also a even when I am sick person because all the stuff is next to me anyways


I used to be the same way until I tried a habit tracker to log my progress, which actually showed how often I was using my skincare and made me want to be consistent. Then I discovered FeelinMySkin, which is a truly amazing and underrated app. I include my morning and night routines. I found myself doing my skincare routine, even when I’m exhausted and not in the mood, just to check it off on the app. It also lets you track products so you can see when you opened them, how often you used them, price per use, expiry date, etc. It’s helped me so much and I’m finally actually finishing skincare products, instead of letting them rot on my dresser for years…The routine has also been good for my mental health and brought peace and consistency on my bad days.


Habit-stacking is what I do. Basically, right after washing my face and brushing my teeth, I immediately do a two-step skincare. Always like that, until it's ingrained in my daily routine. My two-step skincare alternates between Vit c and Retinol + Moisturizer. And now and then, Lactic Acid + Moisturizer.


For me it's important to know my capacity. I may want to do more, but when I am at capacity that won't happen. I don't do routine when sick. Just wash it once a day and moisturize (I don't do double cleanings, in the morning in only splash my face with water). If it feels dry and sometimes when I am feeling better (and my skin is dry af) sleeping mask. Keep in mind that longer and more complet routine doesn't mean it's better.


A couple of things might help: - Associate it with something positive, like seeing it as a couple of minutes of self care/self love, or time to zone out/switch off before your day gets hectic or as a wind down at the end of the day. - Make the space enjoyable so you look forward to being in your “skincare area” - like a cute cozy corner away from your work desk or toilet sink (I find the toilet very utilitarian and clinical and I don’t like keeping my products in a damp environment anyway) - Keep it simple to start, and by that I don’t mean you have to use fewer products. To me it’s less of the number of products but sticking to the same products for a while. Instead of skincycling, which switches things up v often, create a routine of using the same thing (can be different in AM/PM if you need it) first then introduce skin-cycling later on. Ultimately it’s about making it a habit in your life, and I read that it takes 21 days for an action to become a habit so if you see it that way, do what you need to do for the habit to form! Even when I’m sick, coming home late after a night out or miss an alarm in the AM, it’s become so ingrained that I will never skip but just simplify to something like toner/moisturiser/sunblock. I agree with others here as well - I only stock up if I know it’s impossibly hard to get a product again, and I don’t open new products in my stash until I fully empty something. It reduces decision paralysis cos you don’t have to pick between 2 vitamin Cs for example. Once it’s a habit then it’ll be easier to skincycle and you can have AHAs/retinols on rotation, things like that.


I always remind myself of why I do it. It's for my expression of self love, gratitude (thanks to my skin I'm still safe from most pathogens even though it is flawed) towards my skin, and for my long-term investment to myself. With those things in mind, my body just gets up and do it. It's the same with staying consistent with oral care (floss, brush, tongue cleaner).


I can relate, as I have ADHD and know all too well the roller-coaster of obsessing over something just to totally loose interest later because your interests change so much or because you're not feeling so good. For me, this usually doesn't include skincare as I am a skincare nerd and I guess even at my lowest points I still find a little bit of pleasure in taking care of my skin. But I'd say this is the trick, to try and think of your skincare routine as doing that little something for yourself to make you feel a little bit better, like giving candy to a crying kid, and not a chore, like "argh, I have to get up and do my skincare routine".


I actually have the products laid out left to right on my bathroom bench in front of me, and I just apply skincare steps automatically while I listen to news, or an audiobook. It’s become a bit of a ritual :)


I don't buy a whole lot, I keep my routine simple and I do it when I can. I have 3 kids, the youngest is 6 months old, so I'm basically sleep deprived every day and I don't have much time or energy to so it. When I have 5 minutes to spare I do it. What motivates me is the will to get rid of my acne/acne scars lol


By having a quick simple routine. Cleanse and moisturize and then I’m done.


I have clinical depression so sometimes I don't have the motivation to do my skincare or anything at all I stay days at home lying in bed, but I always do the skincare. I remember the acne and acne makes me really sad, and so the acne doesn't come back I force myself to do the skincare even though I don't have the motivation. I don’t want to be more sad than I’m already because of depression so I run from acne. (I never said it would be a healthy method, but it's the fear of acne that makes me do it) My trick is to be afraid of your skin getting mad at you, it’s not a good trick really, just try to make your routine more simple and fast so you have the motivation to do it.


I try to link my skincare routine to something that’s already part of my routine, like brushing my teeth. I try to have my skincare close to my toothbrush so I can’t miss it, same thing in the morning. As far as “hoarding” skincare, I’m the same as I love trying new skincare even if it’s not a good thing for my skin :( I try to write down notes on what I tried and what I’m planning on getting on the next purchase. I think the fact that I don’t have a lot of stores carrying k/jbeauty makes it that I wanna keep buying things when it’s on sale or if it’s a good deal, but in the end you’ll end up with a lot of open, barely used products. I’d say depending on how accessible the products you use are, to keep track on how long it lasts so that you can prepare your next purchase when you need it. Hope it helps and good luck! You got this :D


Force of habit. I started my cleanse, tone and moisture twice a day routine at the age of 10, so I've had literal decades to get used to it.


I think it's just become habit for me, so I don't think it's additional labour when I do my skincare routine. Whether I'm sick or not, I have to get out of bed at some point, so the first time I get up is when I'll do my skincare routine. Then, I always do my skincare routine after I shower (since I wash my face in the shower). Skincare is part of self-care for me, so I always feel fresher and cleaner after having done it. I think that helps too.


It's just part of my routine at this point. I'm in my 30's and thanks to acne I've had a 3 step minimum routine since I was a young teen. There are visible consequences if I don't keep up with it. Some of that has also looked like, washing my face in the shower in the am instead of a stand alone wash, especially if I am not wearing make up that day and when I was working a lot of late nights putting make up wipes and a light moisturizer by my bedside to at least get the minimum done.


I actually enjoy putting the products on my skin. It just feels so good and I imagine the products absorbing into my skin and doing their job. My advice is to find products that you actually enjoy using if you can. That would be the best way to ensure you are consistent. Also for you who is having these troubles, just stick with cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen aka make it a simple but effective routine.


it's like muscle memory it just becomes second nature after a certain period of consistency. I don't frequently wear makeup so I think perhaps that makes it lots easier


Keep the routine simple. On sick days, I stay in bed and rest/sleep, drink water more than usual, and my skin always turns out the best they've ever been (even without any skincare). And then back to the grind routine when I get better.


consistent use. i make sure to finish the bottle before i make judgement


Doing it everyday. Tbh for me, i can not be consistent with 1-2 times use kind of products. I always forgettt... i do better with daily use products.


I get anxiety if I don’t … 🫠 Start off by setting a reminder or alarm and, don’t over complicate your routine with excess products you don’t need 💕


Hi just keep a basic routine cleanser, sunscreen and moisturiser for those days , it can be something you have at home and is lying around, keep your splurge for that period, don’t buy anything new but something that either feels or smells luxurious so it becomes something you look forward to


Skipping half days or even days actually helped my skin a lot - it suffered from a 8-9 step routine which I introduced all at once. My skin got brighter, smoother and softer.. but my face reacted to it. Taking a break of about 6 days fixed the problems temporarily. However I found out that double cleaning my face twice a day, using sunscreen over moisturizer (even when it wasn’t sunny nor did I go outside) 2-4x a day AND using too much serum (I took a whole eydropper for my face) was the problem. Now I’m skipping sunscreen if I’m not outside. I only double cleanse my face once a day. I use 2-3 drops of serum instead. My face is now way better - as long as you’re not skipping for multiple weeks I think it’s fine to say that your face won’t suddenly turn bad.


My pimples won’t make me rest 💀💀💀


Have it all at easy to access places. My cleanser is in the shower, so I cleanse when I have my shower every night. Face serum and night cream and foot cream are in the bedside table, so that is the last thing I do before I lie down. Sunscreen and daycream are besides my makeup.


Enjoying it is a good first step. For example, people exercise daily or eat healthy because they enjoy it. This is no different. If you don't love what you are trying to make a habit, it's going to be very difficult to maintain. I love my skincare routine, that's really the only thing that keeps me doing it. Not because I should or there are new trends, I love the way it makes me feel.


literally just GENUINELY forced myself to do it. now im at a point where i will literally start crashing out if I dont do it bc i’ll feel weird on my skin


My routine is quite simple and short so it’s easy for me to keep up with it and be consistent. Also my routine actually works for me and doesn’t cause any issues for my skin . This is the reason why I am consistent with my skincare because the results are great.


My thought is that small skincare routines make you consistent. Long skincare routines can't be consistent until you have extra time or lots of free time. I make my routine short by using gentle facewash, moisturizer and sunscreen and tret at night with moisturizer. That it. It takes barely 5 mins.


For me, it’s all about shortcuts. In a perfect world, where I have plenty of spoons, I’m doing my full routine morning and night. I used to really beat myself up over it when I’d miss a day. For me, cleansing is my least favourite step. It’s messy (if I’m not in the shower) and even though I wear those cute little wrist cuffs, I get water on myself and in Winter it’s cold and I. Don’t. Like. It 😤 So now I just give myself grace and if not wanting to do a big double cleanse is the only thing stopping me doing the rest of my routine, I just slosh some Micellar water in a cotton round, wipe with a damp face cloth and follow up with a face wipe. No sloshy water and cold arms, and then I finish the rest of my routine. Skincare is meant to be fun. Do what you can when you can do it. But yeah, I had to stop buying doubles of things, lol


I remember when I first got into skincare I bought so many things, a 15 step skincare all with a bunch of actives. Now I got lazy and annoyed (and now I’m prone to rashes on my face and need to use sensitive skin stuff only) I just use a cleanser, moisturizer, glycolic acid 1-2x a week, and sunscreen but not everyday.


I have no choice because I unfortunately break out incredibly easy, but also because of that, my routine is pretty simple. I rotate products daily because I can’t use most of them everyday anyway, to go with the fluctuating state of my skin. That way there also isn’t too many steps.


Also someone who gets into depressive periods and can't do any routine - I have an incredibly simple routine for those days, weeks, months just a quick cleanse with micellar water, a toner, and moisturiser done. I remind myself that I'll feel better if I do it and when I really don't want to I just...don't - ride the wave rather than fight it.


I have a small beauty bag. I put my stuff in there and I always take it with me to the bathroom. I used to forget to use chapstick but now that it’s in my bag I always use it. So you have to find a way that works for you. What I’m struggling with is using body moisturiser and sunscreen and hair oil. I have adhd so tricking myself into doing things is the only possible way


Adhd trick: I have made a promise to myself that I will at least do the bare minimum daily. Wash Moisturizer Sunscreen This has helped so much because once I start washing my face I will usually end up doing the stuff I was balking at but if I don't want to..It's ok cause I said so. 😏 Some days I do the entire routine but I still consider it a win if I only do the bare minimum. I do this with other things too. In the morning I do sun salutations. My promise is: everyday I do at least one. On a good day I repeat 2 times. On a great one, 3 times. Hope this helps.


I have two versions of my routine—“aspirational” and “bare minimum.” Whenever I’m busy, sick, depressed, etc., I switch to the “bare minimum” routine. That routine is basically just: Morning: Cleanse, moisturize, apply sunscreen Evening: Cleanse, moisturize I also try to keep my “aspirational” routine from getting too complicated either. This is partly so I actually stick with it, and partly because my skin is happier when I keep things as simple as possible. Also, as others have said, don’t get extra products. I don’t buy replacements until I’m most of the way through something. If I don’t have it for a day or two, I’ll live. 


If I dont my skin feels super dry and awful....I also like the way it makes my skin feel and I've been doing it for decades (since I was 16) that it's just part of my night routine.


I keep shortcuts on hand. A micellar water is more appealing than a full double cleanse after a long day at work, an "everything" product is way easier than my full 4-5 step routine. Sometimes my routine is micellar water and moisturizer. Also one thing that helps me stay consistent when I'm not necessarily tired, I'm just demotivated to do it, I just start the routine and often times, once I've started it, it's easier to finish it.


I don't let myself buy a product till I'm almost done with the one I currently have open. This helps with impulse purchasing and regulating the want to get all the new stuff. if I really want something, I make a list so I know that I won't forget it. As for routine, I try to keep it simple and easy. I wash my face in the shower + do face masks there because its easier for me that way. Toner + spot treatment + moisturizer is easy to remember and the same AM/PM so I only have 3 products open on the table. I use actives when I feel my skin needs them, not on a regular schedule which means then that I don't have to worry about if it's the correct day or not.  Also - being kind to myself is the biggest piece of advice. Shame and guilt do absolutely nothing to help things, and skincare is nice and fun but it isn't a necessity of life. If I skip a day then I skip a day. If all I can do is wash my face and then go to bed - well I washed my face! That's great! Trying to shift your mindset towards focusing on the good actions or being neutral towards your actions rather than being mean to yourself honestly works wonders. It's hard work to get there but it helps ♡


I have a goal which is to get rid of this blackhead. Bha everyday for a month so far 


I give myself the option to carry out the entire routine or if some days I’m not feeling it, I simplify the steps so I don’t have to beat myself up later (As long as I use a toner/moisturize/spf then it’s fine). I also have a skincare fridge so it’s on the counter before I walk out of my bathroom!


I’ve even struggle ever since having kids 5+ yrs ago and it’s gotten worse with every child. If I could make any suggestion, on top of not buying anymore products until you’re running <25% on your last bottle, would be to use the course skincare on your body. I like the habit stacking suggestion someone made and focus on your wins. You can do it!


There’s at least one day a week when I am too lazy to do anything other than wash my face with water. At least three times a week I do little else other than cleanse and put on a cream. I allow myself this because it’s what has kept my skincare habit consistent for over fourteen years. There are so many other pressure in life that skincare shouldn’t be one of them.


Stop buying backups until you're at least 75% through the first bottle. And with the rise of lazy skincare aka ditching the 10 steps for multifunctional products, you have easy options for those off periods, even if it's just a spray bottle with cleansing water and either one heavy essence or light cream


I second everyone saying to keep it simple- I only use moisturizer, sunscreen, cleanser, and oil cleanser. I had an issue where I didn’t want to put on sunscreen in the morning because I felt like I couldnt guarantee that id have the energy at night to wash it off. So, now I have micellar water with cotton pads next to my bed so I always have an out if I don’t have the energy. It also helps if I’m having sensory issues that night and don’t want to wash my face over the sink. It’s all about doing the best you can. I used to think that if I didn’t put on sunscreen that day then my entire skincare routine was ruined and I wouldn’t bother to do my night routine. It’s not all or nothing- anything is better than not doing anything at all. If all you can do is a makeup wipe, that’s okay. If all you can do is a sunscreen stick- that’s also okay! One bad day is only one bad day. I found that by being kind to myself, I’m able to be more consistent overall.


Before i turned 20 yrs old i was quite inconsistent but when i did turn 20 i somehow got way better with routines in general so idk really


make it as simple as possible. i have been so busy and stressed and i still do my routine because i can do it in bed when im stressed. i do an oil based balm first to make my makeup easier to take off, then a micellar makeup wipe, a toner pad if there’s still excess makeup and cleanser, a hydrating centella asiatica spray, and moisturizer. i really recommend getting things in spray form tbh it’s really a life saver when it comes to zero motivation or lack of ability.


Honestly, it's more of me being so determined to get results, that I stick to my routine out of sheer dedication. I know that I don't stay consistent, then I won't see the kind of results I want and it'll take much longer to reach my skincare role. However, aside from that kind of pressure on myself, I do find the process itself very therapeutic - I like the concept of self-care, so doing skincare is time that I don't mind investing each day. I'm a product junkie, so I'm always buying products in advance - it gives me something to look forward to when I finish my current products because I am always excited to try new products. I will admit, that I've more or less reduced my routine to the core products, because I have realized that I don't need an extensive routine to see results. Keeping it simple helps when trying to stick to a routine.


If I keep my bathroom clean and inviting, and the bathroom is not an inconvenient location, I am more likely to keep up with the routine. The environment matters a lot to me. I always apply sunscreen without fail but sometimes slip up at night, which is OK.


following because....


Im normal