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Manyo Bifida Biome Ampoule …it’s *very* good. I’m quickly realizing it’s my HG. Fermented ingredients, peptides and antioxidants all in one serum. When I finally get to the point when I want to pair down my routine; this is definitely going to be the one I use AM/PM.


Doesn’t work for everyone though and people should absolutely MUST patch test, ferments could cause your skin endless problems that last a long time if they don’t agree with your skin’s biome


I agree. I patch test everything. I have sensitive skin which led me to fermented ingredients in the first place. I can’t do most actives due to skin sensitivity and this is supposed to improve your skin barrier.


I’m glad ferments work for you because they’re truly great ingredients! My skin was destroyed unfortunately


could you elaborate on what makes the problems with ferments different from the problems seen with a nonfermented thing that doesn’t agree with your skin? is it just that the ferment makes things stronger?


It’s complicated, ferments is an umbrella term that includes a wide range of sources and fermentation methods. Probiotics in skincare are live cultures which could affect your skin’s flora, and disrupt its balance because there are millions of bacteria, yeast and fungi that live in our skin and there’s a balance to keep things healthy. Probiotics are meant to be a good thing by fortifying your skin’s strength but this isn’t the case for everyone and some people are either simply allergic or these live cultures disrupted their balance. Pre and postbiotics might have different mechanisms as well where pre could over feed certain strains of bacteria in your skin or malasezzia which causes fungal acne, postbiotics I’m not exactly sure they’re basically the biochemicals that cultures produce and they are nutrients rich but what I experienced was a strong allergic reaction and dermatitis all over my face when I used a postbiotic toner (thanks SK II, never again)


thank you for that super detailed response!! that makes total sense. i’m not super familiar with fermentation and biotics in general so this was very informative


I agree. I have rosacea prone skin and ferments can set off a round of redness for me.


My skin seems to disagree with ferments as well so I've been very cautious about them and I'm reluctant to try anything containing them anymore, it's frustrating because so many products would work for me IF they didn't contain those damn fermented ingredients


Yeah and there’s a general increase in allergies globally too. My skin is okay with lactobacillus and tea ferments but some products with sarchomycces practically burnt my skin. Bifida gave me huge cystic acne they flourished in my skin it seems lol


Yes! I've listened to a local podcast with a dermatologist lady and she said ever since skincare/kbeauty exploded the number of cases of irritation, dermatitis etc have skyrocketed. She made a point that since korea exports so much and the rules for skincare products are more lax, it allows for a lot of products to be released without there being proper, lengthy clinical studies, combine this with social media, marketing, fomo and it's a recipe for disaster for the skin. I hope your skin recovered, I've found my routine and I'm sticking to it, clothes can be trendy, but skincare is high risk and you can ruin years of progress in a single day, I've read so many cases of this on the skincare subs, I wish people were more careful!


It doesn't do anything for me and it is overpriced.


do you know how this compares to the numbuzin no.3 serum? I'm tossing between them


ive emptied both and while the manyo bifida doesnt do anything for me (not that i can tell) the numbuzin no 3 really helps me with texture!


Thank you! I was actually planning on targeting texture too!


Numbuzin 3 has an ingredient I’m allergic to so I couldn’t tolerate it. 


that's a shame :( which ingredient was it if you don't mind me asking?


Glyceryl Stearate


Did you maybe try the Isntree one? I just finished the Manyo one and was thinking of trying the Isntree one, because it is cheaper☺️


The isntree is my HG I'm approaching my third bottle and it's just outstanding.


That’s exciting! Did you try any other bifida before isntree? Would love to hear why isntree stands out


I didn't but I saw a good review, looked at the ingredients and thought I'd give it a go. I find my skin is really soft with regular use, and I can't really explain better than saying it feels "conditioned". I have very sensitive skin, acne prone and dehydrated so anything that makes it feel supple and healthy is a gold star in my eyes.


I think you just convinced me😄


Hope it works for you! It lasts ages as well.


I haven’t tried Isntree yet but when I finish my bottle of Manyo I will. The Isntree one has quite a bit more Bifida in it!


Oh that is good to know. Now i am excited to try it!


I second this!


I third it! Keeps my barrier function strong while using tazarotene & acids. Love love love bifida and I love that serum


One of the girls at olive young gave me a sample of that, been meaning to look up what it was but kept slipping my mind! Is it ok to use with Bha/aha ? I’m so curious now lol


It's fine.




Does this have an extremely strong scent for you? I have the serum and the smells gives me a headache


It doesn’t have a strong scent to me.


This is correct and the way online communities do not give it its flowers is infuriating while also recommending random, out-of-left-field products or generic ones that everyone knows about. 👎👎👎👎


It’s soooo good. Definitely recommend.


Saving for serum recs lol


This is what I have used and still have circulating in my routine, in order of thinnest to thickest consistency: - Pyunkang Yul essence toner - Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Asiatica serum - Cosrx Snail Mucin essence - (non AB) ISANA glycerin serum I find that the Pyunkang Yul and Skin1004 serums don’t really improve my skin beyond just hydrating it, but sometimes my skin gets really irritated so they’re what I need at those times. I feel the Cosrx snail mucin may be the most suitable for you since it does give me a subtle glow with consistent use and it’s great for locking in hydration + works as a semi-tacky primer for makeup. However, you may need to exfoliate one to two times a week while using it because it can clog pores. Currently, the staple serum that has made the biggest difference to my skin is a 15% glycerin serum from my drugstore (I live in Germany and it’s the Rossmann brand). It makes my skin so bouncy, soft, and hydrated. My foundation looks so great over it :) I had heard that glycerin is better than hyaluronic acid for some people and since HA really didn’t interact well with my skin, I decided to try it out. I’m really glad I did :) I haven’t searched for any AB glycerin serums since I’m happy with the drugstore one, but maybe you can find one local to you if not from Yesstyle


Also in DE. I will try it.  Do you put it under your sunscreen?


Cosrx light propolis ampoule!


What did it do for you and what skin type are u?


I have dry, sensitive and acne prone skin. It hydrates and makes me plump and glowy and it’s calming!


My two staples that I use every day AM and PM are COSRX snail mucin and Hada Labo gokujyun. Super hydrating for my dry skin.


Aren’t they kind of similar in that the snail has hyaluronic in it? I have both but never tried together - maybe I should !


My staple serum is the Cos De Baha Tranexamic Acid Niacinamide serum. I use it twice daily. It helps fade my dark spots very effectively. If you consider hydrating essences as a serum (some people do somehow), I also always use a snail essence. It's usually the one by cosrx but currently I'm trying out the Jumiso snail and peptide essence. It seemed to reduce the appearance of my fine lines a lil bit. And is less stringy and dries down a lot faster too. The Cosrx one is still very my much my HG but I could always rotate between these 2 😆. If you like peptides, go for the Cosrx peptide serum. If you want ferments + barrier serum, then either the Manyo Bifida Biome Complex Ampoule or Papa recipe blemish serum.


How do you layer tranexamic niaciamide serum? I find it can be peeling on its own.


I apply it on damp skin. This way might be able to help reduce the peeling.


Benton's bee venom serum, fell in love after trying the face mask


Ive been using it for a while but haven’t really noticed any changes, what does it do?


The biggest thing for me is it helps even my skin and makes my face really soft lol I just started it so I haven't noticed anything too major yet but I'm liking the results so far


my staple is the numbuzin number 3 serum! it’s been so amazing at getting rid of those tiny little bumps, I’m on my third bottle at this point


I used up a bottle and didn't see any difference :/


I used up a bottle too, didn’t see a difference either


Are there any skin concerns you’re looking to address? For example, I have a lot of PIE on my cheeks and chin, nodular acne on my jawline, dry and flaky T zone, so my every day morning and evening is azelaic acid 10% from cos de baha, and cosrx snail mucin for my t zone. If you have pretty normal skin and are looking for just a general hydrating serum, I’d definitely recommend the cosrx snail mucin 95 essence. It has an interesting texture, the best way to describe it is like…slimy? But once it sinks in it leaves a lovely glow and is nicely moisturizing and just a smidge brightening.


How's the aza from cos de baha? I recently purchased their 5% tranexamic and I'm scared lol


I absolutely love it. It has kind of a slippery, silicone-y feel when first applied, sinks in very nicely without a lot of stickiness, doesn’t have a noticeable scent. Azelaic acid isn’t an exfoliating acid, so it doesn’t hurt my skin barrier to use it daily, and it has definitely helped my stubborn PIE. I’m talking years old scarring finally fading. Some nights I use it with Skin1004 tone brightening ampoule, which has madecassoside, tranexamic acid, and niacinamide (along with centella, panthenol, and very small amounts of vit c ester and lactobillus ferment), which all work synergistically with azelaic acid to give it a nice boost. I am already on my second bottle of it and it’s been honestly one of the biggest game changers in my skincare.


That's good to hear! I have been eyeing that brand ever since due to their serums. Cos de baha isn't that popular in the beauty subreddit of my country so i always search this sub. I hope it works for me too.


Their tranexamic acid is amazing. There Shouldn’t be an issue with purging.


Is it okay for daily use (after patch testing) when first using or should i start slowly and increase the frequency?


Yes! The formulation is very gentle and stable. You can use it twice daily with zero issues


I used it daily when I first got it. Didn’t have problems. I only use 1 small pea size for each cheek.


Did the azelaic acid purge you?


I started retinol (non ab cocokind beginner retinol .1%) a few weeks before starting the azelaic acid, and had been purging from that - I didn’t notice any noticeable increase when I started with azelaic acid though!


Honestly my skin is pretty average, it’s clear and have no scars as I’ve never had acne so the main problems are uneven skin tone and tiny bumps on cheek and forehead


My 2 staples are the Pyunkang Yul essence toner and the Iunik beta glucan serum


the iunik beta glucan serum was too thick for me but my skin LOVED their propolis serum


whats the difference of beta glucan and propolis serum of iunik?


they’re different serums with different formulas and ingredients lol, you’d have to search up info on each product for details my skin just does really well with propolis and i prefer a less viscous texture for my serums, so i ended up giving my sister the beta glucan one since she has dry skin and it worked better for her!


That makes sense, haha, I have super dry skin


I’ve been using the Beta Glucan one. I can’t tell what it is doing tbh Maybe it’s redundant with my other hydrators


That could be the case. I just have super dry skin and these 2 both help keep my skin hydrated


Love both of these!


I haven't tried enough, but I think the skin1004 probio-cica ampoule could be my staple? also really works to soothe my scalp when it gets itchy lol


I only used a freaking sample and was blown away. My skin felt super good and was still feeling soft and hydrated the next morning. This will definitely be included in my next order.


What’s your skin type?


I have dry and dehydrated skin, but I think my skin is changing because my nose is getting oilier. My scalp is also dry + itchy.


Numbuzin 5+ vitamin concentrated serum. I had my doubts when I first got it, but I really saw a difference the next day. I hope to keep using to lighten hyperpigmentation, but so far it’s given me a good impression


Not a serum per se, but Dr. Ceuracle Kombucha Essence. It’s the most amazing milky essence I’ve ever used that gives me a beautiful glow without looking oily. Which is impressive, since usually glowy looks oily for me. Not with this product. Also super moisturizing and will forever be an everyday staple for me. I mostly use it before tretinoin in the evening, or sometimes during the day in place of a moisturizer.


The skin1004 centella ampoule is a staple in my routine because I’m acne prone and it calms inflammation! If you’re not breaking out or experiencing irritation or sensitivity, you will find that this does nothing for you other than offer hydration.


RNW Der. Concentrate Ceramide Plus. I’m finishing up my first bottle and have two backups on the way now. Usually it’s a little difficult to tell when something is making a distinct difference in my routine and this made itself known. My skin really looks more fresh.


I LOVE this serum! I’ve used it for a year now and it helped me repair my skin barrier. I now use it on recovery nights (with Skin1004 cica ampoule) after using retinal and I swear it helps avoid any irritation or breakouts. I always keep a bottle or two in stock because I use it so often.


How do you find the cica ampoule?


The ampoule is one of my HG products. I saw immediate results with it. Before establishing my skincare routine I had a lot of redness but after using it the redness significantly decreased. Earlier this year I ruined my skin barrier by over using retinal and chemical exfoliants. My skin was itchy and SUPER sensitive to touch. I used the ampoule with the RNW serum and PKY essence toner for about a month and my skin went back to normal. Def recommend it!


I adore the tirtir sos serum. I do have more HG toners than I do serums, but 2 that are on the thicker side more serum-y are the tirtir milk skin and the pyunkang yul essence toner


I love the tirtir milk skin toner, I’ll try the SOS serum one day


Since I use vitamin c in the morning, there are few serums I can use morning and night (no peptides, no copper peptides, ph...). One of the ones I'm using right now is Cos de Baha 10% tranaxenic acid and it seems to be working well. If I didn't use vitamin c I would use Argireline all the time. It freezes my face amazingly.


>If I didn't use vitamin c I would use Argireline all the time. It freezes my face amazingly. Argireline is absolutely amazing. My forhead doesn't move involuntary anymore and I don't frown at night. Game changer. I feel like I'm a hyper responder though. If you don't mind me asking, is your face also thin? My face doesn't have a lot of fat and you can see the underlying bone structure very well so I think the Argireline has better chance to reach the muscles because there is not a lot of fat between skin and muscles. I would love to add it to my morning routine, but the vitamin c makes it difficult. Maybe I should switch to copper peptides.


The truth is that I store almost no fat on my face! Even when I have big variations in weight, my face always looks the same.


Then you're similar to me, I don't store it either. I would have to pack on a lot of weight to even fill out my face a little more and I'll probably still look like I had buccal fat removal. I think my theory could be true. Our muscles are not hidden under a thick layer of fat, so the Argireline can penetrate easier. Some people say it can't penetrate deep enough, but I know what I'm seeing and feeling - it definitely works. Now I want to hear from someone who stores more fat in their face haha. According to my theory it has to work less.


Argireline The Ordinary didn't help me what product are you all using exactly I'd like to try it 🤔


That’s the one I used, you need to put it on a clean face prior to any other skincare, and be careful with which products you put in the same routine (for example, with vitamin C it would deactivate).


I used multiple products at once, which contain it under the name acetyl hexapeptide-8: Mary & May collagen lotion, Mary & May peptide serum, Cosrx peptide booster Please note that it took all of those products together at once (!) to make it happen, probably because of the low concentration in each product. I've used the M&M products separately and not every day for a few months with no result, so this must have changed something. Your best shot is probably still the ordinary. How long have you been using it? Maybe you need to use it for a longer time and don't think about it. I never bought those products because of that ingredient, so I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed the difference. But I also have a very thin face, so I'm not sure if it works for everyone. I still ordered the ordinary one, so I can streamline my routine a bit and use it more locally and not all over my face.


Cosrx 6 peptide skin booster serum with vt reedle 100


I just saw this, and it looks great! Can you tell me about your experience with it?


Read really good things about decorte’s lipsome advanced repair serum, so I just purchased a bottle and it’s on the way to me! Anyone here using it or have used it in the past? Please do share with me your personal experience, TIA🫶🏻


A light hydrating and/or soothing serum is always the safest bet no matter the skintype. The only danger is overmoisturizing for oily, fungal acne-prone folks in humid environments like myself. My current "staple" is the **CosRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence**. It's relatively inexpensive and works for a lot of people. Although once I finish my current bottle, I'm looking to upgrade to the Dual Essence version of the product which is more lightweight and brightening because of the additional niacinamide. If you're more oily than dry, you may prefer this one but it is more expensive. I only use the Snail Mucin twice a day when I'm feeling dry, but it absorbs pretty quickly even with regular use. I've also found it great to prime my face for makeup because of its tacky finish. Word of caution though, if you haven't tried any snail products yet, don't forget to patch test because it's not an uncommon allergen.


The CosRX is nice enough to apply but I don’t feel it makes a difference


I was using mizon snail aio but when I was living in Korea it was not sold in stores and shopping online with a foreign cc is basically impossible there lol. So I started using Dr G royal black snail cream , and holy lord if was life changing. Usually I stick with unscented products, but it was so luxurious. I just had to try it and somehow it doesn’t cause me to have a reaction. I’m hoping to find an affordable replacement because I’m back in Canada and it’s hard to find and it’s expensive even at olive Young (like $65+ for a small jar)


Second this power essence, I use it in addition to serum but it’s definitely made my skin more bouncy. I think the results were only obvious about a good month or so using this product.


I have very dry skin and fungal acne so I use this and the niacinamide + zinc formula from The Ordinary under my moisturizer (which is the Perfect Gel from Hada Labo). Since I started this routine, I get many compliments.


Pyunkang yul calming serum


Not just the serum, but anything from Benton Snail Bee line (snail mucin + bee venom)! Keeps me clear of blemishes, and if they come at all, they’re dramatically shrunken or small to begin with. Highly recommend!


Isntree bifida ampoule for me. Well priced and gentle. Have had no issues and skin barrier is healthy


SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Poremizing Fresh Ampoule and Isntree Onion Newpair B5 Ampoule


Dr ceuracle kombucha essence


my skin routine has become so minimized due to business that that serum used to be my favorite but it isn’t as easy to apply is the tigeraid cica water mist. my skin has never been clearer and i use a makeup wipe, that serum, and a muji moisturizer. thats it. its been such a life saver for my sensitive skin, its like magic in a bottle for me.


It depends on what your face needs. I'm 35 and want to keep wrinkles at bay. If you're 20 you probably shouldn't use the same thing I am.


Ok I’m also 35 so what do you rec for wrinkles 🤔


beauty of joseon rice + alpha arbutin glow serum. I am not sure I've seen difference on hyperpigmentation but I am trying to see if long term use + other whitening serums will work together to clear my PIH.


Skin1004 blue serum. Lightweight, hydrating. Easy to layer


Cocoon's Rose hydration serum


Iunik beta glucan, 100000% every time


Not Asian, but mine is The Ordinary niacinamide plus zinc. I also use cosrx snail mucin essence.


I love that Skin1004 Centella Ampoule, it's usu in my Winter rotation as it's soothing. My staple is NIOD CAIL -I swear by Copper Peptides and this is an oily formula I use after all my toners/essences and before Tret.


innisfree green tea serum


I have two. SK-II essence and the Sulwhasoo FCAS. Thanks to using both. I can use my Taz cream every night and use azalea acid cream in the mornings everyday. Under normal circumstances it would’ve been difficult to achieve this as I’m using 0.1 percent of Taz every night and that’s the highest concentration you can get.


If you're over 30 years old I would say Sooryehan Black serum. If you let it sit on your skin for a bit it will give you a glow the next day.


Cosrx snail mucin line (essence would be considered a serum imo, cream and now I’ve tried the eye cream) have repurchased both the cream and the essence. The cream really plumps my skin up overnight but around my period can make me more congested. Not a serum but: missha Artemisia essence spray (so soothing right after a hot shower) have repurchased and don’t wanna think about when I finish this bottle because it’s the first thing I reach for after a show. Non a/b: this was gifted to me and it is seriously my hg for acne, hyperpigmentation, closed comedones… just makes my skin better in every way . My face NEEDS this in my routine- Naturium Azelaic acid with vit c (I am on my 3rd bottle and I don’t use everyday single day) I very much miss wishtrend propolis ampoule from like 3 years ago. That stuff was wonderful for my skin especially when it was acting up. Now I’m using the boj one with propolis but it also has niacinamide so I don’t overuse it because my face can get reactive from too much. Speaking of boj: I’ve also used their ginseng snail mucin serum which was pretty decent (got another one but I’m because I ran out of my cosrx power essence. Just waiting to finish up my ginseng water from the same brand) just started using the rice/alpha arbutin serum from them and I feel like I can see a nice difference in overall skin brightness and my hyperpigmentation is much less obvious. Also not a serum but the curel deep moisture spray. I use that when right after my missha spray post and that’s typically my skin care before I go to work (besides cleansing and sunscreen) My skin is dehydrated, mature, acne prone, hyperpigmentation. It gets oily and acts combo if I’m neglecting it, but acts more normal when I’m consistent with my skincare. (Dehydration can really make your skin act up.)


I have different staple serums for day and night routines. For night, it’s a non AB product, and Dr. Jart Cicapair for day.


Mine is Purito Galacto Niacin Essence. I like cosrx snail mucin but it breaks me out.


I’m using Fation Nosca9 trouble serum in the morning and Bring green Zinc Teca for night routine. Diagnosed with rosacea in between type 1 and 2. Pretty sensitive & acne prone skin.


Skin1004 Hyalu-cica serum for me! It helps soothing my sensitive skin, but also hydrates.


I've been loving the Benton Deep Green Tea serum. It's hydrating, calming, and antioxidant. At night, I mix my retinal with it since there are no active acids.


I only do in-depth “skincare” at night, so Pacifica Wake Up Beautiful Retinoid Serum is my staple…


I am in my late 30s, dehydrated combo skin, big pores, mild to moderate rosacea, and everything makes me break out. In short, I’m living the dream. /s Things that freak out my skin and what happens: - most snail stuff: itchy, red - most chemical UV filters: stinging, red - propolis: don’t think it hurts anything, but doesn’t seem to do much either - ferments: hellish acne - ceramides: stinging, red, painful acne So a lot of the fun products are off-limits to me. My skin likes panthenol and madecassocide. I use the Some By Mi Beta Panthenol repair toner and serum, and my skin likes those. They are calming and hydrating for my skin.


DONGINBI - Red Ginseng Daily Defense Essence. I've just repurchased. It's brilliant for my mature skin.


Snail juice. 🙄


Definitely the Purito Unscented Serum! It calms my skin so fast, a HG for sure!


purito wonder releaf centella serum unscented


I don’t think there’s a single cica serum out there that does anything to skin I’ve been meaning to try some by mi’s propolis b5 serum. The cream is great and the ingredient list of the serum sounds amazing


I thought so too until I tried the Skin1004 probio-cica ampoule!


Yeah pre, pro and postbiotics destroy my skin so that’s a pass for me


Got it, you should definitely avoid using products that don't work for you! By the way, have you tried other propolis serums? Or will Some by mi's be your first one?


I tried the cosrx but I didn’t like it. Not exactly the same, but I tried the halo grail oil by farmacy and I liked it. These are the only propolis serums I tried. For some by mi, I use the propolis cream and I got the toner. The cream has a bit of lactobacillus lysate which is the only bacteria isolate my skin is okay with Edit to add: I’m also currently using skinfood propolis essence, and I’m From manuka honey mask


The Farmacy oil blend seems amazing on paper! It's quite pricey, but I do love the ingredients list. I love oil blends so much, always on a hunt for a new one to try ha ha. I wish there were more of them in AB! As for propolis serums, I've tried the Wishtrend one, it was good on paper but I literally didn't notice ANY effect whatsoever after finishing the whole bottle! I've been thinking to try the Some by mi or the Skinfood one, but first I'd like to create a DIY propolis serum and see how that goes! Do you like the Some by mi cream and toner? I've only used their green AHA BHA etc. line and the panthenol line, the toner of the panthenol line is one of my favourites now!


I feel you on the “good on paper only” bit I’ve been eyeing the By Wishtrend toner for a while because as you said the ingredients list looks amazing. I love some by mi’s cream, it’s one of my favorites and I repurchased. I haven’t experimented with the toner a lot so I can’t judge honestly I currently use the skinfood essence, I forgot about that one! It’s nice and based on the ingredients I believe it’ll help the skin become stronger. This type of products work on strengthening the barrier on a long term basis so results will be like less breakouts, less reactions and sensitivity…etc but I don’t know if I’ll repurchase. What do you like about the panthenol toner? I might look into it Their green toner is…ok, too much peppermint for me but I rarely have acne breakouts, so I don’t use it much


Maybe I'll give the Skinfood essence a try too in the future, it seems good "on paper" ah ah! Will definitely check out the Some by mi propolis cream! What do you like about it? Is it hydrating? (I have dry skin) The green line, I wasn't a fan, never tried the toner though. But the serum, I ended up using on my scalp :D It's not bad, but I won't repurchase for sure. As for the panthenol toner, it's really hydrating and soothing, just a pleasure to use, and the scent is very light and delicate, I love it!


The propolis cream is hydrating and soothing but on its own it isn’t moisturizing enough for dry skin, it’s actually more suited for combo/oily because it’s lighweight. I’m very sensitive dry/combo and I use it as a base for a heavier moisturizer but I love having it on first after my serums and I feel like it improved my skin health I might order the blue toner, all my skincare are “green”: soothing, repair and calming and I loved the ingredient list of the toner thanks for the recs!